The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 14

by Michelle Lee

  Stop! That's perfect! Go and buy it and I don't care what it costs! We have to have it for tomorrow! It will be the cherry on top!

  And you know what, she is absolutely right.


  I go for an early run the next morning, but not before I have an early meeting with BoB 2.0. Apparently, in the middle of the night, my inner self decided to dream about Davis in all sorts of compromising positions and in the restroom no less. Of course, I was there too and when I woke up gripping my sheets for dear life, moaning, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. It is becoming quite clear to me that Ryan Davis is no ordinary man when it comes to the effect he has on my mind, body and soul. In all my experiences, I have never felt or reacted to anyone this way.

  I make it to the studio before Davis. Thank God. It gives me a chance to practice a little because, let's be honest, I need all the practice I can get and I really don't want to embarrass the shit out of myself in front of him. Reynolds's case has taken up pretty much all of my free time, so I haven't had a chance to practice lately. To say I am rusty is an understatement. I, however, surprise myself as I get my zombie on. Things are going quite well, until I hear the closing of the door and feel the air in the room change from light and airy to thick and full of electricity. Davis has finally showed up.

  "Why Miss Marshall, you're looking good," his velvet voice echoes in the studio.

  I turn around to meet his gaze and when I do, he has become frozen in his tracks. His eyes flash from my face to my shirt, to my face and back on my shirt where, they rest for an eternity it seems. Apparently, the vintage Cherry Coke shirt I purchased is working like a charm and just like my inner self had hoped. I can feel his stare penetrate me, turning my insides to goo. However, when I look more closely, I notice a bead of sweat has started to form on his forehead and his emerald green eyes are turning midnight. His chest rises faster and his Adam's apple bops up and down, as he gulps hard several times. I do believe Ryan Davis has finally met his match.

  Game on. Let's play.

  "Thank you, Mr. Davis, you look pretty good yourself," I tease. And shit if he doesn't look better than good. If I was as brazen as I want to be, I would have attacked him right then and there, as if I were a lion attacking a gazelle. I would have ripped his clothes off and ravaged him right there on the dance studio floor; but, I am not that person and I will not be acting out any fantasies, much to my inner self's disappointment and disapproval. I still can't believe the effect he has on me and it was only weeks ago I thought of him as a complete and utter asshole and now I am contemplating having and taking him every which way possible. Things have definitely changed, and honestly for the better. Davis is proving he most definitely deserved that third chance and I am now more than willing to give it.

  "Um, thanks, um, have you um, been here long?" he stammers running his hand through his hair.

  Oh, what I wouldn't give to be doing that.

  Not now peanut gallery, we gotta keep our cool. Remember this is just a game.

  Shit, if I have anything to do with it, this game will end and we will have us a nice Ryan Davis snack to nibble on.

  Jeez, get a grip woman.

  Oh, I will get a grip and it won't be our new purple friend either.

  It has been a long time. And as much as my new purple friend is necessary, there's nothing like the really thing.

  This is going to go according to my terms, not yours. And right now my terms aren't going to jump and fuck him the first chance we get. Even though we’ve gotten close and I know more about him and don’t think he’s a total asshole anymore, I haven't forgotten the fact that he has a harem in that cell phone. And who's to say third chance or not I, you, we, won't become a part of it. So put your panties back on!

  All right, all right, you don't have to get all preachy. I know we're not gonna fuck him the first opportunity we get. But a girl can dream, fantasize and hope can't she?

  Again, put your panties on. I'm in control of this game, not you right now. When I need your help, I'll let you know. Got it?

  Sure, sure, fine, whatever. But the other day at the diner…

  The other day at the diner was a fluke. Now stop.

  "Kassidy, um, are you okay?" Again he looks at me like I belong in the mental ward of the nearest hospital, and he probably is right.

  "Yeah, sure just um, never mind. No, I haven't been here long."

  "So, should we continue with Thriller?" he questions with that smirk.

  Oh, here we go.

  "You know, I think I've got that one down, it's pretty tight. I was hoping we would practice the waltz. I wouldn't want to step on your toes," I say moving closer to him. I can feel a pull in the pit of my stomach, as I inched closer to him.

  "You had hoped, huh?" he inquires with a cocked eyebrow.

  "Yes, I hoped. Is that okay?"

  He licks his lips and takes a deep breath, "Hoping is a great word and you can hope all you want."

  "Oh, I will and I'm sure you're pretty good at hoping too," I tease further, as I come to stand right in front of him. I can feel the heat radiate off of his chest and shroud me. I am dizzied by his scent of honey. Before I know what is happening, I slowly reach up to touch his cheek. It is as if I am in a trance of shorts and lose all sense of reality and control.

  "You’re beautiful," I breathe as his stubble prickles my skin.

  "You’re beautiful," he echoes, as his hand cups my cheek and the other finds its way around my waist.

  Snap out of it Marshall! Do you want to drop panty right now? Cause that's what's going to happen if you don't snap out of it!

  How the does he do that? I mean really, one minute I'm all in control and the next I'm in Lala Land. He's definitely better at this game thing than we are.

  Don't worry, we'll hold our own.

  I hope my inner self is right. I shake my head and remove my hand from his cheek, as my body protests.

  "You ready to waltz across Los Angeles, Davis?"


  "The dance, it's what we're here for, remember?"

  "Right, the dance," he reminds himself shaking his head. Again I am having an effect on him as well. My inner self is all smiles.

  We twirl around the dance studio for the next hour, practicing the waltz. When all is said and done Chloe isn't going to be disappointed or embarrassed. We are amazing actually. We move together as if we are one—one body with two hearts. It is like nothing I have ever felt before. Usually, I suck big huge donkey dick at dancing, but with Davis it just feels right. He is an amazing dancer and moves us so gracefully around the studio. It makes me think about how we would move together if…

  Don't even go there.

  I wasn't.

  Like hell you weren't, cause honey, I have already been there and back.


  Seriously, and it was amazing.

  Thanks, glad one of us is allowed to "go there".


  Like hell you are.

  I know. I felt like it needed to be said though.


  My inner self is beginning to get on my last nerve. Beginning? Who am I kidding, she’s shredded that last nerve and is dangling on it by the skin of her meddling mouth.

  I walk over to my things and grab a towel from my bag; wiping the sweat off my neck asking, "So when do you want to practice again?"

  "How about sometime this week?"

  "I don't think the studio will be available," I say with a tinge of disappointment.

  "Well, we could practice at my place. I have tons of room," he says with that crooked smile and cocked eyebrow.

  Oh hell, practice at his place.

  Oh, this could be a ton of fun.

  Or it could be a complete disaster. He'll have home field advantage.

  We'll get a game plan.

  "I think practice at your place is a fantastic idea. After all, I was hoping I would get to see your new place sometime," I laugh, stressing that word
of his, hope.

  "Really?" he shockingly replies, as he nearly chokes.

  "Yeah, is there a problem?"

  "Um, shit, no problem. You, uh, just surprised me."

  "Oh, you have no idea how many surprises I'm full of," I playfully tease.

  "I look forward to all of them, Kassidy," he teases back.

  "So, when were you thinking we should practice?" I eagerly await his answer.

  "How about Friday night, if you don't have any plans already."

  "I think I can rearrange my calendar if necessary, I wouldn't want you to be disappointed," I tease picking my things.

  "Oh, I don't think you could ever disappoint me Kassidy. How about seven? I'll get us some take-out too."

  "Is that a date, Mr. Davis?"

  Let's hope so.

  "It can be whatever you want it to be, Miss Marshall," he breathes into my face.

  "Then it's a date," I quickly reply.

  "I was hoping you would say that." He winks at me.

  "I'm sure you hope I will say a lot of things."

  "You have no idea."

  And with that I step around him and head for the door. As much as I want to go tit for tat with him, if I stay any longer I'm sure I will be walking out of there without my panties. And that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

  Not if I have anything to do with it.

  Before I head out the door, I turn around to take one last look at him and God does he look completely edible. His arm muscles are glistening with a sheen of sweat, his hair is in disarray, his face is slightly flushed. The man is definitely swoon worthy. I reign in my desire and put on a mask hopefully hiding the effect he has on me. "I'll see you Friday night."

  "I’m looking forward to it."

  "I was hoping you would say that," I give his words back to him as I leave the studio.


  "Hey Bitch, it's about fucking time you got here," Macy harasses, as I sit down to have lunch with her.

  "Sorry Skank, you know how it is," I shoot back at her as I stick out my tongue.

  I haven't seen much of Macy lately. Apparently she and Chad have been shacking up for the past couple of weeks and haven't been seen or heard by anyone. Chloe is ready to call the police and the FBI and have them send out an APB. Finally Macy called us both. I guess her hunky muscle man truly has become the one.

  "So whatcha been up to?" I can see that thing in her eye; the tale-tell sign she’s going to pry and push and torture me.

  "Nothing really. Same old same old." A smile, I can’t help it because I instantly think of Davis, slowly grows across my lips.

  "Kassidy Lillian Marshall why are we smiling like the Cheshire cat?"

  "No reason."

  "And why are you all like glowy and shit?" she teases waving her hand up and down at me.

  "Again, it's nothing."

  "Bullshit it's nothing. Now fucking spill it," she demands.

  "Really Macy there's nothing to tell."

  You know she's gonna get it out of us one way or another. So just tell her already and save us both some grief.

  I really don't want to get into it with her right now. I know if I give just a little she is going to want more. It’s always more with her. And when I clam up and not say anything, she pushes and pushes and pries and pries until I just can’t take it anymore and cave. No wonder she makes such a good cop.

  "Oh my God, oh my fucking God! Someone's been playing parking the beef bus in tuna town. You dirty little whore! You have, haven't you? You better tell me fucking everything!"

  She can be so crude; I think it’s because she grew up with all older brothers with a single dad and is surrounded by men on the police force. Sometimes I wonder if Macy was actually born a guy and had a sex change operation because she truly acts like one with tits. And why am I surprised by some of the things she says is beyond me; you think I would be used to it by now.

  "Earth to fucking Marshall. You're not getting out of this one by zoning in Lala Land Missy. Now spill it. Who is he and when and where did it happen?"

  "Macy, honestly there is no where or when but…"

  Oh shit, here we go! Everyone bring your trays to their upright position, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a crash landing.

  I am trying to ignore my inner self’s theatrics, hoping against all odds Macy won’t be…well, Macy.

  Are you kidding me? Remember when we had a crush on Matthew Sheppard back in high school, she teased us about it, asking a billion and one questions and wouldn't let up until we completely caved. This is gonna be bad.

  And for once I can’t argue with my inner self. This is going to be bad, especially if I stall in any way, shape or form. Her nickname amongst her fellow officers is “Make ‘em Talk Macy” so yeah, I’m pretty much screwed.

  "Marshall?!" she yells through clenched teeth dragging me out of my internal conversation.

  "Okay, okay don't get your panties in a wad. I've kinda been hangin out with um… Davis," I mumble his name.


  "Davis," I say as a take a sip of my water trying desperately to hide the smile I have grown just with mentioning his name.

  "Um, I didn't catch that again. Now quit being such a pussy and just fucking say it."

  I really don’t want to repeat myself. I mean she could have heard me if she were really listening. And besides, I know if I say his name again all my cards will be on the table so to speak, and Macy can be just as bad as Chloe sometimes just with a little more sluttiness mixed in. She stares at me waiting, her perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched challenging me to not answer her and see what happens. I stare back trying my damnedest to bring out my lawyer-tude, but Macy has that whole cop vibe going on, so of course after a few more seconds of staring I crumble. "Davis…I've been hanging out with Davis," I finally confess.

  Passengers brace yourself for impact.

  I squeeze my eyes tight waiting for her to pounce.

  "Eeekkk! Really Davis? You're fucking shitting me? When did this all happen? I thought he was the biggest dickish asshole that ever walked the fucking Earth?"

  Did she just eeekkk?

  I believe she did.

  Macy is not one for eeekkking.

  I know that was otherworldly to say the least and so like Chloe.

  You're telling me.

  "I guess the night of the bachelorette party. He was really….sweet that night," I smile as I feel that crimson wave creep up my neck, while flashes of that evening and the morning after dance in my head.

  "Kassidy Marshall you are totally crushing on Ryan Davis, aren't you?"

  "I… I… I don't really know what it is exactly," I stammer.

  "Holy shit, you are. Look at you, you're totally blushing and all giggles and smiles just talking about him," she smirks.

  "Well I guess you could say I'm crushing, but that sounds so like high school."

  "You can call it whatever you want. You have it bad for him and thank God it's finally out."

  "What are you talking about…it's finally out?" I question with a cocked eyebrow.

  "Oh just Chloe has been going on and on about you being totally into him, but you're too fucking stubborn to admit it. Really, she's been like an annoying mosquito in my ear going on and on. Now that you've finally admitted to it, she can give it and me a fucking rest," she says as she rolls her eyes and turns her hand into a talking puppet mocking Chloe.

  I know what Chloe thinks about the whole Davis situation, but I had no idea that she has been bothering Macy with it.

  "Sorry Mace, didn't mean for that to happen. I know how Chloe can be."

  "No prob, I can handle our little meddler. I just told her to shut the fuck up and give it rest. Which eventually she did, a little much to her disappointment, but she did nonetheless. I just feel sorry for Jason, he has to hear about it twenty-four seven."

  "Oh man, poor Jason is right. I didn't mean…."

  "Kas, don't worry about it. I understand completely. It's
hard for you to open up to people, especially guys. I get that and Chloe does too. She just didn't want you to miss out. She feels you and Davis are a match made in heaven. 'They belong together' were her exact words. I'm just happy you have finally realized you have feelings for him, it makes things easier all around, ya know?"

  "I know. But what 'feelings' I have for him I really don't know. I do know I have fun hanging out with him and…."


  I know.

  Better fess up to everything.

  "And?" she motions me to continue.

  "All right. And…and… and we kissed."

  Good girl, way to rip off the Band-Aid.

  "What?!? You two kissed? You better tell me everything right now or I…I… I will kidnap your laptop and hold it for fucking ransom. Got it?!?" she threatens slamming her napkin down.

  Macy knows exactly what she is saying and doing. Threatening to kidnap my laptop is a sure way to get me to say or do anything. My whole entire life is saved on that laptop and I will do or say anything to protect it.

  "Fine, I get it. It's really no big deal."

  Who are kidding, it's really no big deal? Um, I remember that kiss and believe me it was a big deal, huge.

  I remember, God how could I not. I just don't want to give Macy any ammunition.

  Well, all things considered, I think Macy is being pretty mature.

  For now, but that could all change.

  Don't be such a pussy.

  I really wish my inner self and Macy would stop calling me that. I’ve never really liked that word, nor can I even say it myself. Not sure why either. There’s just something about the way it feels on my lips that just doesn’t feel right, ya know? My inner self apparently wants to eliminate my aversion to that particular word, because she continues to shout it over and over again. I recite the lawyer’s creed in hopes of drowning her out. Of course I’m unsuccessful and decide just to ignore her, diverting my attention back to Macy.


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