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Grimme City Heroines Down And Out Boxed Set: Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

Page 3

by Don Ship

  “My my, you’re a noisy lover, Ms Patriot,” Erica said.

  “Very noisy,” Big Mike said, grinning. “I especially like when she screams out her orgasms.”

  “Uuuuuugggghhhhmmm!” Patriot Girl screamed around the cock in her mouth. Erica glanced over to see the sexy nineteen year old’s spectacular body quivering and convulsing in orgasm. “Mmmggghhh! Uugghh! Aaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhh!”

  “All super heroines are screamers,” Erica said. The mobsters all laughed.

  Erica found a chair and sat back and enjoyed the show. Her boys fucked the two captured super heroines for the rest of that night. At sunrise a very cum-slathered Ms Patriot and Patriot Girl were plopped before Erica.

  “And thus your sexual slavery begins,” Erica said.

  Patriot Girl’s eyes were bleary, but Ms Patriot managed a bit of defiance.

  “What? No false bravado? No threats of super heroine vengeance?”

  “My tongue and jaw are too tired to banter with you, Erica,” Ms Patriot murmured.

  “Well, you’re no fun,” Erica said, and laughed. She was feeling a bit light headed, too. No sleep heaped upon the greatest victory of her career. “No matter. It’s the big unveiling time. Aren’t you excited? I know I am.”

  “Unveiling?” Patriot Girl managed wearily.

  “She means unmasking,” Ms Patriot said, scowling. She lifted her chin defiantly. “I’m not afraid of you, Erica. I’m a superior woman. I’ll find a way to rise above this defeat.”

  “No, you will find superior ways to ride one horny cock after another,” Erica said. “For years and decades to come.” Erica reached out angrily and ripped off her mask. “Oh my God! You are Jennifer Jade! THE Jennifer Jade.”

  “I know,” she said, then lowered her chin to her chest as tears rolled out of her baby blues for the first time. “I am doomed now.”

  “Yes you are,” Erica said, all tingly inside again. Then she turned to Patriot Girl, who had sobered up some. The fear on her pretty face warmed Erica’s heart. “You must be that pesky, perky little stray Jennifer bought at the pound a few years ago.” She pulled off Patriot Girl’s mask. “Yep. Lynda Lynns. Okay, boys, strip them completely. I want everything on their bodies.”

  Moments later Erica had two piles of captured costume. Two new trophies, for office wall and game room delight. It didn’t take much persuasion to get them to cooperate further, either. They were just a pair of broken bimbos now. She’d dispatched Big Mike and two other goons to fetch all of their spare costumes and power belts. While they were gone, she had them taken away to be scrubbed clean and made up properly.

  About ten that night Big Mike returned with all of their costumes, and their jewelry boxes for Erica. Jennifer and Lynda were forced to put on their spare super heroine costumes and stand before Erica.

  “It’s been fun, Jennifer Baby, but it’s time we put you two up on display like all of your friends,” Erica said. She indicated the two new, empty cylinders, each in a different sitting group. First they ball-gagged them, then handcuffed their wrists behind their backs. Ms Patriot was forced to stand inside one, and Patriot Girl the other, then the thick glass cylinders lowered to trap them inside. “Are you girls as tingly sexy inside as I am right now?”

  They just looked at her. In truth, both sexy super heroines looked terrified. Patriot Girl’s lower lip was trembling and Ms Patriot couldn’t get the wide-eyed look of surprise off her masked, ball-gagged face.

  “Expect to be released soon, Jennifer. I’ll have papers for you to sign, giving me everything you own,” Erica said. “And you will sign. I guarantee it. Hahaha! Say good night, boys.”

  “Good night, sluts!”

  Erica pushed a button, and the neon blue light snapped on. Ms Patriot and Patriot Girl never saw it. The instant the light came on, their consciousness winked out. They were between living and dead. They were suspended, ageless. Trophies to be gawked at with pride.

  Twenty years later…

  Ms Patriot’s consciousness snapped back. How long had it been since her last release? It felt like an eye blink, but could be years. The super sexy raven-maned heroine glanced around quickly. Two goons she’d never met each held one of her arms, walking her quickly over to another group of waiting, eager-eyed mobsters. Erica watched from the back wall, looking just a tad older. Probably mid-forties, early fifties?

  “Oh. More heroine trophies,” Ms Patriot said, noticing five more glowing cylinders with beautiful young women within. They were all wearing brightly colored, skimpy costumes. Super heroines. Two blondes, two redheads and a raven-haired beauty. She didn’t recognize any of them. “How many does that make, Erica? Forty?”

  “Forty-two heroine trophies, to be exact, Ms Patriot,” Erica said way too smugly. “In case you were wondering, it’s only been six weeks since the last time we released you from suspended animation, but it is the twentieth anniversary of your capture. So we’re throwing you a party, and you are the entertainment.”

  The statuesque super heroine gasped. That long? To her, sending the vast majority of her time in suspended animation, it seemed like twenty days or so. She’d only aged twenty days, too. They were holding true to their schedule, only pulling her out about six times a year, for around four hours of intense, kinky sex. Once a year she got a four hour nap.

  The curvaceous super heroine wore her complete costume, including the power belt. She was kept in a constant state of sexual satiation, so the belt wasn’t any more than a pretty fashion accessory. She was also perfectly clean and made up, since at the end of every sex session they made her shower and get back into costume. They liked their sexy trophies pristine, perfect in every way.

  Unfortunately for the long lost super heroine, she also came out of suspended animation fully aroused. Indeed, in the last twenty years she’d even been fucked and fully aroused after her naps, so she’d always be malleable next time they pulled her down for some fun.

  “Big Mike? I thought you were dead,” Ms Patriot said, looking the much older mobster over with a critical eye. Time was not kind to him. His seven foot tall, four hundred pounds of hard muscle had turned into five hundred pounds of soft fat. “Are you the resident ‘Fat Cat’ now?”

  “I’m the boss of my own family, under Erica of course,” he growled. She was held before him, her tits pressed into his chest. She had to look up to meet his eyes, which she always hated. It made her feel meek and inferior. “I eat arrogant bitches like you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

  Her twat was hot and achy. She caught herself rubbing her thighs together, and had to force her red booted feet shoulder width apart to stop it. They all noticed, and leered at her. That just made her hornier.

  “That explains why you are so fat,” she sneered.

  The false bravado helped. A little. It never did her any good, though. Then Big Mike pulled a gasp from her full, glossy red lip when he cupped her tits, before cupping her face in both hands. He kissed both cheeks, then her lips.

  “You’re still too brave for your own good, Ms Patriot.”

  He pulled off her bustier top. His giant hands began kneading her tingling tits, so aroused and taut. Her chest and throat tightened, mouth became dry as she began to pant lightly.

  “A flaw in my character,” she said, back bowing. Her head began to loll around as he fondled her tits and kissed her face, neck. and tits. She noticed that Patriot Girl’s cylinder was empty. “Where is Patriot Girl?”

  Someone she didn’t know started pulling her shorts down, so she pulled her feet together and stepped out when prompted. She hadn’t fought them for years in their time or days in her time. Besides, she was so horny she almost felt Big Mike’s cock inside her. He always fucked her so long and hard, and the thought of their past sessions drove her to distraction.

  “Getting sexed up as a horny cheerleader,” Erica said. “Sometimes we get tired of fucking super heroines. Don’t worry, you and her will be putting on one of your legendary lesbo shows. And it wil
l be shown live on Prime Time TV.”

  “Prime Time?”

  “Yeah. Times have changed, Ms Patriot. All for the better…for US.”

  The End

  Ninja Girl: A Better Way

  Kameko Moto sat in her one bedroom apartment near campus and watched her computer screen as she frowned and shook her head woefully. It was a crying shame.

  “What were you thinking, Ms Patriot?” Kameko said, watching a video of the super sexy super heroine charging into the most heavily guarded, most notorious brothel in Grimme City.

  The Palace was at the top of the Grimme City super heroines’ list of places to shut down permanently, but just charging in without a coherent plan was just insanity. As if to prove her point, the video showed the statuesque super heroine and her sexy, perky sidekick, Patriot Girl, tearing through the Palace’s main entry. Men and women were flying everywhere as the dangerous duo kicked serious butt. Then two things happened.

  Someone covered Patriot Girl’s mouth and nose with a chloroform pad, and Ms Patriot was distracted by that, hesitating just as she reached King Pimp. The sexy red, white, and blue clad super heroine cried out to her hapless sidekick, and then the giant pimp slammed a powerful uppercut into the Ms Patriot's chin. That left Ms Patriot sprawled on the floor, woozy. Another man pressed a chloroform pad to her face. Kameko watched grim-faced as the most respected super heroine team in Grimme City succumbed to chloroform.

  She watched, heart racing, as King Pimp claimed his beautiful, helpless prizes. Ms Patriot was stripped and chained to the wall. Patriot Girl received the same treatment, chained next to her mentor. Then King Pimp stepped up and mounted the beautiful, raven-haired super heroine, and proceeded to fuck Ms Patriot stupid. The pimp's big cock thoroughly tamed the once proud super heroine, leaving her a gasping, panting wretch, begging for more, more, more. That done, he then tamed Patriot Girl.

  The other began their gangbang of Ms Patriot as King Pimp tamed her sidekick. And then they ran a train on Patriot Girl, too. After the king of pimps let all of his favorites enjoy the gorgeous beauties’ spectacular bodies, he stepped up and unmasked the limp, sweaty-shiny super heroines. Ms Patriot and Patriot Girl slumped in their chains, knowing their fate was sealed.

  The video ended with a close up of billionaire Jennifer Jade's slack face, revealing to the world who hid behind Ms Patriot's mask.

  “The fools! The arrogant fools!” Kameko said, slamming her delicate fist into her palm. She clicked on another video. It was one of Ms Patriot having group sex, really being passed around by a dozen gang-bangers. She gave every indication of loving every second of it, too. The sad part, Kameko was sure Ms Patriot was enjoying it immensely. “The Curse of the Valkyrie.”

  The beautiful Asian nineteen year old paused to press her delicate hands to her quivering belly. The sexy videos were arousing her libido, as well. No helping it. That, too, was part of the Valkyrie Curse. Like most super heroines, Kameko possessed the rare genes that gave her that incredible body, and the ability to become a super heroine if she so chose. Though Asian, she too had an ancient ancestor who was a Valkyrie.

  Another video showed Jennifer Jade and missing Media mogul Annette Moore going at each other like sex starved minx. Annette was secretly Silver Angel, with her sidekick being her beautiful daughter, Autumn. Unfortunately, Silver Angel and Silver Girl had been captured by King Pimp the night before, when they attacked the notorious brothel in a botched rescue attempt of Purple Avenger. Purple Avenger was captured when she attempted to rescue Uber Woman and Uber Girl, who had been bought by King Pimp at a white slavery auction, after they’d been captured by white slavers.

  “No one plans anything in this town,” Kameko said. She sighed gustily, shaking her head. "It's been a bad month for super heroines."

  As Ninja Girl, Kameko's pride had been stung many times when she jumped into a situation where another super heroine was already fighting the bad guys. Her unannounced arrival all too frequently surprised her fellow super heroine, resulting in them faltering and being captured. She was always blamed, of course, and ridiculed as a hot-headed bungler. No more. She planned everything meticulously now.

  “My personal heroine and role model is now a brothel whore by night, porn star by day,” she said, counting the Ms Patriot porn videos at twelve, and the Jennifer Jade videos at five. A busy first week.

  Kameko had been planning her own rescue of Uber Woman and Uber Girl when the other super heroines had gone mad. The Palace’s security was too good. There was only one “safe” way in for a super heroine. It was unsavory. It was disgusting. It had to be done, if she really wanted to save her comrades in costume. She did.

  “I better go. My interview is in thirty minutes,” she said, standing and stretching her five foot two, one hundred and eight pound body.

  The Asian beauty had long, straight black hair with bangs, a spectacular set of tits, tiny waist, and flaring hips. She had no problem getting an interview at the Palace. Unfortunately, the only job opening was being a working girl. Hooker.

  Twenty minutes later Kameko stood before one of The Palace’s junior pimps. His name was JJ Rod. He was a six foot four, shaved head, two-hundred fifty pound African American. He wore the required black silk suit, white shirt, and red tie. He also had a headset so he could communicate with the other pimps and bouncers.

  “You’re early,” JJ Rod said, looking her over with obvious relish. “Damn, girl, you are too fine. You’ll make a fortune here.”

  Kameko was wearing a metallic blue mini-dress. The skirt barely covered her sweet round ass, and her boobs were held high and proud. She paired the dress off with shiny black thigh boots, black satin opera gloves, and silver hoop earrings and bangles.

  The super sexy Asian babe parted full red lips and smiled hungrily up at the huge pimp. His cock bulged inside his pants, and he licked his lips, eyes all over her luscious body.

  "I really, really hope I get this job, Mr. Rod," Kameko said all little girl sexy and breathless.

  "So far, so good, babe," JJ Rod said, smirking. He rubbed his aching cock through his pants, then waved her towards an open door. "Step into my office, and we'll get this interview started."

  "Oh goodie," Kameko said, and stepped through the door. She stopped short, and frowned. "Oh. There's nothing in here but a bed."

  "Oh, yes, all we need to see is if you have the special skills we require of all of our girls," JJ Rod said, his lecherous grin even wider.

  "Ah!" Kameko said, her belly clenching. Truth was she expected to have to give up at least a quickie. This looked like the "interview process" would be much longer, and more detailed than she anticipated. "Not exactly what I was expecting."

  "We pride ourselves on being very hands on at The Palace," JJ Rod said. His left hand snaked up deep into her silky, black hair, and grabbed a firm fistful. Pulling her head back, her glossy red lips slightly parting as she gave a tiny gasp of surprise, he brought his right hand up to cup a large, firm tit. "And I can't wait to get my hands on you."

  "Oh! I…Mmmmmmmmmmmggghhhh," she said, cut off by his demanding kiss.

  Kameko's luscious body was instantly afire. She'd never been taken so far so fast before. Of course, she'd aroused her own libido by watching the Ms Patriot capture and porn videos. Many times. And the whole trip over all she thought about was hooker sex, and how many men she'd likely have to fuck before she got her chance to save the others.

  Would any of the other super heroines understand and appreciate the sacrifice she was making for them? Would they acknowledge that she'd gone above and beyond what any of them would've done? Would they finally acknowledge her as a full equal and deserving of their respect?

  They better, she thought, feeling the butterflies in her belly seared away, and the sex hadn't even started yet.

  Kameko, wanting to get it over with as quick as possible, reached out and started stroking his cock through his pants. It got real hard, real fast. So she unzipped him and pulled it out. Then t
he undercover super heroine dropped to her knees and started sensuously licking the head of his long black cock. Her right fist stroked it firmly, while her left hand tickled, stroked, and caressed his huge, swinging balls. She enthusiastically licked that thick shaft up and down, and all around, for a good five minutes, then started on his hairy balls.

  "Oh, you got talent, girl," JJ Rod said. "You're almost as good as Ms Patriot."

  Her heart skipped a beat. She never believed he'd bring up the captured super heroines.

  "But you don't have to force me," Kameko said.

  "No one is forcing her anymore, either," JJ Rod said, and laughed. "What a raging super whore."

  "So, it is true? You really have most of Grimme City's premier super heroines inside The Palace, working as common whores?" Kameko said.

  "Yep, but there is nothing common about them, in beauty, sexual abilities, or enthusiasm. Super heroines make the absolute best hookers," JJ Rod said. "Bar none."

  The vivacious Asian vigilante had to clamp down on her self-control. She so wanted to bite his cock at that moment. How dare him insult those poor women! It wasn't their fault they were endowed and cursed with the Valkyrie genes. The fact that if she failed, she would also end up one of King Pimp's super heroine whores further stoked the fires of her righteous rage.

  "Will I have to compete against them one-on-one in the main room?"

  "Oh no," JJ Rod said. "They're all up on the super heroine hell floor. They cost a hell of a lot more than common whores for a shot of ass." He pulled her hard into his crotch, forcing his cock deep into her mouth. "Here it comes!"

  "Uuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh!" Kameko groaned as thick, viscous cum, hot and sticky flooded into her mouth. Her cheeks ballooned out and she swallowed furiously to keep up.

  "You passed the first test. Lose the dress, and crawl up on the bed," JJ Rod said, starting to shuck his suit.


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