Book Read Free

Bad Juju

Page 14

by Dina Rae

  Chapter 28

  Rio Garcia sat alone in his immense bedroom and played video games while his parents worked and his friends went to school. He was serving his last week of his second suspension, most recently earned from knocking Brittany against a wall of lockers. His parents lectured him on the bad choices that he made throughout the school year and hoped he had learned his lesson about controlling his temper. He agreed with them in order to get them to shut up.

  Rio really thought of himself as a victim who didn’t deserve any of this. He replayed the disastrous year several times in his mind, always coming up with the same conclusion: Henry Novak was responsible for everything. He was the one who ruined his shoulder and destroyed his high school baseball season, maybe even next fall’s footfall season. And now that Rio wasn’t the school’s star athlete, or any athlete at all, Brittany dumped him. Yes, Henry Novak was common denominator for all of his misfortune.

  The end of the school year was only a few weeks away. Teachers cut down on their usual reams of busy work while students enjoyed the outdoors. His friends were too busy with baseball to hang out or even call. Rio missed them. He missed his social status. And more than anything, he missed Brittany. Her rejection was much more than a bruised ego. Even though she had shattered him into a million pieces, he would still do anything to get her back.

  Rio half-heartedly played his new video game while thinking of ways to get Brittany to love him again. By dinner time, his ringtone blared like a loud horn. He knew by the honking sound it was Bart Littlefield. He frantically dove under his blankets until he found his phone.

  “Hey,” Rio said in his best blasé voice.

  “Hey. Just finished up with practice and thought I’d give you a quick call. I’ll be by tomorrow with the homework. So far, there isn’t much. Got some bad news,” Bart reported. Rio could hear the guys in the background goofing off. He longed to be back on the team, back at school.

  “Go ahead, Bart. Could use a good kick now that I’m down,” Rio grumbled.

  “You alright?” Bart inquired with concern.

  “Listen, it’s not like I’m going to go jump off of a bridge. Just say what you gotta say already. Let me guess…that skank Brittany found someone new to fuck all over the school?” Several seconds of awkward silence followed. “Bart, please tell me…”

  “I saw her in the tower. Me and Chad were up there getting high before school. She was on the steps with some guy. Couldn’t get a good look at him. She was blocking my view. They heard us and got spooked,” Bart recapped. “Chad couldn’t keep his mouth shut. It’s all over school. I wanted to tell you so you didn’t feel even worse.”

  “That fucking whore! What did he look like?” Rio squealed.

  “Big. And dark hair. Had a black and gray Nike backpack,” Bart answered.

  “Fuck the backpack! I need more than big with dark hair! That’s almost every guy in the senior class!” Rio shrieked.

  “Alright, calm down! He kind of looked like Henry Novak. But it couldn’t be him. He’s practically retarded,” Bart explained.

  “Where’s the nearest bridge?” joked Rio. The idea was worth contemplating.

  “I don’t think it was him. Your folks will be home soon, right?” Bart asked.

  “I was kidding. And you’re right. She would never sink that low. If you can get a name, great, but I’m so over that cunt,” Rio said, trying to sound indifferent.

  “Better days, my friend. This Friday, after the game, Madison DiAngelo is having a party. Her parents are out of town. She lives over by the golf course,” Bart said, eager to change the subject. “Sierra Sinclair told me that she was hoping you’d come. She’s hot! Want me to come over for a while? We could play X-box.”

  “Maddie’s party sounds fun. You don’t need to babysit me, bro,” Rio placated. He couldn’t wait to get off of the phone and smash something. “See you tomorrow. And thanks for telling me, but I’m fine.” She is not fucking Henry. That would be unnatural, impossible.

  Once he was off of the phone, Rio bombarded his walk-in closet, settling for his bat and a laundry basket he quickly filled up with crap that would be easy to wreck. He rushed to his deck and looked out to Lake Hayward and his boat dock, and then let anger take control. First, he threw up his phone and then whacked it out towards the lake. It broke into dozens of pieces that burst out toward the boat dock. I hate you, you fucking bitch! Next, he took out an 8X10 metal frame of Brittany and him at a party. Again, he tossed it and cracked it with his bat. He then pitched up his X-box console. Thwack! Plastic exploded everywhere. Some of the pieces made it into the lake. He was getting closer. This went on for several minutes. Each time he hit the object harder and deeper into the lake, destroying hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars of belongings. He knew it was stupid, but it felt so good to hit something. The light weight objects were not heavy enough to bash in. He quickly looked around and found a couple of large rocks his mom used for decoration inside of her planters. Tossing one high, he clobbered it as hard as he could. It fragmented into pebbles, landing yards away from the lake’s bank and into his tiny back yard. His wrath subsided while his shoulder zapped off waves of pain that spread throughout his torso. He buckled down to the cedar floor and cried in agony. The combination of the physical and emotional pain was unbearable. He had no more illusions. Of course Brittany was fucking Henry. His theory was once again reinforced: Henry Novak was determined to ruin his life.


  It wasn’t a secret that Jessica Novak hated her son’s new girlfriend. She was pretty and polite, but her provocative clothes and flirtatious mannerisms did not endear her to Henry’s family.

  Only weeks into their relationship, Jessica could not help but notice all of the time Henry and Brittany had spent in the basement together. Natalie further fanned the flames of dislike after mentioning rumors about Brittany’s reputation that had circulated down to the junior high. Brittany was only a sophomore, but already known for being promiscuous. Tom thought Jessica’s concern was unwarranted. He held tight to the stereotypical double standard that praised boys and scorned girls for being sexually active. Tom’s nonchalance would be thrown out the window if it was Natalie barricaded in the basement with her boyfriend.

  Sunday evening when Brittany was over, Jessica turned the doorknob, prepared to make a surprise appearance to the two teens. She no longer cared if her presence would embarrass Henry. The door was locked. That says it all.

  Taking an old barrette from her kitchen junk drawer, Jessica stuck the skinny metal latch inside of the hole of the cheap brass doorknob and poked out the push button on the other side of the door. With a sense of urgency, she ran down the stairs. On the couch was her baby boy with his pants halfway down pumping away on a stark naked Brittany. Jess had assumed the worst, but shock and panic took over.

  “Both of you, get dressed! Brittany, leave this house and never come back! Henry, get to your room! The party is over!”


  Tom Novak was enjoying himself in his garage as he drank his beer, listened to the Brewer’s game, and worked on assembling some window boxes. His sense of well-being was soon interrupted as his hysterical wife burst in and recounted the sordid scene she had just witnessed in the basement.

  Tom was shocked, but secretively proud. “Hon, boys will be boys. Give Henry a break. A beautiful girl at school throws herself at him…He’s a boy.”

  “I thought he would have fought off the temptation. I thought he wouldn’t put himself in a position of getting a girl get pregnant. Tom, we’re only thirty-five. Kinda young to be grandparents,” Jess lectured.

  “In a perfect world, maybe. But Brittany has been around the block more than once. Don’t know what I would have done at his age. Luckily, I met you and saved myself for our wedding,” Tom smirked. He had a few partners in high school, including his wife. His cynicism wasn’t lost on her.

  “If you’re implying that I’m a hypocrite, you know darn well we were engaged. I wasn
’t like Brittany. So this is not a big deal? No punishment?” Jess retorted.

  Tom kissed her head and smiled. “None. Your disapproval is enough. She’ll soon get sick of him anyway, and then move on to some other schlub. These things have a way of taking care of themselves. And you’ve said it before, she’s out of his league. Maybe she’s got mental problems.”

  “She just might. But if you’re not willing to do anything, then I will. That girl’s mother is getting a call,” Jessica firmly said.

  “No, wait! You’re mad. Let me call. You can listen in on the other line-no talking,” Tom suggested. He grabbed his portable phone and scrolled through the caller ID phone screen, easily finding Brittany’s home number. She called the house countless times over the last few weeks. Tom pushed the talk button and automatically dialed. Jessica grabbed another portable phone and sat down on Tom’s workbench.

  “Hello, Mrs. Bonaducci? Tom Novak. My wife, Jessica, is on the other line.”

  “Yes. And it’s Ms. I’m divorced. Please call me Dawn.”

  After the brief introductions, Tom described the evening’s happenings. “We just had an incident over here. Me and Jess are trying to be responsible and keep you in the loop…”

  “What did Brittany do?” Dawn asked.

  “Well Dawn, Jess caught them having sex in the basement. This is the first girl my son has ever dated. He doesn’t have a lot of friends. He has Asperger’s. He’s…quirky. Not the kind of boy that girls tend to chase. And Brittany, she’s beautiful…”

  “I know, Tom. That’s the problem. Boys give her a lot of attention, and she feels she has to reciprocate. I apologize for not even knowing who Henry is. I’m a nurse, and I work nights. Oh God, I’m so out of touch. I thought she was dating Rio Garcia. Anyway, I can’t keep up with her love life. Listen, this is no excuse, but I’m a single mom…I’ve suspected my daughter was less than virtuous, but I had no idea…”

  As Dawn droned on, the blood drained from Jess’s face. Tom couldn’t understand why. Everything was going smoothly. Two parents, talking in a civilized manner about the problem…

  “Thank you for calling. I need to get her some professional help. Lately, her grades have plummeted. She’s in some kind of self-absorbed haze. She barely talks to me anymore…”

  “Well it’s been great talking with you, Dawn. Just keeping you updated. And she is no longer welcome in our house. It’s for the best. We’ll be in Haiti for most of the summer anyway,” Tom announced, trying to wrap up the conversation. He hung up the phone, proud of himself for handling the situation in such a mature manner. Jess’s face still looked ill. “What’s wrong? I thought that went well.”

  “Rio Garcia? You don’t recognize the name, do you?”

  Tom’s memory was suddenly restored. Brittany and Rio were going to be trouble.


  Candy Fontana could not have been in a better mood. By the end of June, she and her boyfriend would be touring Europe for the summer. She deliberately gave her students easy assignments that were even easier to grade.

  At the end of the day, Candy packed up her things, excited to enjoy the rest of the sunshine. As she strolled down the long hallway, she saw Henry and Brittany socializing. She wished the poor boy would just give up on her.

  Move on. Take the stairs on this side of the hallway. She heard Brittany raise her voice a few times. Who gives a shit. Get in your car and go, Candy told herself.

  Brittany’s face looked like she was on the verge of tears. Candy slowed her gait. There were other students sprinkled throughout the hall, but they all seemed in a hurry to pack up and go home. Follow their lead. Ignoring her inner voice, Candy moved in closer.

  Brittany had been crying. Henry seemed distant and cold. Wait a minute…the love of his life is crying and he’s not trying to comfort her? Even more intrigued, Candy sized up Henry’s body language. The boy appeared to be repulsed. Candy disregarded the center stairwell and approached. She could now hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

  “Brittany, it’s over. My mom thinks you’re a slut. I don’t want to get in trouble,” Henry said, not realizing Candy was only a dozen yards away. She ducked into an inserted entryway of a nearby classroom and continued to eavesdrop.

  “But I love you! What we have is special! Did I do something wrong? Whatever it is, I’ll change,” Brittany begged.

  What? Am I hearing things? Candy was in shock.

  “You’re my first. I’ll always remember you, but we need to cool off. I’ll be away the whole summer anyway. Goodbye.” Henry walked off in the opposite direction of where Candy was standing. She carefully emerged from the entryway. Henry was gone. Brittany stood alone, sobbing.

  Go home and pretend you never heard any of this. Her need to help outweighed all logic. She looked at Brittany and asked, “You okay?”

  “No, I’m not okay! Henry Novak is the biggest asshole at Freemont High! I hate him!” Brittany yelled, and then stomped away.

  Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned, Candy recollected. Another shitstorm to swim through. With only twelve school days left, Candy tried not to be overly concerned.

  Chapter 29

  Minutes passed by like hours as Rio cried in agony while slumped on the decking floor of his balcony. Crying became monotonous. With all of his might, Rio got up, wiped his tears, and collected the broken pieces of things he had smashed that landed in his backyard. His shoulder burned with pain. He winced with each piece of glass, plastic, metal, and other debris he picked up. But he was determined to clear the evidence of his temper tantrum before his parents came home.

  While he put the shattered remnants in a garbage bag, he thought about Brittany’s and Henry’s alleged affair, trying to make some sense of it. Rio didn’t just get dumped. She went out of her way to rip his heart into a million little pieces. That bitch declared war.

  Rio filled up the bag and placed it on the bottom of the trash bin. He went into the garage and admired his new car. He turned sixteen the week prior and easily passed the driver’s test. Because of his unacceptable behavior and troubles at school, Rio’s dad refused to get Rio a birthday present. His mother, however, insisted on buying him a car. They went to several dealerships until Rio decided on a Dodge Charger. His dad was outraged. His mother compromised by prohibiting him from driving it until his suspension was finished.

  Per his mother’s persuasion, Rio received his car keys on Friday, the last day of his suspension. His car was now free for him to drive whenever he wanted. First destination was a big party on the other side of town. Friday night he picked up Bart before it turned dark. They drove to Madison DiAngelo’s house which backed into a golf club.

  “This car is bad-ass! You lucky shit!” Bart exclaimed. “I’m honored to be the first person to ride in it.”

  “Yeah, it’s sweet alright. As is yours, my brother.” Rio turned into the golf club community of extravagant homes.

  “Does Brittany know you’re driving? About your hot car?” Bart questioned.

  “No, or at least not from me. We’re over,” Rio stated.

  “She might be at Maddie’s. This party’s got a lot of PR over the school. Someone posted directions on Facebook,” Bart said.

  “Don’t care if she comes. Besides, you’re hooking me up with Sierra, right? She’s sexy. Got that long, red hair and hard little body,” Rio said. Bart nodded and turned up the volume of the stereo. Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream blared through the speakers.

  They pulled onto Madison’s street and parked several houses down at the first empty spot. The night was early and several students already were there. Bart and Rio knew the pretty blonde hostess, but not very well. She was a year ahead of them and hung in older circles.

  Her home was a colossal pile of bricks and stacked stones. Rio and Bart smiled as they parked. Other students loitered in the front yard and pointed to the back where the party took place.

  They walked through the fence and admired the large, secluded tract wi
th an endless hardscape and in-ground pool. By the back door, a mini-stage was set up with a D.J. jamming hit songs in between running karaoke mixes. A keg sat only feet away with a small line of thirsty students waiting to refill their red plastic cups. That wasn’t the only keg. Two others were situated in different parts of the immense yard. Although Madison had neighbors, the lot was too big for them to be bothered by the noise.

  The vast kidney-shaped pool took up half of the yard. It featured a diving board, bridge, and waterfall. Off to the side was an in-ground Jacuzzi. A few students were enjoying a soak. Only two students were swimming.

  On the other side of the yard, multi-leveled brick and flagstone patio groupings held coordinating loveseats, lounges, and ottomans. Bart saw his girlfriend, Kathleen O’Malley, drinking beer by the outdoor fireplace. She sat with Sierra Sinclair, Chad Newman, Corey Lattinger, and Jack Hoffman, some of Freemont’s varsity baseball players. Kathleen waved them over.

  Rio and Bart grabbed themselves a beer and sat down. They set their cups down in a flower box jammed with perennials, indifferently smashing some of the flowers. A flower vase currently being used as an ashtray sat on the coffee table.

  “Hey guys. Rio, my man, nice to see you out and about,” said Chad, the varsity star pitcher. “We could have used you this season.”

  “Hi all. Yeah, well, next year,” Rio replied. He didn’t much care for the cocky junior.

  “So you’re back on Monday?” Chad asked.

  “Yes. And I’m not talking to anyone. My folks are so pissed at me…” Rio said with a smile.

  “Hey Chad, you gotta see Rio’s new ride. Charger. Black with yellow pin striping. Got it after he passed his D.L. test,” Bart bragged. Rio knew Chad wasn’t Bart’s favorite either, but hung out with the boy during baseball season.

  “Last week? Wow, I’m impressed. You smack your woman around, get suspended, and then get your mommy and daddy to buy you a new car. Unfucking believable!” Chad exclaimed, partially slurring.


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