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Gastien: From Dream to Destiny: A Caddy Rowland Historical Family Saga/Drama (The Gastien Series Book 2)

Page 42

by Caddy Rowland

  Cabaret Des Assassins: Murderers nightclub or nightspot

  Cabriolet: A type of horse drawn open carriage, some were used as taxis.

  Chateau: Manor house of nobility or gentry. A “power” house.

  Chatte: Pussy (vulgar)

  Chèri, Chèrie: Dear, darling, when addressing female. Chère for addressing male.

  Connard: Bastard, dickhead, fucker, etc.

  Conne: Cunt

  Enculé: Motherfucker, cocksucker. It also means to be buggered or sodomized, of which the verb is enculer. It is then conjugated into encule, enculé, enculeras and many other conjugations.

  Épée: Sword. Heavier, with stiffer blade and larger bell guard, than a foil

  Exposition Universelle: World’s Fair

  Faites de beaux rêves, ma Sophie précieux: Sweet dreams, my precious Sophie

  Faux pas: A mistake, a violation of accepted social norms

  Fils de pute: Son of a bitch, son of a whore

  Foutre: Fuck

  Fous le camp: Fuck off

  Grissette: A young, working woman, usually coquettish and flirtatious.

  Hommes: Men (l’homme means man)

  Je suis foutue: I am fucked

  Je t’aime: I love you

  Je veux une bonne baise hard: I want a good, hard fuck

  L’Estaque: A small fishing village on the Mediterranean which became quite popular with impressionists

  Le Chat Noir: The Black Cat. Famous cabaret in Montmartre

  Le Procope: Oldest restaurant in Paris. Open since 1686. Many intellectuals, government men from many countries, writers, and famous people would eat there. Voltaire, Ben Franklin, John Paul Jones, Thomas Jefferson, Danton, Marat, on and on. Many say the French Revolution was planned there.

  Les Nabis: A rebellious group of Post Impressionist avant garde artists.

  Louvre: The most visited art museum in the world, it is a central landmark of Paris.

  Madame: Ma’am, madam, Mrs.

  Merci: Thank you

  Merci beaucoup: Thank you very much

  Merde: Shit

  Mois aussie je t’aime: I also love you

  Mon Dieu: My God

  Monsieur: Mister or Sir

  Moulin de la Galette: Windmill at top of Montmartre, popular dance venue, drinking establishment and restaurant. All classes of people came here to just have a fun night out.

  Moulin Rouge: Famous cabaret built in 1889 where the can-can dance was made famous.

  Noël: Christmas

  Non: No

  Notre Dame de Paris: Our Lady of Paris. Gothic, Catholic cathedral of Archdiocese of Paris

  Oui: Yes

  Peinture: Painting or paint work

  Père Tanguy: A paint dealer who was in exile in Montmartre due to his involvement in the Paris Commune. All of the artists looked at him as a hero and bought their supplies from him, often on credit. He also had a small room where he would display struggling artist’s works. Cézanne, Vincent van Gogh, Gauguin, and Seurat all displayed there.

  Petite Oiseau: Little Bird

  Place du Tertre: Public park, a square in the village of Montmartre where painters gathered to paint outside. This is where a lot of Impressionists painted.

  Sage-femme: Midwife

  Salut: Hello

  Tarte Tatin: Upside-down tart (usually apple) in which the fruit are caramelized in butter and sugar before the tart is baked.

  Trou du cul: Asshole

  Truffle: Fruiting body of an underground mushroom, they are held in high esteem in France.

  Vin: Wine

  Vin rouge: Red Wine

  Vous me faites mal: You are hurting me (You me make hurt)

  Published by Caddy Rowland

  First printing, December 2011

  Copyright © Caddy Rowland 2011

  All rights reserved

  Manufactured in the United States of America


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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