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Three Way, the Novel

Page 5

by Olivia Hawthorne

  “Uh, hell no,” I laughed. “You want him to know that, you tell him yourself.”

  She looked a little more deflated at that, threw her hands in the air in defeat and walked away.

  “Your boyfriend is bad ass,” Jake said from behind me.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I snapped, turned around and grinned. “But yeah he is kinda bad ass.”

  “So Tawny tells me he spent the night last night but had a hard time…you know,” Jake whispered and made a saggy penis motion with his little finger.

  “Oh my god, she is such a cow,” I groaned. “First of all, he drove me home and that was it. There was maybe a little make out session, but then he left. There was none of that.” I repeated the little finger motion and he raised his brow in suspicion.

  “Mmmm-hmmmm,” he said under his breath. “Methinks ya’ll are protesting too hard.”

  “What is that, Shakespeare? You’re quoting Shakespeare now?” I asked, arching my own brow back at him.

  I felt like we were having a brow off, like a game of chicken to see who would back down off their sarcastic bitchy stance first.

  Jake’s face broke into a wide grin and he said, “Okay, you win.”

  I laughed and playfully punched his arm across the bar. “I think that’s a first.”

  “Maybe getting a little Ryker Montgomery action has made you more than a little fiery,” he said.

  “Maybe,” I said and flounced off to start with the first wave of customers for the night.

  It wasn’t bad at first, none of the groups of guys who came in had seen the little show last night so they treated me like they normally did. Which means that they ignored me when somebody was on stage and tried to flirt with me when the girls were changing.

  Typically pervert behaviour.

  A couple regulars came in but they stayed away, they couldn’t even make eye contact with me when I approached their table. I didn’t know if it was them being respectful to me or if they were simply terrified that I was Ryker’s girl.

  I think it was the latter, these kinds of guys weren’t exactly the type who were known for being respectful to women.

  The rest of the night went like that. Men came and went, but none of them seemed to recognize me from my time on the stage or none of them wanted to hit on Ryker’s woman.

  Having a bad ass biker pull me from the stage seemed to have helped, and by the end of the night I was confident that things would blow over just fine.

  Until one loser grabbed my arm and dragged me back to his table. “Come here, sweetheart,” he slurred and stared at my breasts with his eyes almost crossed.

  “Get your hands off me,” I hissed and jerked my arm away.

  “You ain’t too good to shake your ass on stage, why are you acting all uppity now?” he whined.

  “I’m not uppity but I’m not a dancer,” I spat and stomped away.

  He called me an awful name as I left and my face flamed with anger and embarrassment. I vowed that as soon as I could I would quite my job at the Hen House. As good as Mel had been to me in giving me the job, I just couldn’t handle being treated like a piece of meat for much longer.

  Maybe Ryker would swoop in on his white horse and whisk me away. That was my secret daydream if I was being honest to myself.

  The reality would probably be him riding up with his Harley and making me cling to the back of him as we headed to some scummy biker clubhouse.

  Either way, a girl could dream.


  The driver arrived at exactly six o’clock the next evening as Ryker had promised. I had tried on a few different outfits and hadn’t known which one to wear considering I didn’t know what on earth Ryker had planned for us.

  I settled on a pair of jeans, a pretty blouse, and a cozy sweater. I pulled on knee high leather boots and grabbed my purse just before the driver knocked on the door.

  My hair was in loose curls and my make up was more dramatic than I usually did it, but I loved the way my eyes looked with the smoky shadow highlighting them.

  I’d never really tried for a man before, but I wanted to guarantee that Ryker wouldn’t be running away from me this time.

  I slid into the town car that Ryker had sent and relaxed as the driver took me through the city streets.

  I half expected to go to a seedier part of town, somewhere rife with crime and gang activity, but I was surprised when the driver turned north towards one of the better neighborhoods.

  “Where are we going?” I asked the driver.

  “Mr. Montgomery’s home,” he replied and didn’t offer anything else so I didn’t press him for information.

  I enjoyed the view, the long wide road and the beaches and water along the way.

  Finally after about forty minutes, the driver pulled off the main highway and off into a subdivision dominated by palatial homes and massive stone fences. The further down the winding road we drove, the larger and more secluded the houses became.

  We pulled up to an enormous metal gate with a scrolling letter ‘M’ prominently displayed in the middle and the driver clicked a button on the car’s visor.

  The gate slid open and we made our way down a luxuriously landscaped and manicured drive towards a colossal white mansion set back on a slight incline.

  “This is his house?” I exhaled with my eyes open wide.

  “That it is,” the driver replied and stopped the car in front of an expansive gleaming white staircase.

  He came around the car and opened my door. I stepped out and regretting my casual apparel as soon as I took in the surroundings.

  I should have worn a freaking ball gown. Although I didn’t have one. Or my prom dress, I shouldn’t have tossed my prom dress. My mother had been right, I might have needed it again.

  “Kitten, there you are,” Ryker called to me from the front door. He walked down to greet me halfway along the staircase. “Welcome to my house, anything you want is yours.”

  “It’s incredible,” I said softly, my brain still processing what was going on.

  “I’ll bet you thought I was going to take you to the Hell’s Warrior clubhouse and maybe treat you to Red Lobster afterwards.”

  “Uh, yes. Almost. I didn’t think you’d buy me dinner,” I smiled up at him.

  He laughed and took my hand, led me up the stairs, through the double wooden doors and into his house.

  I was speechless, and that was a pretty rare event. Although it seemed to happen more often when I was in his presence.

  I looked around but my eyes didn’t know where to settle, there was so much to see.

  Ryker talked about the dinner he’d ordered the chef to make, and how we were going to dine on a veranda overlooking the ocean, and how he was going to make it up to me.

  But all I could do was bob my head in agreement and try not to rubberneck too hard at all the gorgeous artwork and furnishings.

  I felt like I was floating when I followed him outside and down a brightly lit stone pathway across and expansive yard to a beautiful gazebo by the beach. It had white fairy lights strung here and there and a richly decorated wooden table in the center.

  “Here we are,” Ryker said with a sweep of his hand. “I hope this is to your liking.”

  “Um, yeah,” I replied and sat in the seat he held out for me. I felt so out of my league that I almost couldn’t look him in the eye.

  “Let me get you some wine,” he said and poured me a glass. I watched him, he wasn’t dressed up or wearing anything beyond his tight jeans and white tee shirt combo that he’d been wearing the last time I saw him, but he looked different somehow.

  It was as though being in his own domain allowed him to relax, so he wasn’t just arrogant and cocky, but he was confident and secure along with it.

  I didn’t know if that was the change, but I liked it.

  “To the future,” he said and tapped my glass with his. We sat next to each other and turned our chairs to face one another next to the table.

“The future,” I echoed and took a sip. He watched me with an intense look on his face and held his wine glass up again.

  “And for tonight,” he said, “where I fuck you raw and make up for leaving you like that.”

  I blushed a furious red but waves of excitement rolled through my body. I shifted in my seat as my panties became soaked through and my entire core melted. “For tonight,” I said and we each took a sip.

  He watched me and took my glass from my hand when I finished. He set it next to his on the table, wrapped his hand in my hair and pulled me towards him.

  He kissed me hard, like he meant it, and I knew he did. He wanted me to know that I was his and he was marking his territory. He was claiming me and I wanted nothing else.

  The bottom dropped out of my stomach and it felt like a hundred butterflies were set free in there, all fluttering and beating against me at once.

  He tugged at my sweater and pulled me onto his lap, his huge hard shaft pressing against my thigh as I curled up in his arms. We broke apart and he bent his head forward to nuzzle against me.

  “You smell delicious,” he murmured against my neck. “Like I could eat you up, every last drop of you.”

  He nipped at my neck and I shivered at his touch. “You smell good too,” I replied, cursing myself at my obvious loss of language in his presence. He did smell good though, a musky masculine scent that filled my nostrils and made dirty, dirty thoughts go racing through my head.

  He tilted my face towards him and kissed me again, a little more softly this time but with the same intention.

  To let me know I was his, I belonged right there in his lap and I wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.

  “You know,” I said with a lazy smile as I drew away from him, “I’m not all that hungry.”

  He looked at me with a bemused expression on his face. “Is that right?”

  “It is,” I said and reached my finger up to trace his full lips. “We could always eat after.”

  “After what?” he replied with his brow arched and a grin forming on his lips.

  “After…you know,” I said as my voice and confidence fled my body again leaving me unable to tell him how much I craved his body inside of mine.

  “After I fuck you?” he asked, his face growing serious. “After I slide myself inside your tight cunt and do what I’ve wanted to do from the first moment I saw you? After I make you fucking scream my name for hours on end until you can’t remember anybody else’s? After that?”

  I nodded and my mouth went dry and I was unable to answer.

  “Let’s go,” he commanded and stood up, set me on my feet, took my hand and led me down a path towards the ocean.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I knew I was going to have you tonight, Margot,” Ryker explained as I followed dumbly behind him. “I knew it because of that look in your eye when I had to leave. Like you would have killed me to get my cock up inside you at that moment.”

  “I might have,” I laughed, finding my voice again. “That was mean you know.”

  He whirled around and I saw his eyes glittering in the evening sun. “I know,” he said and hooked his finger under my chin. He tilted my face up to his. “I’m involved in things you’ll be better off not knowing about, Margot. I leave when I have to, but know that I will always be back. Once you’re mine, you’re mine forever no matter what happens in our lives.”

  “I feel that,” I replied breathlessly. “I can feel the intent behind your words, Ryker. I want to be yours, I’ve never felt like this before but I want you to make me yours.”

  “You want to feel me slamming into that pussy of yours,” he asked and bent over me. He picked me up and his voice was ragged. “You want me to split you open and fill your cunt? Tell me how much you want it, kitten.”

  “Oh fuck I want it,” I moaned and let him carry me towards the sandy beach. I could see something white and gleaming in the setting sun. As we approached I realized it was a bed out here in the open. It was built on a wooden platform that acted as a temporary floor. “Did you plan this?” I gasped.

  “Of course, I wanted to take you near the ocean, out here under the sky,” he rasped and kicked his shoes to the side. He set me on the bed and tore his shirt off as I stared up at him with pure, naked hunger coursing through my veins.

  His muscled torso was broad and rippled as he moved. He had elaborate tattoos snaking around his arms and across his chest, making him seem fierce and almost otherworldly.

  He leaned down and tugged at my sweater, helped me take it off over my head and set it down next to his shirt. He helped me out of my blouse and said, “I want to see your beautiful breasts.”

  I reached around and undid my bra as he watched. I slowly pulled it off, covered myself with my hand and dropped it to the wooden planks. I teased him, I sensuously withdrew my hands and showed him my body at last.

  His sharp intake of breath let me know how much he wanted me.

  He was silent though as he pushed me back gently and undid the button of my jeans. I lifted my hips and helped him pull them off me.

  He grasped my panties and started to tug them, seemed annoyed that they were taking too long, and tore them off instead.

  “Fuck, Margot,” he told me with a voice thick with desire, “I knew there was a reason I wanted to keep this to myself.”

  He dropped down between my knees and began to kiss my inner thighs all the way up to my soaking wet cleft. I shivered in the night air, but also from the flood of desire that built up and threatened to spill forth in spite of my determination to wait.

  I wanted to enjoy this; I wanted to make sure he spent the time to really work my body before we joined our bodies together. I was still a little upset about the thing he’d done the other night.

  “You seem tense,” he said and looked up at me from between my thighs. “Are you worried I’ll leave you again?”

  “No I’m not,” I replied, “I think you know I’d kill you if that happened again.”

  “That’s true,” he laughed and kissed up across my abdomen and to my breasts. “I think you’ll have my head on a platter if I don’t fuck you good and proper.”

  “That’s for certain,” I laughed and reached down to pull at his jeans. “Take these off, I need to see you. All of you.”

  “Slow down, kitten,” he chuckled and traced his finger down the front of my body. “I want to enjoy you like this first. We’ve got all night.”

  He dropped and kissed me on the mouth, his lips fierce and hot and demanding, his tongue as equally forceful. His hand moved across the landscape of my body and moved lower as we kissed.

  He found my cleft and slid his finger between my folds, teasing and taunting me by dragging it across my clit again and again until I was moaning and bucking up under him.

  I pushed at his jeans, I wanted to feel his naked flesh against mine so badly I could barely contain myself.

  I wanted him.

  I craved him.

  I needed him. I needed him like I needed the air to breathe.

  “Kitten,” he laughed against my mouth, “you are a demanding cock hungry little whore.

  “Just for this one,” I smiled, looked down at his and helped him wiggle out of the rest of his clothes.

  He pushed me back down once we were both naked and looked me up and down. He reached back between my legs and slipped his fingers along my cleft again, grazing my clit and making me moan.

  I opened my legs for him and he responded by moving forward and slipping the head of his throbbing cock along the place where his finger had just been.

  “Mine,” he grunted and thrust forward, filling me up and splitting me wide as he had promised.

  I gasped and dug my fingers into his back, arched myself against him and cried out as he bottomed out, reaching the end of me inside.

  My insides fluttered like bubbles popping, in my stomach and my chest…and deeper down it fluttered like waves of ecstasy. My heart and blood seemed to match the
ocean’s beat in the background.

  “Oh god,” I cried out and pulled myself up towards him, clung to him and hung off his muscled body as he hammered against me. “Oh Ryker, fuck me, make me yours. Make me feel like I belong to you.”

  “You do,” he growled and covered me with his massive body as he pounded me again and again. “You’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I exhaled and felt the warmth from my pussy slip through the rest of my body and build pressure that felt like it was going to explode from the top of my head.

  Ryker hooked his hands under my waist and pulled me up to meet him. I wrapped my long legs around his hips and hung from him as he thrust upwards and stayed still, throbbing and pulsing deep inside.

  “Kitten,” he growled and looked into my eyes. “I’m going to fucking explode.”

  “Me too,” I gasped, “I want to come with you.”

  “Come on my dick, kitten, come for me,” he said in that thick, harsh voice that filled my body with desire and sent me over the edge.

  I threw my head back and screamed his name triumphantly. His body shuddered and I felt him flood me with his hot, thick cum.

  He held me like that for a few moments until he stopped pulsing and I stopped clenching him like a vice.

  I dropped back onto the bed, spent and exhausted and limp in my sated lust. Ryker dropped onto me and rolled to the side, pulling me into his arms.

  “That,” he said and pushed a damp lock of hair from my eyes, “was exactly what I’d imagined. Your cunt is exquisite, kitten.”

  I reached down and grabbed his softening root, sticky with my juices and his own. I gave it a squeeze and said, “You’re not so bad either.”

  “That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard,” he chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss.

  My stomach roiled and growled at that moment and he drew back and looked down with a quizzical expression. “Was that your stomach?”

  “Yes,” I grinned. “I suppose I’ll take dinner now.”

  “You’ve more than earned it,” he said and traced the curve of my body from my shoulder to my hip. His touch made me tremble with need again, but I knew we needed sustenance if we were to carry on like that all night.


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