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How Many Chances

Page 6

by Beverley Hollowed

  “I would do anything for you,” he smiled and wrapped her in his arms and held her tightly.

  Ally finally pulled herself from Cole’s embrace and turned to Sid, who was standing there taking everything in. He still looked mad as hell but seemed to have calmed a little.

  “I am sorry I didn’t tell you the truth,” Ally said to her friend. “But I was so embarrassed. I was afraid people would say it was my fault for opening the door to him. But I promise you, I am okay.”

  “You know you could have trusted me, Ally.” Sid said as he reached out and took her hand. “I would have never judged you.”

  “I know you won’t,” she smiled gratefully. “Truth is I just wanted to forget it ever happened. Please don’t be mad at me. Can you forgive me?”

  Sid hugged Ally, and it told her all she needed to hear. They gathered up her belongings and took them out to Cole’s car.

  Sid was relieved when Ally said she was going to London for a while with Cole. He was happy she would be safer there with more distance between her and Jason.

  When they were ready to hit the road. Ally hugged Hannah, who was now dressed in her own clothes, and told her she couldn’t be happier for her and Sid. Hannah Apologised to Ally for telling Sid all about Jason, but explained she didn’t’ really have a choice.

  When she hugged Sid goodbye, she warned him not to mess with her girl’s heart. And he promised this time, thing were different. And Ally believed him.

  Cole held open the door for Ally as she climbed into his car and then closed it behind her. He hurried back to the driver’s side and climbed into the driver’s seat. As Cole pulled the car away from the curb. Ally waved out at her two friends. She smiled to herself, pleased that they seemed so happy and perfect together.

  She glanced over at Cole and she felt happy too. Despite everything, she knew she had finally found the one. But then she thought of his request for her to move in with him. She knew she loved him but they still barely knew each other. She just thought that is was a little too soon.

  But she also knew he was not going to let it go and that when it came to Cole bloody Thomas. She just couldn’t say no. She knew she was in big trouble.

  Chapter 7

  Rosie was delighted to see Ally walking through the door with Cole when they got back to the house. She threw her arms around her the minute she saw her and held her so tightly.

  “I am so glad to see you, Ally,” she said as she held her in her embrace. Then she whispered into her ear so only she could hear. “He was so worried about you. He does love you, you know.”

  “I know,” Ally said, smiling at Rosie as she released her from her embrace.

  “I will have dinner ready for you both in a few minutes,” Rosie added turning to Cole and smiled happily at him.

  “Okay,” Cole grinned back as he picked up Ally suitcase. I am just going to put Ally’s case up in our room. Ally froze at his words “Our Room”. Cole looked at Ally nervously and she knew he was watching her for a reaction to what he had just said. She just smiled at him.

  “I am going to go help Rosie,” she quickly said and followed Rosie towards the kitchen.

  Cole stood and watched as Ally walked away and sighed deeply. He knew she wasn’t sold on the idea of living together. He knew it was very quick but he thought if they both knew how they felt about each other, what difference should time matter?

  Then the thought occurred to him. Maybe she wasn’t sure how she felt about him. He knew he had really screwed up with the whole baby thing. She didn’t trust easily but she had trusted him but he fucked up and hurt her badly.

  He climbed the stairs with a heavy heart. He had no idea how to put this right. He knew she needed time. But he wanted her. He want her to be part of his life. He wanted her to share his home and his bed. He needed her because without her, he felt lost. She had his heart in her hands and he was completely at her mercy.

  When he returned to the kitchen she was perched on a high stool chopping vegetables, chatting happily with Rosie. It was how he had left her just over a week earlier and yet now it felt like a life time ago. He stood quietly and watched her for a few minutes. She was listening to Rosie talk about her sister’s grandchildren.

  She was truly breathtaking. Suddenly she turned and looked over at Cole and smiled. He smiled back but his heart ached at just how much he loved this girl. He needed to make things better for her but he had no idea how.

  “Are you okay?” she asked as he walked slowly towards her. He kissed her on the lips softly and smiled

  “I am now,” he reassured her.

  They sat down at the table, as Rosie served them a dinner of Cajun chicken, baby potatoes and roasted vegetables.

  “Would you like some wine?” Cole asked as she tucked into her dinner.

  “Actually, I would just like some water,” Ally replied standing up to get some water for herself. But Cole was on his feet faster. She knew wine was a bad idea. She needed to keep a clear head so she wouldn’t agree to anything she was not ready for.

  “Please, let me,” he got up and took two glasses from the cupboard and two bottles of water from the fridge before he returned to the table.

  They ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts.

  “I can arrange to have someone go to your apartment and bring the rest of your things here while we are in London if you want?” Cole said without looking up from his dinner.

  Ally froze mid bite of her chicken. She looked up at Cole as she put her fork back down on her plate.

  “And why exactly would I want you to do that?” Ally replied calmly though she felt anything but.

  “Well if you are moving in here…” he said looking up at Ally and his face dropped the minute he saw the expression on her face. “I thought… I mean you said…!

  “No I didn’t,” Ally replied, still keeping her composure. “I said I wanted to be with you, I never said I was moving in.”

  “Isn’t that the same thing,” Cole sighed, the frustration was clear in his voice because he was frustrated. For him it was simple if they wanted to be together, how long they knew each other should not matter. He didn’t understand why, for Ally, it was so complicated? Why did she always over think things? Women!

  “No Cole!” she exclaimed, trying to hide the irritation in her voice. She pushed her dinner away and stood up. “Look I am tired and I need to pack if I am going to London.”

  “Ally, we need to talk about this,” Cole demanded as Ally walked towards the door.

  “No!” she snapped as she stopped and turned back to Cole. “I am not arguing with you about this.”

  She stared at him for a moment, before she turned and walked out the door and headed upstairs for the bedroom.

  When she reached the walk in closet in Cole’s room, she let out the deep breath she had been holding. She had half expected him to come barrelling after her in the usual way he did when he didn’t get his own way. But this time he didn’t.

  She pulled opened her suitcase and was surprised to see it already empty. She knew Rosie had come and taken her clothes to have them washed and pressed for her. Ally was not comfortable with this. Having someone do things for her all the time was very alien to Ally. She was used to her own space and her independence. Another reason she wasn’t ready to live with Cole.

  She looked at all her other clothes that were already hanging in Cole wardrobe and she was surprised just how much stuff she had there already. How had this happen?

  It occurred to her he had practically moved her in bit by bit and she hadn’t even noticed.

  She was just sorting through the clothes she wanted, when she heard the door open slowly.

  She turned and looked at Cole who was leaning up against the door frame and she couldn’t help but smile at the nervous expression on his face.

  “Don’t be mad at me,” he said as he slowly began to walk toward her. “I am sorry I upset you. I don’t want to argue either.” />
  He stopped in front of her and took her by the chin, tilting her face up to his as he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers.

  “Let’s not fight.” he whispered as he brought his mouth to hers and kissed her softly. Ally stood for a moment motionless. Slowly she closed her eyes and let herself lean into his kiss. She dropped the clothes she was holding to the floor and slid her hands up his chest and around his broad shoulders.

  He lowered his hand from her face and he wrapped his arms around her tightly, pulling her into his embrace.

  She could feel his hard cock against her stomach and desire exploded inside her like a firework. She wanted him.

  He could sense the want in her and he smiled against her mouth. He kissed slowly along her jawline until he reached her ear and softly sucked her ear lobe into his mouth and bit it lightly

  “Don’t fight this, Ally,” he breathed against ear. His breath washed down her neck as her senses were filled with his glorious scent.

  She knew he was right. She knew whatever he wanted she would never say no to. She couldn’t. He was under her skin and in her head. She was his. There was no question of that.

  He picked her up and carried her out of the wardrobe and threw her down on the bed. He stood for a moment and watched her laying before him. He reached up and undid his tie and slid it from his neck before he let it fall to the floor. Slowly he started to open the buttons on his shirt, the whole time his eyes never leaving her.

  He watched her chest rise and fall quicker and quicker as her breathing quickened. He could see her pinch her legs together and he grinned to himself. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Cole knew the effect he was having on Ally, and he loved it. He decided to take things really slowly.

  He pulled his shirt tails from his trousers and slowly let the shirt fall from his shoulders, letting it slip down his arms and tumble to the floor.

  Ally took a deep shuddering breathe, and Cole grinned once again. This was exactly how he like her, completely and utterly at his mercy. He reached for the waist band of his trousers and undid his belt. Gradually and deliberately he slid it from his waist. Ally closed her eyes and groaned.

  Then, much to Cole’s surprised, she brought her hands to her breasts and softly circled her erect nipples through the soft cotton of her top as she flicked her eyes open and met his. This was new for her. It was braver than he had ever seen her act. He could instantly feel himself grow harder and strain against his trouser. He knew she was playing him at his own game.

  His began to twitch as she seductively slid her hand down over her body and finally reaching between her legs.

  As her hands slid between her legs she closed her eyes and arched her back off the bed. It was probably one of the most arousing things Cole had ever seen.

  Teasingly she slid her hands back to the waist band of her jean and she pull opened the button and eased the zipper down.

  Ally’s eyes meet Cole’s once again as her hand slipped inside her jeans and made her way to her soft, wet centre.

  Cole stood fixed to the spot, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He remembered the first night they were together, how, when she was naked she had tried to hide her body from him. Now here she was using her body to toy with him and it was hot as hell.

  He was struggling with what to do. He wanted her so badly but he was enjoying watching her too.

  Ally closed her eyes once more and she continued to explore her body with her own hands. She began moaning softly. Cole could barely breathe. He quickly reached for the waist band of his trousers. He pulled them open and let them and his boxer shorts fall to the floor. He kicked them from his feet along with his shoes and reached down to remove his socks. The whole time his eyes never left Ally’s body.

  He sat at the edge of the bed but for a moment didn’t touch her. He just watched as her breathing changed and he knew she was close. Ally once again met his stare as she pushed herself higher and higher. Without touching her Cole leaned over and brought his lips to hers. And that was all she needed. She cried out as her orgasm tore through her body.

  While her body still shook, she could feel the bed dip as Cole climbed over her. She could feel him reach for the waist band of her trousers and slide them down her legs. Then he returned to her panties and they were taken off too.

  Next he reached for her top and slowly he eased it up her body, allowing his fingers to brush over her nipples. Instantly Ally could feel her body react and come alive again.

  He quickly pulled her top over her head and he made easy work of her bra.

  Then he pressed his naked body against her.

  “Skin to skin,” he whispered as he trailed soft kisses up her jaw until he reached her earlobe. He sucked it softly into his mouth. Then he whispered against her ears. “Heart to heart. This is where you belong Ally. We belong together. I know you feel it too.”

  He slide his legs between hers. She could feel the head of his erection pressed against her opening and instinctively she tilted her hips up to him. But he didn’t push in to her.

  “Tell me you want me, Ally,” he whispered as he continued to kiss and nibble along her jaw line.

  “I want you, Cole,” she replied breathlessly.

  “Tell me you need me, Ally,” he kissed long her collar bone.

  “Cole, please!” she cried out.

  “Tell me,” he pushed.

  “I need you!” she exclaimed.

  He smiled against her neck as he slowly sunk his entire length inside her and stilled. He looked down in to her face, his eyes locked with her.

  “Tell me you’ll stay, Ally,” he pleaded.

  She knew she should say no. That this was too soon but she also knew she could never leave him. She wanted him too much to ever walk away.

  “I will stay,” she whispered breathlessly as his mouth claimed hers and he pushed inside her further.

  What had she just agreed to? Had she really just agreed to move in with him? She knew this was beyond crazy but right in that moment she didn’t care. She loved him and he was the only thing in this world she wanted.

  He eased out of her gently before he thrust himself back inside her. He stopped once again,

  “Ally, I love you,” he smiled down at her. “You are all I need to make me happy.”

  He withdrew from her again and slammed back inside her but this time he didn’t stop. He moved in long, deep, slow strokes, each one hitting the perfect spot inside her.

  “OH GOD, COLE!” Ally cried out as she could feel her body begin to quiver once again.

  He began to pick up his pace. Ally hooked her feet behind his backside and pulled him closer to her.

  “Jesus, Ally,” he growled against her mouth. “I can never get enough of you.”

  He slammed into her harder and harder. She could feel his cock throb inside her and it sent shockwaves through her body. He pinned her tighter to the bed as he pushed into her and cried out as he came inside her. She gripped him tightly and pulled him deeper into her and she found her release too.

  “YES! YES! YES!” She cried out as her body shook violently before she collapsed into a lifeless mess beneath him.

  “That’s my girl,” he grinned down at her when she finally opened her eyes and looked up at him.

  Ally just grinned up at him as her mind cleared and she realised what just happened. He had literally just fucked her into submission. What had she done? She had agreed to live with this crazy man she knew so little about.

  “Don’t” Cole said, sensing the internal struggle inside Ally.

  “Don’t what?” Ally asked, surprised by his command.

  “Don’t over think this,” he said as he softly stroked her face. “We will do this together. I know you are scared Ally. I am scared too. This is all very new for me too. But we shouldn’t fight what is meant to be.”

  Ally didn’t reply.

  “Ally please,” Cole begged. “Trust me, I will never let you down again.”
  “I trust you,” Ally reassured him, and was surprised she actually meant what she had said. She trusted him completely and truly. She was moving in with Cole Bloody Thomas.

  Chapter 8

  As Ally took her seat on Cole’s private plane, she was still in shock. She, Ally Brody, was about to fly to London with her boyfriend, the man she had just agreed to move in with, in his private jet. How had this happened?

  It hadn’t occurred to her when Cole told her that morning the flight to London was taken care of, he meant his private plane was ready. She had stupidly assumed he had paid for her ticket.

  But here she was, sitting next to him on his private plane, waiting for clearance from the tower to take off.

  “Are you ok?” he leaned in and asked her as they began to taxi down the run way. Ally nodded and smiled but she wasn’t really.

  She was still reeling from the fact she had just agreed to move in with him when he dropped the news of his private jet on her. She knew he was rich, but it appeared she really didn’t have a clue just how rich he was.

  “Ally, talk to me,” Cole said, as he watched her tensely, his eyes almost burning into her. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She looked at him nervously for a few moments and thought about what she needed to say. If she was going to move in with him and try to make this work she needed to be straight with him. But she needed to find the right words.

  “You’re very rich,” she said like it was news to him.

  “I am,” Cole laughed and took her by the hand. “But why does that matter?”

  “I don’t get it,” Ally shrugged as it finally dawned on her what was really eating her. “You could have anyone you wanted, why me?”

  “Why not you?” he asked as he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it softly. It still surprised him just how much this beautiful creature doubted herself.

  “Because I am just me,” she replied honestly. “I am nothing special.”

  “Oh but you are,” he smiled with his usual heart melting grin. “And the fact that you don’t see this just makes you even more special to me. Don’t you see Ally, you are right. I could have anyone I wanted, but I want someone who wants me for me not for who I am. You fell in love with me. Not with my bank balance. You see past all this. You see me. You love me.”


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