Monday Night Guy

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Monday Night Guy Page 8

by Liz Lovelock

“I’m not huffy,” I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest. “I think you’d better be careful, and that’s all I’m saying. You do what you want, though.”

  “Good. I will. I’ll message you later.” He turns his back on me, and I’m left speechless.

  It’s been an entire week since I witnessed Parker holding Stacey in his arms. Like a skillful ninja, I’ve managed to steer clear of him again. I’m becoming good at it. He hasn’t bothered to message me. I can’t believe him.

  In English, I’ve made sure I sat between two people who were already seated. And even though we’ve been partnered for an assignment, it hasn’t been given yet, so I’m in the clear… for now.

  Jen pops her head out from the back area. “You can start packing up, Addison. Finish up early.”

  I pick up the washcloth and spray to clean. “All right, Jen.”

  I haven’t flipped the sign to ‘closed’ since technically, we’re not. I put some music on my cell phone and play it through the shop’s sound system. It helps me get the job done quicker.

  My watch beeps at the hour. I go and lock the door and flip the sign, then turn off the outside lights. When I look back out the glass windows, Parker’s standing there, and a scream erupts from my throat.

  Jen comes flying into the room. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” She takes hold of my shoulders, giving me the once-over as I clutch my chest.

  “Yes, sorry.” I point outside where Parker is bending over, laughing. “He sc-scared me.”

  “Oh, thank goodness. You scared me. If he needs something, let him grab it.” She lets go of me, and unlocks the door. My legs feel like Jell-O. If I move, I’m afraid I might collapse in a puddle on the floor. My heart rate still hasn’t gone back to a normal rhythm.

  Parker walks through the door. He and Jen speak.

  “You okay there, little mouse? Didn’t mean to frighten you.” He claps me on the back, and humor pours from his words.

  “Sure you didn’t,” I say dryly. I shift out of his grasp and get back to my job while Jen serves Parker.

  Picking up another chair, I peek up at him. He’s wearing a maroon and gold River Valley College basketball jersey. Obviously, he comes here after practice. Of course.

  “Hey, Addison?”

  My name leaving his mouth causes my stomach to twist into knots. I don’t want to feel like this around him. This attraction I have has to be because we share something in common. Yes, that’s what it is. That’s why my emotions are all up in arms.

  I can totally keep him at a distance.

  Heck, who am I trying to reassure?

  Stopping what I’m doing, I lift my head right up. His piercing stare stabs me right in the heart. There’s no trace of humor on his face anymore. This is serious, sensitive Parker standing before me. Right now, I’d give anything for it to be the jerk Parker so I could continue to convince myself he was a player and just like Hayden.

  Who am I kidding?

  “Yes?” I reply as I brush a loose hair that’s fallen from my ponytail out of my face.

  “Just wanted to check on you. See how you’ve been.” He plays with the top of his energy drink as he stands there. Is he nervous? I want to block out those who I’m afraid might hurt me. Parker’s one of the most popular guys in college, known for his skills on the court and in the bedroom. He’s bedded a fair few girls, from what I’ve heard. He’s a player. Everyone knows it. And now that he’s single, I’m sure he’s taking advantage of that fact.

  “It hasn’t worried you lately, so why should it now?” My guard goes up. It’s my new defense mechanism.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he bites out. He stands up straighter, clearly annoyed at what I’ve said.

  “Is your phone broken?”


  “So you say you’ll message me and don’t?”

  Realization registers on his face. His eyes turn cold. “What, so you can ignore me, and yet I’m the one who’s always in the wrong? I don’t get you, Addison. It’s like nothing is good enough for you. Yeah, I let you have your space. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend; I don’t need to check on you. Sorry.” His words slice through me with what feels like a jagged knife.

  “Glad we got that out of the way. See ya.” I turn my back to him. The bell chimes as the door opens and swings shut, and I’m once again left speechless.

  Maybe I am the issue.

  Maybe I’m the one with the problem.

  When I finish up, Jen lets me out. The night’s clear; I can see a few stars in the sky and a big bright full moon. It’s the perfect night to shoot some hoops, and I need a release. I race back to the dorm, quickly change, and grab the basketball from my cupboard, along with a water bottle. I take off to the basketball court to clear my head.

  I enter the basketball building. It’s quiet. Lights fill the arena. I look around; it appears no one is here. Fantastic! Placing my water bottle down, I bounce the ball, and it echoes around the room. I stand at the three-pointer line and shoot. Shot after shot go in.

  “Why didn’t you try out for the girls’ team?”

  I spin around. Parker stands there with a ball tucked under his arm.

  I shrug, turning back toward the ring and taking another shot. Damn it. This time I miss. “Basketball isn’t my life. When I was younger, Dad and I would mess around a fair bit, and it was good because Devon, my brother, became attached to the game and he’s even better than me.” I remember Devon trying again and again to get the ball in the hoop. His determination’s phenomenal. I’m sure he could easily get into college and play basketball.

  Parker stands across from me on the line, taking shots and, of course, not missing any. I can’t help myself; I watch him. The muscles in his arms flex, and when he goes to take the shot, he jumps a little. Even though it’s a small jump, when he lands his muscles tense, defining his physique.

  “Want a game of one-on-one?” he asks as he releases another shot.

  Already knowing he’s going to win, I figure, why not? “Sure. First to five wins?”

  “Yeah, but I have other stipulations.”

  This isn’t going to end well for me. “What are they?”

  He’s silent for a moment. “If I win, you have to be nice to me. Stop assuming I’m some jackass—”

  “I thought that was what you were?” I cut in. Innocence chimes in my tone.

  Parker chuckles and holds his hand up to stop me from continuing. “I wasn’t finished, little mouse.”

  “Go on, hot shot.”

  “Now, as I was saying, you have to be nice to me, and you have to let me take you out.”

  I eye him skeptically. Is this some joke or trick to get back at Stacey or Hayden? I’m not in the market for revengeful dating. In fact, I should stick to my decision not to date guys like him. “Sorry, I can’t do the date. I’ve decided to refrain from the dating scene.”

  “Well, don’t look at it as a date then. It’ll just be two friends heading out.” The last part of his sentence causes my stomach to plummet. Friends. He takes another shot, then holds the ball. His stare grips me, and somehow, I find myself nodding in agreement to his terms.

  “What if I win?”

  Parker erupts with laughter. “Don’t worry, little mouse. I’ll be sure to at least let you get one shot in,” he teases.

  “Bring it on.” I place my ball down beside my water. I can feel the smile on my face—it’s one I haven’t worn in a long time. It’s as if there’s a brightness coming from within me. I love sports, but I’ve never really done anything with it, never joined a team. I know I’m sure to lose against the basketball captain, but what’s a bit of fun?

  Parker tosses the ball to me. “Here, you can start. It might be the only shot I allow you to have. I’ll take it easy on you.”

  “Not too easy, I hope,” I respond playfully. A smile that I’m sure mimics my own sits on Parker’s face.

  “Stop stalling,” he says. I take a sneaky advantage.

I dribble the ball to the hoop. Parker comes toward me. I balk him to go one way, and instead, I go the other. He’s back on me within seconds. I hit the three-point line and take the shot. I don’t miss.

  “Lucky shot.”

  I toss the ball to him. He takes it back out to halfway then comes driving back in, only he’s coming right at me. I don’t move. Instead, I hold my arms out, and when he comes near I manage a sneaky tap on the ball and collect it from him. “Watch out there, Parker. You might just lose to a girl.” I laugh before running in, dribbling the ball.

  Parker wraps his arms around me, stealing the ball. I become warm. My body craves his touch. He’s lit it up, and now my stupid body is betraying me. Yet again.

  Parker releases me and dribbles the ball away, I say, “You can’t do that. I call foul ball.” Before I register what’s happening, Parker’s taken a shot, and through the hoop it goes.

  “I’ll give you two foul shots then. Here,” he says.

  I catch the ball he tosses me. I align myself on the foul shot line. Parker comes around from behind me. He’s stripped his jersey off. It appears the gods decided they would give him a body like theirs—one of pure perfection. He won’t get to me, I chant in my mind. I give my head a shake and keep my focus on the job at hand: kicking his ass.

  Parker’s heat hits my back. My senses light up like a Christmas tree. A finger slides down my arm. I swallow the hard lump in my throat. Each and every part of me wants to turn and plant a kiss on his lips. I must refrain. It’s like the devil tempting Eve all over again. Parker’s lips are the most forbidden fruit.

  I bounce the ball twice, bending slightly to take one of my two free shots. My ass hits his crotch. Parker’s hands land on my hips seconds later.

  Oh, he’s so good at this. What a tease.

  But two can play at this game.

  With his hand burning through the material of my tights, I lean back so my butt is pushed against him. I collide with something completely unexpected, Parker’s heated body. It shocks me enough to encourage me to take my shot. It goes in.

  “Good shot,” he breathes against the tender skin under my ear. It sends an electrifying current through my entire chest.

  I shrug, not saying anything. I bend my knees again, preparing to line up my second shot. Parker’s hands wrap around my waist, pulling me into him, and my breath leaves me.

  “Breathe,” his tantalizing voice whispers against my neck. I obey, only my chest feels as though there’s a weight resting on it. “Take your next shot, little mouse.” He chuckles, then releases me. I don’t want him to.

  Standing upright, I take my second shot and don’t miss. I turn around and drink up his six-pack. “I think you might lose, Parker.” I run my index finger down his bare chest teasingly.

  Parker steps closer. “We’ll see about that.” He leaves me standing there speechless and goes to retrieve the ball.

  After about five minutes, we’re tied, three all. This is a game of teaser basketball. If he has the ball, I do my best to distract him in some way, like standing in front of him while cupping my breast. It doesn’t faze him.

  The next two points are scored, and we’re still tied. “You can play a good game, little mouse, but can you really beat the captain of the basketball team? You do realize I’m taking it easy on you.”

  “If you say so.” My lips twist up, keen to see how he plays this next round. I have something planned he won’t see coming.

  He dribbles the ball out to halfway and comes back in. I stand in his path, just before the three-pointer shot clearance.

  When he gets closer, he sees me coming at him. He goes to take a shot from out farther. I run at him. “Catch me,” I shout, as I leap and hope to goodness he catches me. The ball leaves his hands immediately, and then his arms wrap securely around my body. He collapses under me.

  Sitting up, I turn my head. The ball goes through the hoop. Damn him.

  Slowly, I register that Parker’s under me. I rest on my knees, one on either side of Parker’s hips. “Oh, sorry.” I go to stand, but his hands hold me there. I don’t fight against his grip; I revel in it instead.

  “Looks like I’m taking you out, and now you have to be nice to me.” His piercing stare pins me in place. My heart pumps erratically, and my hands shake.

  “I really thought my little trick would have thrown you a bit.”

  “It did. I didn’t expect that last ball to go in. I had to catch you; I couldn’t let you fall.” His thumb makes gentle circles on my hip. Those words, I couldn’t let you fall, are powerful. Perhaps he’s not the kind of guy I think he is.

  “I should get off you. Me and all my sweaty goodness is a little gross.” I release a nervous laugh. Even though I say I should get up, I don’t budge. His grip and lust-filled eyes glue me to him. His hand moves up my back, applying pressure, encouraging me to lean down on his bare chest. Oh, my hell, what is happening?

  My body responds to his caress. I find myself leaning into him. Parker licks his lips. Is he going to kiss me? Do I want to be kissed?

  “Don’t worry, little mouse. I won’t try anything, I only want to hold you.”

  “But I’m icky.”

  “I don’t care. I am as well.” At those words, I surrender to him. I lay against his chest, and I can hear his heart going crazy. It sounds as wild as mine feels.

  Am I dreaming? I’m lying on the floor of the basketball court in Parker Kent’s arms. I must have lost the plot.

  Nothing but the sound of our breathing fills the room until Parker shuffles beneath me. I raise off him. I’m not sure how long we’ve lain there, but it was probably the only time in the last two weeks when I’ve actually felt some peace settle within me. I go to stand. Again, he stops me. He holds me, pressing his head against my chest.

  “Just wanted a hug, hey?” I say jokingly.

  He nudges his head against my boob. “Little mouse, you were teasing me, so I think this is the most restraint I can muster. In a perfect world, my hand would be cupping these cushions.”

  I break out with laughter. “You filthy guy.” I playfully shove his arm. After a moment, I decide it’s time to end this. Whatever this is. “Well, I better get going. The court will be closing soon.”

  This time he lets me up, and he jumps to his feet effortlessly. “Wanna go another round tomorrow night?”

  I think about his proposition. A part of me wants to leap at him again, and this time crush my lips to his. Would he kiss me back?

  “Umm… I’ll let you know. I think I’m supposed to do something tomorrow night with Elsie.”

  “Elsie? Is that your loud friend from the party?”

  “That’s the one.”

  Parker slips his jersey over his god-like body. I pick up my water bottle, taking three full mouthfuls. When I look up, Parker’s standing there with his hand out. I hand him my drink, and he sculls the remainder of it.

  “I like her. She says it how it is.” He’s spot on about Elsie.

  “Yes, that’s one of the many reasons I love her.”

  We grab the basketball, and exit the court and stand outside. There’s a cool breeze, which makes the sweat on my skin much cooler.

  “How are you going with things after Hayden?” His question throws me, and I immediately screw up my face.

  “I don’t want to talk about him, or Stacey, or even Ella.” It’s in the past now.

  “Actually, I wanted to ask what the deal was with you and your sister.”

  “That falls into the, I don’t really want to talk about it. Sorry.”

  As we walk, Parker places his arm over my shoulders. Being close to him drives me crazy, but in a good way. As much as I want to push him away, he always comes back and keeps trying.

  “When’s your first game of the season?” I ask, wanting to change the subject.

  “Why? You wanna come cheer me on?” He pulls me tighter against him. We stroll past the darkened classroom buildings and a couple of other students. There
are gasps from some when they see Parker. One girl I recognize instantly—Barbie. She spots us and bounces over to us, her ponytail swinging side to side. She’s wearing gym clothes as well.

  “Hey, Parker, baby. I was looking for you.” Her eyes land where Parker’s arm rests, and he drops it immediately. I look up at him. Why did he do that? Is he worried about being caught with me?

  I decide to leave him be. I don’t want to make this awkward for either of us. “All right, Kent, good game. I’ll see ya… maybe tomorrow.” I rest my hand on his bicep, giving a little squeeze. He tenses under my touch.

  Parker rakes his hand through his hair as if he’s unsure of what he’s going to do. I turn away from them and make my way back to the dorm. I’ll admit it stung he didn’t turn Barbie away. But like he said, we’re not together, so I’ve got nothing to be jealous about. I can’t help it, though. He’s brought some feelings of want to the surface. Perhaps it’s best if I pack them away for another time.

  As I walk, I remember our kiss from last year. Parker had been trying to get close to me all night. I wasn’t sure what his game was at the time. As our lips had locked, it was as if the party around us had faded away.

  I’ve thought nothing of it up until now. I know Hayden and I were never going to last a lifetime; I never felt like that when I kissed him. Kissing Hayden was nothing like it felt with Parker.

  “So where were you last night?” Elsie bounces up beside me, hooking her arm through mine as we walk to our next class.

  “Went to the basketball courts and had a game of one-on-one with Parker,” I reply with a tone of ‘it’s nothing to fuss about.’ Elsie, on the other hand, grips my arm with both her hands, jumps up and down squealing at me. I swear she might rip my arm from its socket. Of course, she’s excited.

  “OMG… O.M.G. Tell me everything! Did you win?” Elsie knows about my basketball ability; she learned the hard way. Same as she did with Devon.

  I laugh at her enthusiasm. “You do realize we’re just what you would call ‘sometimes friends.’” If you can even call us that.

  “Yeah, I don’t care. I want details.”


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