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Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1)

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by KM Lowe

  "Take her away!" he yells, and two of his minions grab me by the arms and drag me to a big white van. I fight and wriggle to get free, but I had no chance with one, never mind two. "Say goodbye, because you'll never see the light of day again!"

  Those are the last words I hear as I’m thrown into the van, and the doors close behind me. It’s dark, and the stench of urine is making me gag.

  What the fuck is going to happen to me?

  Markus, I need you.

  Chapter 17


  For the last few hours, I've been on patrol with Jasper and Joel. We've been going around in circles, making sure everything is secure. It's a boring task, but someone needs to do it. We've sat down under a tree for a break, and the three of us are silent. There were no issues today, but it's still early. Not having much to do is making us tired and cranky. Even our wolves are on edge all the time. I can feel my beast prowling in my head and it's giving me a headache.

  Markus, I need you.

  "What was that?" I sit forward quickly, making my dad and Joel jump.

  "What? I didn't hear anything," Dad says.

  "Fuck! Lisa!" I jump up, shift in mid-air, and race back to the camp. If that was my mind link to Lisa, she's in trouble. My paws pound against the earth beneath me. I have to concentrate on the task and that is to get to Lisa. I need to feel her skin against mine, smell her perfume against my nose, and hear her heart beating in her chest. I feel Joel and Jasper on my tail, but I don’t stop until I reach Stracey's cabin. I shift quickly as Chardonnay and Stracey walked along the path.

  "What's wrong?" asks Stracey.

  I don’t answer, I just barge into the cabin. There’s no sight of Lisa, and I stomp through every room with no trail of her. Nothing.

  "Where is she, Stracey?" I growl.

  "I left her here. One of the pups hurt their ankle. Chardonnay and I attended. We've only been gone thirty minutes, I swear." Stracey's voice is laced with panic and fear.

  "Everyone calm down," says Dad as he pushes past Stracey and Chardonnay. "Son, what's going on? Why take off like a bat out of hell?"

  I shake my head and bend my knees, taking my head into my hands. My dad kneels beside me, his hand on my back. "I heard her. She sounded upset. She said, 'Markus, I need you.' Something isn't right, Dad. I feel it. Someone has her."

  "They can't have her. We've got the pack surrounded. Stracey has wards to alert us of intruders. Stracey..." Dad stands up and addresses the healer. She’s pacing back and forth, talking to herself. When she stops and turns to us, she says, "I don't know how this has happened, Jasper. I'm sorry."

  "How could you leave her?" I stand and yell in the healer’s face. My dad pulls me back and keeps his hands on my chest. "You said she was safe here! You promised!"

  "We'll find her. You have my word."

  "Your word means shit! We've done everything you told us and look where that got us..."

  "Joel, who was surrounding this cabin?" Dad asks, ignoring my words and getting to work to find Lisa.

  "Brodie was. I'll go and get him." Joel leaves the cabin as fast as he can. I push Jasper off me and turn to be as far away from him as possible. Right now, I want someone's blood and I don’t want to hurt my dad. As angry as I am, deep down I know he isn’t to blame.

  "Why don't we all sit down? I've called for Carlos to come as soon as possible," says Chardonnay.

  "Sit down? How can we sit down when Lisa could be anywhere?"

  "Markus, listen to me." Stracey approaches me and takes my hands in hers. I feel her energy course through me and I don’t even question it. All I want is Lisa in my arms. "Calm down. Breathe. When you feel relaxed, I want you to try and communicate with Lisa through your mind link. I know you're not mated, but for some reason you have a connection. If she can communicate with you, there is a chance you can do the same."

  "Okay." I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I will do anything to help my girl. Anything. I'd give my own life to protect her. I'm nothing without her.

  Lisa... baby. Can you hear me?


  Nothing. I lower my head. I don’t want to show my tears. I want to be strong for myself and Lisa, but as the minutes tick by, I feel myself losing this battle.

  "Okay. I'll try to find her with a location spell. It might not work because they have a witch on side, but we'll try everything," says Stracey, rushing to the kitchen.

  I pace up and down the small room with my hands on my head. I’m afraid that if my hands aren’t occupied, I'll lose it with someone, and right now, I need all the help I can get to find my girl.

  "Jasper." I turn at the sound of Joel's voice, and his face is serious. "Brodie can't be found. No one has seen him."

  Brodie. That’s the bastard who tried to wind me up yesterday. I knew there was something off about him.

  "Lisa knew something wasn't right." Chardonnay steps forward. "This morning, Brodie was talking to Lisa. When I got to her she was on edge. She asked me who he was and what he does. Jasper, could he have captured her?"

  "Of course he has!" I snap. "Why was he allowed into camp? Who is he? What would he want with Lisa?"

  Jasper sits on a stool and runs his hands through his hair. It seems like he’s as distraught as I am. We've both lost Lisa. Only Jasper has been looking out for her since she was a baby. "Chardonnay, can you get Julian here? Joel, can you gather the other enforcers?"

  "On it."

  Both Chardonnay and Joel leave the cabin and I sit down on the couch. I don’t want to be doing nothing, but until we have a clear plan, there’s no point me going off on my own. It won’t help Lisa.

  This is fucked up.

  "We'll get her back, son. I promise you that."

  No words leave my mouth. I can’t speak. I can’t think. My wolf is prancing about like a pony and it doesn’t help me any. It isn’t just me that has lost Lisa. My wolf has lost its soulmate. Until we're reunited with her, we're in mourning.

  We're lost.

  Chapter 18


  I wake and sit up quickly. My head is pounding. My vision is blurred. My stomach bubbles with hunger. I look around my surroundings and I'm no longer in that van. I'm in a darkened room with no windows. I’m lying on a dirty mattress on the floor. I'm a prisoner, but where, I have no idea. I feel weak, and I know I have no way of fighting these bastards in this state. Where the fuck is my wolf? Do I even have one? Why would she not want to protect me?

  Listen here, wolf, if you can hear me, now would be the perfect time to show yourself. Give me some strength. Please.

  I've officially lost the plot. Trying to talk to myself is one thing, but pleading with a beast I’ve never seen is another. I'm doomed. I should just give up now and let Markus and Jasper get on with their lives. I mean, this is no fun. Constantly looking over our shoulders, constantly looking for threats, and worrying about our loved ones’ safety. Nope, I won't do it. I won't put my family in danger. They deserve more. I'll take whatever these rogues dish out. It's the least I can do for my family.

  Just as that final thought enters my head, I hear the lock on the door click and the creaky door is pushed open. I scrunch my eyes because the light is stinging them. How long have I been here?

  When my vision starts to adjust to the light, I notice a young boy, can't be older than eighteen, place a tray down beside me. There’s a bottle of water and something that looks like slops you'd feed a pig. The look and smell turn my stomach.

  "Here. I brought you this." I look to the outstretched hand and there’s an apple and a bar of chocolate. I study the boy for a few seconds and he waves his hand in my face for a second time to get my attention.

  "Why?" I manage to squeak out of my dry mouth. It feels like sandpaper and my throat is beginning to hurt.

  "Because you look like you need some sugar to get over the shock. I'm not the bad one here, Lisa. I'm just following orders. Please, take it. I'll bring you more water."

  I take th
e items out of this boy’s hands and place them beside me. "Thank you. Who are you?"


  The boy turns his back on me then sits on the chair in the corner and runs his hands through his hair. He looks as rough as I do, but he isn’t being kept prisoner.

  "I'm your half-brother. My name is Kevin."

  Half-brother. Kevin. What the fuck?

  "Why are you doing this to me, Kevin? I didn't know you existed until now. What have I done?"

  He shakes his head and I swear I see pain and sorrow in his eyes. "Nothing. You've done nothing. I don't want to keep you locked in here, but if I let you go he'll kill us both. It's best you stay here until your pack finds you. That way, only one of us loses our life."

  I can't believe I’m hearing this. Is he trying to protect me? Would he give up his life for me? I shake my head and cross my legs. "Why are you helping me?"

  "Because, Lisa, no matter what you think, I don't want this life. I was born into this and I've had no way out. I'd gladly give it up in a second, but that won't happen until I know you’re out of here. I want you to act scared of me when I come in here with someone else, okay? Treat me like the big bad wolf I am."

  I nod my head slowly and take a drink of the water. "How old are you?"

  It suddenly dawns on me that I want to know all I can about this person in front of me. He doesn't know me at all, but he’s prepared to help and protect me. That must count for something, right?

  "I'm sixteen, soon to be seventeen."

  "That means you were born after me. I'm eighteen next month."

  "Yes. My mother was your mum's friend, I believe."

  "Where is she now? Your mother, I mean?"

  "He killed her after he got a son. I've been brought up with those arseholes, Lisa, and it hasn't been pretty." Kevin's face speaks a thousand words.

  I can only imagine. My heart breaks for the brother I haven't had in my life. I feel guilty for being the one that got away. "Why does he want me?" I try to house my emotion and talk without breaking down, but it’s going to be hard.

  "I'm not sure. It's always hush-hush, but I've heard through the grapevine that he thinks you have powers."

  "Powers? Is he for real? I don't even have my wolf. How can I have powers?" I speak through agitation because my so-called father doesn't know me at all. He knows shit.

  "I don't know, but don't make him angry. Just ride it out, please."

  I sigh and look at Kevin. I nod, even though it isn't something I agree with. Why should I have to ride it out?

  "I have to go. They'll be back soon and I don't want them to hurt you because of me. I'll bring you food when I can."

  I try to smile softly, but every muscle in my jaw and cheeks hurt. I must look like something from the Rocky Horror Show.

  "Thank you," I whisper as Kevin walks to the door. "Kevin, when my partner and friends come for me, they'll help you, too. I won't let any of them hurt you. That I promise you."

  "Don't worry about me, Lisa. I've made my bed here. I’m used to this life. I’ll be fine.”

  "No!" I yell too loudly and cover my mouth. "You never asked for any of this. Jasper, my friend, he helps wolves in your situation. He will help you."

  "I've heard all about Jasper. He isn't our father’s favourite person, but then again, no one is. Rest up. I'll be back when I can."

  Rest up... It isn't like I can go anywhere. It seems like I need to sit in this dirty room and think about my crazy life. Now I need to think of ways of helping my brother get away from this life, just like I did. No one deserves to live like this, and I hope Jasper and the council members can see that and cut him some slack.

  I feel like I take two steps forward and get punched back ten steps. Who would have thought my life would end up like one of the paranormal shows I watch regularly? I laugh, because I don't think I'll ever read or watch anything with a paranormal nature again.

  Chapter 19


  "We split up into three teams," says Carlos as he addresses us in the hall. "Jasper, you have a team, I'll have a team, and, Joel, you have a team. Each team will have an enforcer with them. I wish I could send a healer with each team, but we only have one and she needs to stay with the pack. Hopefully these bastards haven't got too far away and the casualties we face will be minimal. Does everyone understand what's happening?"

  A nod, and sounds of ‘aye’ echo around the room. Jasper pats my shoulder and I turn to face him. I’m calming down slightly but my wolf is still prowling in my head. "Son, you're coming with me. I think we'll be better equipped at finding Lisa because we'll let your wolf lead us. He should pick up her scent instantly."

  "Okay. Let's go." I’m keen to get this show on the road. If it was left to me, we would’ve been out of here an hour ago.

  "Head outside and I'll gather our team." I turn on my heels and leave the busy hall. Between the noise of so many people, my wolf, and my nerves, I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. To say I’m on edge is an understatement.


  I step outside and Chardonnay is going inside. She wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes me tightly. "We'll get her back. Lisa is a tough cookie."

  "I hope you're right." I pull away and try to smile, but I can’t. If I lose Lisa, my life is over. My wolf is already thinking the worst, and my anxiety is through the roof.

  "Right." My dad's voice booms around me and I turn in time to see everyone piling out of the halls. "I don't usually relinquish my control of situations like this, but I am this time. Markus, your wolf is going to lead us. No one, I repeat, no one, goes off on their own. No funny business, son. We'll go to the end of Earth for Lisa, but we need to unite. We have no idea what we face out there."

  I nod my agreement, even though I’m not one hundred percent on board. I know if Lisa needs me, I’m going in alone. Any mate would. "Markus, shift. Pick up the trail you want us to take and we'll head off. You guys can set off behind us."

  The sound of hundreds of bones breaking and aligning would make anyone's blood curdle, but right now, my mission is to get Lisa back. We'll help her get through this ordeal and think about the consequences after. She’s all that matters from this moment in.

  She’s coming home.

  Fuck. She is my home.

  I shake my large wolf and the fur around me stands on edge. My wolf has been looking to get free since I found the empty cabin. Now I need to trust my beast and hopefully he'll lead us down the right path. If not… well, I can’t think about that now.

  I look around at my teammates and bow in their direction. My large nose lifts into the air and sniffs out any trace of Lisa. The moment I have my trail, I howl and let my paws take me in the right direction. Speeding through the bushes, my senses on high alert, my body like electric, I make myself concentrate. I’m looking for any sign that I’m going the right way. We all know these rogues aren't stupid; they could have planted Lisa's scent to make me think this is right. They could have done anything with her in the time they’ve had her. It only takes seconds for a wolf to kill a person, and without her wolf on her side, Lisa is helpless.


  Find our mate, I whine to myself. I need to convince myself everything is going to be okay because the odds are stacked against us. I can’t give up.

  My wolf howls, my paws slow to a stop, and my body shifts into my human form. On the ground in front of me is a piece of torn material. I bend down to pick it up and the blood makes my wolf go insane. I feel like I’m going to combust. I've never felt anger like this before. I can't control it and I don't think I want control. I need this anger rushing through my veins to push me forward.

  "It's Lisa's," I say to my dad as he shifts beside me. His hand on my shoulder doesn’t do anything to ease my pain and anger. "I'm going to kill the bastard."

  The sound of sticks breaking behind me has me turning to see the rest of our pack around us. Their heads are bowed but they don’t shift like my dad. He obvious
ly knew that I need support.

  "Keep that anger bottled up, son. We'll carry on until we reach the stream up ahead. Probably an hour north. We'll let our wolves drink and rest for ten minutes before we carry on. This is a part of the shirt Lisa had on this morning, and it is her blood. We'll keep a clear head and push on. You okay?"

  All I can do is nod furiously. I don’t have any emotion right now. I feel dead. Empty. Alone.

  I concentrate hard on Lisa and try to connect with her in any way I can. One word. One sign. Anything that will let me see that she’s still alive and fighting. The unknown is what's killing my soul. My heart is breaking and my body feels like it's just existing without the other half of my soul. All the evidence is showing me she's hurt. I can't get the scent of her blood out of my nose.

  We need to find her.


  Chapter 20


  I woke in the pitch dark what felt like hours ago, but I've no sense of time here. I was woken up with my whole body wrenching so hard that I've pulled muscles in my stomach and my shoulders. Everywhere aches. Kevin left me several bottles of water last night and all I can do is keep sipping, trying not to become dehydrated, but my body is already struggling. It doesn't help that I've no bathroom here. My body is hunched over a bucket to keep the last remaining dignity I have.

  I’m hoping and praying that it's Kevin who comes back this morning. There’s something about him that’s sincere. We might not know each other, but I know he doesn't want this life. I'll get him away from here. I'll do anything to protect him, just like he is trying to do for me.

  I feel like screaming because, right now, I can't even protect myself. I'm putting everyone I care about in danger, for what?

  I lift my head just in time to retch into the bucket. There’s nothing in my stomach and I can't stop the heaving. The more I drink, the more my stomach protests. I've never felt as ill in my life. What’s wrong with me?


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