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Until You Believe Me

Page 5

by Lindsey Woods

  "Madison, you didn't have to bring anything, but you look amazing. I"m glad you found it ok." He walked toward the mansion slightly in front me. For whatever reason seeing him, tall and built and smelling fresh, his bare-feet made it that much more sexy. He took my hand as we went up the few steps and into the front door.

  "It's nothing much really. Connor this place is gorgeous. I mean truly break-taking." The front hallway that the front door led into had marble floors. The ceiling was vaulted and had a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The walls were a light peach color that refracted the light from the glorious chandelier.

  He smiled the shy, bashful smile I had seen a few times. "Thank you Madison, please keep your shoes on, the floors can get cold." Despite his warning I took them off, there was no way I was chancing dirtying these beautiful floors. The marble gave way to light oak flooring as it opened into a larger room with a beautiful sectional situated around a roaring fireplace.

  I followed Connor to the left of that room which ended us in the kitchen. The kitchen had the same oak floors but with slightly darker cabinets and marble countertops. All of the appliances were stainless steel and the light fixtures were hanging from the ceiling.

  "Can I get you a drink Madison. I have water, milk, white wine, anything you'd like."

  "I'd love a glass of wine." Without hesitation he pulled down a wine glass from the hanging glass holder.

  "Really Connor, this is beautiful." I smiled at him as he passed me my glass. I sat in a stool at the kitchen island where Connor was standing.

  "Thank you, my father designed and built it about five years ago. Was your drive here alright? I wasn't sure how far from you I was."

  "Less than an hour. Hardly any traffic. Did your dad design it for you?" The house still had my interest.

  Connor smiled over his glass of wine as he took a sip. "Not exactly. Dinner should be done in a few minutes. You never said you had any specific dietary restrictions so I made chicken marsala and a salad." His face showed he was feeling a little nervous.

  "Sounds perfect to me. So Chantel told me more about the university job in the twenty minutes we were together than you have yet. Give me the inside scoop." I rested my head on my palm as I smiled up at him.

  His laugh was low and slow, it warmed my heart to hear that sound. " Well, not much to say. The team has been hired to renovate the university. It's quite the task. We're combining the adminsitrative buildings as you know. We'll be redoing the residence halls, those buildings are from the early 1900's. We'll be constructing three new classroom buildings and just fixing up the library. That's all we have a contract for right now, but there are talks of more in the next few years. That's enough work talk." He turned and took out a pan from the oven. Before I knew it a beautiful fresh salad was sitting in a bamboo bowl followed by two plates of delicious smelling chicken.

  "This looks fabulous, and smells just as good."

  We chatted off and on about the food and the drive and my day. Once we were both sufficiently full I got up to help Connor with the dishes. Just as quickly he had snatched up both of our glasses that had been refilled with wine and grabbed my hand with his free hand.

  "You're a guest. You don't get to do manual labor, come." His big hand felt warm around mine and I smiled at how gently he seemed to be holding it. He led me to the sectional in the room right off of the kitchen. The fireplace was going and despite it being early spring in Florida, the fire felt good.

  I sat cross legged on the sofa and Connor sat next to me, turning his body to face me.

  "So Madison, I want to know about you." His smile was warm and the glow of the fireplace made his face lok heavenly, almost angelic.

  "There isn't much to know. You know what I do for a living, I've lived in Florida for my whole life. My mom lives outside of Orlando in the house where I grew up. Ben, you've met Ben used to live next door. Umm, that's all I got." I blushed a little and took a sip of my wine.

  "What about your dad?"

  "Umm, well he passed away when I was twelve." I looked away, taking another sip of wine, though this one was more of a gulp.

  "I'm sorry to hear that. Your mother never remarried?" His brow furrowed and his eyes were glued to me as if my words were the most important thing he would ever hear.

  "No way, she swore she would never marry again, and if she is one thing it is stubborn. She is more interested in hanging out with her friends and tormenting me."

  The worried look left his face and he smiled. "Well I do believe she raised a good woman."

  "What about your family? You've mentioned your dad but only in passing, and your mom?" I tried to divert the subject from me before we got any further.

  "Well my mother passed away when I was very young. I barely remember her. She passed when she was giving birth to my little brother Nathan. That was what, 29 years ago I guess. My dad is still around."

  "And you are how old?"

  "I'll be 32 this year. Don't you dare so old either." His smile warmed me more than the fire.

  "Not old at all. 32 doesn't look so old as it did when I wasn't so close to it." He chuckled at that and emptied his glass of wine.

  "I hope this doesn't make you feel awkward or anything, but I really would hate to not see you again and never have said it but you are absolutely breathtaking Madison. Even now, when you blush. Why are you so bashful?" His hand reached over and moved a stray hair back into place for me.

  I felt the crimson fill my face. "Umm, I don't...I mean...I've never had anyone say that before. I just don't like attention or anything." I took a unladylike gulp of wine and drained the glass. It was suddenly extremely warm in here.

  "Then everyone else that has crossed your path is an idiot. You deserve to be showered with attention." His hand went over mine on the couch and it only fueled the warmness I was feeling drowned by.

  Connor put my hand to his mouth and gave it a soft kiss. His lips being that close to my skin sent shivers all through my body. He gently pulled me so I would rest my back and head against his chest. Like this we spent the next long while talking about our high school and college experiences.

  Connor had gone to college for architecture and then business when he realized he didn't much care for angles which made me laugh. Everything felt so normal, like we were supposed to be this way. The conversation flowed and I felt so comfortable laying there with Connor, feeling his hands in my hair and feeling the vibrations in his chest when he laughed or spoke.

  When I had to cover my mouth to stifle a yawn I finally looked at my watch and jumped up noticing that it said quarter after eleven.

  "I can't believe how late it is. I need to be getting home." I looked back at Connor and smiled. His eyes were clearly heavy with tiredness and he looked so comfortable and so sweet lying there. Before I could stop myself I reached over and brushed his hair back, surprised at how soft it was. He reached up to grab my hand and pressed it against his cheek.

  "I hate to think of you leaving, if I'm being honest." He spoke softly as he closed his eyes, just resting my hand against his cheek.

  "Well some of us have to go to work in the morning and that same person has forty five minutes until she's home."

  "I know, I know." Connor pulled himself up and reached for my hand again, pulling me up next to him. We walked to the door hand in hand though I didn't realize it until I had to pull away to put on my shoes.

  "By the way, there are two of us who need to be at work in the morning. Someone has to direct the minions." His face turned to a playful smile and I felt the familiar warmth fill my heart.

  "Thank-you Connor, tonight was absolutely amazing. I had a great time, dinner was incredible." I stood at the door facing him and I didn't realize how much I didn't want tonight to end.

  "No, thank-you Madison. Thank-you for coming, for the conversation and company and for the cheesecake that didn't get eaten. Shall I save it for next time?" His smile was both wide and shy. It seemed to me he was trying to set
up a next time.

  "Yes, save it for next time." I chuckled inside when I saw a few muscles in his face relax.

  "Please can you text me when you get home, so I know that you've made it safely. I won't be able to sleep knowing you are not home and safe."

  "As soon as I walk in, but please rest. I will be ok."

  "When I know that you are safe I will sleep like a baby."

  He leaned down and scooped me into a big hug. Slowly he pulled away and gave me a beautiful smile. Leaning in, his lips rested against my cheek.

  When we pulled away I knew my face was beet red. "Bye Connor." I smiled as I finally took the step to open the door and begin to leave.

  "Don't forget to let me know. Drive safe Madison."

  I waved in acknowledgement and walked to my car on cloud nine. I stayed that way all of the way home. Walking in my house I quickly locked the front door and made my way to the bedroom. After changing and brushing my teeth I crawled into bed with my smile still glued to my face. I realized then I had forgotten to tell Connor I was home. I turned to my bedside table and sent him a text.

  Home safe. Thank you again. Rest up for the minions.

  I laid back down and settled in until a minute later I heard my notification sound.

  Someone needs to keep them in line. Thank YOU Madison. Sweet dreams, and I know mine are going to be after your company tonight. Until next time.

  With that in my head I fell into a deep and restful sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Even through the following day I was on cloud nine. My morning class went smoothly and I met up with Ben for the walk back. I told him very little about my date night with Connor as I wasn't sure I was ready to share it with anyone else just yet.

  My heart skipped a beat when I saw the white envelope and i grabbed it down before walking in. Ben was side tracked by a student waiting outside his office.

  I couldn't get my fingers to open the envelope quickly enough.


  I feel terribly embarrassed to admit this but I can't get you off of my mind. I think of your beautiful face lit by fire, laughing and totally carefree. Repeat episode again soon? Until next time.


  "Do you mind if I come in, just for a second?"

  My head shot up at the sound of a voice, not just any voice, but his voice.

  "Oh my gosh, hi, come in."

  Connor walked in wearing his normal construction clothes and carrying a large spring bouquet of flowers.

  "These are for you, obviously. I see you got my note." He smiled his bright boyish smile and it was nearly all I could do not to run to him. I took the flowers and inhaled deeply.

  "These are amazing. I don't think I have a vase here but I will put them in water as soon as I get home. Thank you."

  "My pleasure. I meant what I said by the way," he said, nodding toward the opened note on my desk.

  "I believe you." I smiled, hoping my smile would dissipate the look of slight nervousness on his face.

  "I literally can't get you out of my head. I've tried. It's like being around you is a drug and I am utterly addicted. Gosh that was obnoxiously cheesy but true." His face turned a slight pink.

  "It was definitely cheesy, but very adorable."

  A look of shock, or hurt or something I couldn't quite read appeared on his face and was gone just as quickly.

  "I need to get back unfortunately. Can I see you tonight?"

  The way he said that, just how the question was worded made my heart flutter. I felt like he was from an era long before this one. Everything was up to me, I hadn't ever had this or even seen it before.

  "I'd love to."

  "Good, are you interested in dinner again? I can cook again and that cheesecake won't go to waste." The nervous hair tousle was out and about this afternoon.

  I walked over to him and pulled his hand from his hair and held it for a moment. "That would be fine with me."

  The smile that followed melted heart and made my knees weak. The sparkle in his eyes was that of a young man, his grin was so white and bright and you truly could not resist smiling when you saw it.

  "Good. I am not quite ready to share you with the public yet. I'll see you around 7:30. Until then." His smile still shining brightly, he turned and left the room.


  I kept myself busy the rest of the day by finishing up some paperwork and grading things that needed to be returned. I quickly ran home, changed, and was in my car, making the trek out to Connor's. I was still shocked by the house, even on night two.

  Again Connor met me at the door, only this time he picked me up and swung me in a huge hug on the walkway.

  "Work was torture. This? I do believe this is heaven." He smiled brightly and took me by the hand inside. I walked into the kitchen and was surprised seeing the table set, already laid out with wine and food. Two small candles glowed on the table and there was miniature version of the spring bouquet Connor brought me today.

  "This is gorgeous Connor. My gosh I feel like royalty." I had never had a guy try so hard and be so perfect at it.

  "Good. Now sit and let's eat."

  Ravioli and homemade sauce, garlic bread and salad. After we ate and drank Connor brought out the cheesecake and we both had a piece. After that I was beyond stuffed.

  "I feel like a broken record but that was delicious. And thank you again. The flowers, the dinner, everything." I felt content. Just plain happy.

  "You're beyond welcome. I'll give you a short tour if you'd like."

  I jumped at the chance to see the rest of this beautiful house.

  Connor took my hand and we walked through the sitting room down a large hallway. The first right led us to a huge tiled and marbled bathroom. Three spare bedrooms and the last room on the hallway was Connor's.

  The room had a high vaulted ceiling, beautiful six foot windows and the master bathroom was half as big as the entire bedroom. A whirlpool tub, double sinks, all white with hints of tan.

  When we reached the front sitting room, we sat on the couch in front of the fire.

  "This is a great home Connor. I can't believe it."

  "Thanks, It's just a building though. I-." Connor's phone rang in his pocket, he pulled it out, examined the screen and frowned. "I'm sorry, excuse me just a moment. Hello?...Yeah...What the hell?.. You've got to be kidding me...Well fix it... It's what I fucking pay you for...God dammit...ok...give me some time...I'll be there as soon as I can..."

  The tone of his voice involuntarily made me jump. I had never heard anything even close from him. I shifted on the couch, moving my position slightly away from him.

  "Is everything ok?"

  "I need to deal with something. I'm sorry. Dammit, of all fucking nights." He got up from the couch and began storming around the sitting room and then to the kitchen. I heard the sound of glass crashing to the ground and shot up off the couch. I heard Connor curse from the kitchen and walk back towards the sitting room.

  "I'll go, take care of what you need to." I was scrambling for my shoes and purse, anything to stay out of his angry gaze.

  "No, please stay." His hand reached out to take my bag from my hands and I involuntarily flinched. Immediately the anger left his face and his brows furrowed together and he looked quite honestly in pain. "Madison...please stay. I won't be long. Maybe thirty minutes. I'm sorry." His voice was soft and deep, it had lost any angry shrill.


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