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Surviving the Pack

Page 2

by Shannon Duane

  “Ladies, I’d like you all to come inside.”

  Lacy’s head came up and Dante could see the banked anger in her eyes. “All of us, alpha? Maybe you could leave a female for the other males in the pack and simply choose one of us for the night.”

  Dante growled and let a thread of his power slip out causing whimpers from the females. Lacy dropped her head quickly and resumed her previous position. Dante didn’t want the women to fear him but he would not tolerate any disrespect.

  He released more of his power and gave a command. “Get up and into the house now.”

  They rose and turned to enter the house. Dante caught the pure rage on Lacy’s face before she walked into the house.

  Dante followed and scanned the woods to see if anyone from the pack had witnessed the exchange. He couldn’t see anyone but he had the distinct impression that someone was watching. He walked into the house and closed the door, locking it.

  He walked past the females into one of the empty rooms and pulled out decent clothes for all of the women. When he turned to leave the room and take the clothes to them he noticed that they all had followed and some had already began to remove the skimpy clothes they were wearing. He tossed the clothes at them and put a hand over his eyes. “Merciful St Jude, put the clothes on please and why the hell did you follow me? I was coming back to give you the clothes.”

  Lacy was pulling a shirt over her head and once again was the only one who responded. “You asked us to come in and we just assumed-“

  Dante held up his hand and released some of his power unintentionally. Hearing whimpers from the women he vowed to get more control. “Stop, no more. We need to talk. There is a sound proof room in the basement and I’d like to have our conversation there if you don’t mind. Something hinky is going on and I’m going to figure out what it is.”

  Dante walked down the hall and into the basement, closing the door after all of the females were in he locked the door. He made it a point to note all of their scents so he knew who to talk to. “Lacy, let’s start with you. Why the hell were you in your underclothes on my porch? And why did you drop your classes? I’d just spoken to your instructor and he said you were one of the brightest pupils in his class.”

  Lacy dropped her head and turned her head to the side baring her neck. “I understand you’re angry and I will have to accept punishment for the loss of money I caused.”

  Dante growled low in his throat and noticed everyone in the room tense, except Lacy who kept her neck exposed. “What the fuck? I have never shown any of you violence. I gave you a wonderful opportunity to move forward in the pack and you’ve thrown it in my face. I’m asking you direct questions. Why?”

  Lacy looked directly into Dante’s furious eyes and spat back. “I am a woman and only good for tending the house, breeding and raising children.” After her statement she averted her eyes.

  Dante took a slow breath to attempt to beat down the absolute rage that was coursing through him. “Before you all began your classes I sat down with you all individually and explained the direction I wanted to lead this pack. Women are pertinent to our survival and not only for breeding. Lacy, you were taking accounting classes and I’m telling you right now that our current accountant Bill has been skimming money off the books for years; I’ve reviewed his work myself. I would fire him and hire you even without the training. I only put you through the official classes so you would gain a feeling of self-worth.” Dante met the eyes of every woman in the room. “I choose each and every one of you because I had faith in you. I have been a member of this pack for over thirty years and have seen you all grow into lovely women and wolves. I am disappointed to hear that you have dropped your classes. I’m even more baffled that you would all show up on my porch half naked. Do you have no respect for yourselves, or me?”

  Lacy was the first one to respond, not unusual. “But…you summoned us here. We each received a note that we were to come here and one of us would be chosen to be the alpha female.”

  Dante ran a hand through his hair. “Christ. What the hell?”

  The women all backed into the corner with Lacy in the front, her arms wide open as if she was protecting the others. It only enraged him further.

  “I have never hurt anyone in this pack unless they challenged me. I’m sick of defending myself.” He paced up and down the small room and attempted to control his beast. He was shocked and troubled at this news. “Did anyone save the note or recognize a familiar scent?”

  A petite female in the back raised her hand and pushed to the front to stand by Lacy. He knew this female to be Gretchen, the one who broke her leg and didn’t return to school. She no longer wore a cast but a walking boot. “I tried to scent it but it smelled heavily floral like someone was trying to cover their scent.”

  The others all agreed with her, looking a bit less afraid and increasingly angry that they were duped. “While I have you all here and you outnumber me I’d like to ask you a question. Why did you really drop out? You all individually seemed excited and happy to be attending classes. I don’t understand.”

  All eyes immediately went to the ground. What is it with this pack? Am I the only strong one?

  The answer came, unexpectedly, from Gretchen. “I don’t know about the others but I was threatened. I was told I should quit because I was committing a sin and a few days later I was told bad things would happen to me if I didn’t drop out. A week later I was pushed down the stairs and broke my leg.”

  Dante was shocked. “Why didn’t you come to me? I’m the alpha and I told you I’d keep you safe.”

  Gretchen shrugged.

  Dante scanned the rest of the room. “And what about all of you? I’m just going to assume you were threatened as well.”

  There were nods all around with the exception of Lacy. “They threatened my family. If it was only me they were going to hurt I would have continued but I didn’t want my brothers or sister to get hurt.” There was a pause. “Or my mate.”

  Dante flinched as if he’d been slapped. “You are mated yet you came to my home in a whores clothing?”

  Lacy spit in his direction and then quickly backed away at his warning growl. “I have petitioned the pack to mate Dallas but have been rejected time and again. We have been seeing each other on and off for months. Hasn’t he mentioned me to you? He is your second and should feel comfortable speaking to you.”

  What could he say? She was right. “Dallas mentioned he was seeing someone in the pack but I had no idea who it was or how serious. You’re right that he should feel comfortable speaking to me, however, everyone thinks I rule like Allen and I don’t. I can’t say it enough and frankly it’s pissing me off.”

  Lacy stepped forward and went down on her knee. “I’m sorry for losing my temper. Let me be the first to take the leap you’re asking.” She coughed delicately. “Alpha, I would like your permission to mate Dallas. I believe we’re fated and tired of sneaking around.”

  Dante approached and grab her by her shoulders pulling her into a firm hug. “I would enjoy nothing more than seeing you mate if it’s agreeable with Dallas. I couldn’t be more happy that you’ve found your fated. To be honest I’m surprised, you and Dallas have always been at each other’s throats when I’m around.”

  When Dante released her Lucy fell to her knees crying and all of the women in the room began to surround her and give their congratulations. The room was full of crying chicks and Dante really wanted to escape. “Ladies, I’m so happy we got this all worked out. I expect to hear from all of your instructors that you are attending your classes again by tomorrow. If you or your families are threatened I expect you to call me right away. Dallas or I will keep you safe, even if we have to move you into pack house to do it.”

  The women all rushed him and alternated between kissing his hand and hugging him. Bloody hell. “Okay, time to go. Everyone out so you can get rest for school tomorrow. Lacy, I sent Dallas to the American Canyon pack for a few days so we can work out yo
ur mating details upon his return. I’m glad he’s found a strong partner and worthy woman.”

  “Thank you, alpha.”

  Dante was coming up the stairs from the basement when he caught a familiar alluring scent. Honeybuns. He stopped at the top of the stairs and saw Katarina standing by the open front door. “How’d you get past the alarm?”

  Right on schedule, before she had a chance to speak, there was a shrill ringing and they all covered their ears and turned furious gazes to the intruder. Dante went to the control panel next to the front door and punched in the code.

  When the sound ceased Katarina smiled. “Surprised wolf? I did try to call but no one answered. I didn’t mean to break up your orgy but I got here early and didn’t want you to think I was planning a hostile takeover.”

  All jaws in the room dropped and Dante noticed the women all had wide eyes. What was he supposed to do now? He’d just convinced them he was a reasonable alpha and all he wanted to do was go over and ravage the woman standing at the door. No…not ravage, consume. Dammit, no. He wanted to punish her, preferably with handcuffs and a feather. Oh god I’m screwed.

  Obviously it wasn’t his night because Lacy had decided he was now an excellent alpha and began to stick up for him.

  “Look you bakery smelling hussy. Alpha Dante deserves the utmost respect and you should be on your knees begging forgiveness.”

  Katarina gave a less than friendly smile. “Is that what you were doing? On your knees, begging? And you call me the hussy.”

  Lacy lunged but Dante caught her just in time to prevent the inner species mauling that was sure to ensue. “Lacy, this is Katarina. She’ll be staying with us for a while. I’m planning to arrange a dinner in honor of her arrival and the arrival of some of her kin. With Dallas gone maybe after class you and a few others can help me put it together.”

  Lacy spit at the ground in front of Katarina who simply raised her delicately shaped high arched eyebrow. She really has to get over the spitting thing, it’s not very ladylike.

  Katarina held Lacy’s gaze until Lacy looked away. “I’m sorry for interrupting, Dante. I’ll stay at the motel down the road for tonight so you can…finish.”

  Gretchen’s soft voice floated over his head. “It’s nice to meet you Miss Katarina. It would be kind of you to refer to our alpha by his title while you stay. You see, we’ve had a recent change in leadership and we all need to work together to repair our pack. Thank you.”

  Katarina sent Gretchen a wicked grin and winked. “You’re correct. I’ll see you tomorrow alpha Dante.” The rhythmic sound of her high heels hitting the pavement was the only thing that got her back to the car. Tap, tap. Tap, tap. Focus, he’s not yours. He’s having an orgy for crying out loud, disgusting horny wolf. Why was she upset, she despises the man?

  Chapter 3

  Could this night get any worse? He should stop asking himself that question. Dallas was a frightened dolt. The women were frightened untrusting dolts. And Katarina, as usual, came to the wrong conclusion. He quickly sent the females on their way and went after Katarina and her nasty attitude. It probably wasn’t his best choice but he was annoyed enough to not care very much.

  Katarina could hear heavy footfalls behind her and knew it was Dante. Well…she didn’t want to see him so she picked up her pace. Tap, tap, tap, tap. Unfortunately, his clomping stride was longer and faster than hers and he was hollering for her to wait. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly trying to shove her emotions down. Almost to her car she felt a hand came around her upper arm.

  “When I lived in Alaska if you were to touch a wild animal you would expect it to bite you.”

  Dante laughed and felt charmed against his better judgment. She was threatening him and for some reason his cock seemed to harden and he was more than happy to take her up on the bite offer. Bringing her back flush against his chest he whispered into her ear. “Are you saying you wish to put your mouth against my flesh, sweet Katarina?”

  She spun in his arms and sent him a ginormous smile while batting those beautiful almond shaped eyes. Her lashes were long and thick and for a moment Dante was stunned speechless. Until she clinched her jaw and snapped her teeth at his face.

  Oh yeah, this bear is a babe. And feisty. “Katarina,” Her name was a warning and a threat. “Play nice. I only came to get you to let you know you’re more than welcome to stay at alpha house as planned. I was just surprised when you showed up and then shocked that you came to the wrong conclusion.”

  “I’d rather stay at the hotel, alpha.”

  Dante couldn’t help but smile at her. “How do you always make my title sound like a curse? I’m trying to understand what I’ve done to offend you so badly. When you think about it I’m the one that should be angry. You antagonized and kidnaped my twin sister, hurt my twin sister and her new pack, and pulled my pack into it by involving yourself with Travis.”

  Katarina shot him a look full of distain. “All true and now that I think about it I should’ve never come. Good bye, alpha, and good luck on your future endeavors.” She pulled out of his grip and pulled her car door open so hard the metal groaned.

  Dante quickly wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her out of the cars opening while slamming the car door closed and dragging her away from the vehicle. “I’m sorry. I want you to stay and be comfortable. I don’t know why but I can’t resist messing with you. You’re one of the only people who doesn’t care much about my station and you certainly don’t fear me.”

  She let out a throaty laugh that had his loins clinching. “Fear you? Why would I fear you? You are more of a teddy bear than I am.”

  “I don’t think I would put it quite like that but I don’t abuse those who I’m bound to protect. When I agreed for you to stay here I agreed to allow you on my lands and in my home under my protection.” He started to lead her to the back of the car so he could remove her suitcase from the trunk. “Let’s go in and you can pick your room and get settled in while I make dinner. Is salmon okay?”

  Katarina’s steps faltered. “What, because I’m a bear I automatically like salmon?”

  Dante paused in his stride too. He was confused again, shocker. “Uh, no. I have salmon in the fridge. If you want I could take some steak out of the freezer. I prefer my red meat a little fresher but I’ll cook you a steak if you want it. I’m having salmon.”

  They were standing in the driveway of alpha house staring at each other. Dante was so impressed with his shitty day that he had reached the end of his patience. He wanted Katarina to stay but he wasn’t going to force her and he damn sure didn’t have it in him to finesse her. Dante shrugged and walked into his house wondering if she’d follow.

  Katarina sure knew how to clear a room. She’d run off his friends, only after she enraged them enough. Now she was poking at him hard enough that if it was anyone else they’d revoke the invitation to share their home. Eating crow was going to suck.

  Dante had left the door open and waited for Katarina to enter. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she was going to come in; he just didn’t know how long it would take. Two minutes and fourteen seconds before he caught her wonderful scent. He didn’t turn from his task of cooking the salmon.

  Delicate cough. “I’m sorry for my poor behavior. We’ve been under a great deal of stress lately and the last thing I want to do is make your job any harder. I will attempt to be less…sarcastic.”

  Dante smiled to himself, win, before turning to face her with a blank expression. “Thank you for your honesty. I am under a lot of stress and you must be too. I know moving to a new pack or territory, in your case, can be scary and like I say to everyone here, you are under my protection. Please do not abuse the fact that I have allowed you to remain here. You can choose any room you wish and put your bag down while I finish cooking. You’ll have the salmon or you’ll make your own meal.” He turned promptly dismissing her.

  Katarina tittered and couldn’t resist getting the last word. “I like salmon
better anyway. Thank you, alpha.” For the first time it didn’t sound like a curse.

  Dante slyly twisted around when he heard the wheels of her suitcase going down the hall. He just wanted a glimpse of her beautifully slender figure and round bottom. Figures, she turned and winked over at him realizing he was staring like a lovesick pup after her. Vixen.

  * * * *

  An hour later they were both rubbing their full bellies, sipping on some wine and enjoying some relaxing conversation about family and tales of their youth. Dante hadn’t felt this at ease for a very long time and was briefly uncomfortable at the thought.

  Dante stood and took their plates to the sink, washing them thoroughly wanting to run his tongue over the fork that she’d used to see if she tasted as good as she looked. What the hell is wrong with me? Pull it together O’Shea.

  “I’ve got to patrol the border of our land and re-mark our territory. You’re more than welcome to stay and have a bath or watch some TV.” Don’t think about her naked, too late.

  “What’s the problem with your border? Shouldn’t you have someone come along with you? Just in case you run into trouble.”

  Was he dreaming or was that a note of worry in her voice? “Normally I’d take my second but I’ve sent him to the American Canyon pack to…train. I’d like to have a similar relationship with him as Jake and Conner share.” Why am I telling her this?

  “Well…you need someone to watch your back and since no one here is available or trustworthy I’ll go with you.”

  Dante cocked his eyebrow, “And you’re trustworthy?”

  Katarina could feel her temper rising but understood it was a logical question knowing her history. “I came here to start over. If you cannot forget my previous sins and let me start anew I might as well go back to American Canyon to the people I know.”

  Damn, she was right. “Okay, but we have to agree that you will only watch my back and not interfere.”


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