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Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1)

Page 6

by KM Lowe

  "So, this power. I don't understand," says Lisa, making me snap out of my foggy head.

  "I'm told that you and Markus are soulmates. I'm happy for you. When you mate, your bond will be formed. You'll receive Markus' blood, and he'll receive your blood. On the mixing of the bloods, you will have greater power as a couple. I believe that is why Markus could talk to you through his link in wolf form. I also believe that is why Markus could read your mind. Your pups will have great power also. Your biological father is a fool to mess with you all."



  Our lives will never be the same again.

  "You lure him to your camp, then what?" Lisa folds her arms over her chest.

  Out of everything Julian has just said, that was the only question she had. Thinking about our future and kids scares the shit out of me, but here she is taking everything in her stride.

  "We do what we do best, my dear. Fight."

  Lisa sits down on the seat in the far corner and never takes her eyes off Julian. We all watch her carefully.

  "Are you okay?" I ask through my link.

  Her head turns quickly to me and her lips turn up in the corners to a smile. "I want revenge. My mother deserves justice. But I think you're all forgetting that I'm not a wolf yet. I'm no fighter."

  "My dear, you are a wolf. I can smell your beast. You just need to reach her. I also believe living within a pack for a little while will help things move along nicely."

  "What about Lisa's parents? They aren't going to let Lisa go off this close to the end of school," I say. It's okay us thinking and acting like wolves, but we have more to consider. “Lisa has a human life. She can't just up sticks and leave. You've let her live a human life for nearly eighteen years. Surely you knew this would happen one day."

  "I'll sort it," says Jasper.

  "When do we leave?" asks Lisa.

  I want to scream and shout. I want to lock her up and do the fighting for her. I want to keep her as far away from pack life as possible. She deserves a human life.

  "Friday," says Julian. "I'd prefer it if you could stay here until then. Jasper and Markus can protect you better."

  I wait for the fight from her, but she stays silent, staring Julian down, letting everything sink in. I think everyone is terrified of Julian; they must be if he’s the top dog, but my girl isn't fazed.

  "I'll sort it with your parents," says Jasper. "I'll say I'm going out of town and it would save Markus being here alone. Then I'll ask if you can come camping with us on Friday. Don't worry, okay?"

  "I'm not worried, Jasper. I'm angry. What gives that prick the right to do this? He didn't give a damn about me when he abandoned me nearly eighteen years ago. Now he's going to wish he never messed with me and my family, because he's going down."

  Lisa stands up and walks over to me. "I need to get some clothes from home."

  "Wait! I'll call your parents first. I'll get them to pack you some things and I can pick it up."

  "No, Jasper. I’m not being held captive. You call my parents and okay me staying here then Markus can take me for my things."

  My dad nods his head and leaves us in the living room with Julian. Lisa stands in between me and Julian with her arms crossed over her chest. "Can I ask you something, Julian?"

  "Of course. If I can't answer it, I'll know who can."

  "Do you believe Markus and I are soulmates?"

  Where is she going with this? Why couldn't she ask me or Jasper? Why doesn't she believe me? Why doesn't she trust her connection to me?

  "I'll answer your questions, Markus." Lisa turns to her side to look at me. Fear and concern covers her face. "I am not invested in any of this situation. What I say doesn't mean shit, but it will be honest." I feel like clawing his throat out for reading my mind. Only the most powerful of wolves can enter people’s minds and it never occurred to me that Julian could do so. "To answer your question, my dear, yes, I do. I know you are. You'll work well together."

  I let out a sigh of relief, but I had no idea I'd been holding my breath.

  "This mating thing... do we need to wait until I can shift?"

  "I don't see why it would be a problem. It might push things along. It will be interesting to see you as a mated couple. Now, I trust that you will listen to your mentor. He will keep you safe. I have no doubt about that. I'll see you on Friday."

  Julian walks out of the living room and out of the house like we hadn’t just had this life-changing conversation.

  "Are you my mentor?" Lisa asks me over her shoulder.

  "No. I think he means Jasper."

  I'm new to all of this but I'm looking forward to being around pack life, just to see how we get on. I've always lived in Anderson, and pack life never interested me. I had everything I needed and more. With Jasper as a teacher, everything was easy. I wish I could say the same now. Anything could happen, and it’s completely out of our control. We have to band together, put on a united front, and do what we do best.

  Fight for our loved ones.

  Fight for what we believe in.

  Fight for our species.

  Chapter 9


  Two days have passed since Julian left. Tomorrow, we travel up to the Highlands, to the camp Jasper and Julian spoke about. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. When I wake up tomorrow, we'll be traveling for several hours into the middle of nowhere. Communication will be weak, and we'll have to work together for the sake of our future.

  I'm sitting in Jasper’s window box. It's always my favourite place to sit when I'm staying here, because the window looks out into nothing but trees. It's peaceful and quiet. Markus went for a shower and I came out here to read my book, or my smut as Markus calls it. I was hoping the book would transport me to another world, to get my head away from here and now, but I can't concentrate. I'm angry and frustrated. Angry that it has come to this, and frustrated because I haven't let Markus touch me since his dad sleeps down the hall from us. Thankfully, Jasper isn't old school and doesn’t keep Markus and me separated at bedtime. He has allowed us to sleep in the same room and I don't want to betray his trust. I've been brought up with manners, to respect my elders, no matter what my wolf senses are telling me.

  "Hot chocolate going if you want one?" says Jasper.

  "Thanks." I accept the cup and he perches down on the side of the chair.

  "What are you reading?"

  "Just some romance book." I sip at the hot liquid and relish the feel of it trickling down my throat.

  "I'm glad I've got this chance to speak with you on your own, just to see how you are. As your mentor, you can talk to me any time. You know that, right?"

  I nod a couple of times before I close my book and balance my cup on top of it. "I have a lot of things going through my head, but I don't know how to tackle them. I..." I fidget and sit up straight. "I'm not scared, but I'm anxious about everything. The mating, the pack life, the fighting, I don't have a bad bone in my body to fight, Jasper," I say making us both laugh.

  "Okay. First of all, the mating is nothing to be scared or anxious about. If that is what you both want, when the time comes, instinct will take over and the rest will be history. When we get to the campsite, remind me to give you a book. It has been passed down for centuries and it has a detailed description of what happens. If you're not sure of anything, just ask me, or if you'd prefer to speak to a woman, I can get someone to talk to you."

  "Thank you. It would feel weird talking to you about it, even though Markus isn't your son."

  "He is my son, honey. He always will be. Not by blood, but in here..." Jasper pats his heart and I can see the truth and love in his eyes. "Next, the pack life. Again, that is nothing to fear. It is a big difference to here, but you like being out here in the middle of nowhere. I think you'll fit in well. The cabins are nothing like our houses, but they're warm, cared for, and lived in. As a pack, everyone has a role to play. A lot of it is team building. Again, I think it will surprise
you how much you enjoy it."

  "I think that's what I fear most. What if I love it that much I don't want to leave?"

  I love my family so much, but what if I’m meant to live the life I was born into? What if the pack instinct is strong?

  "We cross that bridge when we come to it. Stop overthinking things. Go with the flow and take each step as it comes. What was the last thing that had you anxious?"

  "The fighting. I can't fight."

  "No, you can't, but your wolf can. You'll be surprised by the strength your wolf has. Instinct kicks in when your wolf is in control. Fighting will come to you like the push of a button. Anything else?"

  I shake my head, but I run my hand through my hair and study my cup. "Yes. What do I eat? Do I have to kill things? Do I drink blood?"

  "No more books for you, young lady. Yes, as your wolf you will hunt and kill wild animals. Again, instinct. When your wolf is ready, she will teach you a lot. No, you don't drink blood. You're not a vampire..."

  "They don't exist, do they?" I raise my eyebrows and wait for Jasper to tell me I’m crazy, but it never comes. "They do, don't they?"

  "Yes, they do. We don't come across them very often. Well, you won't. As a member of the council, I work alongside a couple of vampires, witches, dragons, a few different types of shifters. Our world is different."

  "So I’m beginning to realise. I mean, dragons... wow! Right. I don't think I want to know anymore," I say, making Jasper laugh.

  "Feel better now?" He bends his head to the side to get a better look at my face.

  "Yes, thanks." I shuffle in my seat to get a little more comfortable.

  "Anytime, honey. Now, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. I can hear Markus coming. Have a nice night. Don't be up too late because I plan on leaving first thing in the morning." He smirks, because he knows Markus and me too well. Morning people we are not.

  "We won't. Thank you for the night cap." I raise my cup and then I’m alone until Markus walks in, laughing at something his dad said to him.

  "Hey, gorgeous."

  "Hey yourself." Markus stands in between my legs and places his warm mouth over mine. Like every time he touches or kisses me, my body ignites. Blood runs through my veins so fast it feels like a tidal wave. "What was that for?" I tease.

  "Come with me." I place my book and cup down and edge my way off the window seat. I follow Markus down the long hallway until we reach his room. My heart is beating so fast in my chest, and that’s before he’s even touched me. The only problem I have tonight is that I don't think I could say no if he takes the kissing any further. I’m sexually frustrated. No one would believe I only lost my virginity on Monday, because I’m like a sex mad maniac.

  "Sex mad maniac sounds good," whispers Markus in my ear as he nibbles my earlobe.

  "You promised to stay out of my head." I hit his chest with the back of my hand.

  "It's hard when you think about sex or me touching you. It's like excitement makes you forget to keep your walls up and it all falls into my head. I love it. It means I get to please you, and pleasure you exactly the way you want it. Like now, for instance. I know you want me inside you."

  His soft voice has turned me into mush. If it wasn't for his weight keeping me standing, I would be a mess on the floor. "Your dad is down the hall," I whisper back.

  "He won't hear us. Besides, he's a wolf himself. He knows what it's like when you're with your soulmate. I'm going crazy, babe. I need you more than I need air."

  There’s no point me putting up a fight because I need him just as much, and I could use the distraction. His hands slip under my jumper, taking it off. His soft hands push me backwards until the backs of my knees hit the edge of the bed, making me lose my balance. His body hovers over me, and he places kisses up my neck.

  "Tell me what you like."

  "Markus..." I feel my cheeks flush because I've never been one to talk about sex.

  "No. We're both here together. I want us to experiment, baby. I want to know what you like me doing. What you don't like." His soft lips trail down my chest, biting my nipple in the process. My back instantly arches, sending shockwaves to my core.


  "Tell me."

  His hands move inside my shorts and slip them down my legs, leaving me bare to him. His hands slide up between my thighs, parting my legs. His warm breath is nothing compared to his teasing tongue over my clit. "I need you, Markus. Now." I moan.

  His hands keep my hips pinned to the bed and I can’t move. His fingers enter me one at a time, doing amazing things that I didn't know were possible. Every time he pushes inside me, my body spirals into oblivion as my climax rocks my world.

  I was no sooner coming down from the best orgasm I've ever had to feel him push inside me. His mouth claims mine, tongues duelling. His hand caresses my breast as we move in sync. Every time he hits that unique spot inside me, I moan into his mouth. I’m no longer sore and the pleasure is magnificent.

  "Come with me, babe."

  His words and movements do something to me and I'm clawing at his back as our bodies shudder together. Our breathing is erratic. Our hearts are beating fast. Jesus, every part of my body is tingling.

  "You're going to kill me, babe."

  "Tell me about it." I giggle.

  "Come and have a shower with me."

  "You've just had a shower."

  "Not with you I haven't." He winks at me. "Meet me there in five." His mouth lands on mine, soft, gentle, loving. With one simple act, he bares his love and soul to me.

  This is what love feels like.

  I do love Markus.

  Chapter 10


  "Hurry up, you two!" shouts Jasper.

  We were supposed to be on the road an hour ago, but we kind of slept in. Our wild night of passion was worth it. Now we have to put up with Jasper being moody with us.

  "I'll take these out to the truck. Do you have anything else you need to take?" asks Markus as he loads up our luggage.

  "No. Whatever I forget is just tough. I'll be through in five minutes." I throw my hair up into a messy bun. I’m not very high maintenance. Make-up and hair products aren’t really high on my list of priorities. I have the kind of skin that most women would love; it's flawless. My hair, well that can be flung up any which way because it's long enough. I guess it's safe to say that I'm not very girly. God knows what Markus sees in me, because I really am a plain Jane.

  I throw my brush down on the unit and head out to the kitchen. I’m hoping coffee is on offer before we leave, because without coffee, I'm no use. "Finally. Trying to get you two up and on the road is a nightmare. I was ready to throw a bucket of cold water on you both." Jasper rolls his eyes and pushes a cup towards me. "I suppose you'll be needing this."

  "I love you, Jasper!" I clap my hands like a giddy child, making Jasper smile for the first time today.

  "Yeah, yeah. I did it for my own sanity. Stuck in a truck with a woman for several hours with no coffee would be like walking over a bed of nails. Now, please can we leave?"

  "Can't I at least finish my coffee?"

  "Don't push my patience, missy. Here." Jasper throws me a travel cup and I catch it. There’s a first for everything. "I'll meet you in the car."

  I stick my tongue out at his retreating back, then he turns around and says, "Be careful. Your face might stay like that." He leaves the house before I can find something to throw at him.

  I pour my coffee into the travel cup and make my way outside. Markus is packing boxes into the back of the truck and curiosity gets the better of me. "What's in the boxes?"

  "Supplies is all I've been told. You good to go, babe?”

  "I am now I have coffee. Your dad is lucky he left the room before I found something to decapitate him."

  Markus laughs and when he turns back after closing the boot his lips find mine and I melt into his kiss.

  "Lisa, up front with me. Markus, back. Don't argue with me, just do it. I’m not li
stening to you two sucking face for the next eight hours."

  "Spoil sport," I say quietly.

  "Wolves have good hearing, honey."

  I stamp my foot like a petulant child and make my way to the front of the truck. Jasper is grating on my last nerve already, and we haven't left his property. I have a lot to learn about this wolf malarkey, and the more I get to know, I wonder what privacy we actually have. It's like there’s always someone that can see or hear what we get up to. I can only imagine a camp full of wolves is going to be so much worse.

  Eurgh! What have I got myself into?


  Four hours into the trip, we need to pull over into the service station. We all need to eat, take bathroom breaks, and fill up the car. It's a must.

  There had been very little conversation between any of us, and I can't help but wonder if it's because reality is hitting us. I’m going to be a target for a wolf I've never met, but already I despise him. I feel like I could rip his head off with my bare hands; that's how much hatred I hold over that thing that helped bring me into this world. I’m glad I was adopted into a family that was kind, loving, and full of life. Not a day has gone past that I've not been happy with Val and Max. They've showed me what it's like to be loved. My life could have been very different if I was brought up in that pack. Even if my mother lived, I couldn’t see her making much difference to the treatment I received.

  "You coming?" asks Markus as he holds open my door.

  I was in a world of my own. I never even heard the doors opening. "Yes. Sorry." I climb out of the car and Markus' hand rests on my cheek. His soft caress makes my knees weak.

  "You okay?"

  "Yeah, I was just thinking about things. All is good." I pull away from him and walk over to the diner where we’re going to have some lunch before we carry on with the second half of our journey.

  I turn around and look out into the surrounding area. The hairs on my arms are raised and I get a feeling I’m being watched. Crazy, I know. Lack of sleep is catching up with me. Hopefully tonight in the camp I will feel safe enough to sleep soundly.


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