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Chains [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 6

by Tymber Dalton

  “She’s not Julie,” Toby reminded him. “She’s also older than Julie was. More life experiences. It’s time we quit being afraid and take a chance.”

  “I noticed we haven’t talked about counseling again.”

  Toby stared at him for a long minute. “Do you want to go to counseling? I thought we’d made a lot of progress just in the past week or so.”

  Logan pulled him in for a long, tender kiss. “I’ll leave it up to you. If you decide you want us to go, we’ll go.”

  Toby stroked his partner’s cheek. “As long as the man I fell in love with doesn’t disappear again, then I’m good.”

  * * * *

  A line of thunderstorms racing through the area late Sunday morning actually changed Rebecca’s timeline. She’d been waffling, watching the weather radar feeds on her tablet ever since she’d gotten up that morning, and suspected her day would be drastically shortened.

  As officials started to clear people from the grounds because of the threat of lightning, she packed her stuff, including her tent and tables, and boogied. Several other smaller vendors were following suit, leaving larger ones to stay behind, hold down the fort, and hope their huge set-ups didn’t get blown away.

  This wasn’t the first time she’d had to pack up and leave with everything. It happened a couple of times a year. Her tent, fortunately, was easy for her to set up and take down by herself, a standard picnic tent for which she’d had custom canvas made to look medieval.

  But it was dry when faced with the average rain shower, the sides keeping rain from blowing in.

  Thunderstorms, however, she didn’t mess with. Not when the dang frame was metal to start with.

  She was able to get everything loaded in two trips, Chewi keeping up with her on his leash and making none of his usual attempts to dawdle, either.

  She suspected his canine nose sensed the weather coming.

  Back at the RV, she got the tent and tables stored in her locking storage compartments before the rain hit. That left her time to shower, pack her clothes, and eat. By the time the storms tapered around three, she was ready to leave.

  Music to the men’s ears. After starting her Waze app on her tablet, she sent the men a note through the app that she was on the way, hooked the tablet into the Toad’s windshield holder for it, as well as plugging it into the power cord, and she and Chewi got on the road.

  * * * *

  Other than some rain, it was a fairly easy drive. She made a detour around a construction zone that had traffic jacked up miles in both directions and saved an hour’s wait, losing only twenty minutes.

  She thought she was being quiet when she pulled into their driveway around three the next morning, but then Toby walked out, smiling.

  She felt like falling into his arms to hug him.

  Fortunately, he hugged her first. “Glad to see you here safe and sound.” Chewi put his front paws up on Toby’s leg, his tail rapid-fire wagging in joy. “Hey, buddy. No other minuns recruited yet, sorry.”

  “So, did you track us?”

  “Actually, I did. Logan took the first shift, and I had the second. Wanted to make sure you got here all right.”

  That made her feel good, and not the slightest bit creeped out. They cared.

  It’d been…well, only her parents and Eliza and Rusty worried about her reaching a destination safely and on time.

  It felt good to have someone else—someones—also looking out for her.

  Toby helped her get her bags inside. She’d bring the jewelry stuff in later. He showed her to the guest room. “I put towels and stuff in the bathroom. If you need anything, let us know.”

  “Thanks. I’ll get a shower in the morning. I had one before I left up there. Rain shortened the day.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  He seemed to want to say something else. Finally, “Look, we don’t want to creep you out or anything, but we meant it before. If you get to the point where you want to play, we’re open to that. We really like you. And you can talk to anyone you want about us for references.”

  For a moment, she wondered about crawling into bed with them right then. Well, to sleep, not to fool around. She felt too exhausted to fool around.

  “I might take you up on that at some point in the future. I’m not too proud to admit it’s been a long, long time since I’ve gotten what I needed, and I’m not afraid to speak my mind. And if Eliza’s trying to play matchmaker, I’m sure she’s probably already done the homework for me.”

  Toby smiled. “Good. Just wanted to put that out there.”

  * * * *

  Someone knocking on the bedroom door woke her up. Then, it opened.

  “Get your ass up, girl. Time to work.”

  Rebecca lobbed a pillow in the general direction of Eliza’s voice. “Go away. I’m sleeping.”

  “Not anymore, you aren’t. It’s nine o’clock. Chop-chop.” Eliza walked in and lobbed the pillow back at her.

  “Then at least walk the beast for me, minun.”

  Eliza laughed. “Come here, tough guy.”

  Rebecca peeled open an eye to spot a wagging Chewi licking Eliza’s chin. “He’s a traitor, you know. He’ll turn on you in an instant if someone gives him better nommies.”

  “Is that why I saw the primo dog cookies on their kitchen counter?”

  “What?” Now she rolled over.

  “Yeah. And I don’t recognize that set of doggy dishes in the kitchen.” She tucked Chewi against her chest as she scratched him between his front legs. “I think someone likes you. They don’t have any animals, and those dishes weren’t here before.”

  Okay, that was enough to get her up and moving. After using the bathroom, she went to look. Sure enough, there they were. She turned, startled to see a sleepy-looking Toby standing there.

  “Um, hi,” she lamely said.

  He smiled. “Yes, we’re applying to be Chewi’s minuns.”

  For a moment, she was sorely tempted to drag him back to bed. Shirtless, he wore shorts, and for a man of forty-two he had a damn nice body.


  “I’m sure he’ll hire you,” she said. “Didn’t you have work today?”

  “I took the day off. Put in for it last week. I wanted to pitch in next door.”


  “Logan was going to, but someone else in his department already had the day off today.”

  “Oh, no worries.” She didn’t know how to say it without making it weird. “Thanks for being here today.”

  “I’m happy to do it. How about I make us some breakfast?”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  Eliza returned at that moment with Chewi. “He was—hellooo.”

  “You’re married,” Rebecca said as she headed over to the coffeemaker, where a clean mug had been set out.

  “I can still look. Why do you think I’m so anxious to get you three together? You’re perfect for each other.”

  “We’re not a science experiment,” she told Eliza. She addressed her next comment to Toby. “Sorry about my friend. She’s a little pushy.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”

  “Ha! See?” Eliza crowed.

  Rebecca took her coffee into the bathroom with her while she grabbed a quick wake-up shower without washing her hair. When she emerged ten minutes later in shorts and a T-shirt, she smelled bacon frying.

  Eliza was chatting with Toby in the kitchen. “I thought you were rousting me. Why aren’t you back over there?”

  Eliza grinned. “Because they’re not getting started until ten today.” She stuck her tongue out at Rebecca.

  “Did you work out the cost of my dowry yet?” Rebecca asked. “Or do you just have to pay them in a couple of goats?”

  “Becca, honey, I’m telling you, Toby and Logan are great guys. I already did the snoopwork so you don’t have to. I have just about everything but their pecker lengths.”

  Rebecca gasped. “Eliza!”
  Toby let out a howling laugh. “You called that one right, Rebecca. And just for your information, I’m a grower, not a shower.”

  Rebecca knew her face had to be flaming red. “Okay, bestie. That’s enough. We’ve talked and we’re taking things slowly. Just stop.”

  Eliza grinned. “Hey, I’m adding insurance to the situation, all right?”

  * * * *

  Rebecca wouldn’t deny it was fun—despite the depressing circumstances—getting to spend time with Toby. They talked and flirted all throughout the morning. He even held and soothed her while she had a mini-meltdown at lunchtime, when she stumbled across a picture of her and her uncle, taken when she was maybe twelve or thirteen.

  It hurt knowing that she hadn’t made more of an effort to stay closer to her uncle.

  And that her own life wasn’t too far off the mark from his.

  She knew only she had the power to change that, to make her life better.

  To not isolate herself any longer. To open up and take risks again.

  Logan arrived home from work a little after they’d called it quits for the day, and Eliza kicked her efforts into overdrive to ensure Rebecca didn’t backslide and cancel out her hard work to bring the three of them together.

  Later that evening, after showers and dinner—and getting rid of Eliza—and after her second glass of wine, Rebecca realized she didn’t want to wait any longer for sex with the men.

  Besides, she’d forgotten to pack her damn vibrator.

  Chewi, who’d now fallen in love with his new best friends with the good nommies, was stretched out on the couch between the two men, on his back, his head in Toby’s lap and his butt up against Logan. Toby was stroking his head, and Logan was scratching the favorite spot, just above the base of Chewi’s tail.

  I’m. In. Heaven.

  She stood. “I hate to interrupt his royal highness getting his ass scratched by his new minuns, but I think I’m ready to speed things up a little.”

  The men stared up at her for about two seconds before understanding dawned on their expressions. They left a very huffy Chewi alone on the couch as they stood and stepped over to her.

  “What, exactly, do you want to do tonight?” Logan asked.

  “Sex,” she said. “I’m hoping you guys have condoms? I’m not on the pill.”

  They nodded.

  She nodded back. “Then let’s fly our freak flags. Well, at least we’ll unfold them tonight, I guess.”

  “You’re not drunk, are you?” Toby asked.

  “Not on only two glasses of wine. I’m feeling very mellow. And if you don’t take me up on this offer soon, I’ll be asleep.”

  They surrounded her, Logan behind her and Toby in front. They were both around six two, a perfect height when matched to her five seven.

  She draped her arms around Toby’s neck as she ground her hips against first him, then back against Logan. “Nothing too wild tonight, guys,” she said. “Let’s have some ‘get to know you’ sex.”

  Logan chuckled against the side of her neck, a low, throaty, rumbly sound that dampened her panties nicely, thank you. “I’m guessing we introduce you to a spitroast tonight then, hmm?”

  She tipped her head back against him. “That’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about.”

  Yes, the wine had her a little…loose. Not sloppy, just…well, mellow was the perfect word for it. A little less tightly wound than normal.

  Toby kissed her, slowly, savoring it, almost making her forget there was more she wanted to be doing. They herded her down the hall as they took turns kissing her, tasting, teasing her, until she felt a mattress against the back of her thighs.

  Lowering her down to the bed, they sat on either side of her. Now Logan had captured her mouth, her lips, and Toby pulled her T-shirt up, freeing her breasts from her bra and lavishing his attention on her there.


  Holy hell, she knew it’d been a long time since she’d gotten laid, but she didn’t remember it ever feeling this good! She wondered if it was just because there were two of them, or because they were that much better than anyone else she’d ever been with before.

  Not that it mattered.

  And not that it was a deep topic she needed to devote brain cells to at that moment.

  They took turns kissing her, the other moving to her breasts, neither making any attempt to go lower. After they’d pretty much turned her panties into a sodden mess, she reached down herself and unfastened her shorts, wiggling and shoving them partway down her hips.

  “Okay,” she gasped. “A little less slow, boys.”

  The men moved lower, Toby stopping at her breasts after helping her pull her T-shirt and bra off, while Logan took the plunge and helped her get her shorts all the way off. Stretched out on the bed between them, she let out a moan when Logan’s fingers slowly stroked her between her legs.

  She felt Toby’s cock pressing against her through his shorts. “Why are you two still dressed?” she asked.

  “We’re getting there,” Logan assured her. “You said slow.”

  “I said slow, not snail. Naked. Now. Please.”

  The men smiled at her as they stood and quickly stripped. “Good thing we’re not playing,” Logan said. “I would have had to spank you for getting pushy and topping from the bottom.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s not exactly punishment.” She reached for their stiff cocks, slowly pumping them. “Besides, I said please.”

  They let out nearly identical moans of need and pleasure as she stroked them, which only made her wetter. They climbed back onto the bed and Logan’s fingers dipped into her pussy, playing with her clit while Toby focused on teasing and sucking her nipples again.

  The first orgasm startled her. First she was enjoying their attention, then it was like a tsunami from nowhere, making her cry out so sharply the men both startled.

  Fortunately, not enough to make Logan stop what he was doing. He kept her going, cresting, rolling through it, lowering his mouth to her mound and flicking her clit with his tongue until she finally gasped for air and let go of his cock so she could tap the top of his head.

  The men settled on the bed on either side of her, smug looks on their faces.

  “What?” she asked when she finally regained her breath…and her ability to form coherent speech.

  “Oh, nothing,” Toby said. “You just gave our egos a huge boost is all.”

  “It’s been a long damn time for me,” she said.

  “We could tell,” Logan said. “And we’re not complaining.” When he kissed her she tasted herself on him.

  “My turn,” Toby said, diving between her legs before she could stop him. This time he used his mouth from the start, a different technique than Logan but every bit as good. It only took him a couple of minutes to pull orgasm number two out of her.

  She held up a finger, indicating she needed a minute. Both men looked on, amused, watching her.

  She couldn’t believe they hadn’t tried to rush her to get them off. Well, she could believe it, but maybe since they had each other for sex they weren’t nearly as desperate as she was.

  Pointing at them, she managed, “I want to see you two kiss.”

  Toby grabbed Logan and planted one on him that was so scorching hot she nearly came just from the radiant heat washing off them.

  Then they turned to her, Toby kissing her, followed by Logan. “Just think,” Toby said. “Maybe one day we’ll get you worked up to the point he’s in your ass while I’m in your pussy and we’re both fucking you at the same time.”

  A needy moan escaped her.

  A hand ended up between her legs, playing with her clit, a finger teasing, testing, slowly working its way inside her pussy until it was sliding in and out in a sultry, sexy rhythm.

  “We love fucking a woman at the same time,” Logan said. “Love taking our time, building her up, making her come so we can feel her body squeezing our cocks at the same time. We love doing that to a woman. And we’re h
oping you’ll let us get to that point with you, too, baby.”

  The next orgasm was like diving head-first from a high-dive. One moment she was sailing through the air, then the world exploded around her.

  The hand between her legs moved faster, a second finger joining the first in her pussy. “You’ll love feeling both our cocks fucking you, baby,” Toby rumbled in her ear. “Back and forth, in and out, making you feel so good.”

  Hell, they were making her feel good now and she hadn’t even gotten to their cocks yet.

  “Get the condoms,” she rasped. “Now.”

  When Logan went to fetch them, the hand was still fucking her pussy, so she knew it must belong to Toby.

  He kissed her. “Look at me, baby.”

  She forced her eyes open, staring up into his blue gaze. “You good?” he asked.

  She nodded, eagerly.

  He smiled. “You still have the energy and want us to spitroast you, or do you want us to finish each other off while you watch?”

  While another night she might appreciate a show, not tonight.

  Tonight she wanted to be part of the action.

  “If somebody doesn’t fuck me,” she said, “somebody’s getting hurt. In a bad way.”

  “Guess that answers that,” Logan joked as he tossed a plastic pouch at Toby. He rolled one onto his shaft, all the way to the root, while Toby pulled his hand from her pussy and ripped his wrapper open.

  After flipping her over onto her hands and knees, Logan climbed onto the bed behind her and reached between her legs, playing with her clit, making her moan.

  “Hold on, baby. Just priming you for when he’s ready. Want you to feel both ends filling at the same time.”

  “Sorry they’re not flavored,” Toby said as he moved to kneel in front of her. He cupped her head in his hands, smiling down at her. “Ready?”

  She opened her mouth wide as she wiggled her ass at Logan.

  “Good girl,” Logan said, stirring something inside her. But then the thick knob of Logan’s cock was pressing against her pussy, and Toby was sliding his cock over her tongue, and she didn’t care about anything anymore. Just what was happening to her, what they were doing to her.


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