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Chains [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 9

by Tymber Dalton

  Sam wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. At least when faced with an obviously superior opponent—or, in Eliza’s case, a crazier and wilier one—he’d backed off.

  Unfortunately, he’d sworn to Rebecca countless times that he considered her his property unless or until he released her, and as far as he was concerned, he’d never released her.

  It didn’t matter to him that she’d released herself.

  Yes, she was older, wiser, and stronger now than the terrified woman she’d been back then, but she didn’t want anything to do with Sam.

  If she stayed in Sarasota and he tracked her down, her life would be misery, always looking over her shoulder. Not afraid, because while he was abusive and nuts, she didn’t think he was quite stupid enough to try to physically harm her now that they were no longer together.

  But he was fond of a mind fuck, and yes, she absolutely believed he would try anything he could to annoy, harass, intimidate, or otherwise interfere with her life, right up to and skirting but not quite crossing the line of breaking the law.

  Rebecca was no Tilly and definitely no Eliza. She’d flinched one too many times during her relationship and marriage to Sam. No way would she subject herself—or Toby and Logan—to that kind of nonsense. Because she had no doubts that Sam would do everything in his power to harass Toby and Logan at their jobs, try to get them fired, do anything he could to any of her friends to make them miserable simply for allowing her presence in their lives.

  It was better to leave and let the men get back to their lives. She did leave them a note. Yes, she expected them to try to contact her, but she was hoping they’d let her make the clean break.

  After getting her things packed and loaded and walking Chewi one last time, she set up the Waze app on the tablet, stuck the tablet into its dashboard holder, and pulled the RV out of their yard.

  It was late in the day when she stopped south of Atlanta at an RV park off of I-75. She had an event in Tennessee next weekend anyway. She’d stay here a couple of days before continuing north to where she’d planned to stay there.

  Rebecca hated to leave the way she had, to just up and go, but she knew if she stayed any longer she wouldn’t be able to stand it. She was too damn nervous, now that Sam knew she was in the area, to stay.

  Even for Toby and Logan. She wouldn’t let Sam try to ruin their lives, and if she was there, that was exactly what he’d set out to do.

  It would break her heart to walk away from the two of them without a chance to really find out if they could have had something more, but they were tied to their house and jobs and she had her own life.

  And a whole lot of fear.

  Maybe more than was healthy, and she realized that, but it was the truth.

  Maybe they can come visit me from time to time.

  * * * *

  Toby noticed it immediately when they returned home from work that afternoon.

  Becca’s RV was gone.

  He’d wondered why she hadn’t returned his texts that day. Now he had his answer.

  “Dammit,” he muttered, jumping out of the car before Logan even had it shut off, charging up toward the house.

  Sure enough, she’d left them a note on the dining room table. Toby picked it up and read it before passing it to Logan.

  Dear Toby and Logan,

  I’m sorry to leave like this, but after running into Sam at the club, it slammed home how stupid I was to think I could have anything approaching a normal life. If Sam knows I’m back in the area, he’ll try to hunt me down, and I don’t want to cause trouble for you guys or any of our other friends.

  I love you both, and you were wonderful to me. I can’t tell you how much I hate doing this. Maybe you can come visit me sometimes. But I would have had to leave anyway. I didn’t expect it to be this soon, or permanently. I really wanted to make a home and a life with you both.

  I love you,


  Logan handed the letter back to Toby and pulled out his phone, trying to call and then text her.

  “She won’t answer, you know,” Toby said.

  “I know. I still wanted to try.” Then he sat at the table and started swiping through an app on his phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  Logan didn’t look up. “I’m going to find her.”

  “What the hell do you mean you’re going to find her? How?”

  He held up his phone, smiling. “Waze. She added us as friends, remember?”

  “Son of a bitch.” He also sat, pulled out his phone, and opened the app.

  Working together, they began scouring any icons along I-75. Logan searched from Sarasota north, while Toby started at the Georgia state line and scrolled north from there.

  After forty-five minutes and both men having to get their chargers for their phones, Toby let out a triumphant cry. “Found her! Ha!” He zoomed in and it looked like she was stopped at an RV park.

  “Good,” Logan said. “Let’s go. Don’t lose her. That’s your job. I’ll drive.” Logan grabbed his keys and headed for the door again.

  “Wait, don’t we need to pack?”

  “Fuck that, it’s only eight hours to Atlanta.”

  “She’s south of Atlanta.”

  “I know, that means we can be there before midnight and hopefully talk some sense into her.”

  They locked up the house and got into the car, Logan verifying they had Toby’s car charger, too, and raced for I-75.

  * * * *

  Rebecca sent Logan’s call to voice mail and didn’t read his texts. It would just make her sad, and she didn’t want to be crying while on the phone with them.

  That was Eliza’s job, to listen to her cry. And she called her friend once she’d had dinner and walked Chewi, preparing to settle in for the night.

  “Heya, chica,” Eliza said by way of greeting. “We still on for this weekend?”

  “No. That’s why I called.” She told Eliza what happened.

  “Um, oookaaay. Back the fark up. You’re where?”

  She didn’t tell Eliza exactly where, knowing her friend would absolutely rat her out to Toby and Logan. “I had to leave. Sam saw me at the club. You know that.”

  “Um, yeah, and Sam’s now banned from the club. I told you I took care of it.”

  “You didn’t tell me you got him banned from the club!”

  Eliza hesitated. “I didn’t? I thought I did. Sorry.”


  “Well, had you, ya know, called me and told me you were freaking out this badly, instead of just up and leaving, maybe it would have come out sooner. Look, honey, stop running. We talked to Kel and Derrick and told them what was going on. They refunded Sam his annual membership and told him he’s not allowed back on the property. He’s got a lifetime ban.”

  “Great. One more thing he’ll blame me for and come after me about.”

  “I don’t know why you’re still letting that creep live rent-free in your head! For cripe’s sake, you’re three years shy of forty. Isn’t it time you quit running and live your damn life? Those two guys are crazy about you.”

  “And Sam’s just flat crazy and will try to do anything he can to interfere.”

  “Like what? Walk around?”

  “Uh, stalk me. Stalk them. Stalk you and Rusty.”

  “Okay, for starters, let the fucker come after me. I dare him. Secondly, your guys can take care of themselves. It’s not like their jobs are in jeopardy or anything. You are a lot older now than you were then. You have job security. Letting Sam win this mindfuck means he still has control of you and your life. Don’t give him that control any longer. You’re acting like the fucker’s got you in chains and he doesn’t.”

  Rebecca thought about that. “You think I made a mistake?”

  “Uh, duh! Have you at least talked to Logan and Toby?”

  “No.” Self-doubt flooded in. “I left after they went to work.”

  “I supposed you left them some stupid note, too?”

; “Yes.”

  “Dammit, you are a grown fucking woman. Act like it!”

  “Don’t yell at me.”

  “I am going to yell at you when you’ve got two hot, gorgeous guys who love you and want to be with you, and you’re running like a scared rabbit, because, what, some douchecanoe might do something? You don’t even know what he might or might not do. You let him win this without even fighting back. Dammit, I wish you’d called me before you left.”

  “You would have told me not to leave.”

  “Fuck, yes, I would have told you not to leave!”

  “Stop yelling at me!”

  “I’m not yelling at you!” Eliza dropped her voice. “Sorry. I’m not yelling at you.”

  “Then what are you saying I should do.”

  “Uh, for starters, call your guys. They’re probably freaking out worried right now. Then get your ass back on the road first thing in the morning for Sarasota. And let them spank you for this bullshit, for me if for no other reason, because I damn sure want to spank you. And not in the fun and sexy way, either!”

  “I can’t call them right now.” She felt too ashamed. “I’ll call them in the morning.” She looked at Chewi. Yes, it was probably her imagination, but he’d been giving her stink-eye all day, a recriminating expression that seemed full of judgment and blame.

  You took me away from my friends with the good nommies, stoopid woman. Why are we here again and not with the friends with the nommies? They were perfectly good minuns.

  Eliza let out an aggravated sigh before she hounded Rebecca in her ear again. “Fine. I’ll call them. So tell me ‘yes, ma’am, I will drive home tomorrow.’”

  “I still don’t know—”

  “Did I tell you to say that?” Eliza barked. “You make me get in a car and drive up wherever the hell you are and drag your ass back down here to Florida, I will be spanking you myself when I find you. And don’t forget, I can find you! At the very least, you owe those two men a face-to-face good-bye, not some bullshit letter. Understand?”

  She hated to admit her friend was right, but her friend was right. “Okay, I will.”

  “Thank you.” Eliza sounded slightly mollified. “Now, I’m going to call them and tell them you’ll be back tomorrow, and not to worry about you. That you freaked out about Sam, but you’ll see them tomorrow night. Correct?”

  “Yes. Fine.”

  “No, not fine. You will do it.”

  “Okay, I get it. I screwed up.”

  “Thank you. Finally. Those two are stupid-crazy over you and you just go running scared. They’re not abusive asshats, and if you let Sam run you away from them, you’re letting Sam run you away from the best thing to hit your life in a long damn while.”

  Chewi stared at her. Besides me.

  “Let me get off of here. My phone’s almost dead,” she fibbed.

  “Okay. Call me when you get back on the road tomorrow.”

  “Thanks. I will.”

  She looked up and realized her tablet was still turned on. She’d flipped it from cellular to Wi-Fi mode upon arriving in the park but had forgotten to shut it down.

  Walking down to the front of the cabin, she picked it up and turned it off. Turning, she spotted Chewi sitting up on the bed, glaring at her.

  “All right, we’re driving back to Sarasota tomorrow. Happy?”

  He let out a little chuffing noise and proceeded to lie down again.

  Dammit, I really need to get my head examined.

  Chapter Eleven

  The stress and the drive must have exhausted Rebecca, because even though her brain raced, and her heart hurt, she dropped off to sleep. She only realized that because she startled awake at the sound of someone knocking on her door.

  The first thought to flit through her mind was that, somehow, Sam had tracked and found her.

  As sleep fled her system, she realized that wasn’t likely, especially since it was two male voices calling out her name.

  Male voices that sounded like Toby and Logan.

  She got up and peeked through the galley window and saw, yes, it was Logan and Toby.

  When she unlocked the door and let them in, they swarmed her, kissing her, hugging her.

  “Don’t you ever scare us like that again,” Logan said, crushing her against him. “We’re liable to spank you for this.”

  “How did you find me? I only talked to Eliza a little while ago.”

  “Waze,” Toby said. “Took us nearly an hour, but we found your icon.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Please, please don’t keep running from Sam. Don’t run from us. We can protect you from him.”

  “We love you,” Logan said. “We won’t let him near you. He tries, he’ll be sorry.”

  She finally lost it, sobbing, her face buried against Toby’s shirt. “I’m sorry. I freaked out and all those old memories and fear and everything just came flooding back. Eliza told me she and Rusty talked to Derrick and Kel and Sam’s banned from the club now.”

  Logan turned her to face him, his intense hazel gaze boring into her. “She told us when she called us a little bit ago. We were almost here already. We love you, and we will protect you. Let him try something. He’ll end up in jail this time.”

  “I’m sorry I bolted.”

  Logan pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her hair. “We’ll never force you to stay with us, baby, but please, at least give us a chance.”

  Behind her, Toby pressed in close. “We love you. Let us do what we do best, and let us protect you.”

  “If you let him break us up,” Logan said, “he wins. Again. It’s time to stop ceding the victories to him without a fight. It’s time we stand our ground, united, and put an end to this bullshit.”

  She nodded. “You’re right.”

  “Of course he’s right,” Toby said. “And like he said, we’ll never force you to stay with us. Ever. We only want you with us if you want to be with us. But don’t let some asshole who isn’t fit to wipe your shoes on be the reason you leave us. Please?”

  From the back of the RV, Chewi barked. When they looked, they saw him standing on the bed, staring down the hallway at them.

  I was sleeping, stoopid humans. Can we get back to normal? Oh, hi, friends with good nommies.

  “I think that was him agreeing with us,” Logan said.

  She nodded. “Probably.”

  Locking the door behind them, they headed for the bedroom and stripped, evicting Chewi from his spot as they took over the bunk.

  “Not quite as large as the bed at home,” Toby said as he climbed on top of her and kissed her, “but we’ll make do.”

  Logan reached into his pants pocket and fished out a strip of three condoms. “Good thing I thought ahead at one of the gas stops.” He turned around on his back. With Toby’s help, he got her in a sixty-nine while Toby rolled one of the condoms onto his shaft. It wasn’t for diseases, since they’d all gotten tested. But she’d just started on the pill again and an oopsie wasn’t in their plans right now.

  She moaned around Logan’s cock as Toby slid his deep inside her. Between Logan’s talented mouth licking and sucking on her clit, and Toby’s cock fucking her pussy, it didn’t take them long to get her started coming.

  “God that’s so hot,” Toby said. “Watching you suck his cock and…ohhh, yeah. The way he’s tonguing my balls while I fuck you.”

  She loved watching her men together as much as she loved being in the middle of them. Hearing Toby’s filthy narration only made her come even harder.

  Salty pre-cum rolled down her tongue as she deep-throated Logan and worshipped his cock with her mouth. Then he worked his hands between their bodies, his fingers finding and latching onto her nipples, lightly pinching them, rolling them, and making her come even harder.

  Her moans finished Logan off. His cock exploded in her mouth and she had to struggle to keep up, swallowing his cum as it pumped down her throat. And it sent Toby on final approach, too.

  “That’s it,
baby.” His fingers dug into her hips as he fucked her harder, deeper. “Swallow every drop of his cum. I can’t wait until we can fill you completely at both ends with that—yes!”

  His last stroke remained buried deep in her pussy as he fell still, all three of them catching their breath. Slowly they untangled, and Toby went to dispose of the condom while Logan got turned around and cuddled with her in bed.

  After they were settled in, Chewi’s head appeared at the end of the bunk, his ears perked up, front paws on the end of the bed.

  Are you stoopid humans quite finished?

  Logan laughed. “He looks miffed.”

  She patted the bed and the dog finally jumped up, turning around a couple of times before dropping down with a disgusted-sounding grunt.

  “He is,” she said. “He’ll get over it.”

  * * * *

  Rebecca felt bad that the men were going to miss a day of work because of her, but she was glad that they were taking turns riding with her while the other drove their car.

  It pissed Chewi off, having to give up his passenger seat, but she knew he’d get over it.


  Eliza kept calling her throughout the day, making sure she was still with the guys and still heading south. After they arrived at the men’s home in Sarasota, Eliza pulled into the driveway a few minutes later.

  Flying out of her car, she stormed over to Rebecca. “I should shake some goddamned sense into you!” She engulfed Rebecca in a crushing hug. “Don’t you ever fucking do that to me again, do you hear!”

  “I’m sorry. I panicked.”

  “I know,” Eliza said, her voice muffled against Rebecca’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I thought I told you he was banned from the club.” She eased up on the hug to meet her gaze. “Stop running. Tilly, Tony, Seth, everyone has volunteered, if you need to, to let you stay with them if he tries anything. We are united with you against him. You are not alone any longer.”

  Logan and Toby cleared their throats. “Oh, yeah,” Eliza said. “And not to mention, you have those two. So please, don’t ever run again. Let us do what friends do best and have your back. It’s time you get your life back.”


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