Heavy Hearts
Page 4
I turned around to see a sight that no one ever longs to see, Suzette’s head flung over the side of the railing as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the river. Adam rubbing her back and holding her hair as he glanced at me shaking his head left to right mouthing the words “I am so sorry”, but it wasn’t his fault, and it wasn’t her fault either; so I had no one to blame for ruining the moment with Simon; that was the thing that made me fume the most.
The four of us spilled back into a cab for the last time that night, Adam instructed the driver to bring us back to The Savoy. I found myself once again in the backseat sandwiched between my best girlfriend, and the man I desperately wanted to be kissing, but instead I held Suzette’s head in my lap as she fought back the urge to toss her cookies.
I stroked her hair lightly and looked into Simon’s bewitching brown eyes apologetically. I didn’t know what exactly he was thinking at that moment, but he was a perfect gentleman about the situation and understood that we needed to get her back to the room right away.
The whole cab ride we stared into each other’s eyes, smiling at times and pouting at others. It was the most intense staring match I had ever been involved in, and to tell you the truth it was a real turn-on.
The cab pulled up outside the hotel and Simon asked the driver to wait a moment for him. He walked the three of us up to our room to make sure we got in okay. Adam carried his passed-out girlfriend into the room and I held back to say goodbye to Simon.
“I’m so sorry about all this. I shouldn’t have even brought them with, I should’ve trusted that you were a decent person and…” he put his index finger up to my lips to stop me midsentence, and good thing too cause I could feel myself beginning to ramble.
“I’m glad you brought them with, it’s important that your friends like the company you choose to keep. I had a wonderful time with the three of you tonight, and I just hope you enjoyed it just as much.” He released my lips to let me reply.
“I did. Trust me I’ll remember this night for the rest of my life.”
“Well, then there is only one thing left to do,” he took me by the hand and pulled me back toward the elevator bay. I was feeling a mixture of emotions that made me smile wildly. Confusion, excitement, worry, and curiosity surged through me all at the same time, but I wanted to trust him so I followed blindly.
We left the hotel and he opened the cab door for me once again, beckoning for me to get in, but I was hesitant and I took one step back from the curb.
“Do you trust me?” He looked at me hopeful as he held the cab door open. I nodded, because I did. “Then hop in.”
I jumped in the cab and watched as Simon whispered something to the driver, just low enough that I couldn’t hear where we were going, for the second time that night. Worry washed over me for quick second, but I pushed it away when he slid in the cab beside me and took my hand again.
I knew Adam would go ballistic when he realized I was gone, so I took my cellphone out of my clutch and sent him a quick text letting him know: “I’m fine, Simon has one more surprise. Please don’t worry. I trust him.” Hoping that was enough to keep him at bay.
“What are you up to?” I begged him to tell me what this was all about.
“Patience my darling, patience.”
After a few minutes of driving it started to become clear what he had planned as the Tower Bridge came into view again and my heart started to pound so loud in my chest I was sure that was why the cabbie leered at me in the rearview mirror.
We found ourselves standing in the same place on the bridge we had been less than an hour ago, before we were so grossly interrupted, and this time he didn’t spare a second.
He took my hand and pulled me close to him and he was oh so warm. His right hand found my face again, moving through my hair to the back of my neck as he pulled my face up into his and our lips collided. Just like that. No need for build-up this time because we both needed it so very badly.
All of the events of that night came rushing back. The food, the booze, the dancing, the bridge, and I was hungry for him. I ran my fingers through his hair pulling him deeper into me, but it wasn’t enough. I could feel it in his kiss that he was feeling the same way I was and we lustfully made out on the bridge for what seemed like hours, but I’m sure it was only minutes.
Chapter 6
I woke up the next morning feeling renewed; like somehow I had been enhanced. I closed my eyes to try and picture all the moments of that night behind my eyelids. I wanted to hold onto every word, every touch, every kiss, and every single detail I could possibly grab onto. I smiled at the thought of his seductive lips on mine and I wished that I wasn’t waking up alone in that mammoth of a bed, but I was alone.
We finished our evening the previous night with a kiss at the door and nothing more. I craved that I could’ve been brave enough to invite him in and to do what I knew we both wanted, but I just couldn’t. I wanted to know that this was something that could be somewhat real and that it wasn’t all about the conquer; and that was my biggest mistake… my downfall.
I got out of bed to find Suzette and make sure she was still alive. Before her spectacle that night I don’t think I had seen anyone throw up that much in my life.
Both of them were already awake and sitting on the dark yellow couch just staring out the giant window facing the river as they shared some breakfast. I spotted an extra tray sitting on the brown granite topped coffee table and motioned toward it looking to Adam for approval that it was for me. He nodded as he placed a strip of bacon into his mouth and slowly chewed. The two of them looked completely dazed, Adam sitting straight up and Suzette with her limp head lying in his lap as she nibbled on a piece of bread.
I felt bad for Suzette, and I wasn’t really sure what was bugging Adam, but I wanted to have another amazing day so I tried to snap them out of their breakfast coma.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” I asked to get things going.
Suzette picked her head up and tossed the toast back onto a plate. “Well,” she began, her voice was hoarse, no doubt from all the vomiting. “I kind of want to go back to that bridge. I didn’t really get to enjoy it, and I kinda want to go to the top level and get some sweet pics.” My body tensed when she mentioned the bridge. I wanted to go back too, but I longed to go back in time with Simon.
“Sounds good to me, then can we take a ride on that?” Adam pointed his finger out the window to the giant Ferris Wheel across the river. I had a thing about heights, and those two really tested my fear with their high bridges and giant wheels. But, the top of the London Eye would be quite romantic with Simon, assuming he would join me; I thought to myself.
“Sounds like a plan, a terrifying plan, but I’m down.” I tried to keep myself composed as I chewed on a piece of sausage, but I wanted to jump out of my skin and give Simon a call to invite him on our elevated evening. However, I didn’t want to seem too eager, I thought a text might be better.
We spent the afternoon being lazy in the suite. Suzette and I took a bubble bath together to unwind. The hot water undid any knots we had and the scent of lavender filled the room to calm us. She probed me for details about the rest of the evening after she got sick; which she never stopped apologizing for. I told her it was okay, that we still had our moment and it was even more magical then I could’ve hoped for.
“Still, I feel like such an ass. I knew I was drinking too much, but those pink shots that they kept handing to us were amazing. Tasted like liquid candy!” She exclaimed.
“Which is why I only had a few, you have to be careful of the delicious tasting alcohol, that’s the stuff that will mess you up… clearly.” I pointed to her as an example.
“Yeah, well… shut up!” She splashed me with water and our laughter drew Adam into the bathroom to check out the action.
“Ladies, I love to see the two of you soapy and naked, but it’s getting late in the day and the bridge is going to close eventually.” Adam gulped as he tried to
sneak a peek under our bubbles.
“Alright, give us a minute… perv.” Suzette scolded. We hopped out of the tub, all prune-y, and got dressed for a casual evening out. Suzette threw on a pair of jeans and an adorable flowing blue tank top with a tie around the waist that she knotted once and let the strands hang low. I opted for a pair of black shorts and a baggy white ‘Killers’ band t-shirt that hung off my right shoulder and was cut in a way that my stomach peeked just a little bit. I chose not to invite Simon that evening after all so I didn’t have to try too hard to look adorable, I went for comfortable as I pulled my hair into a messy bun. After slipping on my black and white Converse sneakers we were ready to go.
I helped Suzette get some cute photos of her and Adam standing in the bridge's high walkway, but after only a few minutes of feeling a bit uneasy I decided to walk back down to the lower level. The height was making me a little nauseous and I needed to feel more grounded. I went back down and leaned against the edge of the bridge in the same spot as the night before. Why the height between the lower half of the bridge and the water didn’t scare me, I don’t know, but it just didn’t seem very frightening.
My phone buzzed as I stood there enjoying the warmth of the sweet London air on my skin, and I looked down at it shocked to see that it was Simon. I took an adorable picture of him at the club dancing with Suzette and I, his fedora on my head, and him smiling like the adorable fool he was. I couldn’t help but squeal at the sight of the picture and the excitement it made me feel to know he was calling me. I wasn’t that surprised though, our chemistry was pretty vehement.
“Hello…” I answered after a few rings, trying not to seem super eager even though I totally was.
“Lucy, love, it’s Simon!” He exclaimed.
“I know silly, what did you think I was going to forget you after one day?” I tried to sound light, but what I really wanted to say was “Please come find me right now, I’m dying to be touched by you.” I kept my composure pretty well though.
“Good… good. I’m glad you haven’t forgotten me. Listen… I hope this isn’t too forward, but I would absolutely love it if I could kiss you right now, and run my fingers through that messy bun you’re sporting.” Naturally I was confused, and my eyes darted around. Could he see me? Or was he just lucky? I thought.
“What?” I said, with a partial laugh. Then a hand wrapped around my waist and startled me. I turned and Simon was there in front of me, phone still held up to his ear.
“Hey beautiful.” He whispered. I hung up my phone and placed it back in my front pocket.
“Hi” was all I could say before his lips were on mine and his neatly groomed facial hair tickled my nose. I pulled back dazed. “Wait… what are you doing here?” I wondered.
“Not happy to see me?” He asked with a hint of pain.
“Oh my, no... I’m thrilled to see you, but… are you following me?” I didn’t want to sound harsh or anything, I just wanted to know what brought him there right as I was standing alone and wishing for him to be holding me just like he was at that very moment.
“I would certainly enjoy following you, especially in these shorts.” He answered, looking down at my choice of attire, and I was immediately horrified at the way I looked. “I was just at the pub, and I wanted to come up here to give you a call. I know… I’m a bit mad.” I realized that he was slightly drunk and suddenly I was overwhelmed with the scent of liquor. “But then on my way here I saw you looking out into the water, stunningly beautiful. So I couldn’t help myself.” He was insatiable.
“Wow, I wish I would’ve known I was going to see you, I would’ve put on something nicer.” I was so stunned I didn’t even know what to say to him.
“Why? I like the way you look right now, it’s real.” He kissed me again and I could taste Vodka, but I didn’t care. I welcomed his warm mouth onto mine and we kissed for too long; soon my friends were standing behind us gawking. Adam cleared his throat loudly to get our attention. I whimpered when Simon pulled away.
“Adam! Suzette! Wonderful to see the both of you again, had a fantastic time last night!” He spoke a little too loud as he gave them both big hugs. I was beginning to think he was even drunker than I had originally thought.
“Hey man, you alright?” Adam was a bit concerned with his current state.
“Of course mate! I was just drinkin’ with the fellas and I wanted a bit of fresh air and to give this one over here a call,” he pointed to me, “so I walked over here, but here she is… waiting for me. Isn’t that sweet?” He smiled at me with a wink. I couldn’t help but feel like I was on cloud nine at that moment. I knew that he had a few too many drinks, but he was thinking about me when I was not around, he came to the bridge just to give me a phone call, and he had no qualms with my casual attire. Plus the way he kissed me, so demanding yet delicate. I couldn’t help but feel weak in the knees.
“Are you joining us on the ferris wheel?” Suzette spoke up.
Simon’s eyes lit up and he looked back to Suzette, then back at me. “You’re taking a ride on the Eye?”
“Yep, Adam really wants to.” I said, unenthused.
“Well, count me in! Let’s get to it before it gets too late.” Simon was thrilled about our evening plans, and I was a little more eager to ride as well knowing he would be there to catch me if I fell.
Simon led the way in the direction of the wheel, but Adam grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Simon and Suzette didn’t notice and they kept walking ahead; chatting it up.
“What’s wrong?” I asked Adam.
“Listen, I booked this ride yesterday. They have this cupid’s capsule deal where you get a capsule for two and champagne, or whatever. So I booked two of them, I know I should’ve told you sooner that you were going to be riding in one by yourself, but it’s the one right after ours I made sure.” Adam explained.
“I’m confused…”
“I wanted this to be something romantic for Suzette, and I was going to buy three tickets, but this package is only good for two in one pod, otherwise we would be riding with a swarm of people. That’s why I bought two pods, so it works out great that Simon showed up because now you won’t be alone.” I was still confused why he spent the extra money so I could have my own capsule… I would’ve preferred to stay on the ground. But I guess none of that mattered since he handed me the two tickets, one for me and one for Simon.
“Okay..” I shrugged it off like it was nothing; trying, but most likely failing, to hide my excitement. We caught up to the other two who were still talking about who knows what, I wasn’t even sure if they realized we were so far behind.
We arrived just as the sun was going down and the bright pink lights on the Ferris wheel lit up. Adam handed his two tickets to the man waiting by the entrance and I followed. He led us to the wheel which never stopped moving. It was going at such a slow pace that we had plenty of time to get in, but it still freaked me out that it never just halted. Simon had to practically carry me on, which I didn’t mind.
The capsules were a lot bigger than they looked from afar. Big enough to easily fit twenty people or more, but we had it all to ourselves. It was refreshing to see that it was completely enclosed in glass, not like a traditional Ferris wheel where the only thing keeping you from death was a lap bar.
The door closed behind us as we entered the sideways egg-shaped glass container. There was a low wooden table, or possibly a bench for sitting, a bottle of champagne and two glasses; also a box of truffles waiting for us. We were in this glass tube for thirty whole minutes, so I immediately went for the champagne to calm my nerves as we very slowly climbed to the top.
“Are you alright?” Simon asked me.
“Uhm… yeah,” I fiddled with the champagne bottle, “I just have a thing about heights. Ya know, falling from hundreds of feet in the air plummeting to my death. A little nerve racking but nothing a good glass of champagne won’t help.”
“Here,” he took the bottle fro
m me and flawlessly popped it open without even spilling any. He poured the two glasses full and handed one to me. “Cheers,” he raised his glass to mine creating a small clinking noise. I took a sip and let the liquid courage flow through me. Settling my nerves and putting me in a calmer, warmer place. I walked close to the edge to look out at the beautiful London view. The sun was completely set by then and all the buildings were lit up. The pink glow from the outside of the pods really set the mood.
I felt Simon walk up behind me putting one hand around my waist and slightly turning me towards him. He was holding one of the pink truffles between his fingers and motioned for me to open wide.
He placed the truffle in between my lips and I took a bite. It was so delicious and smooth; it really complemented the champagne. I let a low ‘mmmm’ escape from deep in my throat. I swallowed the decadent truffle and took another sip of the bubbly. Simon beckoned me to take the other half of the treat, but I shook my head and raised my hand to take the piece of truffle out of his hand. Now I was the one who wanted to do the feeding. I raised the sweet close to his mouth and he opened wide revealing his white teeth and his soft warm pink tongue. I placed the truffle into his mouth and let my index finger linger inside. He wrapped his lips around it and sucked rather hard. I could feel him swallow the small piece of candy whole and he was only focused on the taste of my finger.
I bit on my lower lip to keep myself from gawking, but I couldn’t help but feel extremely hot with this man right as his tongue slid against my digit. I slowly pulled it out and our eyes were locked. He took the glass of champagne out of my hand and set it down on the bench, never breaking eye contact. Then he leaned in close, tilted my chin upward toward his face, and kissed me like it might have been the last time he was ever going to kiss me again. It was long, deep, and lustful and I felt myself whimper as he pulled away.