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Legion of Guardians: (Book 1-5)

Page 56

by Xyla Turner

  “Wow,” she exclaimed when the sun was finally out of our sight.

  “Never thought I’d see that.” I turned to put our stuff up.

  “There’s only one bed,” Dessy observed.

  “Yeah, it was short notice, so we had to go with what we could get,” I explained. “Don’t worry. You can sleep under and I’ll sleep on top of the covers.”

  She eyed me and I raised up my hands in defense.

  “Sweetheart, it’s not a conspiracy. I won’t touch you, promise,” I muttered. “I don’t need any black eyes.”

  She shook her head and went into the bathroom while I figured out what was happening with dinner for the evening. We eventually decided to go to one of the old restaurants near our hotel. The food was different but it was authentic Italian and we enjoyed every bite. The owners came out to greet us and even asked us how we came about coming to their beautiful countryside.

  “She’s been wanting to come here for a while, so we did,” I informed him.

  “Why?” he asked Dessy.

  “I read about it in high school and always wanted to visit,” she confessed.

  He leaned into her and said, “The food, huh?”

  “Yes.” She started to giggle.

  “You should definitely go to see the museums, colosseum, and the cathedral.” He smiled and continued in his thick Italian accent.

  “Oh my,” she looked at me. “We have to go.”

  God, she was so excited.

  “We’ll do that tomorrow,” I confirmed and nodded toward her.

  “Oh, you should stop back for lunch afterward and I’ll make sure you have a special meal.” The man smiled.

  “That Italian charm, huh?” I nodded toward him when he winked.

  “Please?” Dessy asked.

  “Yes to everything,” I said and looked at her again.

  “This man loves you,” the older man told Dessy.

  She looked at him, then at me before she took another bite of her food.

  “Oh, y’all are a couple, right?” He leaned back and looked at both of us again. “Even an old man like me knows love when he sees it.”

  I laughed and said, “Yeah, she knows.”

  He laughed again and said, “I’ll let you eat. Ciao.”

  When he left, I continued to go over our itinerary with the places we would travel and gauge where she wanted to go while in the different cities. One thing I didn’t know about Dessy, was her knowledge about Europe, the attractions and how much this trip meant to her.

  Bronx’s words came back to me about the ability to go away and really get to bond. Boy, was my brother right. By the first week, we were talking, laughing and she was even playfully pushing me when I wouldn’t eat the head of the octopus. We took long walks, rode in canoes and even on bicycles to get to some of the sights.

  One morning, I woke up with Dessy’s head on my chest and my cock was hard as steel. I did not move one inch because this was the first time she had been this close on her own accord. Once she stirred and her eyes opened, she jumped up and said, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not.” I smiled.

  “Oh,” she gasped when she saw my cock protruding from the waistband of my boxers onto my stomach. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  “Dessy, stop.”

  I got up and went to the bathroom. I had to piss but I also had to relieve myself of those thoughts that plagued my mind and would keep my cock hard. We were in Zagreb at the time and she wanted to see Zrinjevac.

  Before this she wanted to go horseback riding but I wouldn’t let her. She was upset with me about this but I didn’t really care. Her safety was my priority and horses could be unpredictable beasts. When I came back out, she was out on the balcony watching the sun rise. We did everything she wanted to do and after the sun set, we found ourselves in a small diner near the hotel. There was live music and though, dancing wasn’t my thing, I found myself holding my hand out for her to take.

  “Bear, are you serious?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, sweetheart. We can keep up.” I reached down and pulled her behind me to the dance floor.

  A few couples clapped as we began to twirl and at that moment, all we were was a couple who wanted to dance. Not Dessy and Bear, not biker and biker chick but two people in love. With that in mind, I pulled her close to me and hummed the song in her ear. Surprisingly enough, she wrapped her arms around me and we rocked back and forth to the beat. Her head was on my chest and she was squeezing me tight. It wasn’t clear what that meant but I would take whatever I could get.

  That night we went straight to bed but after we made our trip to the last city, was when everything picked up. I received various texts from my brothers, while she had been on the phone with her mom, Kylie, Shay, and Lori at various times during the trip. They wanted pictures and she had plenty. The guys just wanted to know how much progress I’d made with her which was only a little but it was something. My sister was doing well, taking chemo and bitching the entire time. She was happy that I was traveling and living life. That’s what she’d wanted me to do. The old hag even said that if Dessy was the one to make me happy then she was happy. Who knew old dogs could be taught new tricks.

  Our first night in Vienna, Dessy joined me on the couch and said, “I haven’t said this but I wanted you to know that I appreciate this trip. Well, everything that you are doing for me. I think my anger has blinded me a little and you’ve been busting your ass and I haven’t said shit. That’s not cool. So, thank you Bear. For this trip, for taking care of me and being there.”

  She nodded her head and went to get up but I placed my hand on her thigh.

  “I’d do anything for you, Dessy. Do you know that?” I turned toward her.

  “Yes, Bear,” she wouldn’t look at me.

  “Then why ...”

  Before I could get out the rest of my statement, Dessy had jumped on me and pushed me back against the couch. I was about to say something but her fingers covered my lips as she began to slide down onto her knees.

  Holy fuck.

  It felt like my cock grew to an erection in one instant. I had on my boxers, which she started to tug on, therefore I lifted up so the woman could have her way. Her pink tongue licked my cock and I damn-neared came right there.

  “Fuucck,” I exhaled.

  Those lips grasped the head as she ran her hot tongue around, sipping the pre-cum. Soon her head began to bob and I could not hold back. It wasn’t long or even medium length.

  “Coming,” I growled as I gripped the pillows and she swallowed every drop.

  Like the vixen, she was, Dessy stood up, wiped her lips with her pointed finger and announced, “Going to bed. Night Bear.”


  12 - Like a Ninja


  This was the most magnificent gift I’d ever received. Bear was my dream man in every meaning of the term but he’d really made me mad. That act reminded me of all the guys before him who would just use me for whatever and drop off the face of the earth. That stunt brought me back to Dessy 1.0, when I was young, dumb and stupid. Not that I was perfect now but I swear it was a flashback.

  Then finding out I was pregnant was bitter sweet because we’d been planning for that moment and I could barely enjoy it without heartache. The excitement on his face when he thought I was pregnant; I’d never forget. I was determined to give him a child but then he pulled that stunt and it didn’t seem so joyous anymore. I had to come to terms that I may be having the child and not Bear. He could have a relationship if he wanted but it wouldn’t with me. That would have been heartbreaking but that’s how mad I was.

  As of late, with only three days to go on our two-week trip, I was no longer mad. I was grateful for Bear. Upset that I’d been such a bitch to him and he was just taking it. The man didn’t lay one hand on me the entire trip. He never made a move and he paid thousands for us to come out here.

  For me.

  I loved him, wholeheartedly
and there was really no reason to keep us from enjoying every part of the trip. It took me awhile but I finally got it. Shay even said, I held a grudge worse than her and she could be downright vengeful.

  When he came to bed that night, he stayed over the covers like we agreed but by the time we woke up, I was snuggled under him. My man held me but didn’t move even though his cock was hard as a rock, peeking through his shorts. I wanted to touch it and rub it for him but instead I rose, stripped right there and sashayed my ass to the bathroom with the hope that he’d follow.

  I should have known better.

  Bear didn’t do games.

  He needed biker straight talk. So later that afternoon, when we emerged from our latest adventure, I washed off and instead of playing, I simply straddled him on the couch and whispered against his lips.

  “Want you inside me.”

  “Dessy!” He was warning me to not play with him, to mean it and know what that meant.

  “I know what it means.” I kissed his lips as his hands grabbed my ass.

  “Dessy,” he sighed against my lips.

  That meant he loved me. I was becoming fluent in Bear talk. He moved his cargo pants down and I slid on his hard cock as we both breathed in each other’s air.

  “God,” I exclaimed as he said, “Fuck.”

  Once I adjusted to his large girth invading my small pussy, I began to ride my man. To remind him of what I could do with my body, what he’d missed, what I’d missed. My hips twirled around and around but towards the end, Bear grabbed my ass, digging his fingers in my flesh and fucked me hard.

  “This what you want?” he grunted.

  “God, yes,” I answered him.

  “Want it hard like that?”


  My ass was slamming down on him causing the noises that could be heard above our panting with the slaps to his lap. They were loud and frequent.

  “Take it, Bear,” I bit his lip and the man growled as he released inside of me after a few more thrusts.

  “Fuck, Dessy,” Bear sighed before he brought his hand up to the back of my neck and devoured my mouth.

  He was back to taking control, back to owning every aspect of my body and taking what he needed from me.

  Now that, is what I loved.



  THE NEXT FEW DAYS HAD us going on our various excursions and fucking until the sun started to show itself. One morning, we made love on the balcony as we watched it rise. That was special, since I was sitting on his lap with my legs tied together with a rope and his hand on my neck, keeping it up so we could see the sun rise as I slid up and down his erect dick. I came so many times because he was in my ear, telling me how much he loved my tight, slippery cunt. How I needed to not wake the couple below us. How this sunrise was the absolute best since he’d be blowing in my wet snatch. His finger rimmed my tight hole and he kept it there so when I came back down I was being penetrated in both holes.

  Bear was so fucking dirty and I loved it.

  He said he’d love me till there was no more breath in him. Until the day he died and that’s how long I had to be with him.

  Once the sun was up, I sped up my motions causing him to come, then I laid against him and told him that he’d had until I was no longer breathing to be with me and that if worst came to worst, I’d get Shay to shank him so he’d see things my way.

  This caused him to laugh, then he drew a bath with the fresh earthy scent of myrrh as our bodies rejuvenated. We had to leave that day but Bear wasn’t done with the purpose of the trip. When I finally woke up, he was sitting in a chair next to the bed. It was almost like Déjà vu.

  “What’s wrong?” I jumped up almost thinking this was a conversation like the last.

  “Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing.” He was smiling.

  “Why are you in a chair like that? Why aren’t you in bed? The last time you were in a chair, you left me and I didn’t talk to you for a month.” My heart was racing and body felt feverish.

  “Dessy, no. Nothing like that. Calm down.” He dropped to his knees and grabbed my hands. “Calm down.”

  “Ok, what’s wrong?” I asked again.

  “Absolutely nothing is wrong. Everything is right.” He tried to reassure me. “Let me just get this out, okay?”

  My head nodded.

  “You came into my life like a force to be reckoned with. Wouldn’t accept my surly ways, bypassed my defenses and like a ninja, stole my fucking heart. Made me feel even when I didn’t know anything was left. My brotherhood saved me once and you, my sweet girl, saved me from myself. Can’t live without you. Won’t do it, really. You’re everything to me, Dessy. Not because you’re carrying my child but you’re so sweet to want to build a family with me. I know that dream led you to me but I swear you’ll always belong with me. Fucking love you to death. It’s been months but I’m an old ass man and I want to live for once. For something. For you. For us.” He sighed. Tears were dropping from my eyes like a leaky faucet. “Marry me, Deseri. Don’t have to be big or small. I don’t fucking care, just marry me. I promise to...”

  “Yes, Bear.” I jumped on him, taking us both to the floor. “Yes.”

  “You will?” he asked as he put me under him.

  “Yes, you grizzly bear,” Dessy exclaimed.

  I swooped down to kiss her lips but she took it beyond that. We had to be downstairs in forty-five minutes and she was fucking around.

  It was a quickie but so fucking good. I swear she was made for me.

  WHEN WE CAME BACK TO the states, Bronx, Shay, Lori, Apollo, Razor, Kylie, Shiz and Snoop were at the airport waiting for us on bikes and in trucks. They congratulated us but mostly Dessy who would not stop showing that ring off. The women squealed and so did Kylie’s baby. Apparently, it was a nice cut. Apollo knew all about that shit, since he’d just married Lori a short while back.

  Something seemed off with the brothers but I was sure that I’d find out about it soon enough. With all the women around, they remained tight-lipped. They let us have the day to ourselves but the next night, at Peppers was the engagement party. In pure Guardian form, it seemed every brother was in attendance, including men from the other chapters. Swag, the Norristown president, was there along with some of his crew.

  The shit felt good.

  For once shit was good.

  The party was in full swing, dancing, drinking and even Kylie was out, trying to work off her baby bump as Razor put it. The ladies had a couple of new friends. One was a new recruit’s wife who had just had a baby and the other was Lori’s friend. That woman knew how to work the dance floor but she was also working on Swag. Working his nerves, at least. We were all drinking and talking about stupid shit until Swag hopped up and headed for the floor.

  “The fuck is going on?” I turned toward the guys.

  “He and Vita have been playing cat and mouse but he’s losing,” Bronx offered.

  “Yeah, but some other dude is about to lose a tooth,” Apollo said before he hopped up.

  “Fuck,” Razor said as we all jumped up to grab someone and beat the hell out of them.

  Swag was pounding on some guy when Vita begged him to stop. The man hopped up so fast, I thought he could have been a ninja or some shit.

  “The fuck is wrong with you?” he snapped at her.

  “I was just dancing,” she snapped back.

  “Vita.” He moved to get in her face and hissed, “With a body like that, moving your ass like that, you can’t do that to just anybody and not expect them to want more. You’re playing a fucking game and you’re going to lose. You want to move your ass on someone’s crotch, here’s mine. You want to take it further, you have my number. I’d never touch you against your will or take advantage of you. You want to keep kissing frogs to find your prince be my guest but don’t come on Guardian territory to do your shit. You’re not making me jealous, you’re making me angry. I could go to jail for assault because I’m protecting you, remember that

  Her head was down at that point, then she mumbled, “You don’t have to. I didn’t ask you.”

  “You’d never have to ask me. I’d always protect you.” Swag delivered that nugget and attempted to walk away.

  “Swag,” Vita called after him.

  He stopped, looked at me and shook his head. Yeah, my man was gone. I knew that fucking feeling. Oh too well.

  The president turned to face her as she walked up to him, whispered something in his ear and landed a kiss on him that would make wolves howl. Well, we were Guardians, so we did howl. Not sure what was exchanged between the two but his hands were on her ass, she was on her toes, and his tongue was in her mouth.

  I felt something on my back, so when I turned, there was my little lady. She smiled up at me and said, “Wouldn’t be a Guardian engagement without a fight, huh? Well, there wasn't one at Shay's wedding.”

  “Seems you might be right but I had to swoop in and get you off the dance floor.” I pulled her into me. “You going to take my name?”

  “Yes, Berenstain Bear. I’ll be Deseri Berenstain.” She laughed but I smacked her ass.

  The woman simply moaned.

  My girl.

  “Des,” I said with one eyebrow up.

  “Yes, daddy,” she purred. “I’m taking your name. Our kids will have your name. Our family will carry your name.”

  “Never letting you go.” I bent down and kissed her lips. “Never.”

  “Take me home. I learned a new move from Kylie and Phoebe. It’s for when I’m pregnant and my hormones are raging. We’ll need to get chocolate ice cream, whipped cream and a bullwhip.”

  “Is that all?” I asked.

  “Maybe a mouth gag,” she added.

  “I like hearing you call my name.” I said.

  “The mouth gag is for you.” She raised her eyebrow.

  At that, I burst out laughing because the woman was off her rocker. I smacked her ass again and said, “That’s mine when we get home. Nice, hot and red.”


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