The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 15

by Michelle Lee

  "Kas, you okay? What is with you lately? I swear it’s like you’re two different people and need some professional help. Anyway, if it's no big deal, then why are you stalling?"

  I ignore her observant statement. "I'm not stalling."

  "Yes you are."

  "Um, no I'm not."

  "Yes. You. Are."

  "Do you want to hear about it or not?"

  "Fine. Go on."

  "I left work late…"

  "As usual," she interjects.

  "Yes as usual. And I was starving, so I stopped by Mr. Ling's for some take out. While I was waiting in line, I dropped my cell and who should bend down to pick it up? Davis. He had just moved back here two weeks prior…"

  "Wait. What? I totally forgot he was moving here. I’ve been a little...occupied with…work..."

  "Uh huh, sure, work. Anyway, can I continue?"

  "Sure, sorry. I’ve been a little…distracted.”

  "Well you're out of the loop when people can't get a hold of you for over a week."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, go on."

  "Thank you. Anyway, I decided to try to give being nice and invited him to join me for dinner."

  "At your apartment?"

  "Yes at my apartment."

  "Ooooo you little slut."

  "Thanks. So it was time for him to go and I walked him to the door. Before he left, we kissed."

  "Are you kidding me Marshall? Give details. How was it? Is he a good kisser? Did you feel 'it'?" she insists.

  "Oh my God how old are we? Seriously Macy?" I roll my eyes at her.

  "Seriously. We haven't had any action details from you in a fucking long time. So give it up."

  "Fine. It was…"

  Go on tell her the truth.

  "It. Was. Amazing. I have never, ever been kissed like that before. It was soft and sweet but erotic and sensual at the same time. Honestly I was left in a fog afterwards. I didn't know which way was up," rip off another Band-Aid.

  "Well it's about damn time. And I could tell he would be a good kisser. He has the most amazing lips and jaw," she says as she licks her lips.

  "Well he is. We've kinda hung out since and we're gonna practice our dance routine this Friday night after work."

  "I can't wait to see this at the wedding," she chuckles.

  "Thanks, but I'm actually getting pretty good. The extra practice has really helped."

  "I'm sure it has," she teases.

  "Anyway that's all there is tell. So, now you and everyone else can get off my fucking back."

  That means you too.

  I'm just along for the ride and to make sure you don't fuck things up.

  "So when are you gonna…?" she asks wiggling her eyebrows.

  "Serious, Macy, I’m not you. We all know you and Chad probably know the ins and outs of your intimate places. I’m happy to…to take things slow with Davis. I don’t want to put all my faith in something to only have it blow up in my face, as usual. So please, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Shit, he still has his harem in his phone and I don't want any part of it."

  "Harem, sharem. I’ll go kick their asses if I have to. Besides, Kas, you need to get yourself some and I'm sure Davis is more than happy to help."

  "Macy only you."

  "No, only me and Chloe are getting any. You need to jump on that bandwagon. You'll feel better. BoB can only do so much, ya know?"

  "All right enough. I'm ready to order."

  "Fine, but don't be surprised if you're losing your panties soon enough."

  Little did she know it has felt like that a couple of times already.


  The days drag on as I eagerly wait for Friday night to arrive. I feel like I am back in high school and the captain of the football team has asked me out on a date. Although back in high school guys didn't pay much attention to me. I imagine the anxiousness I am feeling now, would be what I would have felt in high school. Work pretty much keeps me occupied. However, there are those rare occasions when I will be reminded of Davis. And lately those reminders are everywhere. First on Wednesday in the elevator I heard its version of Thriller. Then later that day they put a new Coke machine in the lounge and the cover of it was Cherry Coke. Next on Thursday, I apparently had ordered a new glass sculpture thingy for my office a while back, which I totally forgot about, and when it arrived it is a bright emerald green. He is everywhere and now every time I walk into my office I will be reminded of his piercing, smoldering, emerald green eyes. It feels as though I am losing my mind and I'm sure Elaine thinks I am going a little insane as well, because every time I look at that sculpture that crimson wave will crash on me causing me to turn several different shades of pink. Plus, I am all smiles and I tremble a little as well. The feelings of that kiss always come rushing back. Ryan Davis is having a profound effect on me and I began to realize it is turning into more than a crush—something I’ve been trying to avoid like hell.

  Friday actually flies by. I am swamped in Reynolds's case and can't wait for dance practice at Davis’s. It is about 5:30 and I am tying up some loose ends when there is a knock on my door.

  "Come in," I announce.

  "Kassidy, you gotta minute," the familiar voice whispers.

  Damn it, it's Jackson.

  If he so much as touches us I'm breaking his nose this time.

  Back off Tyson.

  You better handle him and by handling him, I mean you better set him the fuck straight.

  I will. I had every intention of doing that weeks ago.

  Jackson has been avoiding me like the plague since our little incident. I have wanted to talk to him about, but when I have a free moment he is never around. I am quite surprised to see him in my office now.

  "Hey Jackson, what's up?"

  Why are you being nice? You should be a bitch.

  Easy, I'll handle it my way. No one is drawing first blood tonight Rambo.


  "Um…I'm sure you've noticed I've kinda been avoiding you, but I think we really need to talk," he cowers which is weird considering he’s like six feet tall.

  "I would like that. I've actually wanted to talk to you since…well since…since you kissed me."

  "About that…"

  "Jackson listen, you were completely out of line. I don't know what you think you saw in my expression or mannerisms but it wasn't that I wanted you to kiss me. We are friends Jackson and that's all we'll ever be. And as far as the wedding goes…"

  "Don't worry about taking me, you don't have to. I canceled my tux."

  "I hate to say it Jackson but good. I don't want to lead you on and going to a wedding together being in that atmosphere might give you the wrong idea and impression. Your friendship means the world to me and I don't want anything to jeopardize that. Do you understand what I'm saying Jackson?"

  "We're just friends. There's no hope?"

  Not that word. Another reminder of Davis. They just keep on coming don't they?

  Uh huh. I can’t go all squishy now over Davis in front of Jackson, he might…

  He might misread your, our intentions. Shit, that's it!

  What's it?

  That night he kissed us, we were lost in Davisland. Right before Jackson kissed us, you, me, we were thinking about that kiss with Davis back in the studio.

  Holymothertruckershitballs! You're absolutely right.

  "Kassidy, you okay?"

  Great another person thinks I'm crazy and probably ready to have me locked up.

  "Yeah, Jackson I'm fine."

  "You were totally zoning there for a sec." He smirks and not in that sexy, hot way Davis does.

  "Just a sec, huh? Usually it's longer. Anyway, back to what we were talking about. No, there is no hope that this is going to turn into something more. It's something you're just going to have to accept," I say laying it all out for him in simple terms he can hopefully comprehend and remember.

  "A guy can always dream. But if that's how you want it Kassidy?"
br />   "I think it's for the best."

  "Whose best, yours or mine?" he says with anger in his tone.

  "Both of ours Jackson."

  "Are you sure about that? It's not just for you? I mean I've seen how you've been walking around here lately. Like you're on fucking cloud nine. There's a guy isn't there?"

  "That's really none of your fucking business." Now I am the one getting pissed.

  "Really?" he questions.

  "Really. We are just friends, but if you keep acting like such a…such a… such a dick then consider our friendship over," I vehemently spew.

  "I'm a dick? I'm a dick? You're a fucking bitch and a tease. Whether you wanna believe it or not you have been leading me on and it culminated that night in your office," he spits back.

  "What are you talking about?"

  I swear on our favorite Jimmy Choo’s if this asshole keeps talking I’m gonna belt him one and I will draw first blood—again!

  "The way you were looking at me and then when you closed your eyes. You were asking for it."

  "I was asking for it? Jackson are you kidding me? You want to know the truth because I really don't think you do."

  "Give it to me if you can."

  "Oh I can give it to you. That night what you thought was directed at you completely wasn't. As a matter of fact, I was thinking about someone else. Someone you will never be!" I yell.

  "Oh really and who would that be?"

  "Ryan Davis. And if you would excuse me I have a date with him tonight and I don't want to keep him waiting."

  With that being said, I grab my laptop, my gym bag and purse and start to head out of my office. "Oh and Jackson," I say as I stop at the door, "this friendship is done. It was nice knowing you."

  With that last comment still lingering in the air I bolt for the elevator.

  That was fucking awesome!!! You sure told him.

  Hopefully he gets it.

  If he doesn't, he's a dumbass and deserves whatever he gets.

  I hated to be harsh with him.

  You had to be. The guy is delusional. You don't want to lead him on. This should have done it. And now he knows there's Davis.

  I still can't believe I said that.

  I do.

  I knew you would.


  The elevator finally makes it to the lobby, I exit it and the building. The twilight air feels wonderful on my heated skin. I walk to the parking garage, get in my car and blare the radio as I head to Davis’s, trying to clear my mind of my interaction with Jackson and squelch the nervous feelings bubbling inside over going to dance practice with Davis. I totally forgot what cd is in the player and am pleasantly surprised to hear "Peaches come from a can they were put there by a man…" I just have to laugh. That song always puts me in a better mood simply because it makes no sense and is just plain fun. And right now I need a better mood after my conversation with Jackson. I also don't want to be all gloom and doom when I get to Davis’s, he doesn't deserve it. The Presidents of the United States are definitely what the doctor ordered. I continue on in heavy traffic to Davis’s as I sing and bop to the song. By the time I pull up to his place I am like Jackson who? I grab my gym bag and purse and head into his building. It is amazing. When I enter the lobby my jaw nearly hits the floor. The building looks incredible on the outside but inside… holy shit… I am floored to say the least. I have heard how impressive the Solair is, but seeing it live and in person is something totally different. Davis’s firm has great taste, and money to boot obviously. I make my way to the elevators as the butterflies begin to make their selves known.

  Why am I still so nervous?

  Oh I don't know because, one you have finally realized you have feelings for this man and two we are going to be all alone with him in his place.

  You're right. Damn it, home field advantage!

  Oh honey, no need to worry you're secret weapon will turn those tables and the odds will be in your favor.

  Ya think so?

  Oh, I know so. He is going to shit when he sees it.

  Well, that was the plan. Although I hate playing games.


  Nah, who am I kidding. This is way too much fun.

  See flirting definitely suits you and you thought you were bad at it.

  Well, I do have some help.

  Thanks it's finally nice to be recognized.

  You're absolutely welcome.

  All right girl let's go. Game face on.


  And with a new found confidence I enter the elevator and squash those stupid butterflies, or more like bug zap them because I don’t want them coming back with a vengeance. We are going to eat, practice and then I will be on my way home. Who am I kidding? He's going to pull out his smirk and cocked eyebrow at some point and POOF panties magically disappear. Not that that's a bad thing. But I really don't want to be another notch in his bedpost or cell phone. If this, whatever this is, is going somewhere I am doing the leading, not him. The elevator finally dings on his floor and opens. I make my way out into the hall and head towards his apartment knowing that I can definitely do this, after all I am Kassidy Lillian Marshall—super lawyer.

  You most certainly can. Just breathe and knock on the door.

  Got it.

  It feels like an eternity before he finally answers.

  "Kassidy," he breathes like he’s out of breath.

  "Hi," I blush. stupid crimson wave.

  "Come on in." He smiles at me and it makes my insides turn to goo.


  As I pass by him I can feel the electricity around us. I am suddenly drawn to him. White, hot heat radiates all over my body just by feeling his proximity. I can feel the wetness grow in my panties. He definitely has me. If he were to take me to his bed right now I will happily oblige.

  Keep it together, Marshall.

  I'm trying but it's soooo hard. Just fucking look at him.


  Peanut gallery? Helllooo? Just great! Apparently I'm riding solo at the moment.

  "Can I take your coat?" he questions bringing me out of my Davis induced stupor.

  "Um yeah sure. Thanks."

  "I ordered Thai food, if that's okay. It should be here shortly."

  "Thai food's great," I reply feeling a little uncomfortable. It seems as though my confidence is passed out on the floor.

  "You're place is amazing."

  "Thanks. Would you like a tour?" He motions around his apartment.

  "Sure." Is all I can think of.

  As Davis takes me around his apartment, I begin to realize two things. Davis is a complete neat freak and a minimalist. Everything is in perfect order, in its perfect place. A man after our own heart, and something to add to the win column. And what there is, there isn't much of anything else; just the essentials. In the bathroom, the towels are lined up perfectly by their decorative border. In the kitchen, which looks like it had never been used, everything is shiny and there isn't any clutter on the counters. All there is, is a set of stainless steel canisters, a super complicated coffee maker that can rival any coffeehouse and a block of knives. I know his place is new, but this is more like a model home than a home someone is living in. I have never seen a kitchen or apartment for that matter so clean. I mean mine is clean, but this is like hospital clean. You can literally eat off of any surface. He is beginning to look a little nervous and I guess it is because I haven't said anything to him since he decided to show me around.

  "Wow, Davis, your place is…" I trail off contemplating exactly what to say.

  "Go ahead you can say it."

  "I was going to say, your place is beautiful."

  "Is that all?" he questions with a cocked eyebrow.

  God when he does that.

  I know, I fucking know.

  Welcome back.

  Thanks, um I um...

  You passed out.

  Yeah, sorry about that.

  Do you think you can keep it together the rest
of the evening?

  I hope so.

  You better.

  I will definitely give it my all.

  "Well…" I hesitate.

  "Kassidy, I know what you're gonna say, it's written all over your face. I'm a bit of a neat freak, right?"

  "A bit?"

  "All right maybe more than I bit, but I can't help it."

  "Hey there's nothing wrong with being a neat freak. I'm mean, I'm kinda one myself. Well, if I’m being honest more than kinda. I mean everything needs to have its rightful place. And cleaning I find very calming and soothing. So, you’re neat freak status is not so freaky? Does that make sense? I’m not making sense, am I? I hate it when I do that. I mean…I totally understand your cleanliness issues, even though they are kinda extreme. But hey, I’m not one to judge. The white finger test is something I’m all too familiar with. You can ask Chloe and Macy about it. It drives them crazy. So…yep I totally understand,” I ramble, but as the last syllable lingers between us, Davis’s lips find mine. The kiss is gentle and unhurried. And I swear his lips are making me tingle all over. And just as quick as it seems to happen, it’s over. I feel my inner self begin to throw a hissy fit, but I hold her back.

  “I would say I’m sorry for kissing you right now, but I’m not. I needed to. And, yes Kassidy, I totally understand.”

  I think my ovaries are screaming for him to help make a baby.

  What the hell?

  Whoa, his voodoo is strong.

  I clear my throat and shake my head trying to regain some control. "So, um before we start practicing would it be alright if I changed? Dancing in this isn't ideal," I ask as I wave my hand up and down my work clothes.

  "Yeah sure, you know where the bathroom or my room is. You can change in either," he sounds nervous all of the sudden, as he runs his hand through his hair.

  Am I making him nervous?

  I think the idea of you stripping in either his bathroom or bedroom is making him nervous.


  Very good.

  "Thanks, I'll be right back."

  I head back down the hall to the bathroom. I figure changing in his bedroom, near his bed, isn't a good idea at the moment. I might jump in it and never leave. I close the bathroom door and proceed to pull plan B out of my gym bag.


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