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Simply Bears: A Ten Book Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance Collection

Page 70

by Simply Shifters

  Thearon reached over Lavinia’s shoulder for her drink and she thanked him as he set the crystal down on the bar cart next to his own glass. Lavinia was surprised to see that they had managed to drain the bottle. Just as she turned back around to excuse Parker from the menial task of the foot massage, she felt hands drifting gently down the row of buttons on her back. The smooth sensation sent shivers down her spine.

  “Though the dress is beautiful, I think it’s served its purpose. I’m sure you would be far more comfortable without it. Since I lack Parker’s skill with acupressure, I’ll do what I can.”

  “What is it you think you can do?” Lavinia asked, slightly breathless.

  “I can get you naked.”


  Lavinia had to admit Thearon really did have skills when it came to undressing women. Her wedding dress had not been the easiest to get into; it was tight, with a corset and about one hundred individual silk buttons. It had taken Callia at least fifteen minutes to get her into it.

  Thearon had it off in ten without popping a single button. Lavinia should have bet Callia when Callia had claimed the men would ruin the dress. But it wasn’t just that, Thearon had been gentle with the clothing as he moved down her back. He had alternated kissing and breathing on her spine, his warm breath combining with his moist kiss in the most sensational way. Lavinia felt hot and cold and warm again all in the space of a few seconds. She had no idea that her back would be sensitive, her spine curving in response to his lowering mouth, the core of her going liquid with a new feeling of need.

  It was nothing like the sexual fantasies she had had in her dreams. Lavinia had tried to imagine what another person’s lips would feel like pressed against her body, but now that she was confronted with the reality of the sensations, Lavinia could see that she could never have imagined how enthralling it would feel in real life.

  When the last button was freed, Thearon reached forward and both she and Parker had listened as the silk of the corset's ribbon had come untied, the whisper of the strings as they’d loosened the tight cinching around her waist. When the dress dropped to the floor, Lavinia breathed in deep and felt the sudden rush of oxygen increase the desire that had been running through her.

  Parker reached forward and smoothed his hands down the marks on her body from the boning. His touch started off gentle and soothing, as if his touch alone could take away the discomfort. But almost as if he couldn’t help it, his hands began applying more and more pressure, molding her waist and tracing lines around her skin as if getting to know it. When his finger dipped under the elastic of her panties and traced its line as well, Lavinia jumped in response, her lower abs flexing with the foreign invasion.

  The smile on Parker’s lips made him look like a bad boy, a role she had pegged her pirate Thearon for – and it remained as he slowly removed his finger and stood up in front of her. Lavinia watched as Parker’s eyes flicked to her left. She was confused for a moment until large hands swept her up from behind and a voice growled low in her ear, “I get all of the physical jobs, undress you, carry you to your bedroom. We’ll just keep it between us that they’re all the jobs I enjoy most.”

  Lavinia felt herself go weak in Thearon’s arms. Gods but that man had a wonderful voice, deep and thrumming its base reverberated deep inside her, chasing away the nerves that had been building after all of the touching and kissing had been suspended. As he deposited her in the middle of the enormous bed, Lavinia felt all of the nerves come back in a rush. Suddenly, she was on display. They would be expecting sexual acrobatics, carnal knowledge...basically, a show.

  Sitting up in the middle of the bed Lavinia came to her knees and gently swayed her hips from side-to-side in a welcoming motion meant to invite the men in closer. Parker entered the room and traded glances with Thearon. Lavinia noticed that they too looked a little unsure of where to go from here. In the end, it was their hesitation that gave her the courage to move forward with her plan for the evening. Dropping down on all fours Lavinia crawled toward the edge of the bed. She knew, from months of practice, that the position made her waist look small and her cleavage large. Lavinia felt a smile play on her lips as the mouths of her husbands dropped open.

  Reaching the edge of the bed, Lavinia shifted her hips and swung around till she was sitting before hopping off the bed. Again, knowing from careful practice that the motions bounced and bobbled her boobs to their best effect. The jump off the bed had taken her closer to Parker who was just inside the entrance to the room.

  Lavinia walked over and took his hand, walking him to the foot of the bed, directly in front of Thearon. Looking Thearon in the eye, she leaned forward and kissed Parker, letting the passion and desire she felt show in her eyes. Just before Lavinia gave into the kiss, her eyes fluttering closed, she watched as Thearon gave a hard swallow and she knew that she was on the right track.

  Lavinia kept the kiss with Parker fairly modest. When he tried to take it deeper and slip his tongue into her mouth, she held him off. Lavinia could not get lost in the moment...there was another man to consider. Opening her eyes, Lavinia pushed back from Parker and sauntered over to Thearon. Hooking her finger in his belt she pulled him closer to Parker and the bed. In a moment of inspiration, she decided to return the favor by unbuttoning his button-down.

  Slipping each mother of pearl disk from its hole, Lavinia allowed her fingers to trail down his chest. As she unveiled the naked skin beneath, Lavinia kissed and nipped at it, enjoying how her touch made him shiver. Once his shirt was completely removed, Lavinia couldn’t resist, she leaned into his body and nuzzled his neck, rubbing her breasts against his chest, luxuriating in the feel of the hair against her nipples.

  Lavinia felt a low moan escape her throat. Following the sound, she felt Parker’s touch on her waist from behind. Turning in Thearon’s arms, she faced her other husband and found Parker to be shirtless as well and his smooth chest was hairless and built. He looked like a male model and she couldn’t help but reach out and run her hands along the sharply defined muscles. Taking her entreaty as an invitation, Parker gathered her in his arms and started kissing her again.

  Remembering the etiquette taught to her about threesomes, Lavinia reached back and blindly groped for Thearon. When her hand again encountered his belt buckle she grasped it and pulled him toward her. Unable and unwilling to break the kiss with Parker, Lavinia breathed a sigh of relief when Thearon began trailing his hands along the curves of her body, dropping to his knees to thread his hands through her thighs.

  Up and down his hands moved as Parker’s kiss deepened, his fingers threading through her hair locking her. Lavinia concentrated solely on Parker’s kiss for awhile, deciding that it was more intimate than what Thearon had access to on the floor. That was until Thearon decided to remove her panties. The cool breeze of the room met the warmth of her molten core and Lavinia shivered in response. But when Thearon’s fingers came back to her center and entered between her folds, she completely lost her footing. Ungracefully falling on top of Thearon, his fast reflexes caught her before she hit the hardwood floor. Laughing, he threw her back on the bed.

  “You know I keep putting you on the bed and you don’t seem to want to listen,” Thearon said as he removed his pants.

  Parker was inspired by the move and began to do the same, “I think she needs to let us serve her needs for awhile.”

  For her part, Lavinia could only manage a dry swallow. The men in front of her were perfect displays of manhood. There were muscles from the tips of their heads to the toes of their feet and yet they were so different in the ways they were sexy. One option was a man’s man, covered in hair, scars and calluses. The Omega looked as rough and tumble as they came. The Alpha, on the other hand, practically glowed with his own soft lit filter. The aforementioned smooth chest was completed by a body that was dusted with the blondest of hair, the sleek perfection of his skin and muscle shown without distraction. He looked like the greek gods she’d learned about as a
little girl.

  They walked toward her, aroused and smug; obviously, her delight showed on her face. There seemed to be an unspoken conversation as they reached the foot of the bed. When Parker finally nodded, Thearon dropped to his knees on the floor in front of her. Placing one hand under each of her hips, he lifted her up and shifted her forward on the silken bedding. Draping each leg over his shoulders he slowly lowered her head and kissed her very center.

  Lavinia thought she saw stars. Her nipples tightened and grew heavy as Thearon’s tongue explored her folds, savoring the taste of her like a man about to have his last meal. Parker, not one to sit idle, popped the front clasp of her bra and attended to her aching breasts fingering them with his thumbs as he watched the play of desire on her face. It seemed as if the men were trying to outdo each other. With each flick of the finger or tongue, Lavinia’s moans and groans were escalating until she had no idea which sensation it was that was pushing her toward the edge – she only desired to fall over it.

  When the foreplay stopped abruptly, Lavinia was crushed. Sputtering, she watched as Parker replaced Thearon between her legs. Again, picking up her feet and gently placing them on the footboard of the bed he moved between her body and nudged at her entrance. Seeming to ask her if it was ok with his eyes. She gave a swift nod and he gently pushed into her body. The sensation was so foreign that Lavinia struggled to find purchase. There was a stretching of her body as Parker went deeper and deeper and Lavinia wasn’t sure if it was a good sensation or one she should guard against.

  As if sensing her struggle, Thearon leaned down over her and began kissing her silly. The action raising her desire again and distracting her mind from its worries. As Parker finally completely filled her, Lavinia felt her body breath a sigh of relief. Parker’s thrusts started out slow and steady, but as his hands began to dig into Lavinia’s hips, her entire mind focused on the point where they were intimately connected. In and out, she felt him move and the precipice of her desire drew closer. Just as she could almost reach it, Parker let out a shout and came. While knowing Parker had found fulfillment left her satisfied on one level, it was also just short of her own personal satisfaction and she tried not to feel sad about that.

  But apparently it was part of a grander plan. Thearon quickly took Parker’s place and slammed into her with a force of need Lavinia recognized in herself. Thearon’s thrusts held none of the gentle longings Parker had tried to impart. They were the actions of a man at the very brink of his control and the emotion was catching. Sitting up, Lavinia grabbed onto Thearon’s torso and wrapped her legs around his hips, forcing his thrusts to stay deep, just where she wanted them. Faster and harder the thrusts came until, at the same time, they both saw stars.

  Lavinia was laid gently back on the bed and each man left her for a moment to gather something. Parker returned with a warm washcloth to clean her and both men up. Thearon had gathered their champagne glasses and a fresh bottle. Popping the cork in a fashion that had no one ducking for cover, he filled the glasses and handed them out to the group.

  “To our marriage, may it be as fruitful and bubbly as the wine and sex of this evening,” Parker held up his glass for cheers which Lavinia and Thearon gladly clinked their glasses to.


  After the second celebratory bottle of champagne, Lavinia, Parker and Thearon passed out in the Queen’s bed. The thing had to be a custom made piece as it was larger than even a California King. It had four posts carved with rose trellises up each wooden spire and an emerald green duvet. Sleeping in the bed felt akin to dreaming amongst the royal gardens. Each of her husbands had woken Lavinia up sporadically throughout the night with kisses and, at one point, sleepy sex with Parker. The romps felt natural and easy. It was more than Lavinia could have hoped for.

  Late the next morning, the scent of brunch and coffee wafted into the bedroom, waking Lavinia up. Rolling over, she found herself staring at Thearon. He was looking out the window and backlit by the sun, giving him a glow. Lavinia allowed herself a moment to simply watch him drink coffee and revel in how lucky she was to be attracted to both of her husbands. As the thought drifted through her mind, Parker’s arm drifted across her waist, pulling her close.

  His sleep rough voice was close to her ear, “Morning my Queen. I trust you slept well?”

  Thearon had turned back toward the bed at Parker’s voice and Lavinia rose an eyebrow in his direction, “I don’t know how much sleep I truly got last night.”

  “Don’t look at me, surely I was not a part of that,” Thearon said with a sip of his coffee.

  Parker responded from the other side of Lavinia, “I’m sure you were the perfect angel last night, probably slept like the dead.”

  “Like a hibernating bear,” deadpanned Thearon.

  Parker laughed, “Well this bear needs a coffee STAT. Where did you find that glorious brew?”

  “I can’t believe you slept through someone coming into our rooms this morning. Where is your Alpha instinct? You shame the nature of a mated bear." Thearon paused to take a sip before putting Parker out of his misery, "It’s in the sitting room.”

  Parker got up and threw on a robe from the closet. Rich red velvet, it was reminiscent of the jacket he’d been married in. Thearon, for his part, was standing in a pair of navy blue sleep pants leaving Lavinia stranded on the bed, a little embarrassed to get up naked and only slightly less embarrassed to put on the tattered terrycloth robe. Perhaps Callia had been right, maybe she should have opted for one of the lace numbers…

  Parker walked back in the room with a tray containing the coffee, two mugs, and an assortment of dairy and sugar products with which to doctor the beverage. Setting the tray down on a side table he reached into the closet and pulled out her offending robe. Lavinia felt her cheeks go pink.

  “Thearon? Are we suddenly destitute? The Queen can surely afford a new robe, right? I mean, my Queen, you would look lovely in a potato sack, but my point is you don’t have to.”

  For the one who was supposed to be good at social situations, Lavinia wished he would just put the robe away now, especially as Thearon was coming over to have a look. She decided at that moment she would drink her coffee butt naked, no robe would be necessary. Thearon took the worn fabric in his hands and rubbed it between his fingers.

  “Oh, I don’t know Parker, it feels soft. Isn’t the point of a robe first and foremost to be comfortable? I put up with you in your choice, even if the red is slightly offensive first thing in the morning.”

  Parker shrugged and took the robe back. Companionably feeling the softness of the fabric as well. With a shrug, he opened the garment and beckoned Lavinia off the bed.

  “Like I said my Queen, you look beautiful in everything, though I mostly think of you as naked at this point.”

  Lavinia slid off the bed and into the awaiting garment. “It is the softest thing I own. I’ll admit I’ve tried others but they’re just not the same.” She tied the worn satin sash around her waist and Parker tried to peek down the front of the robe. “Hey now, you need to feed me before you have another shot at the goods.”

  “Thearon, hurry if we feed her she’s just promised dessert!”

  Thearon had moved back to the window staring out contemplatively. “Huh?” He said turning back around to the giggling couple. Thearon tried for a smile when he saw how happy they were, but Lavinia could tell it was nowhere close to reaching his eyes. Parker too seemed to note the disconnect but he did a better job of smoothing it over by teasing and bullying his Omega to the brunch table, where they replenished the calories lost in the sexcapades of the night before.

  After brunch, Parker and Lavinia curled up on the couch and chatted. They shared childhood stories and anecdotes about living in the Palace. Lavinia enjoyed how easy it was with Parker. Conversation was smooth and steady and their shared laughter was forging a bond between them. But while they laughed and teased, Lavinia found part of her brain following Thearon’s path around the room. He seemed to be
doing laps of the perimeter almost as if checking for holes or gaps in the security. Every now and then, he’d poke at something on the wall, or open a closet. Thearon’s actions reminded Lavinia of a caged animal.

  “Thearon? Do you want to join us? We only have about an hour left until the mini vacation is over.”

  Thearon checked his watch, “Ah, so you’re right.”

  Lavinia would have staked her life on the fact that Thearon knew exactly what time it was. Someone should have removed his watch along with his cellphone. The man obviously had issues turning his job off. But, the reminder seemed to relax him and he walked over to the couch for the first time in a few hours.

  Dropping to his knees in front of Lavinia he looked up at her with roguish charm. “How are you feeling, Lavinia? Not too sore, I hope.” Thearon’s hand traveled up her leg and under the robe, stopping just short of the promised land before moving back down her thigh. The motion was only just short of sexual, but Lavinia knew it was causing heat to rise in her cheeks as well as her core.

  “I feel fine, thank you.”

  “Good, good. I don’t know about Parker, but I could use a thorough cleaning before we leave the suite. Would anyone like to conserve water and share a shower? The bathroom could easily fit a party of people. I’m sure we’ll figure it out between three Werebears, pack mentality and all.”

  Parker snorted, but he was the first to lead the charge. “Excellent idea Omega, I like how you’ve really taken the LeKing Tribe’s Green Movement to heart. I’m up for anything I can do to reduce, reuse and recycle. I’ll just go turn on the water.”


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