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The Best Man

Page 3

by Michelle Lee

  His lips find my ear and the warmth tickles as he moans, “Kassidy. . ."

  I wake up gripping my sheets, gasping for air, with my hair clinging to the sweat on my neck. What the hell was that? Why in the world am I dreaming of him? He was an asshole, a hot as fuck asshole but still, why. Ugh! Oh, maybe because we are so hard up and even if we weren’t, we would still dream of him; because let’s face it…that man had it all—everything we look for in a man and then some.

  Still feeling the effects of my dream, I look over to my nightstand table drawer contemplating what I should do next. I never had a sex dream that felt so real, and honestly, what else was there to do. So I open the drawer and smile at my neon pink friend—BoB. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Good thing I just bought batteries. Good thing. I really need to look into exorcising my inner self or going into therapy. Ha, good luck with that.


  It is Sunday morning, and I am at the table drinking my coffee and reading the paper. After going to the club Friday night and working all day yesterday this is just what I need—some relaxing time, alone. I’m trying to put off having to get ready for that torture, I mean dance class Chloe has me going to today. My cell phone vibrates alerting I have a new text.

  U better be showing up 2day Marshall.

  Don't worry Chloe I'll b there.

  You better b or I'll kick ur ass.

  As small as Chloe is she probably could. She is freakishly strong.

  I know Chloe I'll b there, don't worry.

  You better b on time, 2.

  I will 12, right?

  No Dumbass!! 11. You better b fucking w me?

  It was so easy to get Chloe all riled up.

  Sorry Chloe. I know 11.

  See u then Kas. Luv u.

  Luv u 2. Later.

  Dance lessons are the last thing I want to do. I have visions of myself falling down right on my ass in front of the entire reception. The worst of it is, as I stand up my dress rips, exposing my ass to the entire world and then someone yells, "New moon rising!" Absolutely humiliating, and with my luck and lack of coordination, it could and probably will happen. Again, Chloe is trying to either kill me or embarrass the shit out of me so much that I end up becoming one of those people too afraid to leave their house. I am only doing this because I love Chloe like family. She is a sister to me, and I will do anything for her. And obviously humiliating myself included.

  I shake off the feeling of impending doom and go to take a long hot or maybe cold shower. Even with my recent time with BoB, I am still feeling the effects of that fucking dream. Asshole! Stupid sexy hair guy and his sexy hair, god-like looks and talented looking fingers. Gah, now I’m getting worked up again. Just stop it! Resistance is futile.


  I arrive at the dance studio, dreading going in. I take a deep breath, open the door, and enter; my nerves in overdrive. I see Chloe and Jason gracefully floating around the dance floor. Wow, they look like Cinderella and Prince fucking Charming. I never believed in fairy tales or happily ever after, but seeing them in this moment, I do. As Jason twirls Chloe, she spots me and gives a quick smile.

  "Kassidy, you made it and on time," she chimes as she flutters over to me and hugs me as if I have been lost and suddenly found. With that she whispers in my ear, "You're lucky and thank you."

  "Anything for you, Chloe." I smile back at her.

  "I know." She skips away, dragging me by the hand to the dance instructor.

  "Ricardo, this is my maid of honor. This is my Kassidy."

  "Ahh, the one I really need to work with and protect my toes from." He giggles.


  "Okay, okay we need to continue. Miss Chloe, where is the best man?" Ricardo asks, eyes fluttering as if he was calling dibs.

  And with that, I hear behind me, in voice of velvet, "Don't worry I'm here. I wouldn't think of disappointing Chloe."

  "Oh, Davis, you made it."

  I watch Chloe gracefully glide over and give a big huge hug to Davis. As he spins her around, I have an overwhelming sense a familiarity. I search my brain for why he looks familiar. Then it dawns on me and I realize why he looks so familiar. It’s him, it’s sexy hair guy. It’s the asshole. I choke on my own breath, coughing and gagging.

  "Kassidy, are you okay?" Jason questions, patting me on the back.

  And with that Davis looks over and gives me that fucking smirk, as he seems to immediately recognize me as well.

  "Yes, I'm fine, just breathed in the wrong way," I cough out.

  "You sure?"

  "Yes, I'm fine."

  Chloe bounces back over to Jason and me with Davis in tow.

  Of all the assholes to run into, why do I have to keep running into this one? Is this some kind of cosmic joke I am unaware of? Fate is paying me back for something I obviously did, but have no clue what. I just can't figure out what, and I really need to so I don't do it again.

  "Kassidy, this is Davis. Davis this is Kassidy," Chloe happily says with a hint of matchmaker in her tone.

  Hell no!

  Hell yes!

  "Hi, it's Ryan actually, but everyone calls me Davis," he explains reaching out his hand.

  "Hi," I reply hesitantly, stretching out my hand as well.

  At that moment, as he grasps my hand in his, I feel an electric jolt that shocks me to the core, and my insides tingle (especially where BoB has just been).

  Whoa, what the hell just happened?

  I can feel the heat radiate between us, and I am sure my cheeks are flush in the process. I quickly pull my hand back and look up at him. There are those emerald green piercing eyes. They look as though they are twinkling, very mischievously I might add.

  Shit, he is even hotter than I remember.

  When I finally peel my eyes away from his, I realize I am biting my lower lip. Then I see that fucking smirk. He knows what he’s doing and what it’s doing to me.


  "Okay, okay, boys and girls. Miss Chloe has requested that you dance a traditional waltz as one of your dances," explains Ricardo.

  One of our dances? Meaning there’s more? Chloe is trying to kill me for sure.

  "So, Miss Chloe and Mr. Jason, please over there. And Miss Kassidy and Mr. Davis, over here," Ricardo demands.

  Just fan-fucking-tastic.

  Chloe and Jason begin dancing and immediately look like Fred and Ginger. There is no hope for me, although the prospect of dancing with sexy hair guy and "accidentally" stepping on his toes elevates my mood. This could be fun. After all, payback is a bitch, and right now that bitch's name is Kassidy Marshall. I inwardly smile to myself.

  "Miss Kassidy, this would be a lot easier if you got closer to Mr. Davis," insists Ricardo.

  I reluctantly get closer to Davis.

  "Okay, Mr. Davis, hold Miss Kassidy's right hand and place your left around her waist. Now Miss Kassidy, put your other hand on Mr. Davis’ shoulder. Perfect. Now just follow my count doing this," And with that Ricardo is dancing with an invisible partner and looking rather graceful.

  "Got it?" he questions.

  "Yes," Davis and I say simultaneously.

  "Okay, friends, here we go." And Ricardo begins counting, "1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3."

  Davis of course, is good at dancing. Fucking figures.

  A phone rings in the distance, and I hear Ricardo say, "Keep going, I'll only be a moment." Ricardo sashays across the room still counting, "1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3." Then he is gone. That's when Davis starts, much to my annoyance, as we continue dancing.

  "So," he begins, "we need to stop bumping into each other like this," with that smirk on his perfect face.

  He did not just say that?

  Oh but he did. I’m liking him more and more.

  Shut up before I trample you into oblivion.

  I would like to see you try.


  Then he cocks his head to one side, the light twinkles in his green eyes, and he grabs his bottom lip with his teeth.
br />   Oh, my! I can feel the heat radiate down my spine, through my hips, down my thighs and finally exploding in a full-on raging volcano between my legs. I want to push him to the ground and do very, very dirty and naughty things with him, starting with that mouth. And when I’m done I want to start all over again.

  "Hell cat?"

  Did he just call me hell cat? What was that for?

  And with that I am broken from my "moment" and realize it is sexy hair guy in front of me, still with that smirk on his face. If I can shoot laser beams from my eyes, or have molten lava come out of my hands I would turn him into a puddle of goo in an instant. However, those aren't possibilities, so I do the only thing I can think of; I stomp as hard as I can on this toes.

  "Owww! What the hell?" he exclaims through gritted teeth.

  "Sorry. I'm sure Chloe must have told you I have two left feet. My bad," I retort with as much sarcasm as I can.

  "She might have mentioned it. Anyway, obviously you are still worked up over the other night. For whatever reason, I can't figure out. But we’re here now, so let's just start fresh, all right? And maybe in the process save my toes some unneeded torture."

  Even though I get a small sense he’s trying to be sincere I can only focus on certain words that seem to lack that sincerity. I am seething with anger. "Worked up? Gee, let me see. I was having a great time with my friends when this asshole plowed into me as I left the bathroom and didn't even bother to say ‘my bad’, ‘sorry’, or even ‘excuse me’. Then, while I was again having a good time, this asshole again, bumps into me. Not once, not twice, not three, but four times. And on that fourth time, he nearly knocks me down. And if that wasn't enough, as I am ready to go home, this asshole blocks my way, tells me to wait a minute and keeps blocking my way longer than any reasonable person would wait. So let me see, do I have a reason to be a little pissed off at the asshole? Why, yes, I think I do. And then this said asshole just happens to be my best friend's fiancé’s best friend, whom I have to dance with after figuring out that he's an asshole. Maybe Jason and Chloe think your great, but I think you're an…"

  "Let me guess, an asshole?"

  "No, not an asshole—a fucking asshole."

  "You have a lot of pent up rage, maybe you need to…."

  "Let me guess—get laid? As if that is any of your business."

  "You're right, you're right. All right, I'm sorry for not apologizing the other night. I was acting like an asshole and I apologize. Can't we just start over for Chloe?"

  Like Chloe, he is guilting me, as if he knows it will work. But I don’t want to ruin this for Chloe, as much as it pains me I need to do this for my best friend, my sister.

  "Fine, but I'm warning you, my opinion of you hasn’t and won't change. Once an asshole, always an asshole."

  "We'll see about that."

  You keep waiting buddy. When hell freezes over, then maybe, but more than likely not. I mean, first impressions are usually correct right? Even if he did have those green eyes, chiseled jaw, nice ass, perfect abs… Get a grip Kassidy, remember asshole, and we don't like assholes. Right, sorry, asshole.

  You are so delusional.

  Zip it.

  My inner self shakes her head and chuckles. Gah, I want to so strangle my inner self.

  Apparently Chloe and Jason are in their own little world because they don't respond or even glance our way the whole time during my conversation with asshole. He has a name you know? Davis? Shush you. I’m glad she doesn’t notice, because I don't want to ruin this for Chloe. I will put aside my feelings for asshole—I mean Davis, for her. Besides he won't be sticking around.

  Ricardo finally comes back in and spends the rest of the session with Davis and me. He sporadically tells Davis how wonderful he is dancing and with a partner like that, I should have no problem. Wonderful. Finally, it is over.

  "So, Miss Chloe, we will meet again next week?" Ricardo asks.

  "Yes, but unfortunately, Davis won't be able to join us; he flies back to Chicago tomorrow."


  "That's fine. I will help Miss Kassidy in his absence."

  "Oh, but he'll be back in two weeks if that helps?"

  "Oh wonderful. I will see you three next week, and Mr. Davis, I will see you in two."

  The four of us just look at each other as Ricardo floats out of the studio.

  "You guys wanna get something to eat?" asks Chloe.

  "Sorry, Chloe, I have my closing argument to tighten up. It's not quite perfect yet, and I don't want to disappoint Mr. Remington," I happily reply.

  "I’m sure it’s just fine,” I give her my “don’t you dare start look”. “Okay, fine, I understand. But next time we're going out afterwards—no if, ands, or buts.”

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Davis and Jason are already heading out the exit. I think they want to put enough distance between themselves and Ricardo. Can't really blame them. Davis then turns towards us and says with a wink, "Nice meeting you, Kassidy."

  I just stare and then Chloe jabs me in my ribs.

  "Ow," I whisper, "same here." Then Jason and he are out the door.

  "Kassidy, what do you think about Davis?" Chloe asks again in that matchmaker tone again.

  "Um, I don't."

  "Oh, come on, Kassidy. I saw you looking at him when he first got here."

  "Um, no, you didn't."

  "Okay, Miss Marshall, have it your way. But I will tell you most girls find Davis quite dreamy."

  Dreamy, Ha.

  Oh he is dreamy. Again, you are delusional to think otherwise. And you’re delusional to think you aren’t totally attracted to him. Beyond attracted actually.

  I’m rolling my eyes at you and giving you the stink eye as well.

  Ooooo, I’m soooo scared.

  There is no way on this earth Chloe has any idea that last night I had a very real, sexy dream of Ryan Davis. Right? Kill me now. This is so not what I need.


  It has been a few days since the first night I dreamt of Ryan Davis, the asshole, sexy hair guy. Even though I like the feeling the dream brought with it, I hate the fact that it was about him. He is such an asshole, and I hate myself for thinking otherwise while I was unconscious. When I’m not subjecting myself to visions of Davis, I am busy with work and of course, with the planning of Chloe and Jason's wedding. Not that I am doing much planning. I am basically like the guy you see out shopping with his girlfriend or wife holding the purse. I am definitely the purse holder. Chloe has a clear vision of how she wants things to be and that's how it is going to be. I have to ask her if the maid of honor does anything special, and she simply tells me to say how wonderful her ideas are and plan the bachelorette party. Bachelorette party? I totally forgot about that. I know how. Probably because we’ll never have one. This can be fun and something I can definitely do; I will enlist Macy's help, of course.

  It is only a few days from our third dance lesson/rehearsal, and I am dreading it. Not only because I am uncoordinated and really bad at it, but because it means that the asshole will be there and I will have to put on my "everything is peachy" face even though he annoys the piss out of me. He does have a name you know? I know, but he doesn’t deserve me to call him by it. Yet. Shush you. I know we said "a fresh start" for Chloe, but come on, this is pure torture. I love Chloe dearly and want to make her day as special and wonderful as it can be, but having to dance with sexy hair guy is asking a lot. Although Chloe has other ideas, and she made them very clear during lunch the other day…

  "So, Kassidy how's the case going?" inquires Chloe.

  "Closing arguments are finishing up today and then the jury will deliberate."

  "I still can't believe you're a lawyer. Yeah, your dad is a retired FBI agent and practically every man in your family is a cop, but who would have thought uncoordinated, shy Kassidy would be this confident and aggressive attorney. I sure didn't, and I'm proud of ya, Kas." Macy smiles beaming with pride.

  "Um, gee, thanks, Macy." I
really don’t like getting compliments.

  "So anyway, the wedding is getting closer," Chloe sings clapping her hands, "and we have only a few loose ends to tie up, right? Like my bachelorette party?"

  "Don't worry, that's all set. We will need you next Saturday," Macy says glancing in my direction.

  "Really? Where? What time? What should I wear? Why didn't you guys tell me sooner," Chloe demands, shaking her slender finger at Macy and me.

  "Um, because we just finalized the plans last night, that's why, little Miss-in-Control," balks Macy.

  "Okay, sorry. But where are we going?"

  "We have the special VIP room reserved at our favorite club," I tell her as we watch her eyes grow wider with excitement.

  "We're going to After Dark? Oh, you guys. It's perfect. I’m so excited. This is going to be the best. Now that that is taken care of, what about you guys and dates to my wedding?" It feels as though she just dropped a bomb on me. A date? I hadn’t thought…

  Shit! Think of something Marshall or she'll set you up. Fuck! She might set you up with sexy hair guy aka the asshole, aka Davis. But he probably has a date--why wouldn't he? Probably with Miss "I love your hair" from the club. Stupid bitch, stupid sexy hair. What the hell, Kassidy, he is an asshole, remember? Right. Asshole.

  "Well, Chad's coming with me," Macy tells us.

  Wow, she is serious about this one.

  "And you, Kas?"

  Shit, there it is. Think, think, think, damn it!

  "Oh, um, I asked Jackson from the firm to go," I quickly reply before I realize what in the hell I am saying.

  Why did I just say that? Shit!

  "Really, who's Jackson? You've never mentioned him before," Chloe asks.

  "Um, Jackson is Jackson Remington. He's one of the partner's sons. He's interning at the firm. I'm sure I've mentioned him before," I quickly explain, full well knowing I haven't ever mentioned him.

  "No, no you haven't." Chloe smirks.

  "Well, I asked him a couple of weeks ago. So he's my date."

  "Oh, well, all right," Chloe says, disappointed.

  "Oh, well, what?

  "Oh nothing," she baits me.

  "What is it Chloe?" There’s a little anger in my tone.


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