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Grimme City Heroines Down And Out Boxed Set: Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

Page 11

by Don Ship

  “Aye, Commissioner. I do,” Chief McKenzie said, nodding but his eyes locked on Jennifer’s massive, jostling chest. Then his eyes rose up to her mouth. “The thought of those sweet red lips sliding down my dick…oh, it’s almost enough to get me off by itself.”

  “Great. One Jennifer Spit-roast Sandwich coming up,” she said, grinning. Then it occurred to her, she really was eager to have sex with them. Of course, she’d fucked and sucked off seventeen other men before coming in there, too. Her body hadn’t recovered from that glorious ordeal yet. “Let’s get this party started, shall we?”

  Jennifer stepped up to them, unzipped first the Commissioner, then the Chief. She gave them a quick, two-handed handjob for a few seconds, until they were as hard as they could possibly get. Then Jennifer turned around, bent over at the waist, knees locked, and guided Commissioner Jordan straight up into her ass.

  “Oooooh. Goddess,” she groaned, trying hard to will her ass to be looser. It was so damned tight. “Uuuuggggh. Push. Push…Ooooooooh, Goddess. I never…Oh…uh…knew…you…were…ooooh…so big…There. Whew!”

  “Oh God, Chief, this is glorious. You have got to fuck her ass someday,” Jorden groaned out as he started a slow pumping, in and out, savoring every inch of his cock inside that once unattainable beauty. He watched his now shiny cock sliding in and out of her heart-shaped ass, then looked up at her tramp stamp. “This is only the first time I fuck this ass. I’m a regular from this day on out.”

  “Great…Commissioner,” Jennifer gasped out in rhythm to his firm strokes. It felt glorious. She closed her eyes, hands on her knees, and enjoyed the feel of him inside her. It was kind of scary, since she understood it would be so easy to become addicted to it. “Okay, Chief. You want some hot head now?”

  Chief McKenzie stepped up, Jennifer took hold of his erect cock, and guided it to her glossy red lips. First she gave the head a firm lick, then made sure the Chief got a good view of her full red lips slowly pressing against, before sliding around and over his cock head. Then Jennifer used her tongue and lips in a technique Kid Rotten taught Ms Patriot three years ago.

  “Holy Moses! Agh! Oh!” Chief McKenzie cried. “Where did…you learn to…do that, Jennifer?”

  “In bed,” Jennifer said, and chuckled to herself as she swallowed the Chief, and surprised him with some wicked deep throat. After a long, storied career as a costumed crime fighter, and the many captures that go with it, she didn’t have any kind of gag reflex. She’s stopped gagging before reaching her twenties, in fact. “MMmmmmm.”

  Commissioner Jordan started slapping her ass cheeks about that time. Then the Chief reached down and around, to first cup, then fondling her massive, dangling tits. Their pistoning dicks were driving her crazy, and the added stimulation of bootie slaps and titty fondling was just overwhelming for the oversexed super babe. Pleasure radiated throughout her spectacular body, and she grunted and groaned and moaned as they fucked her and fucked her and fucked her. It didn’t take long before she reached critical mass.

  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Jennifer screamed into Chief McKenzie’s crotch. And then another. “Uuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhh!”

  “Wow, she’s certainly enjoying herself,” Jorden groaned out, and lost his fight to not come too soon. She came again, feeling his cock emptying so much cum deep up her ass. “Oh, that was so good.”

  “On so many different levels,” Chief McKenzie said, as he too lost his load.

  Jennifer’s cheeks ballooned out, as she hungrily, eagerly sucked all his hot creamy cum down. She’d always loved the taste of cum, and most of the time she was suitably ashamed of that fact. Not at that moment, though.

  “Mmmmm. Good,” Jennifer said, sliding off his slowly deflating cock. Then she pulled herself off of the Commissioner’s cock, and dropped to her knees to lick and suck his cock and balls clean. “Delicious.”

  “Thanks, Jennifer,” Commissioner Jordan said, grinning. ‘You always were a perfectionist. You’ve licked me perfectly clean. Good job.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said, offering her hands to the two men and letting them help her to stand. In the five inch stiletto heels, she was eye to eye with the Commissioner, and just an inch or so taller than the chief. “I’ll always be available for a repeat performance, gentlemen. See you at the Palace?”

  “You can bet your sweet tush you’ll be seeing us,” Chief McKenzie said, giving her naked butt a little pat, before he turned towards the door. “See ya, Miss Jennifer.”

  She started to correct him, but why? Hookers were really more of a “Miss” than a “Ms” anyway. So she let it go with a big smile and nod.

  King Pimp returned a moment later, grinning. “They were quite pleased, Jennifer. You are working out a lot better, and a lot faster, than I anticipated.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m kinda cursed that way,” she said, grimacing.

  “Haha! I know. I have a dozen former super heroines working on the sixth floor of the Palace. They are the easiest women in the world to dominate and brainwash into being obedient, eager to please fuck toys,” he said. “I understand it is the very genes that make you super heroines that makes you so susceptible to sexual domination.”

  “Hmm, you’ve done your homework, King Pimp,” Jennifer said. She stood straighter, back slightly bowed and ran her hands over her large, firm boobs. “Okay, who’s next?”

  “Eager to fuck, are you?”

  “Actually, yes,” she said.

  He shrugged. “No one else, Jennifer. It’s a small party, and you’ve fucked them all.”

  “So, now what?”

  “Now we go back to the Palace, and you start working in earnest.”

  Jennifer paused, contemplating what her life as a brothel whore would be like. It both terrified and excited her. It wouldn’t be her first time to work in the Palace, either.

  “Is this the third time you’ve captured me and forced me to work in the Palace?” Jennifer said.

  “Yes. Third time’s the charm, babe,” he said.

  “I suspect so,” she said, a little sadly. “Are you going to whore me off as Jennifer, or as Ms Patriot?”

  “Both,” he said. “While you were fucking the copper twins, I was on the phone releasing the fact that I have captured Ms Patriot, and unmasked her to discover she was in fact Jennifer Jade. TV, radio, and the internet are abuzz with the news, and I’m sure legends of your FANS will be flocking to the Palace, to enjoy your sweet company.”

  “Sweet Justice! You’ve utterly destroyed me! There is no escape this time,” she cried.

  “None. We’ll swing by Jade Manor so you can pick up your Ms Patriot costume,” he said.

  “Don’t bother,” Jennifer said. She struck an arrogant super heroine poise, and said firmly, “I am Ms Patriot!”

  A flash of light consumed her, and King Pimp blinked at the sight before him. MS PATRIOT, in all her red, white and blue glory.

  “WOW! I didn’t know you could do that,” he said. “Stay as Ms Patriot.”

  King Pimp stepped up, and buckled a slave collar around the super heroine’s slender throat. It was like an electrical shock shot through her curvaceous body when it did it. It felt both exciting and humiliating. It felt very, very sexy. And she responded much more profoundly than she’d ever done before.

  King Pimp watched her expressive, gorgeous face as she was further transformed, emotionally and physically. She was so firmly under his thumb, and knew it. It was profound for someone such as Ms Patriot. He noticed her stance shifted ever so slightly, unconsciously. Less arrogance, more sensual.

  “Come, my costumed beauty,” King Pimp said. “Let’s go show your colors, and get you settled into a nice working routine at the Palace.”

  King Pimp turned and walked out the door. The leash was five feet long, and in his left hand. Ms Patriot followed, with a confident stride, head high and chest thrust out. What did she have to be ashamed of anyway. Her sweet ass had just become her pimp’s most luc
rative asset.

  When they exited the clubhouse, out onto the pool area, the charity pool party goers all stopped to gawk. The only sound was the clicking of her stilettos on the hard concrete. King Pimp stopped her just as they passed through them, turning Ms Patriot around to face her society friends and associates.

  “Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Jennifer Jade is Ms Patriot,” King Pimp said. He reached up and pulled off her blue mask. They gasped. “She’s available for sex work as both Jennifer and Ms Patriot. Your choice. Come see her sometimes. Say good-bye, Jennifer.”

  ‘Bye-bye,” she said. She then winked at them. “Really, I want each and every one of you to visit me, and often. You know I can’t stand to be anything less than the best at anything I do. I want to be King Pimp’s most popular girl. Come see me, boys and girls, and I’ll make you come so hard your toes will curl.”

  With that, King Pimp led her to his waiting limo. They got in, and as the limo pulled away Ms Patriot, sans mask, went down on the pimp she’d spent ten years trying to put out of business.

  The End

  Ninja Girl: Ill-Conceived

  The sounds of fighting filled the dark warehouse. Ninja Girl moved stealthily through the rafters. Ninja senses alert, she watched as the legendary super heroine Ms Patriot battled a room full of masked goons, assisted by Patriot Girl. The beautiful Thai born white slaver, Kalya Boonliang, stood off to one side, directing her men in their losing battle. Ninja Girl was quite impressed with Ms Patriot’s fierce fighting style, and even Patriot Girl showed promise. Both were fast and limber, and she believed that with the proper training they could become great ninjas.

  “Wait until Ms Patriot sees what I can do,” Ninja Girl thought with a smile.

  Behind the dark blue mask was a beautiful Japanese-American girl of twenty. Like the super heroines below, she proudly wore her distinct costume. It consisted of a dark blue top and shorts, thigh boots, and black ninja gloves. Her power belt also served as a utility belt and held a wide assortment of helpful tools, like rope, smoke grenades, and handcuffs to name a few. She finished off the costume with a touch of femininity: blue choker and golden bangles on each wrist.

  Though she was third generation Japanese-American, she dreamed of the glory days of medieval Japan. She cursed the fact she wasn’t born in the days of the Samurai and Ninja warriors. Though, in those bygone times there would’ve been even more resistance to her learning the ancient way of the Ninja. Her Grandfather, a Ninja master and instructor, forbade her from learning Martial Arts and the way of the Ninja. So she secretly spend the past decade training in a rival dojo, to one day prove her Grandfather wrong and win his respect and admiration.

  “Today I prove myself to the world and my Grandfather,” she muttered.

  Ninja Girl bided her time. The fight was slowly advancing toward the trapped white slaver in the corner. Soon they would be directly beneath her, and then she would strike. It was a simple enough plan. Drop down between and slightly ahead of the two super heroines, and “lead” them victoriously straight to the notorious white slaver, Kalya.

  Her timely arrival would ensure Ms Patriot’s gratitude, and make a name for her too. There was always a big news conference after Ms Patriot captured some evildoers. Ninja Girl’s name would be on everyone’s lips by noon tomorrow.

  “Now,” she muttered and leapt. “Haaeeeiiiii! Hai!”

  “Patriot Girl! Beware!” Ms Patriot cried.

  “Oh!” Patriot Girl cried, tripping and falling at the feet of her opponent. “Help!”

  “No!” Ninja Girl cried, reaching for Patriot Girl. But she was kicked in the stomach and fell back against Ms Patriot’s legs. “Ummph!”

  “Oh!” Ms Patriot said, glancing down with angry eyes at Ninja Girl.

  The Asian Avenger felt her face blanch at that look of hostility. Then to her horror, the goon fighting Ms Patriot took advantage of her distraction and sucker punched her in the face. The super heroine’s arms flew up and her startling blue eyes crossed. Then a right cross half spun the legendary super heroine around. A second later another goon pressed a white cotton cloth to her face and held on tightly.

  “Chloroform!” Ninja Girl cried uselessly.

  She turned to Patriot Girl, to seek assistance rescuing Ms Patriot, and found the beautiful young blonde down and almost out. A cotton cloth was pressed to her face, covering nose and mouth. The blonde super heroine’s hands were weakly clutching at the hand over her face, and growing weaker fast. Ninja Girl’s heart sank when she saw that Patriot Girl’s eyes were already rolled up.

  Turning back to Ms Patriot, she found the super heroine’s arms held high, clawing ineffectually at the air. The chloroform had already scrambled her thoughts, and she was starting to sag in her captor’s arms.

  Ninja Girl leapt to her feet and took a defensive stance. The other goons suddenly took notice of her again. A grim smile crossed several faces. Her beautiful, tilted eyes flashed angrily, and she attacked the man holding Ms Patriot.

  “Hai-ha!” she cried, connecting with a roundhouse to his temple. He dropped like a rock. “Ninja Girl will not be taken down so easily! Know fear, miscreants! You will release Ms Patriot and Patriot Girl and — Umphfff!”

  A damp cotton cloth was pressed over her mouth and nose, as an arm encircled her chest and held her tight. Surprised, she involuntarily gasped in a big breath. The effects were felt almost immediately. The men started to laugh.

  Ninja Girl felt her face heat up in humiliation. First she caused Ms Patriot and Patriot Girl to be distracted, and captured, and now she made a stupid mistake and let an enemy come up behind her. She was surely dishonored now!

  “Excellent!” Kalya said, coming up to Ninja Girl. “I have to thank you. You saved the day for us, and now I have Ms Patriot and Patriot Girl at my mercy. I’d like to reward you, but you’re a nuisance that will bring me a small profit, I’m sure.”

  She signaled her henchman, who removed the chloroform pad from her face.

  “I want you to see what happens next to those two meddlesome heroines,” Kalya said.

  Weak and listless from the chloroform, Ninja Girl was helpless to do anything but watch as Ms Patriot was stripped and forced to all fours. Then two of Kalya’s goons mounted her, front and back. In the meantime, Patriot Girl was also stripped and laid out on her back. Several goons lined up for their turns as the first dropped his pants and mounted the teen beauty.

  “You’re reward is you get to watch them fucked stupid…before we do you later,” Kalya said, and laughed. “Don't worry, you’ll get your turn with my boys after dinner. You’ll be their dessert. But watch and learn, for this is your fate as well, meddlesome heroine.”

  Ms Patriot was somewhat recovered. Enough to be seriously sucking off Kalya's henchman. She looked totally absorbed sucking his cock, even while her shapely body gyrated and bucked as the other goon fucked her doggie style. Then to her right, Patriot Girl was panting and arching her back, as she was being gang-banged stupid. Her booted feet were pointing at the ceiling and her pretty pink nipples were hard and erect.

  “I assure you, Ninja Twit, you will enjoy being fucked just as much. Super heroines, one and all, are repressed nymphos who need to be fucked long, hard, and mercilessly,” Kalya sneered. She indicated Ms Patriot and then Patriot Girl, “As you can see for yourself.”

  “What…w-what will become of us?” Ninja Girl stammered.

  Her fear further dishonored her. She dropped her eyes shamefaced before the amused gaze of the Asian white slaver.

  “I know of a drug lord in Indochina with a fetish for big-titted super heroines, especially American super heroines, and he will pay millions to own Ms Patriot,” Kalya said. “Patriot Girl will stay here a while, for I have a thing for pretty blondes. But eventually, I’ll sell her too. I know of a Middle Eastern oil billionaire who has expressed interest in her. I’ll get millions for her as well.” She gave Ninja Girl a look over, then reached up and removed her mask. “I don’t know w
ho you are, so that means you are nobody. I won’t get much more than a few thousand for you, then. I suspect you’ll sell to the Russian Mafia, and end up in a brothel in the frozen north. Shame you’re not dressed for the cold. Hahaha!”

  The End

  Ms Patriot: Good Thing

  “Perfect,” Ms Patriot said, studying her full, red and very glossy lips in the mirror. Her baby blues studied her face — eye makeup perfect, silky black hair perfect, mask and tiara looked perfect. Even her red star earrings and choker looked perfect on her. “Can’t do better than that. Good thing, too.”

  The super sexy super heroine climbed out of her red, white, and blue supped up sports car. The street was brightly lit right there. She was only at the edge of Sugar Town, after all. She scowled as she looked around, spotting streetwalkers and johns, pushers and addicts, tourist and the more depraved of Grimme City’s locals.

  Ms Patriot looked down at her large boobs. They were held tight and perfectly, sexily displayed in a strapless, red and white vertically striped bustier top. She reached up and pulled up on the tender white flesh, plumping those sweet puppies up even more. What man could resist them? None she’d ever met. Then she pulled up on her blue, star-spangled shorts, really almost thongs, snugging them up nicely. The pressure on her freshly waxed pussy felt way too good. Then she adjusted the golden power belt around her narrow waist, settling it prettily above her flaring hips. The belt was the secret to her awesome super powers. She was an Valkyrie woman, and the belt unleashed her latent super powers. Without it, she was just an amazing athlete, but nothing too special. Finally, the vivacious vigilante tugged on her red opera gloves as she studied her red thigh boots, with the slender five inch stiletto heels. They were perfect, and for fifteen hundred dollars they should be!


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