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The Best Man

Page 24

by Michelle Lee

  Shit! What in the hell am I gonna do?

  Let's not get our panties in a knot just yet; you never know it might not be about…

  Are you kidding me? Like hell it isn't about Jackson and what Ryan did to him.

  Well, there's only one way to find out.

  Let's go. It's time Mr. Remington knew just what his prick of son was made of.

  That's my girl, you finally grew some balls when it comes to the little shit. You make an inner voice proud.

  Ugh, thanks, but you need to stop the melodramatics.

  It's just (wiping a tear) you're all grown up.

  Nice of you to notice.

  Oh come on, you know what I mean. It's just…

  I get it. Now let's tend to matters more pressing.


  "Miss Marshall," Elaine interrupts.

  "Yeah, sorry, Mr. Remington, right. I'm on my way," I finally say.

  I head to Mr. Remington's office contemplating in my head what to say if it is the Jackson and Ryan situation. I have about fifteen different scenarios running through my head, each worse than the last and none of them ending well. I shake my head, no need to dwell on what might happen. I finally arrive at Mr. Remington's office.

  "Hi, Miss Marshall, Mr. Remington is waiting for you," Mrs. Carrington greets, as she waves her hand toward the closed office door.

  I take a deep breath, stand up straight and gently knock on the door.

  "Come in," a deep voice calls from the other side.

  I pull open the door and walk inside. Mr. Remington is seated at his desk, a pile of files covering it. As I continue, what seems like the longest walk ever to meet him, I notice Jackson sitting on the sofa against the wall. His head hangs low, but I can see the bruises on his tanned skin and there are a couple of bandages covering his nose. My inner self cheers and claps at Ryan's handiwork. I must admit, I smile the hugest smile ever, internally, and have to stifle a giggle. It is nice to see Jackson that way, sad, but true.

  "Ahh, Kassidy, I want to talk to you." His tone gives no indication of what is to come or how this is going to play out.

  Mr. Remington gets up from his desk and comes around and stands beside me. He places a gentle hand on the small of back and guides me over to the sofa, in front of Jackson.

  "My son, here, tells of the events that caused him to look like this." Mr. Remington motions his hand up and down Jackson.

  "Is that so," I utter.

  "Jackson, is there something you want to say to Kassidy?" Mr. Remington sternly asks.

  We were both meet with silence. Mr. Remington takes a deep breath. "Jackson Thaddeus Remington, you will answer a question when it is asked!" he loudly orders.

  "Yes, sir. Kassidy, I'm sorry for my inappropriate actions towards you. It will never happen again," Jackson shakily answers, not meeting mine or his father's eyes.

  "Jackson, you will look at someone when you speak to them," Mr. Remington insists.

  Jackson slowly raises his head, his swollen, tear-filled, blood shot eyes, meeting mine, "Kassidy, I'm truly sorry," his voice quivers.

  Before I can answer, Mr. Remington turns to me. "Kassidy, I'm deeply sorry for my son's actions. He will not be interning under your guidance any further. Jackson needs to take some time and discover himself and what he truly needs and wants out of this life. Again, I apologize, I hope you can accept?" Mr. Remington holds out his hand after he speaks.

  I reach out my hand to take his. His handshake is firm, yet gentle. I am at a loss for words. This isn't one of the scenarios that played out in my head earlier. I think I am in shock.

  "Kassidy?" Mr. Remington questions.

  "Um, sorry, I really don't know what to say. Yes, I accept your apology," the words finally flow from my lips.

  "Thank you, Kassidy. Things could have ended differently. Thank you for taking pity on my son; he's all I have left," Mr. Remington's voice cracks.


  Oh, my God. He thinks you were going to press charges or something. Jackson must have actually told the truth. Well, shit color me pink and call me fucking happy.

  You're rambling.

  I know, but that's got to be it. Don't you think?

  I think you're right.

  "I understand, Mr. Remington," I offer.

  "Thank you, Kassidy," his voice cracks again, as he embraces me in a hug.

  "No problem, Mr. Remington”.

  Mr. Remington nods and that is my cue to leave. As I walk past the sofa, I can't help but feel sorry for Jackson, but know he ultimately got what he deserved. He meets my gaze, briefly, and then lowers his head down in shame once again. I feel complete and utter relief as I walk out of Mr. Remington's office. Here, I thought I was going have to defend Ryan, and myself, when Jackson confessed his sins all along. I guess there are such things as small miracles. I head back to my office, probably beaming; ready to tackle whatever the rest of the day throws at me.


  5 months later

  I am running late as usual, no surprise there. I am meeting the girls for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, I am craving their Asian Chicken Salad; it is to die for. I finally arrive at the restaurant and I immediately spot the meddler, 'cause her arms are fluttering about as she attempts to explain something to Macy. I sit down, listening to Chloe, mid-conversation.

  "So, then, we'll have flowers everywhere, the room will be completely filled," Chloe giddily informs.

  "That sounds perfect," Macy easily responds.

  The three of us, well rather, the two of them are planning the wedding of the year, and of course, Chloe is in charge. Macy doesn't mind at all, relinquishing complete control over to Chloe, and hell if I care, as long as I don't have to do too much, I am happier than a pig in shit.

  "What color are we going with again?" Chloe inquires in her high-pitched, only dogs can hear, voice.

  "Crimson red, the deepest red possible, blood red even," Macy answers.

  The two of them carry on as if I’m not even sitting at the table, and I’m not about to complain. Even though Chloe's wedding happened last year, I am not all sunshine and smiles that I am to participate in another one so soon. Justice of the Peace seems to work better or even an elopement, but Chloe and Macy guarantee me that all I have to do is show up, let Alec and Amber beautify me and walk down the aisle; they will take care of the rest. I’m not about to complain, unless Macy and Chloe decide we need a special dance routine, then I will have to put my foot down.

  "So, Mace, no special dance? I can talk to Ricardo and see if he's free." It is as if this annoying little meddler can read my mind or the future.

  "No, that was all you Chloe, this wedding will be different," Macy informs.

  "Um, are ya gonna say anything, Marshall," Macy suddenly acknowledges my presence.

  "Uh, no, you two are handling things just fine. Just tell me when to show up," I say matter of fact and turn my attention back to my cell phone.

  "Kassidy, you have to have some say, some opinion?" Chloe interjects.

  "Well, now that you mention it, I totally agree with Macy, no special dance. One performance at a wedding was enough to last me a lifetime. There, that's my opinion. Now can you put the holy wedding binder away, I don't have much time until I have to be back at the office." I freely give my opinion.

  Since the Jackson incident, Mr. Remington has been very accommodating, allowing me to take some time off so I could move in with Ryan. But now that I am settled, it is back to business as usual. I am in the middle of another high priority case, which the senior partners entrusted me with, and I am either attached to my cell, my laptop or my desk. Ryan, understands, but I don't think my girls are too happy.

  "You fucking work too much, you know that?" Macy simply states.

  "I know." What else am I going to say?

  "So, I've been quiet for some time now, since you've practically avoided me, so I'm gonna say it now, 'I told ya so'," Chloe changes the subject while sticking her tongue out at me.

  Here we go.

  Well, what did you expect? You had to know it was coming, you didn't really expect our little meddling matchmaker to keep quiet.

  One can hope.

  That hoping is a lost cause sister.

  Don't I know it?

  Woman up, bitch.

  I will, I'm trying to, but it's never easy to admit you're wr…you're wro…you're…shit you know what I mean.

  Kassidy Lillian Marshall, are you admitting, finally, that you were wrong?

  Yes, I was wrong, there I said it.

  I think the pigs are flying.

  Oh shut the hell up!!

  "There she goes again, off in La La Land." I hear Macy in the distance.

  "Paging Kassidy Marshall, paging Kassidy Marshall," Chloe jokes, as she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

  "What? I'm sorry, I was just thinking…." Before I could finish, I am interrupted.

  "You were thinking about playing hide the salami with Davis weren't you?" Macy teases.

  "Macy, Chad has definitely rubbed off on you," Chloe says with a sound of disgust in her tone.

  "No, I wasn't, although now you've got me thinking about it, thanks a lot Macy," I say.

  And that does it. My mind is bombarded with images of Ryan in the steamy, hot shower, naked and glistening as the water droplets trickle down his torso and drip off his enormous hard on. He easily takes my breath away. The foggy, steam surrounds us as the heat from the water and our bodies ignites the atmosphere with an electrical charge that could power the entire city. He turns to face me, and holds my face between his hands. He pulls my face closer to his, and grazes his lips against mine. A fire erupts and radiates throughout my entire body, eventually coming to full force between my thighs. His hand dips down, slowly, tickling my stomach. His finger finds my slit and slowly he begins to….

  "Kassidy, fuck you're panting, what the hell?" Macy screeches.

  "Shit, that's your fucking fault, bitch, thanks a lot," I growl.

  "Damn, someone definitely needs to get laid. I would have thought with the two of you now living together, Davis would be laying pipe every night," Macy crudely comments.

  "Shut the fuck up, Macy," I spit back.

  "Ladies, retract the claws. You know I could kick both your asses, so knock it the off," Chloe chimes in.

  Ain't that the truth!

  Yeah, the meddling bitch may be scrawny, but she can kick some ass.

  Don't I know it?

  "Fine," Macy and I say in unison.

  "Okay, now back to what I was saying. Kassidy, I told you so. I told you from the get go that you and Davis were destined for each other and now look, you guys are living together and the future is wide open," Chloe chirps.

  "Yes, Chloe you were right and I was…I was…I was wrong," my mouth finally forms the words.

  "Holy shit! Kassidy Lillian Marshall has admitted she's wrong. Call the fucking papers, alert the media, shit, inform the president," Macy jokes.

  "All right, all right, enough already. Yes, I was wrong. Can we just move on? Chloe, anything else in the binder that we need to go over, the wedding is just around the corner?" I quickly change the subject.

  The rest of the lunch is spent going over a few details for the wedding. I am really surprised at how involved Macy is, I know Chloe was going to have her little hands in every cookie jar, but I didn't expect Macy to be so enthusiastically involved. Chad definitely has an effect on her. We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. I don't exactly head back to work right away. I call Elaine and tell her I will be back in about an hour or two, I have a burning I need a cure for.


  "Good afternoon, Miss Marshall, Mr. Davis is in his office, go right in," Chelsea smiles.

  I open the door and find my sex god sitting behind his desk on the phone. My heart stops, my breathing hitches. I lock the door behind me as I enter the room.

  "Tell them we'll meet tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow, I have another meeting to get to now," Ryan winks.

  I try like hell to walk seductively over to him, but I'm sure it comes off as having a load in my panties. I am no Victoria's Secret angel, that was made perfectly clear just now. He hangs up the phone, draws his bottom lip between his teeth and inhales deeply.

  "To what do I owe this unannounced visit this fine afternoon?" he eagerly asks.

  "Well, Mr. Davis, I was hoping you could help me with a little problem I was having," I tease.

  "Really? And what problem might that be?" He cocks an eyebrow.

  "Oh, I believe you're very familiar with my problem," I continue to tease as I suck on my index finger.

  "I think I can help you with that particular problem," he announced in a low raspy, sexy as hell, voice.

  He slowly makes is way to me, like a lion stalking a gazelle, his eyes smoldering, igniting my skin on fire. My legs go all Jell-O like, as I meet him in front of his desk. His arms snake around my back, pulling into him. I immediately feel his length on my stomach and the fire between my legs erupts, turning my panties to a pile of ashes.

  "So, Miss Marshall, what brought on your problem this time?" he questions with a smirk.

  "Macy," I quickly answer.

  "Macy?" he chokes.

  "Well, not Macy herself, but something she said. And of course, as usual, my mind took over and you in, um, different settings, flashed in my head," I confess and turn several shades of pink.

  "Oh, really? I do love your pretty little head." He smiles as his finger gently taps the top of my head.

  "So, are ya gonna help me with my problem or should I just leave," I tease as I turn from his grasp towards the door.

  "Not so fast Missy, you're not going anywhere."

  And before I can give him a good quip, his lips are hungrily on mine, devouring me. He flicks out his tongue and I so easily welcome it into my mouth, tasting honey as I do. Our tongues dance and intertwine, as our hands explore each other. His hand grazes up my leg, under my skirt, finding its way to my aching, throbbing, wet pussy. I moan into his mouth as his hand presses against my sex.

  "Ryan, I need you so bad, I want you now," I breathe as his mouth finds its way down my neck.

  He lifts me and in one quick motion, throwing everything off his desk.

  God, I feel like I'm in a movie.

  Just go with it.

  I am, believe me I am.

  Me too.

  Davis positions me onto the cleared desk, his eyes boring into me, turning me into a pile of goo. I can't believe this man is mine, all mine. His hands pull up at the hem of my skirt, as I wiggle to easily get it to my waist.

  "You won't be needing these." He smiles that infamous crooked smile as he tugs off my soaked panties.

  "Oh, Miss Marshall, you're problem has really gone overboard this time, tsk tsk," he jokes as his hand meets my wet lips.

  "Ryan, please," I beg.

  Ryan's mouth finds my neck again, licking and sucking its way to my ear. He takes my lobe into his mouth and sucks on it as if it is a Tootsie pop. I am becoming more undone by the second. I reach down and unfasten his pants and they easily fall to his ankles. My hands, trembling with anticipation, pull at the waistband of his boxer briefs.

  He continues to kiss and nibble on my neck while his fingers find my opening and slide in. He begins to caress that spot on my wall slowly, taunting me.

  "Please, Ryan, I fucking need you," I again beg.

  "I know baby, I fucking need you too," he answers back.

  His fingers pump harder, faster, pushing me near the edge. Before I can fall into that wonderful abyss of pure ecstasy, Ryan removes his fingers, my pussy and my entire body protest. I wiggle closer to him; trying to get any friction I can to relieve the ache between my thighs. Ryan responds by grabbing his cock and teasing my slick opening. As if it has a mind of its own or Jedi mind voodoo and appendages, my pussy grabs onto him, willing him inside. Ryan pushes inside me, filling me. My pussy screams out in ecstasy and tightly wraps around him
. We begin our steady rhythm together, moving as one. We match pelvic thrust for pelvic thrust, first slowly and then faster. Our breathing accelerates. I can hear our hearts beating together in sync, as the blood rushes through my veins. I am nearing the edge, yet again. I feel the fire grow hotter, stronger. Every muscle in my body tightens, as Ryan pushes one more time, sending me over the edge, spiraling out of control. I feel him explode inside me, filling me. His mouth finds mine, but this time our kiss is tender.

  "God, how I love you," he breathes in me.

  "I will only ever love you," I say as my breathing comes under control.


  1 month later

  Chloe is a whirlwind of activity. She runs around the room, with her binder in hand, making sure everything goes according to plan. I swear, if she wasn't a designer, she would have a very lucrative career as a wedding planner. Alec and Amber came and went, working their magic on the three of us. I look in the mirror after their teasing, glossing and spackling is complete and I hardly recognize myself once again. I am one sexy looking bitch. Macy looks exquisite as usually, but she really glows today. Chloe, of course, is her cute fiery self, beaming from ear to ear. I am a little more than nervous. The shoes Chloe chose for me aren't my usual Christian Louboutins and with my luck I am going to tumble walking down the aisle, exposing my ass to the entire guest list. The butterflies easily make their presence known, as do the sweaty palm fairy.

  "Kassidy, quit fidgeting, you'll wrinkle your gown. I do have my hand steamer, but that can only do so much, so stop fidgeting," Chloe insists.

  I hadn't realized I was fidgeting so much. I am just a big, fucking ball of nerves.

  Chloe turns to me and cheerfully announces, "It's time. Kassidy, you can do this, I know you can."

  At that moment, Ryan's face flashes before my eyes, smiling. A wave of calm washes over me, settling my nerves. I know I can do this, I am Kassidy Fucking Marshall, attorney at law, and I can do just about anything, especially knowing that Ryan will always be by my side. I take a deep breath, give Chloe a smile and a wink and wait patiently for my turn to walk down the aisle. Audrina informs my dad and I it is my turn and slowly the doors open to the church. I take another deep breath, my dad gives my arm a reassuring squeeze and I make my way down the aisle, staring at those twinkling, emerald green eyes and that crooked smile, knowing I am walking towards my forever.


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