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Lucky Neighbor: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

Page 57

by Gage Grayson

  We get to his place. He lives in a modest but chic building. Luckily, he’s on the top floor so there’s somewhat of a view, but not much.

  I make a mental note to research everything about Marcus and the organization that he says he’s working for once I get home. I’ll easily find all the dirt there is on him.

  His place is small but super posh. I admire the paintings displayed on the walls. He obviously has a keen eye for art, which is something I respect. Not everyone has that.

  I walk around and examine all his belongings on display, trying to find proof of who he really is and if he’s being transparent with me.

  Keeping up my guard is important. I never trust anybody until I do a full background check on them, and even then, it’s unlikely I’ll ever fully trust them. That’s just how I work. I learned a long time ago that you take care of yourself first.

  Marcus is calling in for delivery while he opens a bottle of wine. He pours me a glass, and I’m thankful. I love wine.

  Once he’s off the phone, he starts off asking me about the activism I do.

  “Why are you in it?” he asks.

  “Into what?” I say.

  “Your activism. It’s obviously your passion. Your profile is pretty strong, and I see that you have a lot of experience in fighting the good fight. Why do you do it?” he continues to prod.

  I decide to tell him a little bit of the truth. It won’t hurt to let him know some of my backstory. Besides, this guy is so hot that I want to do anything I can to make him feel closer to me so that I can get closer to that giant cock.

  “Well, I’ve had the unique position of seeing everything that’s going on in terms of the 1% being in control of all the capital. I grew up very poor. I had to fend for myself.

  “I was an orphan. No one wanted me. I saw firsthand how the poor struggle and how banks and other financial institutions make them even poorer instead of helping them like they promise. It’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s all politics.

  “And it’s all away for the rich to get richer. I don’t believe in that. I believe in fighting against that and helping people at the bottom. I guess that’s just my truth.”

  He takes a long moment to respond.

  Shit. I don’t know why I just told him all that. Like, it just came out.

  I feel more exposed than I’ve ever been. Now he knows that I’m an orphan and that I was poor my whole life. Why did I tell him that?

  “Hey, thanks for telling me that. It means a lot. But I think you should know that the banks don’t think it’s a problem. It’s business and they have policies.”

  I take the opportunity to educate him, “Yeah, well their policies should be changed because if it’s not for the people, their clientele who endorse them and keep them in business, then that very businesses would fail. They would be nothing.”

  I take another sip of my wine, and I’m starting to feel a little bit tipsy. It’s not a bad feeling.

  “So suddenly the people are in charge of the banks?” he says. “Shouldn’t it be the other way around, Katy? Do you think the banks and corporations owe the people everything they have? Shouldn’t people make their own fortunes?”

  Why is he so upset about this? I thought he was into me because of my activism. He seems to be siding with the banks and the other financial institutions, and I can’t figure it out.

  He obviously doesn’t know what I know. He hasn’t been on the streets, cold, shivering, and alone. He doesn’t understand that people need to be helped no matter what.

  “Then why are you asking me all this, Marcus? I thought you were interested in my beliefs. I thought we were of the same mindset. Obviously, you don’t know what you’re talking about, and this conversation will get us nowhere,” I say, suddenly angry at his ignorance.

  The conversation is starting to get heated, and the wine is kicking in.

  As soon as I mention the activism he backs off.

  “Hey, I’m sorry, I’m just trying to play devil’s advocate. I ask these tough questions of everybody. I want to know why people do what they do. You obviously believe in your activism and I want to know why. You just explained it. And I agree with you...on some things.”

  With the chemistry between us igniting and the alcohol mixing with my adrenaline, I’m starting to feel very turned on. So much so that I have the sudden urge to make myself come just to stand another minute of being around him.

  Marcus is sitting at the island next to me on a barstool. He’s close. He’s so close that I could probably trail my fingers down his strong chest and rippling abs.

  But I don’t. I hold back. I need to keep my wits about me.

  I break away from the intense moment and say, “Where’s the powder room?”

  I need to take a moment for myself, a moment to get my head on straight. Lust is starting to take over my mental faculties...

  He points to one part of the apartment, and I walk that way. I start to calm down. I tell myself that I shouldn’t feel attracted to him, especially because I can’t trust anybody at this moment.

  He could be out to get me. I never know who my enemy is. When you’re a hacker like I am and you’ve done dirty deeds such as the ones I’ve done, anybody can be the enemy. I mean, I hope it’s not Marcus, but I still have to protect myself.

  At the same time, I can’t help myself.

  Once I’m inside his powder room, I reach down and slide my hand under my thong. I play with myself, imagining Marcus here with me. I need to come, to release some of this internal rage and frustration and lust.

  It’s all mixing into one thing, and I can’t be around him without letting out some of the building steam.

  I’m thinking of him, and it feels so fucking good, and oh god, I’m about to come. Then I look up and realize that the door to the bathroom has been open this entire time and that Marcus is watching me.

  Oh my god.

  Then things take an interesting turn.

  He walks right fucking in with fire in his eyes and proceeds to join in the fun.

  Chapter 8


  She doesn’t realize that I’ve been watching her touch herself.

  I love that she couldn’t be around me for long without having to get off.

  It means she feels the same insane attraction for me that I feel for her.

  She left me hanging at the jail, literally, with my cock in my hands.

  And now I’m going to make her pay for it.

  Her eyes lock with mine, and we both know what’s about to happen.

  “You just couldn’t wait, huh?” I smirk. “I can’t say I blame you. Most women need to get off once they’ve had some time with me. I’m not surprised that you’re no different.” I look at her from head to toe. “I can help you, Katy, if you want.”

  She jerks her hand out of her pants, and I know I have her right where I want her. She can’t survive another second without coming to the thought of me.

  I go on. “I can give you what you want, Katy. Why don’t you let me help you?”

  She looks at me squarely in the eyes, and her face doesn’t flush with embarrassment or anything. It’s as if she could care less that I’ve caught her in the act.

  Instead, she says to me with steely eyes and a measured tone of voice, “I don’t need you, Marcus. I don’t need any man. Clearly, I can get by on my own.”

  I love the fact that she stands up to me. So far, she hasn’t failed to surprise me with her fiery nature.

  “Well, I know you’re thinking about me. Instead, you can have the real thing. I promise it’ll be worth your while.”

  We stare at each other for a long moment. My cock is pushing hard against my pants, and I know that I have to get off, too.

  I walk towards her and kiss her hard on the mouth. She pushes me off but my strength is no match for her. I keep her close and kiss her to my heart’s content.

  She tries to object. “Marcus, not now. We can’t.”

  “Why not?” I say.

  “Because you’re just some guy to me, that’s why. Do you think I get into bed with every man I meet? Obviously, you have me painted all wrong,” she says.

  I release her a little, just enough to give her some breathing space.

  Then I say, my mouth right against hers, so close we’re breathing the same air, “You tormented me at the jail. I wanted you so fucking bad, and you left me hanging. You were quite a naughty girl. Now I think it’s time you pay for your little deed.”

  Again, she tries to resist me, but I pin her hands above her head and back her up against the wall.

  “I’ll have you begging for it. That I promise you,” I say confidently.

  I kiss her long and deep, and finally, she relents. She’s kissing me back. I bring one of her hands down to feel my hard cock. Then I unzip and let it out.

  She looks down and takes in the sight of my enormous length. Her eyes widen, and she licks her lips in anticipation.

  Damn fucking right. I know she wants me bad. No one can resist my cock. She’s fucking lucky to have it on offer.

  I pull her tank top off, then unclasp her bra to reveal perfect tits. All the while, I’m kissing her roughly.

  “You’re going to pay for what you did to me, Katy. You deserve it,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “Never,” she says, fierce and defiant. “You know I can escape whatever situation I’m in.”

  I cinch her hands again tightly above her head so that she can’t move.

  “Trust me,” I say, breathing down her neck. “Once you’ve tasted my cock, you’ll never want to escape again.”

  I slide my hand down into her pants and begin to stroke her sopping wet pussy. I sink my fingers deep inside of her until I find her G-spot. She moans in pleasure, and I know that I have her right where she needs to be: in a position to come quickly.

  Once I make Katy come, she’ll never want to run away from me again. She’ll be my little slave―exactly how I want it.

  No woman has ever been able to deny me sex. Even though Katy doesn’t know that I’m a billionaire, everything else about me screams muscle, stature, and power.

  She’s obviously not swayed by money because my posh little apartment is enough for her. Most women practically come before the elevator door opens up to my penthouse. They all have dollar signs in their eyes, and it’s obvious what they’re after.

  They want my cock, and they want my money. It’s so superficial and transparent. That’s why I lose interest quickly.

  But from the beginning, Katy’s been a challenge. And it turns me on and intrigues me that I’ve found a woman with such strength. It only makes me want to break her down harder. To make her submit.

  I want her to know that for as strong and empowered as she is, I’m stronger. I want her to know that with me, she has to let go and to give up control.

  She’s breathing heavily as I finger her. I rub my fingers against her G-spot and slide my thumb in a circle around her clit.

  I kiss her deeply, and she moans into my mouth. I have her held tightly against the wall.

  Soon, her legs make their way up around my waist, and she grips me tightly with them. I know she likes my fingers working magic on her secret spots, but ultimately, she’s craving my rock-hard cock.

  “Please, Marcus,” she breathes. “Please just fuck me.”

  “See, it didn’t take you long to start begging for it. I knew you would. They all do,” I say back to her.

  She doesn’t seem to hear me, as she’s in a world far removed from this one. I feel her come around my hand because her pussy swells and tightens and pulses against me.

  She’s coming hard, almost violently. Her body is shaking, and she goes limp. She can barely keep her legs up around my waist. My body, pinning her to the wall, is her only source of strength.

  I’m virtually holding her up with my one arm. She weighs barely anything. She’s so slight and yet her breasts are big and beautiful.

  I continue fingering her, extending her orgasm. But this time I need a taste.

  I lean down and suck on her nipple, getting harder and harder with every twist of my tongue. I bite and torture both her tits, causing her to scream my name louder and louder.

  “Marcus, fuck, yeah. I’m coming!”

  “I know, baby. I can feel it. Just let it go.”

  She comes, her body slightly vibrating. I release her hands from above her head, and she sinks down to the floor. I know she’s never been had like that before―and she hasn’t even felt my cock inside of her.

  “Baby, you can’t rest now. There is so much more to do. Don’t you want to feel me inside of you?”

  She’s so tired and spent from just that. It’s a happy sight for me. If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s to pleasure a woman.

  I don’t think Katy expected it. I don’t think she saw herself begging for it so quickly―or even at all. I can tell she’s underestimated me, which is such a naughty thing to do.

  Just when I think that I’ll have to rouse her back to life, she looks up at me with a defiant expression. Then she climbs to her knees and starts to lick my cock.

  I press both my hands against the wall in order to give myself some strength. The feeling of her tongue sliding along my shaft is just too good―mostly because I’m anticipating how it’ll feel gliding down her throat.

  She makes it nice and wet before using her hand to encircle it up and down. Fuck. If just her handjob is this good, I can only imagine what other talents must live inside her.

  Katy is a force to be reckoned with, and I’m learning that in the most intriguing of ways. Just when I thought I had her spent, she’s come up for round two.

  She’s tenacious as hell and provocative, too. She’s a woman like no other. And she proves it when she spits on my cock to make it nice and slippery, ready for me to slide right down her throat.

  Chapter 9


  I’m getting his massive cock nice and slippery.

  I’m preparing to give him my full submission.

  It’s as if I’m hypnotized by the length and the girth of his giant cock. I forget myself, and I forget the fact that I’m supposed to be resisting him.

  I just can’t deny myself for one second longer the pleasure of having his huge, heavy cock deep down my throat.

  I came in here to masturbate, to blow off some steam. But instead, he caught me, and he made me erupt in a way that I have never felt before. I mean, he made me come like three times just with his fingers.

  And I know he thinks that because of that...I’m his.

  But he’s wrong. This is all for me. This is what I want.

  And when I’m done, I’ll let him go so easily, just like I have all the others.

  I don’t get committed to anyone. And he’s not going to be the exception.

  I don’t care how gorgeous his cock is. I don’t care how much I want to taste it and devour it for all the days of my life. I can resist.

  I have to resist.

  I let him think he’s in control. I’m the one on my knees, giving him the best handjob I can give, getting ready to take that cock down my throat.

  From his bird’s eye view, I must look like the weaker sex, but from my position, I have his cock at my disposal.

  He’s got this domination thing all wrong. I’m in control to matter what. And I gain that control by making him think that he’s the one doing it.

  The time has come for me to feast. I open wide and take his cock down my throat. Soon, he grabs the back of my head and thrusts his cock into my mouth, fucking my mouth, trying to make me pay for when I humiliated him in the jail.

  He thrusts so hard that my eyes water. It’s all too much, and yet I don’t gag. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I am weak under the power of his cock. I refuse to gag.

  “You want it, Katy, don’t you? This is what you’ve been dreaming of your whole fucking life,” he says to me harshly.

  I can’t
deny that what he says is true. I’ve dreamt of the day this would happen, the day when I would meet a man whose vigor and tenacity could equal my own. And I’ve known the perfect cock was waiting for me somewhere.

  Is it wrong that I care more about that than who he is inside?

  He’s pumping into me so damn hard. His giant member is hitting the back of my throat, and god, it’s like my greatest pleasure.

  I want him. That much is sure. I need this cock ever deeper into whatever hole he desires.

  I’ll never admit my aching need to him. But he probably senses it by the way I’m so eager to take him in.

  “Open your throat, Katy. Open it wider.” He’s gasping as he says it.

  I do as he says, and somehow, he’s able to slide it in another inch or so.

  I can already tell from this short experience that he’s the best I’ve ever had. I already know my feelings of want and desire for him are going further than they should.

  But I’m not going to back up now. I need this. I need him.

  “Fuck, Katy, that’s so good. Just like that.”

  I moan around his cock because I have to. I feel like I could come again under the weight and force of him. He’s so hot, and this is the biggest fucking cock I’ve ever seen.

  I’m getting wetter and wetter by the second. I have to get off again. I just have to.

  I moan and cry in pleasure around his cock, and that spurs him on even more. He’s plunging it hard into my mouth, and I take it all without one single gag.

  I don’t care if I can’t breathe. I don’t care if I ever breathe again. I just need more of him inside of me.

  I start to furiously finger my clit.

  Please, god, release some of the pressure.

  It’s like I’m a volcano that can’t stop erupting.

  I look up at him as best I can and see that he’s smiling down at me with a wicked sort of grin, happy to see that I can’t help but pleasure myself while taking him in.

  “Good girl,” he says. “Do what you have to do, baby. Is my cock so much for you that you just have to come?”


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