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Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1)

Page 14

by KM Lowe

  "Here, give her a drink, son," says my dad as he hands me a glass of water with a straw. She tries to lift her head but her hand quickly moves from her throat to her head.

  "Just lie still, babe. I'll do the rest." I point the straw into her mouth and she drinks the glass dry. I’m relieved to see her doing such a mundane task. "Better."

  "My head is bursting," she says.

  "I think once we get you drinking that will help," Dad says.

  "I... how... where?" she stutters and tries to sit up. Her body is still weak and I can’t stand by and watch her struggle. I place my arm around her shoulders and fluff her pillows up. She isn’t sitting as straight as she wants, but she’s higher than she was.

  "Kevin..." I look over my shoulder to see Kevin standing in the doorway. "I'm glad you came back with us."

  I sit on the side of her bed and don’t dare blink. The room is silent. I think we’re as shell shocked as each other. We've waited so long for this moment, but now it's here, we don't know how to tackle it.

  "Jasper, did everyone get out? Did you get him?"

  "Don't worry about anything. Everyone got out safely. He's gone. You won't have to worry again."

  The tears roll down her cheeks and I don’t move. I let her get this emotion out because bottling it up won’t help and I want to help her every step of the way.

  "Thank you."

  Stracey and Joel bounce through the door, stopping Lisa in her tracks. Fear is written all over her face, but the moment she realises who it is, her body relaxes back into her pillows. Will she ever get over this ordeal?

  "Welcome back, honey. How are you feeling?" asks Stracey.

  "I've been better."

  "Plenty of rest. You've had us all scared out of our minds. Keep drinking plenty of fluids, eat lots of healthy food. Take your time. You just need to build your energy up," instructs Stracey. "You..." She points at Joel and he looks startled. His body shifts quickly to follow Stracey’s orders. "Stock up the wood. The cabin needs to be kept warm. Jasper, get some soup made. Markus, don't let her lift anything heavier than a cup. She can go as far as the bathroom, but right back to bed until I say otherwise. I'll check back in this afternoon. You need anything, just come and get me."

  Everyone jumps to their orders. It’s funny to see grown men do what they’re told, because Stracey is quite a small woman. Her long dark hair fans around her shoulder, and her pale complexion has a healthy shade of pink on her cheeks. I haven't really seen her in action, but I bet she can hold her own against the biggest of them all.

  "You can thank me later. I'll keep everyone busy for a little while so you both can get some rest. You need it."

  "Thank you." I smile.

  The moment the door clicks behind Stracey, I stand up, pull my shirt over my head, and climb into bed with Lisa. I’m like a magnet to her because she instantly turns onto her side and nestles securely into my chest. She feels like a hot water bottle. Her skin is nice and toasty. "I’ve missed you, baby. I thought I’d lost you."

  "I was so scared, Markus. I thought he was going to kill me."

  "Sshh." I run my hand through her hair, placing kisses on the top of her head. This moment makes me see how lucky we’ve been. We have the rest of our lives together, but it could have been so different. Now, I need to try and forget about what could have happened and concentrate on here and now.

  Here and now, we both need some sleep. "Sleep, baby. We can talk later."

  We have the rest of our lives to talk. I’m going to fall asleep one happy man.

  Chapter 23


  Running through the forest, rain soaking my fur. I’m free. I'm alive. I'm running, but not before a wolf knocks me off my paws, rolling down the embankment, dust coating our fur, tickling our noses in the process.

  Markus. My tongue licks his nose and he nuzzles his head into my neck. His playful wolf is big, strong, and attentive. It represents his human form in many ways, whereas I feel totally different during these visions.

  He's my wolf. All mine.

  My soulmate.

  My life.

  I jolt up in bed, but before I can register where I am, Markus' arms wrap around my neck. My back rests against his naked chest, my breathing coming out in pants. My body is tense and every emotion is coursing through my veins.

  "I've got you. No one can hurt you," he says.

  "No. It wasn't a bad dream. It was kind of... nice." I shrug.

  "Nice. Really?" He leans back against the headboard and pulls my back until he's bearing my weight. His arms wrap around me and I feel safe in this cocoon.

  "Yeah. We were wolves."

  "That's what we are, babe." He sniggers in a playful tone. I slap his hand, garnering a laugh from him.

  "You are. A wolf, I mean. Don't you think it’s weird that I've been kidnapped, attacked, and lay ill, but my wolf hasn't come to protect me?" My blood runs cold as I remember everything I've been through in such a short space of time. "Anyway, my dream was me and you in the forest. It always is. Only this time, you knock me over playfully and we roll down this hill. It was perfect. Just me and you."

  Speaking those words out loud makes me feel like I've been missing something. I want to run through the forest. I want to be a wolf. I jump out of bed and wince at the pain in my body. I forgot about my injuries because I'm worked up.

  "Babe, come back to bed. You shouldn't be on your feet."

  I open the door and make my way to the heart of the cabin. The room is dimly lit from the fire and lamp. Jasper looks up, startled. He places his book down on the table and stands up in front of me.

  "What's wrong, honey?" he asks, his tone full of concern.

  "Babe, if you want to be up, at least sit down," says Markus from behind me.

  "No." I shake him off and stand in front of the open fire. "I need to see my wolf, Jasper. Why has she never tried to protect me? Why is it that Markus' wolf goes crazy around me, but not mine? You know something, don't you?"

  "Sit down, honey, and we can talk. Markus, get Lisa a coffee..."

  "No!" I flap my arms around, making myself clench my ribs. "Stop mollycoddling me. Tell me what you know. Now!"

  I look at Jasper, and he clearly has something on his mind. He lifts his glasses up and places them on his head. His hand rubs eagerly at the bridge of his nose. His shoulders slump and his body instantly looks like it has aged ten years.

  "Dad," says Markus, stepping towards me.

  "Okay. Julian and I have been talking and we have a few theories. Nothing is for certain, but I'll tell you what we think." I nod for him to continue. "You both have Alpha bloodlines. We believe that your power will be far greater when you've fully mated. Markus gave you blood when we found you, but that doesn't constitute a proper mating. We also believe that because you didn't know about your wolf until recently, you've been able to keep it locked away. How, we have no idea. Well, not without it sending you crazy, anyway. Your wolf is lying dormant.”

  None of this answers my questions. "Could I have been born without a wolf?"

  "No. Both your parents were wolves. Not possible. If one of your parents were human, there would have been a tiny chance. But only tiny, because the wolf gene would be dominant. We know who your mother and father were. When you feel better, we can carry on the sessions with Stracey. She thought the healing power she gave you daily would spur things along, but clearly not." Jasper looks defeated.

  "Clearly. Why do I have dreams about her? The wolf?"

  "Subconsciously, you could be thinking about the wolf. Or it could be visions you're having."

  Visions. "What? Like seeing into the future?"

  "Kind of."

  "I want to start my sessions with Stracey in the morning."

  "No!" Jasper and Markus say in unison. "Babe, you need to heal."

  "Didn't I hear one of you say that I'd heal quicker as a wolf? Well, why wait? I am so bloody sore. I want to do anything I can to get over this ordeal. Wait..." Kevin.
I immediately take off to the room Kevin is sleeping in. I barge in with Markus and Jasper on my heels. Poor Kevin jumps out of his skin and bolts upright in bed.

  "What's happened? What's wrong? Lisa?" His frantic tone lets me see how much worry I’ve put my family through. Well, no more. This Lisa has a list of things to fix.

  "When did you first shift?" I blurt out.

  I sit down slowly on the side of his bed. He eyes me curiously, but eventually says, "I was fifteen. Why?"

  My head bows in defeat. I hoped he would tell me he is a relatively new shifter. That would be too easy. "This is driving me crazy."

  "Lisa, you need to stop this from taking over your life. You'll shift when you need to. You've been given another chance. Don't ruin it by worrying," says Kevin firmly, squeezing my hand.

  "Let's get you back to bed, babe. Please." Markus bends down on one knee beside me. His eyes are dark. His body is tense. I've done this to him.

  I nod and let him help me stand. I pass Jasper on the way out and he squeezes my arm. I make my way into our room and the moment the door closes, the dam bursts and I break into tears.

  "Why us, Markus?"

  "Ssshh! Sit down. I knew we'd hit this emotional state at some point. You’ve been so brave about everything and you don't need to be. We're family." His hands cradle my face and his lips caress mine. The soft, tender fashion in which his lips move sends me crazy with need. He obviously senses my need because he pulls away and leans his forehead against my head. "Plenty of time for that when you're better."

  "I want to fully mate with you, Markus. I don't want to wait."

  "Okay. But not like this. Friday. Let me make it special for us. I am not mating with you in this cabin with my dad and your brother in the next room. Not happening, babe."

  I giggle, because he's right, of course. "You think of everything."

  "Maybe your wolf isn't too far away because the way you want me is a sign. The old Lisa lay in my arms and never stirred. Since last week, you've been different. A good different, though."

  "Really?" He nods, and I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you, Markus. I have no idea why you put up with my crazy shit."

  "Because I love you. We're in this together, now and forever. I promise we will get this sorted for you. We will have a happy life, babe."

  "I hope so, because I’m so tired."

  "That I can help with. Get in." He holds the covers up for me and I swing back into bed. "Can I get you some painkillers?"


  Just like that, I’d got whatever that little tantrum was out of my system. I had woken up the cabin, and for what? Now my body aches all over again. My family thinks I'm crazy, and I'll probably never fall back to sleep. But hey, that's okay, because I got my childish strop out of the way.

  I look forward to a new day. Maybe tomorrow will hold some answers for us.


  Chapter 24


  I creep out of our room as Lisa lays sound asleep. She looks so peaceful. Especially after it took her ages to fall back to sleep after her outburst in the night. I can't help but think this life is going to crush her. Ever since she found out about wolves and her father, she hasn't been herself. She's been on some crazy power trip that she doesn't need to be on. We're all in this together, and the quicker she realises that, the better. Fine, we failed her and she was snatched from under our noses, but that will never happen again.

  When I walk into the kitchen area, my dad is pouring coffee and Kevin is reading something. At least they look and feel a lot brighter than I do. I feel like I've been awake all night. I honestly don't know how much sleep I've had over the last week or so, but it certainly isn't enough.

  "Morning, son. How's Lisa?"

  "Sleeping." I growl and sit down on the stool beside Kevin.


  I nod in my dad’s direction and run my hands through my hair.

  "You look like you haven't slept." Kevin slaps my back in understanding.

  "Yeah, something like that. I think I'm gonna need several coffees because the moment Lisa wakes up she’s going to be looking for answers again. Answers no one can give her, by the looks of things." I speak open and truthfully to fuel my dad’s loose lips. It's about time he opens up and tells us the truth. I still can't help but think there’s more to everything that's going on. Call it my wolf’s intuition.

  "We will have answers, Markus. I promise we will."

  I roll my eyes and try to shake off this sudden mood I've found myself in. It's like a big black shadow hangs over this cabin because we've never been happy since we've been here. None of us have.

  "She wants to do this whole mating thing properly," I blurt out, making Kevin choke on his coffee. "I said okay for Friday, but I have no idea how to make it special here." I motion around the room at the basic cottage we’re living in. Christ, we don't even have a proper Wi-Fi connection here. It's like living in the dark ages.

  "Hold on." My dad pulls out the stool and sits down opposite me. "What do you want?"

  "That's a stupid question. You know I love Lisa. I just want everything to be perfect. I don't want anything hanging over our heads when we start out on our future. We've got her father out of the equation, but I have a feeling that’s going to be the first thing in a very, very long line."

  I shake my head and take my dad's coffee from him. I need to do something with my hands because I’m working myself up.

  "There used to be a cottage at the edge of the lake. I'll ask Carlos if it's still available. Her visions are always in the forest, so why not make a memory there? You can make it special. Joel and I will do the security that night. We'll make sure nothing interrupts."

  I think about my dad’s suggestion and I know that’s probably the best we're going to get out here. Scotland has the best scenery ever, so we're as well using it to our advantage. Candles, flowers, wine, dinner. I can picture the scene in my head; I just need to pull it off. "Can we keep it to ourselves? I'd like it all to be a surprise. She deserves something nice after everything she's been through."

  "My lips are sealed." My dad zips his lips and leaves me sitting at the kitchen counter.

  I’m going to have the woman of my dreams. I’m going to live a long, happy life with my mate.

  My mate. I'm never going to get used to that term, but one thing I know for sure, I'll look after her until the day I take my last breath.


  Chapter 25


  Eurgh! For two days solid, I've worked with Stracey and Chardonnay. Two days. Only now I'm getting agitated. I'm frustrated because I want to see my beast. I want to be acquainted properly, but that isn't happening. Nothing is working. The only time I see my wolf is in a dreamlike state. Nothing makes sense.

  "I give up!"

  Thankfully, Kevin and Joel managed to get Markus to leave me for a wee while. He needed a break away from me and this crazy shit. He feels every ounce of my pain and frustration, and I know it isn’t fun for him.

  "Okay. Let's have a break," Chardonnay says. “Let's go for a walk."

  "No. I don't think I should walk anywhere. You saw what happened the last time I went for a walk."

  "You didn't have me and Stracey by your side the last time. Besides, I think you'll like where we're going. Trust us." Chardonnay holds her hand out to me.

  I hesitate, but I do trust Chardonnay and Stracey. I've heard through whispers that I probably would have died if it wasn't for Stracey working her magic on me. For that, I'm grateful.

  "Okay." I link arms with both women and we walk in the opposite direction to where Brodie took me to be with my father. All I have to do is keep saying, "I'm going to be okay," on a repeat loop until we reach or destination. Hopefully it isn’t far, because panic is coursing through my veins already and I'm in the middle of the camp.

  "Where are we going?" I ask.

  "You'll see," say Stracey and Chardonnay in unison.

  These two
ladies are similar. They won’t take no for an answer, no matter what excuse I have. I have to smile, or I think I'd run in the opposite direction to find Jasper or Markus.

  Ten minutes later, we stand in front of an old cabin, even older than the cabins at the camp. It’s ancient, but it has a good aura about it. "What is this?" I ask.

  The women don’t have to answer because Markus, Jasper, and Joel come from the back of the cabin. My feet don’t need an invitation to go to my three favourite guys; even Joel feels like a brother now.

  "Hi," says Markus.

  I knew he’s nervous because his voice was all but a whisper. His hands fidget with his sleeves and I smile.

  "Hi. What's going on?" I look over his shoulder to Joel and Jasper, but they give nothing away. They're wolves alright; a secret is a bloody secret.

  "You said you wanted to do this whole mating thing, and I said I wanted to do it properly... on Friday."

  Shit! It's Friday. How did I not realise that? I know. Because I've been too preoccupied with this life to remember.

  "Well, if you don't want to, we can turn around now and go home, or you can follow me into this cabin that I've had set up for us. Your choice, babe."

  I’m speechless. That doesn't happen very often. "I...I..." I stutter, making everyone, including myself, laugh.

  "I should have had a recorder because I don't believe I've seen this lassie speechless the whole time she's been here. Even when she was knocked out she still spoke," says Joel sarcastically.

  Again, laughter surrounds us.

  "What do you want to do, babe?"

  "You know this is what I want. But is it what you want? I kind of went a little crazy the other night and railroaded you into this."

  "I've wanted you for years. I've tried to keep my cool around you. I want nothing more, but only if you're sure, because this seals us for the rest of our lives."

  "I'm sure," I whisper.

  "Have a good night, guys," says Stracey.


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