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Thinking, Fast and Slow

Page 62

by Daniel Kahneman

  choices: from description; from experience; see also decisions, decision making; risk assessment

  “Choices, Values, and Frames” (Kahneman and Tversky)


  Clark, Andrew


  Clinical vs. Statistical Prediction: A Theoretical Analysis and a Review of the Evidence (Meehl)

  Clinton, Bill

  Coelho, Marta

  coffee mug experiments

  cognitive busyness

  cognitive ease; in basic assessments; and illusions of remembering; and illusions of truth; mood and; and writing persuasive messages; WYSIATI (what you see is all there is) and

  cognitive illusions; confusing experiences with memories; of pundits; of remembering; of skill; of stock-picking skill; of truth; of understanding; of validity

  Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT)

  cognitive strain

  Cohen, David

  coherence; see also associative coherence

  Cohn, Beruria


  coin-on-the-machine experiment

  cold-hand experiment

  Collins, Jim


  colostomy patients

  competence, judging of

  competition neglect

  complex vs. simple language


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  “Conditions for Intuitive Expertise: A Failure to Disagree” (Kahneman and Klein)

  confidence; bias of, over doubt; overconfidence; WYSIATI (what you see is all there is) and

  confirmation bias

  conjunction fallacy

  conjunctive events, evaluation of

  “Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of Necessity: Problems with Using Long Words Needlessly” (Oppenheimer)

  contiguity in time and place


  cookie experiment

  correlation; causation and; illusory; regression and; shared factors and

  correlation coefficient

  cost-benefit correlation


  creativity; associative memory and


  Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly

  curriculum team

  Damasio, Antonio

  dating question

  Dawes, Robyn

  Day Reconstruction Method (DRM)

  death: causes of; life stories and; organ donation and; reminders of

  Deaton, Angus

  decisions, decision making; broad framing in; and choice from description; and choice from experience; emotions and vividness in; expectation principle in; in gambles, see gambles; global impressions and; hindsight bias and; narrow framing in; optimistic bias in; planning fallacy and; poverty and; premortem and; reference points in; regret and; risk and, see risk assessment

  decision utility

  decision weights; overweighting; unlikely events and; in utility theory vs. prospect theory; vivid outcomes and; vivid probabilities and

  decorrelated errors

  default options

  denominator neglect


  Detroit/Michigan problem

  Diener, Ed

  die roll problem

  dinnerware problem


  disease threats


  disjunctive events, evaluation of

  disposition effect

  DNA evidence


  Dosi, Giovanni

  doubt; bias of confidence over; premortem and; suppression of

  Duke University

  Duluth, Minn., bridge in

  duration neglect

  duration weighting





  economics; behavioral; Chicago school of; neuroeconomics; preference reversals and; rational-agent model in

  economic transactions, fairness in

  Econs and Humans


  Edgeworth, Francis


  effectiveness of search sets

  effort; least, law of; in self-control

  ego depletion


  electric shocks

  emotional coherence, see halo effect emotional learning

  emotions and mood: activities and; affect heuristic; availability biases and; in basic assessments; cognitive ease and; in decision making; in framing; mood heuristic for happiness; negative, measuring; and outcomes produced by action vs. inaction; paraplegics and; perception of; substitution of question on; in vivid outcomes; in vivid probabilities; weather and; work and

  employers, fairness rules and

  endangered species

  endowment effect; and thinking like a trader

  energy, mental


  Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, An (Hume)

  entrepreneurs; competition neglect by

  Epley, Nick

  Epstein, Seymour

  equal-weighting schemes

  Erev, Ido

  evaluability hypothesis

  evaluations: joint; joint vs. single; single

  evidence: one-sided; of witnesses

  executive control

  expectation principle


  expected utility theory, see utility theory

  experienced utility

  experience sampling

  experiencing self; well-being of; see also well-being

  expert intuition; evaluating; illusions of validity of; overconfidence and; as recognition; risk assessment and; vs. statistical predictions; trust in

  expertise, see skill

  Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know? (Tetlock)

  Exxon Valdez oil spill

  eyes, pupil dilation in

  face reading


  fallacies; conjunction; narrative; planning; sunk-cost


  Far Side, The (Larson)

  fast and frugal heuristic

  fast thinking



  Fechner, Gustav


  Feller, William

  financial crisis of 2008


  nancial advisers and forecasters


  first impressions

  Fischhoff, Baruch

  flight instructors

  flood monitor

  Florida effect


  flowers syllogism

  Flyvbjerg, Bent


  focusing illusion


  forecasts, see predictions and forecasts

  football game

  Ford Motor Company

  formulas; algorithms; Apgar scores; hostility to; for interviews; multiple regression

  formulation effects


  fourfold pattern; in legal cases

  Fox, Craig

  Fox, Seymour

  frames, framing; in Asian disease problem; in child exemption problem; in disclosures; emotional; fuel economy and; good; in KEEP-LOSE study; organ donation and; regulations on; in survival-mortality experiment; in ticket problem

  Frederick, Shane

  Freedman, David


  Free to Choose (Friedman)

  frequency representation

  Frey, Bruno

  Friedman, Milton

  frowning; availability heuristic and; representativeness and


  Galinsky, Adam

  Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

  Galton, Francis

  gambles; bundling of; certainty effect and; emotional framing in; loss aversion in; lottery; mixed; and outcomes produced by action vs. inaction; possibility effect and; psychological value of; regret and; simple; St. Petersburg paradox and; vs. sure
things; utility ongsv> see also risk assessment

  Gates Foundation

  Gawande, Atul

  Georgellis, Yannis

  German Socio-Economic Panel


  Gibbs, Lois

  Gigerenzer, Gerd

  Gilbert, Daniel

  Gilovich, Tom

  Gladwell, Malcolm

  global warming




  good and bad, distinctions between


  gorilla experiment


  Gottman, John

  Gould, Stephen Jay

  grades and grade point averages (GPAs)

  grading students’ essays

  Grether, David

  group, joining

  Guthrie, Chris

  Haidt, Jonathan

  halo effect

  Halo Effect, The (Rosenzweig)

  happiness; of Californians; dating question and; income and; life stories and; marriage and; mood heuristic for; see also well-being happy faces

  happy words

  Harding, Warren G.

  Harvard Medical School

  Harvard University

  health: disease threats and; well-being and; risks and; see also medicine

  health survey problem

  health violation penalties

  Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  “Hedgehog and the Fox, The” (Berlin)


  Heider, Fritz

  helping experiment

  Hertwig, Ralph

  Hess, Eckhard

  heuristic, definition of

  high school curriculum team

  hindsight: bias in; regret and

  historical events

  hitchhiker question

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hogarth, Robin

  honesty box

  “How Mental Systems Believe” (Gilbert)

  How to Solve It (Pólya)

  Hsee, Christopher

  hubris hypothesis

  Humans and Econs

  Hume, David


  hypotheses, testing

  ideomotor effect

  illusions: cognitive, see cognitive illusions; Müller-Lyer; 3-D

  imaginability, immediate gratification


  independent judgments

  indifference map


  injection puzzle

  In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman)

  inside view


  intelligence; in marriage; pretentious language and

  intensity matching


  interviews; in Israeli Defense Forces

  Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (Bentham)

  intuition: acquisiitiodution of; common use of word; of experts, see expert intuition; predictive, see predictions and forecasts; as recognition; Simon’s definition of

  Inventor’s Assistance Program

  investments: stock portfolios; sunk-cost fallacy and

  Invisible Gorilla, The (Chabris and Simons)


  Israel, bombings in

  Israeli Defense Forces: flight instructors in; interviews in; leaderless group challenge in

  Israeli Ministry of Education

  “Jabberwocky” (Carroll)

  Jacoby, Larry

  Jencks, Christopher

  joint evaluations; single evaluations vs.

  judgment heuristics

  Judgment in Managerial Decision Making (Bazerman)

  judgments; basic assessments in; of experts, see expert intuition; intensity matching in; mental shotgun in; predictive, see predictions and forecasts; sets and prototypes in; summary, of complex information; see also decisions, decision making

  “Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases” (Tversky and Kahneman)

  Julie problem

  jumping to conclusions; bias for belief and confirmation in; halo effect in, see halo effect; suppression of ambiguity and doubt in; WYSIATI in, see what you see is all there is

  Kaye, Danny

  keeping score; mental accounts and; regret and; responsibility and

  KEEP-LOSE study

  kidney cancer

  Killing Ground, The

  kitchen renovations


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