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Grimme City Heroines Down And Out Boxed Set: Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

Page 15

by Don Ship

  "Erica! You will not get away with this!" Ninja Girl cried.

  "Oh yes! Oh YES!" Ms Patriot cried. "Fuck me! Harder! Harder! Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh-Aaaaaiiiieeee! My Goddess, I am TAMED!"

  "Hmm, kind of looks like I will get away with it, Ninja Twit," Erica said and laughed.

  "Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhh!" Ninja Girl cried, quickly followed by Uber Girl, Silver Girl, and Silver Angel. The Asian Avenger looked around, panting hard, and saw all of her comrades where sexually broken and tamed. That last climax had broken her will, and the next would surely tame her. And that next climax was five seconds from claiming her. "My Ancestors, forgive me! I have failed you! Uuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhh! I am TAMED!"

  "Boys, it's time to deliver the coup de grace!" Erica cried. "Grab a mask, and pull it off on my command."

  "No, please, Erica," Ms Patriot cried. "You'll destroy something beautiful and special."

  "Beautiful, maybe, but I don't think you girls are all that special," Erica said as the men banging the helpless heroines reached to their faces and pushed fingers up under their double-sided tape secured masks. "But I think unmasking and revealing your secret identities will be very special to a lot of people like me."

  "Vengeance will be ours!" Ninja Girl cried.

  "No, vengeance is mine," Erica said, smirking. "Unmask them!"

  "Aaaggghhh!" seven super heroines cried, bodies going cold as they felt their masks start to peel away from their faces.

  "Yes!" Erica cried, sliding off the limo and rushing over to the line of helpless heroines. "Ms Patriot is Jennifer Jade! Oh my god, Silver Angel is Annette Moore? This in incred…Wait, Uber Woman is that annoying reporter, Tammy Thomas? Yes! This is better than finding out Purple Avenger was the Assistant DA."

  All the fight was stripped away from the captured super heroines with their masks. Their fate was sealed, and everyone knew it.

  Erica and the evil men continued to fuck those helpless heroines until they were all unconscious. Then for the next three weeks those seven super sexy vigilantes lived in the basement of Erica's mansion. Ms Patriot and Silver Angel were Jennifer Jade and Annette Moore, two super rich women, and were forced to help Erica strip their fortunes away. All the while they all serviced all the sexual depravities of Erica's men and friends.

  During the fourth week, the super heroines were sold one by one, and vanished forever. Ms Patriot was first to go, sent to a Sambino Family owned brothel in Sugar Town. Erica wanted to keep her, for personal reasons. They had history.

  Uber Woman was sold next, to a Thailand brothel. Silver Girl went to a porn producer in California. Uber Girl's fate was to be owned by Russian mobsters in Moscow. Patriot Girl was next, sold to an Arabian prince. Silver Angel went to a Columbian drug lord. Ninja Girl was the last to be chloroformed unconscious, crated, and shipped to a brothel in Northern Mexico.

  Before she was put under with chloroform, Erica stepped up and sneered down at her.

  "We found your family, Kameko Moto," Erica said.

  "Leave them alone," she said. "They did nothing to you."

  Erica shrugged. "Anyway, imagine their surprise to learn you were a super heroine, and that your ineptitude caused the final defeat of so many powerful and respected super heroines." She gasped, head spinning. "Imagine their shame."

  With that, a chloroform soaked pad was pressed over her mouth and noise, and soon the lights went out.

  The End

  Ms Patriot: Justice Is Served

  “Justice is served!” Ms Patriot declared as the cops put two muggers in a squad car. She’d just captured them, saving a young man from a brutal robbery. The cops arrived just as she finished mopping the streets with the two malefactors.

  The curvaceous costumed vigilante, Grimme City’s premier super heroine, watched the police drive away with her latest victory, a smug smile on her face. The inhabitants of Grimme City’s most notorious ghetto and red light district, Lower Saxony, had watched sullen-faced. Few heroines, and even fewer police, patrolled that particular district, so the criminals had almost free rein to plunder. Ms Patriot had decided that it was time for Justice to prevail in Lower Saxony.

  “You’re not welcome here,” Jay-Ray said. He was a big, burly drug pusher. One of the worst, too. He was high on the sexy super heroine’s list of men to take down. “Get your fat white ass off my streets before I hand it to you on a silver platter, Ms Patriot.”

  Ms Patriot looked Jay-Ray and four of his “soldiers” over. She knew them all too well, unfortunately. Herc was the biggest, at 7 feet even. Dion was their pretty boy “playa,” and the smallest at six foot four. Leon was Dion’s cousin, an inch taller, and a brutal bastard with a history of beating women, especially his girlfriends. Kareem was second only to Jay-Ray in the group, and second only to Herc is height at six foot ten. And Terrance was the youngest, at eighteen, but six foot five, three hundred pounds of attitude.

  They were all big, black, and muscular. Very intimidating looking, if she wasn’t a super heroine. Bulges in their waist bands indicated pistols, which she had a defense against as long as the golden power belt encircled her narrow waist. Other bulges in their pockets indicated stashed drugs, or in her mind: Evidence to get a drug conviction.

  The patriotically-clad super heroine made her decision.

  “Justice will once again be served!” Ms Patriot cried as she struck a super heroine pose before the five drug pushers. She enjoyed the way they all stiffened, tensing up for a big fight they had to know they could never win. “Surrender to the inevitable, or suffer the consequences, miscreants.”

  “Gotcha!” a man called as he rushed up from behind and wrapped his arms around the shapely super heroine, pinning her arms to her side. “Hurry, take her out!”

  Five big, burly street pushers rushed towards the sexy super heroine. She struggled briefly, unable to break free.

  “Men!” Ms Patriot said, scowling. The statuesque super heroine was as strong as ten men, but she had little leverage in her position, and he was very big and strong. In truth, she wasn’t concerned so much as embarrassed she didn’t see the sixth pusher who caught her unaware so easily. “Bunch of pigs.”

  He leaned over and stuck his hot, wet tongue in her ear. So the statuesque super heroine in red, white and blue kicked straight up, hitting him in the face with her leg. It surprised him just enough, loosening his hold minutely, but enough for the crafty vigilante to break free.

  “A-ha! Fool, everyone knows you can’t keep a good woman down!” she cried, spun and drove a powerful kick into the side of his head. The pounding of feet on pavement alerted her, and the acrobatic beauty did a sudden backwards flip, then kicked out in a perfect split midair, and took out two more men. “Ms Patriot is indomitable!

  “Indominate this,” Jay-Ray said, pounding a hard fist into her lower back.

  “Ugh,” she grunted, stumbling forward a few steps. Then as he charged her, blood in his beady eyes, she brutally backhanded him. That stopped him, but didn’t take him out. A swift kick to the balls bent him over, but before she could finish him off the last two pushers attacked her. “I’ll be back, miscreant.”

  Ms Patriot kicked out to her left, kicking at his solar plexus. But he was cunning, dodged aside and caught her red booted foot.

  “Hey! Let go, you…mmmggghhhh,” Ms Patriot said, but was cut off when the last pusher pressed a damp cloth over her nose and mouth.

  The super heroine’s baby blues went wide when she involuntarily sucked in a big lungful of chloroform. The gas’s insidious affects were instantaneous. She was highly susceptible to all knockout gasses, and that one in particular. The hapless heroine immediately exhaled hard, expending all that foul gas. But the damage was done.

  Usually, chloroform made her panic like nothing else. This time she kept her head, and drove a brutal elbow into her attacker’s belly. He grunted and fell away, taking the chloroform soaked cloth with him.

  “Sweet Jus…ugh...tice. You will pay for that,” Ms Patriot said, hopping
on one foot since the other thug still held on with an evil grin. “And you’ll pay for that.”

  Ms Patriot leapt up, then lashed out with her free foot. Her savage kick connected with the grinning thug’s chin, sending him reeling away. Ms Patriot fell flat on her back.

  Jay-Ray came flying through the air, and landed next to her, driving his elbow into her firm, flat belly. That doubled the sexy vigilante up, gasping and clutching her stomach.

  Another pusher snatched her up by her long, silky black hair, dragging the helpless heroine to her knees before pressing the chloroform cloth to her face again. Gasping for breath from the brutal elbow to the belly, Ms Patriot was unable to stop herself from inhaling huge quantities of the wicked knockout gas. She tried to pull his hand away as the other goons gathered around her, grinning with wicked glee.

  “Mmmggghh. Uuugggghh,” she groaned, dreading the look of unnatural lust filling the dark eyes of the men watching her succumb to the vile fumes.

  All strength left her arms and they dropped to her side, hanging limply. Her vision blurred, and darkness seemed to be crowding in from all sides. Her mind just shut down, becoming calm and quiet.

  “I love the smell of chloroform in the air,” the thug sneered as he watched her baby blues cross, then roll up. “It smells like super heroine defeat.”

  “Really?” Jay-Ray said, stepping up and unzipping her strapless, red and white striped bustier. Her rather large boobs spilled out, all plump and firm and bouncy. He grabbed two big handfuls of firm titty meat. “It feels really good to me.”

  “That’s enough chloroform, bro,” another said. He grabbed the index finger of her red gloved right hand, lifted it up high and let go. Her arm fell down bonelessly. “She’s out cold.”

  “Okay, gang, it’s time to gang-bang that super babe,” Jay-Ray said, giving her titanic tits another hard squeeze. He pushed her straight back, so that she was laying back on her own feet, before he spread her knees wide. Then Jay-Ray cut off her skimpy blue short-shorts, gave the crotch a deep sniff, and stuffed his battle trophy in a back pocket. “I’m first.”

  Ms Patriot lay before the big African American pusher, arms wide and naked. Her ginormous tits were spilled to the sides, but still sticking up amazingly high. The sight of those juice white melons made his throat tight and cock hard. Then he glanced down at her exposed pubic patch, close cropped, triangular, bikini-waxed, with the bubblegum pink pussy lips below, all glistening wet and everything.

  The notorious pusher maneuvered himself over the unconscious super heroine, and guided his thick, black cock straight down and into her moist vagina. Ms Patriot gave out a low groan as he penetrated her body, pushing in deeply very quickly. “Hold her down. Ms Sweet-nookie will be waking up quickly now.”

  “Uugggh,” she groaned, started to rouse as he began a slow pumping motion in and out, in and out.

  One of Jay-Ray’s men knelt upon each hand, and one knelt on each forearm. So two men used all of their considerable weight to hold each of her arms down. The pain of it was intense, and helped to rouse the drugged stupid super heroine back into the real world.

  “Wha…? Uggh. What is…Ooooohhh, Goddess,” she groaned. “Sweet Justice, I’ve been captured and stripped. And now Jay-Ray is molesting me!”

  She bit her lip, groaned long and low, and sighed gustily. Ms Patriot ground her teeth, trying to think of disgusting things. Trying to rouse anger within, because his cock was driving her body wild. It just felt too damned good for her own good.

  “Wow, she’s really good at stating the obvious,” Jay-Ray said, grinning. He started pumping faster, really starting to enjoy himself. Her pussy was starting to contract over and over, spasming, feeling incredible. “Wait until you fuck this snatch. It is amazing.”

  “Get out of me, miscreant,” Ms Patriot snarled. “I am a superior woman. My sacred body is not here for your sick pleasure.”

  But the feel of his long, thick cock pumping into her was too much to ignore. Her insides were nothing but hot mush, which was a scary sign to the veteran vigilante. She tried to be strong, but her back bowed up and a low moan bubbled up from her lips unbidden. The pushers surrounding her and watching grinned even fiercer.

  “Do you consider this sick?” Jay-Ray said, grabbed her tits, squeezed them together and stuffed his face deep into her cleavage. Then he rubbed his face back and forth, very fast. “Bbbrrrrrrrrrr!”

  “Haha! Motorboat her, Jay-Ray! You the man!”

  “How dare you!” the sexy super heroine cried, outrage fueled in part by her body starting to enjoy the sex. Butterflies filled her belly, and her pussy was burning and aching with need, with a need for release. “Stop this, and surrender to me, and I’ll talk to the judge in your behalf.”

  “You’re almost as generous at these mega-tits, Ms Patriot,” Jay-Ray said. He leaned over and sucked in a rock hard nipple, and started sucking it with relish.

  Ms Patriot groaned long and low, squirming sexily beneath him. He was pushing all of her most intimate buttons, driving her traitorous body wild with need and desire. Then the sixth pusher knelt over her face.

  “You got pretty lips, Ms Patriot,” he said, pulled out his cock and stuffed it down her throat.

  “Ggk! Ack!” she gagged, his thick black cock past her tongue and pushing against the back of her throat. When he pulled back, she tried to spit him out, shaking her head and using her remarkably strong tongue to push him out. But he wouldn’t have that, so thrust back all the way in. “Ugh! Aassk! Ack! Gak!”

  “If you suck it, I won’t push it so far in,” he said.

  Ms Patriot struggled mightily to expel his vile cock from her mouth. But she couldn’t do it, and it was hard to breath as she gagged and gasped, choked and suffered. Finally, as she felt her body reaching critical mass from Jay-Ray’s activities, she reluctantly nodded agreement, and he finally pulled back to a manageable dept.

  “Suck it. Now!”

  “Mmmggghh,” she groaned miserably, but obeyed. Ms Patriot had no choice, since it took all her considerable will power to fend off the taming climax threatening to explode deep in her belly. “Sssuuup! Gggggghhhh. Mmmgmgggggmmm.”

  Slurp! Gulp. Ssslurp!

  The worst part was his sweaty, hairy balls were smothering her face, rubbing her mask, eyes and nose constantly, and stank horribly. But she let her body do what it did best, and sucked on his big cock while she tried to defend herself from a climax.

  “Oh, hell yes!” Jay-Ray cried, climaxing deep inside the sexy super heroine.

  Ms Patriot felt him squirting deep inside. It was too much for her to handle, and her grip on the climax slipped. Seconds later it hit her like a truck.


  “Ah, the mating call of the captured super heroine,” Jay-Ray said. “I think we need to take her some place private, pass her sweet white ass around until we’ve all had enough, and she’s thoroughly tamed, then sell her to a local pimp so we’ll continue to have access to her tight twat.”

  “Now that sounds like justice,” another said.

  “Yeah, street justice,” another piped in.

  “We can do…just a second,” the man fucking her mouth said. “I’m almost….aaaahhhhhhhh, yes.”

  “Uuuuugggggggggghh!” she cried, cheeks ballooned out as she struggled to swallow way too much cum, way too fast. As he continued to squirt cum, and pushed his massive cock deeper, hot milky cum spilled out of her mouth. In seconds her face was slathered with viscous cum, slowly cooling. “Uuuuuuuuuugggghhhh.”

  He pulled out and the debauched super heroine was hauled to her knees. She glared up at the six pushers, baby blues fierce in her righteous rage. They laughed and taunted her about the cum dribbling off her face and onto her heaving chest.

  Jay-Ray pulled his pistol and aimed at her face. “On your feet, Ms Patriot. I know enough to know you lose your protection from guns once climaxed. So don’t try anything funny.”

>   “Funny?” Ms Patriot said, sensuously rising to her feet even as she held her red gloved hands up in the classic position of “hold-em up.” Her hot, pink tongue slipped out and licked her full red lips clean, but more cum just oozed down across them. “Justice is not funny. It’s very serious.”

  With that, Ms Patriot’s left leg whipped out and around, bashing the pistol aside. She punched Jay-Ray in the throat, and commence to kicking pusher butt. The man’s whose cock she just sucked got a swift kick in the balls, that put him down. Then she sent a roundhouse to another pusher, before snapping a kick to the chin of another. A series of savage punches finished off the rest of the pushers. Then she used their own belts to bind their wrists behind their backs, before she “borrowed” Jay-Ray’s iPhone to call the police.

  Ms Patriot collected her costume while they waited. Her top was in good condition, but her shorts were destroyed beyond repair. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find a skirt to cover herself before the cops arrived. Their eyes never roamed far from her naked twat.

  So humiliating.

  “As you can see, Jay-Ray, Justice is served,” Ms Patriot declared.

  Ms Patriot scowled into the dark as she eased down the night-shrouded streets of Lower Saxony. It was the first time she’d been to Lower Saxony since her minor “setback” one week ago. But that afternoon Jay-Ray and his cohorts in crime had been released by the DA, for lack of evidence. Apparently assaulting a respected super heroine wasn’t enough for the esteemed DA.

  “I’ll just have to mete out my own justice,” Ms Patriot said, baby blues blazing.

  Besides, Jay-Ray and his friends had loudly and proudly proclaimed their dominance of Ms Patriot, and they said they had further plans for her, too. Word was they had mounted a pillory in the bed of a pickup truck, and planned to drive around displaying her on it.

  “The arrogance of evil men,” Ms Patriot sneered. “I’ll teach them a painful lesson, and serve up some old fashioned justice, Ms Patriot Style.”

  It didn’t take the veteran costumed crime fighter long to find Jay-Ray and his drug peddling buddies. They were at the corner of Lower Saxony and Ledbetter, standing beside a bright red, white, and blue half-ton flatbed truck with a crude wooden pillory mounted in the middle. She glowered at it a long moment. The audacity!


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