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Three Way, the Novel

Page 8

by Olivia Hawthorne

  I broke away from his lips and stared into his eyes, lifting my hands up to hang onto his shoulders. I needed to cling to him as he brought me to yet another crashing orgasm at the end of his skilled fingers.

  “I love you,” I sighed and saw the look of triumph in his eyes.

  “I love you too, kitten,” he rasped and moved faster across my clit. “I love you and you belong to me, never forget that. You are mine and I will take care of you until the end of our days.”

  It was a crazy sense of release. His words meant so much to me, they meant everything really. I’d always dreamed of being cared for, I’d always had that little girl fantasy of meeting my prince charming and being swept off my feet into a life of luxury. I’d always wanted to be a wife and mother and hated that my family never saw that as meaningful.

  My body quivered and shuddered and I gasped his name over and over as I came. “Ryker,” I said and clung to him as if needing to be anchored to some point on earth or I would be swept away by the force of pleasure.

  I finally relaxed somewhat and he slowly drew his thumb from my sensitive clit. He smiled and kissed my forehead, and sucked his thumb like he was sampling the finest vintage known to him.

  “I told you, delicious,” he grinned and kissed me again.

  I felt delicious in his arms. I felt decadent and free and completely safe and loved.

  Nothing could stop us in our love, and nothing would ever tear us apart.


  There was something so incredibly simple and satisfying about eating dinner on a yacht under the stars out on the water.

  I know, I sounded like a total snob just saying that, but it was true. I knew that night that I was born to be on the water, I loved every moment of it and not once did I get that queasy sea sick feeling that Ryker warned me about.

  Dinner was something fancy and delicious and something I forgot how to pronounce the moment Ryker said it. That didn’t matter; it was Ryker and the entire experience that made me fall in love with him even deeper that night.

  And reenacting the scene from Titanic at the front of the yacht didn’t hurt. He was hilarious, hot, charming and loved me to death. What could I ever need now that I had him?

  We drove to his house and got there late, around three in the morning. It was weird walking through the place knowing that we weren’t alone, although I wasn’t sure if Quinn was around or not.

  Once again I couldn’t help but glance at the doors along the hallway and wonder if Quinn was behind one of them. Luckily Ryker didn’t notice and my own feelings of guilt prevented me from asking.

  I felt like we were drunk on love and sex when we hurried to his bed, stripping our clothes off as we went. He threw me down onto the sheets and dove on top of me, kissing me all over until I was giggling and calling for him to stop, but loving every moment of his lips on my body.

  “I’ll never stop, kitten,” he growled and nibbled me until I was almost coming from just his kisses. I felt like every nerve ending on my flesh was on fire, electrified from his mere touch.

  “I don’t want you to,” I confessed with a breathless tone. “I want you to keep going, even when I tell you to stop. I never want this to end.”

  He paused and slid up my body, covered me with his and kissed me in earnest on the lips. “I’ll never stop and this will never end. I promise you that,” he said in a low, thick voice.

  I sighed and leaned back against the soft sheets and pillows. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you, Ryker. As insane as it sounds, I love you!”

  “You know I love you too, kitten,” he said and kissed my mouth. “I’ll love you forever.”

  I felt it in my bones, the way his voice reverberating through my cells, sending a thrill of recognition, as if I’d been waiting for Ryker since the moment I drew my first breath.

  This was it; this was forever.


  “There’s no point in you going home now,” Ryker informed me the next morning over breakfast. “You can stay here now, it’s much more convenient.”

  “Are you certain?” I asked.

  “As certain as I’ve ever been about anything,” he said and held a strawberry to my lips for me to eat. I took a bite and dabbed at the juice on my chin with my napkin. He watched me like a hawk, like he was going to devour me again right then and there.

  I watched as if in slow motion as he lifted his hand towards me, ran his finger along my lips and sent shivers up and down my spine. I opened my mouth and took his finger into my mouth, sucking slowly.

  It elicited a groan from somewhere deep in Ryker’s chest, a rough low sound that turned me on and made me squirm in my chair. I wanted him again right then and there.

  It would have happened but I heard a rush of movement behind me and Quinn’s smug voice say, “Am I interrupting something?”

  I jerked back and Ryker pulled his finger out of my mouth but left his hand resting on my cheek possessively. “Not at all,” he said to his brother, “I was just feeding Margot to keep her energy up. She’ll need it.”

  “Oh, is that a very subtle reference to all the fucking you’ll be doing later?” Quinn asked in a bemused tone and sat down across the table from us.

  “Not so very subtle,” Ryker laughed and the tension between the two brothers was gone.

  “He’s being awfully territorial about you, Margot,” Quinn said and raised his eyebrow. “You must be a very special woman.”

  “Not particularly,” I said with a blush reaching my cheeks.

  “Now Margot, let’s not be coy about this,” Quinn said and leaned towards me. “Even from here I can see how remarkable you are.”

  I glanced at Ryker and he smiled, took my hand and nodded slightly. “She is incredibly remarkable,” he said with a chuckle. “You’ll hate yourself for not finding her first, Quinn. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  “Then hats off to you, bro,” Quinn said and poured himself a mug of coffee. “Let me know if you’re ever feeling generous.”

  “You’ll be the first,” Ryker chuckled and gave me a look that sent my heart racing and my legs trembling.

  Would there be a possibility of my fantasy coming true? Would Ryker share me with his brother?

  Chapter Eighteen

  I settled into the routine of the household easily, not having to go to work helped a lot as we turned Ryker’s house into our little love nest.

  Quinn was in and out of our space, on his way to work or coming home and heading right out again. He was popular it seemed, but why wouldn’t he be? He was gorgeous, rich, charming and available. The perfect combination for horny women all over the city.

  So why did it bother me when he went on dates? I hated that, I wanted to completely focus on Ryker, but Quinn’s presence took some of my mind. He intrigued me.

  The fourth night I was there, Ryker got a call from somebody that needed his attention immediately. There was something happening in the Hell’s Warriors that he had to attend to.

  “I want you with me,” he said as he pulled his torn jeans up his thick, muscled legs. I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of seeing his body move. It felt a strange sort of possession when I watched him carefully, as if I could stamp “MINE” all over him and keep the world away.

  “Are you sure? Is it dangerous?” I asked and climbed out of bed. We’d stayed in all day, laughing and talking and exploring each other’s bodies.

  “It’s always dangerous, kitten,” he chuckled. “But I’ll protect you.”

  “Maybe I should stay here,” I replied, feeling my eyes widen in fear.

  “I don’t want to be apart,” he said. “I want to keep you by my side.”

  “I’ll come,” I said and jumped out of bed. “Dangerous can be fun sometimes, right?”

  “It can be, but around these assholes, you’ll need to be on your toes,” he said and watched me as I dressed. “Wear something that will cover up your gorgeous tits and ass
, kitten. I don’t want the guys getting any ideas.”

  “Oh, okay,” I said and pulled off the skirt I’d just been putting on. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a tee shirt with a light sweater overtop. “Is this good?”

  “Oh that’s perfect,” he said with a lascivious gaze. “If we didn’t need to get down there, I’d strip those clothes off you and fuck you for the tenth time today.”

  “Tenth?” I asked with a crooked grin. “Is that all?”

  “You cheeky little whore,” he laughed and grabbed my arm, pulling me against him. “You’re just begging for more, aren’t you?”

  “I like being your whore, Ryker,” I smiled seductively. “I want to be slutty for you, I want to be yours, and yours alone.”

  “Oh you are,” he said and kissed me.

  We almost didn’t make it out the door we were so entwined in each other’s arms.


  The clubhouse was a run down little warehouse in a shady part of town. We took Ryker’s bike there; the thrill of riding on the back of it was almost orgasmic. The vibrations buzzed through my body and went straight to my pussy. Hanging onto Ryker’s hard body through his leather coat was enough to make me almost come.

  Almost. I couldn’t quite let go out of fear I’d fall off the back of his bike. But that was part of the exhilaration I felt, the fear of crashing on the bike.

  I might have been addicted to the danger it seemed.

  I slid off the bike and Ryker helped me down. I gave him my helmet and he set it with his on the seat. I slipped my hand in his and followed him into his clubhouse.

  “Boss, where the hell have you been?” a young biker with a black beard yelled the moment we walked in. I recognized him from the Hen House.

  “Margot, you remember Gus,” Ryker said and I did. He’d helped me get home that first night. It was funny, it wasn’t that long ago but it felt like a lifetime. I was a completely different person now.

  “I do, thanks for helping me get home safely,” I told him.

  “Anything for the boss here,” Gus replied. He looked at Ryker and back to me with a confused expression.

  “She’s my old lady,” Ryker said with a smug smile. “Treat her well and I won’t kick your ass.”

  Gus laughed and clapped Ryker on the shoulder, but he stepped aside respectfully when I walked past. I felt like royalty.

  Ryker was greeted by everyone as we walked into the center of the warehouse. It was set up like a real club, complete with a stripper pole on a stage to the side and a bar in the middle. I was surprised at how many members there were in Ryker’s group.

  We continued through the group and headed to an office at the back. He opened the door, dragged a biker and woman off the desk and snarled, “Get out.”

  They scrambled away and Ryker took his chair on the other side. “Come here, kitten,” he said and patted his lap. It was strange to see him in this environment, so completely in command of all those people.

  I slid onto his lap and curled my arm around his neck. “Is this what you want?” I asked with a grin.

  “This is perfect,” he told me and stared at the door.

  A moment later a sleek looking man in a finely tailored suit walked through the door and sat down across from us.

  “Sergei,” Ryker said in a cold tone. “What the hell is going on that needed to drag me down here?”

  “Your club has a rat,” he said and locked his flat cruel eyes on me. “And we need to find out who it is.”

  “A rat?” Ryker scoffed. “There’s no way we’ve been infiltrated.”

  “I have a man on the inside at the FBI,” Sergei said slowly in his thick Russian accent. “He told me he saw a document outlining an informant in your club. I believe him.”

  “There is categorically no way somebody has managed to worm their way into my organization,” Ryker said with a sneer.

  “Maybe it’s your whore there, have you looked into her past?” Sergei said nodding at me.

  His use of the word made me shudder in disgust. There was nothing sexy about the way he spat it out, like I was beneath him. I opened my mouth to protest but Ryker put his hand on my thigh comfortingly.

  “She is no whore,” he said in a dangerous tone. “She is my woman and you will treat her as such.”

  “She’s a whore if she can be bought and sold,” Sergei said, looking me up and down with his reptilian gaze.

  “Any woman who can be bought is not worth having,” Ryker snarled and held me tight. “She is above that, and if you don’t apologize to her then our business will end right here, right now.”

  “You would end a decade of good relations over such a thing?” Sergei exclaimed.

  “I would cut your fucking head off if it pleased her,” Ryker told him. “Just be grateful that all I demand is an apology.”

  Sergei eyeballed me hard, staring at me until I almost thought he was trying to peer into my soul. “Fine, I’m sorry for calling you such a thing,” he told me, stood and stalked out.

  “Who was that?” I asked with my heart pounding in my chest.

  “Just the head of the Russian Mafia,” Ryker chuckled and stroked my thigh with his hand. “And you had him saying sorry.”

  “That wasn’t me, that was all you.”

  “Oh he knew I meant it, kitten. And I only meant it because of you.”

  “Do you think he’s right? Do you guys have a rat in your club?”

  He hesitated for a moment, cleared his throat and said, “No, not to my knowledge.”

  For the first time ever I felt like he might be lying to me. “Would it be bad if there was one?”

  “It would be the end of the club,” he said, squeezing me tight and nuzzling my neck. “It would be very bad, but don’t you worry about that. It doesn’t concern you.”

  “Are you in danger?” I asked, concern overwhelming me.

  “I’m always in danger,” he said, stopped and looked at me. “If anything were to happen, Quinn will take care of you.”

  “I don’t want Quinn, I want you,” I said.

  “Oh kitten, I think we both know that’s not entirely true.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve noticed the longing looks you give him, the way you brighten when he’s around. It’s completely natural though, we’re identical twins, of course you’re attracted to both of us.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this,” I said, “I can’t even imagine living if something happened to you.”

  “It’s okay,” he said, “I would want you to be happy.”

  Tears sprang to my eyes and I said, “Can we seriously not talk about this?”

  “Whatever you want, kitten,” he said and kissed my cheek, then my lips. “I just want to make you happy.”

  “Then never leave me,” I said. “That’s the only way I’ll be happy.”

  “I can’t promise anything,” he said quietly, “but I’ll do my best to come home to you.”

  It was the most I could ask for from a dangerous man like Ryker who lived in a dangerous lifestyle.

  We spent the night at the club where once again I was treated like a princess. I half expected Tawny to show up on the stripper pole but she didn’t. We were treated to a seemingly never ending parade of girls trying their best to catch the eye of a biker.

  It was funny in a way, I’d never been attracted to guys like Ryker so I’d never bothered to flirt with them or try to catch their eye. I had a feeling that’s why he found me so appealing in the beginning, the fact that I didn’t want him.

  We got back on his bike as the sun was coming up and made our way for his house. We stumbled in as Quinn was getting up, our eyes bleary and our hearts light.

  “Must be nice to have no job,” Quinn said acerbically as we passed him in the hall. I made note of the door that belonged to his room, at least that puzzle was answered.

  “I was working,” Ryker said in a growly tone.

  “You were at the clubhouse?” Quinn exclaime


  “Why the fuck did you take Margot? Why would you put her in danger?”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “Ryker was with me the whole time.”

  “That’s not the fucking point,” Quinn said, not looking at me but keeping his gaze locked on his brother’s face. “Why would you drag her into that world?”

  “I wanted her by my side.”

  “Fucking selfish, as usual,” Quinn grumbled and shook his head.

  He walked away and we made our way to the bedroom. As we were stripping down, I watched Ryker’s muscles ripple under his tattooed flesh and noticed scars here and there.

  It hadn’t occurred to me that him being in Hell’s Warriors might actually be dangerous. Until then it had felt more like manufactured fear, like I knew we would be safe from harm.

  After Quinn’s reaction, I wasn’t so sure.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The days went too fast and soon I had to get back to work. I mean I didn’t have to, I knew Ryker would provide for my every need if I asked, but I wasn’t ready to ask just then.

  I was planning on taking a car into the city to my place and gathering up the rest of my things. I still had to let Tawny know I wasn’t going to be living with her anymore.

  I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she realized she’d have to pay her own rent or find some new sucker to push around. It certainly wasn’t going to be me anymore.

  “I’ll drive you,” Ryker said when I was nearing the front door. He was already waiting for me, keys in his hand.

  “I thought you were busy tonight,” I said with a wide smile.

  “I decided to make time for you, kitten,” he told me. “Club business can fucking wait. I’m not ready to let you leave my side.”

  “That’s going to make waiting tables pretty tough,” I laughed. I was thrilled that he wanted to come with me, I’d been having my own pangs of sadness over leaving him.

  “I’ll watch,” he said with a lopsided grin. “I can keep the perverts at bay.”

  “They’ll definitely leave me alone if you’re glaring at them,” I laughed.


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