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Legion of Guardians: (Book 1-5)

Page 28

by Xyla Turner

  “Holy shit,” Kylie whispered again.

  Shay’s grip tightened around my waist and I could tell she was nervous, but she had my back.

  Her father nodded his head and asked, “When’s the wedding?”

  “Soon as she confirms a date,” I replied.

  His bottom lip poked out a bit as he contemplated the words, then he said, “You got my blessing. Can we eat now?”

  The tension left the room, like a cloud of smoke. It seemed like everyone, including me, sighed with relief.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Oh my God,” her mom shrieked. “Both of my babies are getting married.”

  This time, she lost her shit. Her makeup started to run, and she had to go freshen up all over again. She kept hugging and kissing Shay, touching my arm and rubbing my back. Shay was annoyed but seemed to understand. Mr. Russell just kept shaking his head until he said, “Woman, get yourself together.”

  Mrs. Susy Homemaker turned at that moment as she headed to the kitchen. “Paul Russell, I told you about calling me ‘woman’.”

  Kylie started laughing, while Shay put her hand on her head. Razor looked to me as if to say ‘welcome to the family.’

  “See where Shay gets it from,” Mr. Russell nodded towards me.

  “I heard that,” Mrs. Russell yelled from the kitchen.

  The rest of dinner went through without a hitch. Mr. Russell had me sit next to him, and we talked man to man. He told me what he instilled in his daughter, how he raised her and what he hoped for from the man in her life. He also confirmed I was that type of man. While I didn’t have a father figure in my life per se, besides some of the older brothers, I realized how much I lacked that model and wished I had it more. It also seemed Razor had gleaned this from him as well. He also had Kylie’s father, who had the political experience and definitely a man who knew his shit.

  It felt good.

  He told me to stop by anytime, and I planned to take him up on that. Including the fishing trip, he and his buddies had over at Lake Urbile.

  After we all said our goodbyes, Kylie and Razor rode off on his bike and Shay had asked me to drive because she knew there would be leftovers.

  “I’m proud of you,” Shay said as I drove off towards her place. “You handled that like the man I know and love.”

  My eyes hit hers.

  “Mmm,” I grunted.

  “What are my date choices?” she asked.

  “Whenever the fuck you want!” I almost stopped the car.

  “I want everything, Bronx. The wedding, the reception, the cake, the honeymoon. I want all of that. I’ve dreamed about this and best of all, I’ve dreamed about it with you.” The car came to a stop as I put the gear in park on the side of the road. “I want the whole she-bang with you. Okay?”

  “Okay. When?”

  “Kylie and Razor are set to be married in a couple of months. That’s my girl and she deserves her moment to shine, so how about six months after that? We can have a fall/winter wedding and enough time to ensure I have everything I want for mine,” she explained.

  I nodded. “Fine, in the meantime, you’re moving in with me.”

  She stared at me for a bit, then she said, “Deal.”

  “This weekend.”

  “Bronx, I need to talk to Dessy and see what she wants to do. There is a lease, rent, and she’s a bartender.”

  My eyes leveled on hers when I said, “Have you seen her, she makes a lot of money.”


  “She uses what she’s got.”

  “And what does she have?” Shay snapped at me.

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  I wasn't that much of an idiot.

  “If it’s not enough,” I continued, “she can work at the gym. We always need help and believe me, my membership will increase. Bear will definitely come more often.”

  “Oh my God! Stop with the grizzly bear. I cannot believe she is into him.”

  “Why? He’s a stand-up guy,” I noted.

  “I guess. He just doesn’t seem her type.”

  “Why not?” I asked again. “He’s older? I’m older than you. He’s white? You were with Greg and what’s his face a few years ago. He’s a biker? What? He likes his women on their knees? Tied up and asses red. What?”

  She shrugged, “Fuck, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t really have an answer. He just comes off as a royal jerk.”

  “Hmm. Well, he is that, but he’s a loyal brother. Speaks his mind and it always makes the club better. We respect him and maybe that’s what she sees and likes about him because she lacks it. The ability to be who you are no matter, what company you’re in.”

  Shay looked at me and said, “You’re probably right.”

  “I am.”

  “Back to my wedding. I can’t move out this weekend.”

  “Charge her a portion of the rent and I’ll pay the rest. Problem solved,” I answered.

  “It’s not that simple. Preparations have to be made. I have to...”

  My hand grabbed hers and pulled her to me, effectively stopping her speech.

  “Kitten, listen. Four years. I’m not doing all that shit. Not waiting another day, week, month, or goddamn year. This weekend.” I finalized.

  “Bronx, you think because you get all alpha on me, I’ll just let you do whatever the hell you want? Let me assure you, that’s not the case.” One eyebrow went up. “I let you win sometimes, but I don’t care what you bikers declare with your deep voices and MC talk. Shay will do what Shay’s going to do.”


  “What the fuck does that mean?” she snapped.

  “Your ass will move in this weekend.”

  “I’d like to see you try.” She put her nose up.

  I lifted her off my lap but kept her close, then put the car in drive and said, “I’m about to. All night, prove it over and over again, that not only will you be moving in this weekend, you’ll be begging me to move you in this weekend.”

  Her head turned towards me with one side of her mouth tilted up in a smirk.

  “Think you’re slick, huh?”

  “No, kitten. I know I am.” I sped up. “Slick, hard, and long-winded. Stamina for miles and enough self-discipline to not give in. Want to have a battle of the wills? With me?” I laughed. “You won’t win. You’re too impulsive.”

  “Fuck,” she hissed. “You’re right. I know how to get you, though.”


  “Don’t worry, just watch your back.”

  WE STAYED AT SHAY’S house that evening and the more I thought about why, the more I wondered if it would have happened anywhere.

  I had just put Shay to sleep by taking her from behind as she leaned over her bathroom sink. She said that was the best way to take off makeup and get ready for bed. My girl was always ready for me and despite all that we missed out on, there was nothing like having her in my life. Nothing could replace that.

  Shay was in my arms when I felt another presence in the room. My eyes remained closed as I tried to figure out what was happening and also reach for my gun tucked in the side of the bed.

  “Move and you’re dead,” a gruff yet familiar voice hissed.

  I opened my eyes and saw the face I had sworn I’d kill if he showed up again and there he stood with a gun pointed at a sleeping Shay. His face tight with malice and eyes set on revenge.

  “Get up slowly,” he whispered.

  Which meant he wasn’t trying to wake Shay. My legs slowly left the bed as I thought of the best way to get the gun away from him and put an end to his misery. Guys like him needed to be put down, not left to their own devices with no leash.

  As I lifted off the bed, Shay shifted but remained asleep.

  “Move over there.” He waved the gun towards his right as he backed up.

  I took one step to my left as he continued to wave the gun.

  “You thought you won, huh?” He turned the gun on me and hissed, “Thought I forgot, you stupid mo
ther fucker.”

  My hands were up as I continued to contemplate how to get him out of the room. The good thing was his gun was on me and not her.

  “I’m going to put her down right in front of you, and then I’m going to put you down. I guarantee you’ll regret the day you touched a Viper.” His face was shiny with perspiration, eyes bulged and his greasy hair was matted on the side of his face and around his neck.

  His weight kept shifting between both legs as he would step forward and still hissing his comments at me. Then he turned the gun on Shay again.

  “Wait,” I finally said.

  His head and gun turned towards me, then the bed shifted, and Shay quickly rose, aimed and fired twice. Another shot rang out, and hot pain ran through my leg causing me to fall to the floor.

  My vision became hazy, but I saw Shay moving towards me as she called out my name.

  “Bronnn...” her voice faded.

  Another shot rang out, pulling me back to the present. Shay’s head was turned as I saw Apollo limping towards us and the braided beard guy was no longer moving.

  “Are you okay?” Shay asked Apollo.

  He grunted then collapsed on the floor.

  “DESSY!” She yelled. “DESSYYY!”

  Her hands were moving all over me.

  “Where are you shot?” She kept feeling on my body. “BRONX!!!” Shay screamed. “DESSYYY!”

  13 - Protect


  I couldn’t find the wound.

  There was blood everywhere.

  Oh my God.


  “Shay, wake up.” Kylie’s voice interrupted my nightmare.

  We were still in the hospital waiting for the status on Bronx and Apollo. The doctor said that Apollo had been grazed in the neck and suffered a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. When we were leaving, we saw that the glass has been broken and his car door was open. Dessy had to jerk me away as I was hysterical and shaking when the paramedics arrived to get them. Two men that I’ve come to know were laid out in my bedroom, and one of those men was the love of my life. The other I hadn’t muttered a word to in the past year, and he saved my life as the man had his gun aimed at me and was ready to shoot as I was tending to Bronx.

  “I’m up.” I looked around.

  “Bronx’s cousin, Trey, is here,” She pointed to a tall guy with his head in his hands over in the far corner.

  As I looked around the room, I saw a lot of men in and out of Guardian cuts. Clean-shaven, rugged, various professions and all with that look.

  It wasn’t one I could easily describe, but it was one that I knew no matter the outcome, they had each other’s back and all that came with that.

  Razor was on my right side looking off into space. Kylie was on my left rubbing my back.

  “He’s a fighter,” she kept whispering.

  Bronx was shot in the chest and apparently on his way down, his head hit my old dresser, and he had a concussion along with the potentially fatal shot. Even though they kept telling me he could bounce back from that, as a person with some medical knowledge, I knew what a shot to the chest meant. The percentage that things could take a turn for the worse was extremely high. It made me think of everything Bronx kept saying. He didn’t want to waste another moment. Four years had passed, and he wouldn’t wait. He wanted us to start our lives together without delays or setbacks from anyone else, including me.

  It was like he knew. Time was of the essence.

  Tears panged my eyes consistently as I thought about our last conversation. He wanted me to move in with him and I was trying to come up with reasons why we shouldn’t rush. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to move in with him, I just didn’t like the impulsive Bronx. I felt we had time.

  We didn’t.

  Later, the next morning, they said since I was his fiancée, I could see him. His cousin joined me after introducing himself as Trey.

  “Heard about you a few years ago,” Trey said as we walked to the back. “Man, I’m glad you guys are together. I thought I ruined that shit.”

  I didn’t answer.

  “Look, you go first. I’ll wait outside.”

  My head nodded to acknowledge he spoke but I was going in regardless.

  “Bronx, honey.” I started. “Um, I get it now. I know why you wanted us to start our lives. Get married and have kids right away. I, uh.” My lip began to tremble and my voice became watery. “I, uh, can’t do this without you, honey. It’s always been you. You know that right? Four years ago, I was in love with Blair Wilson. I was just like Lori. Shit, I knew your schedule better than you did. Then, I got hurt. You know. I reacted and was impulsive. I should have talked to you and I’m soo sorry. You could have your girls by now or I could have had my little Bronx. I can’t do that without you. So, uh, you need to get up and come on, right. I’m moving in this weekend.”

  The tears were flowing down my face and I could barely see.

  “I’m begging you, Bronx. Fucking begging, right. You said I would and I am.” I grabbed onto his arm. “Please get up, honey. I need you.” My voice sounded so small and far away. “You’re my rock, remember. You keep my crazy at bay. Without you, where will I be, huh? Answer me, honey.”

  My whole world had turned upside down in a blink of an eye. I knew something was wrong when Bronx left my side. He never left me in bed so he was either sick or something was really wrong. I heard that man, the same one that had held the knife to my neck, hissing at him. Saying he was going to shoot me and make him watch. Ed had called me in to pick up my gun and I had not told Bronx because I knew what he would say. One of the reasons, we were together is because he felt it was his job to protect me. After my rant about needing to protect myself, he stepped up and took his rightful place in my life.

  “I want our kids. My life with you. I’ll move, okay? I promise. I’ll move.”

  My shoulders started to jerk as the emotion took over. My chest palpitated as my body was wracked with pain. A hand touched my shoulder but my head was on Bronx’s arm and I didn’t turn around.

  “Shay.” His cousin called. “Bronx, he uh, adored you. He thought he was doing you a favor by letting you live your life all those years. He told me many times because when he bailed me out, he knew he mighta fucked things up with you. He said you were a keeper, so I always asked about you. When he called me a couple of months ago and told me, he was through living his life without you. He was going to ask for forgiveness from Shelly. I knew if he succeeded, his whole world would change. He was living, but he wasn’t alive. Not really, not until he was with you.” He squeezed my shoulder and said, “I just want you to know that.”

  More tears flowed from my eyes and I couldn’t stop them. My whole world was tilted and nothing seemed right. I was angry, upset and feeling like I hadn’t taken advantage of my life. Wasting time holding grudges against people who saved me and people who loved me, for years.

  “God, we ask for your intervention...” I looked up to see Trey murmuring as he clutched Bronx’s hand with his head low and lips moving.

  He was praying.

  Yes, prayer.

  It couldn’t hurt. A divine intervention was needed not just for Bronx but Apollo as well. I bowed my head and prayed that God would hear us.

  The next day there were no changes. Apollo was no longer in critical condition, but Bronx remained in a touch and go situation. I stayed at the hospital all night. My parents, Kylie, Dessy, and Razor took turns bringing food, getting me out and at least talking. This went on for three days until we received news that he was out of the woods. I had easily lost ten plus pounds but I did not care one fuck, because my love was fighting for his life.

  Apollo was up and talking with folks.

  “I just wanted to say thanks for saving my life.” I was at his side as he laid in the hospital bed.

  His eyes were closed but they opened after I finished my words. He had a bandage around the left side of his neck and his arm was wrapped in a sling.

>   “No thanks needed, Shay,” he said in a raspy voice which was probably from the oxygen that he was getting through his nose.

  “No, there’s definitely gratitude that’s needed. I haven’t spoken to you for almost a year. You owed me no favors and you...” My voice threatened to break, so I turned away from him. “Saved me. I wanted to thank you.”

  Apollo cleared his throat and said, “I get it. You remained united for my treatment to your girl but you’re still family. They don’t always get along and shit. Might not even talk for a while, but family gets over shit like that. Made my man Bronx a new man. You’re family darling, whether you wanted to be or not.”

  Tears definitely started sliding down my face after that. I had become a weeping river over the past few days.

  “I’m sorry, Apollo,” I sniffled. “I shouldn’t have held a grudge like that. I didn’t like what you did, but it’s over. Right? Lori’s gone and you’re living. I’m living. Bron...Bron...”

  “Bronx will live,” he finished for me. “He’s one of the toughest men I know. He’ll pull through this. Mark my words.”

  My head nodded involuntarily. We sat in silence for a little while, then I asked him, “How are you dealing with the thing.”

  At first, his eyebrows furrowed, then recognition hit him. He knew I meant the death of our assailant.

  “I’m dealing. You?”

  “I wished I would have killed him. I aimed for his head,” I nodded. “He shot Bronx, and he needed to die.”

  “Glad you didn’t,” Apollo said. “You’re a tough broad and all, but you’re too sweet for that shit. You don’t need those demons. Promise me, you’ll let Bronx handle that shit for you. Not faulting you for watching out for my man. Appreciate you more than ever for that, but don’t need a kill on your clean hands. That’s not for you Shay. We know about it, have dealt with it and have our ways to deal with it. That ain’t you,” he nodded. “Glad you didn’t.”


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