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Legion of Guardians: (Book 1-5)

Page 64

by Xyla Turner

  “Huh?” he asked. “Who?”

  “Another mythical creature. She’s not on my planet but she just might be on yours,” I shared.

  There was a glint in his eye as he studied me. I could tell people probably had teased him before, so he was testing the genuineness in my words. Then he said, “Okay, brother. Tomorrow. I will come at eleven o’clock.”

  “That’s perfect,” I smiled at him. He turned again, but I kept talking. “Oh, and by the way. Avery is not just out of your league, brother. She’s out of mine, too.”

  He chuckled, nodded his head and left.

  7 Chapter 7


  Once again, I found myself in a biker’s compound, right outside of Lancaster County, doing something foolhardy like buying parts for an old bike that didn’t work.

  How did I get here?

  Well, let’s see.

  I sold my car online to a guy named Andrew Jacobs, who didn’t even have the time to come and do it himself. He sent his brother who paid me the money, we exchanged information, so the car could be in his name, registration and everything. He paid me top dollar for my car, and said, it was the custom work that made it great for his niece. At least my baby would be going to someone who wanted the vehicle and thought it was cute like me.

  I hope she did.

  The money I was paid for my truck, I was going to purchase the old bike, which was the same brand that Snoop told Apollo we could use for parts. This contact was made by one of my brother’s friends, who worked as a mechanic. He didn’t have the bike or the parts but knew of a guy that did. He made the initial introductions over the phone and came with me to get the bike from the owner. This happened to be a member of the Skullz MC.

  When we arrived, the compound was a dreary, run-down warehouse with rusted steel covering the building. There was nothing clean or read safe about the place. I looked at Carl, my brother’s friend, and he shrugged his shoulders and knocked on the door.

  “Here goes,” he murmured.

  The door creaked open and we slowly made our way inside. Carl told them who we were here to see and then we were led to the left side with a row of cheap, wooden doors that were cracked, damaged or some had fist-sized holes in various places. The biker that led us, opened the third door on the row and grunted towards an older, unkempt man in the office.

  “Fuck me,” the man greeted when Carl and I walked into the office. “You’re the sweet piece that’s buying the bike?”

  He was the definition of a biker who lost himself with a beer gut that hung over his pants, a scruffy beard that was scruffy and yellow eyes like he spent way too much time drinking every night.

  The entire compound smelled like alcohol, sex and weed. It was the complete opposite of the Guardians, which was clean, much brighter and usually smelled of food. They might not be the tidiest or men, but the place wasn’t nasty.

  “I am the person that’s buying the bike, yes,” I answered and moved a little closer to Carl.

  “Sweet,” he said and took a swig of the amber liquid in the cloudy glass sitting in the middle of the old, cluttered desk.

  Carl cleared his throat because when we looked over, a naked woman was lying on her side with her ass facing us on the couch.

  “Oh yeah,” the biker chuckled. “Fucking rough night. That one.”

  Then he picked up the receiver on the phone and barked, “They’re here. Get in here.”

  I grew a bit unsteady by someone else joining us but Carl just kept looking at the naked woman. I dared not look at the man’s pants to see if he had a boner. I could mentally feel that he did by the change in his breathing pattern.

  A minute later, the door opened, and a young man walked in with khakis, a polo shirt with a biker vest over it that read Skullz MC, Slay. He was taller than me, but maybe by a few inches, dirty blond hair, clean cut with no facial hair. He resembled a prep kid but the vest threw off the look. It seemed out of place.

  “Hey,” he greeted me with a smile. “The name is Slay and you must be Avery. Interested in my bike?”

  “Yes, that’s me.” I answered.

  Carl told me ahead of time to not give out too much information, so I had to shut my chatty self up.

  This time, I was willing to listen.

  “Good, let me show you what I have. We’ll see if that’s it and go from there.”

  A voice cleared in the room, causing us all to turn towards the man sitting at the desk, drinking away.

  “Pop?” Slay addressed him.

  “I think whatever arrangement y’all make should also include dinner. Wouldn’t you say, son?” His yellow stained eyes glanced from me to the biker in khakis.

  The younger one brightened up and said, “Yes, I’d like that.”

  The father grunted and then we proceeded to make the deal. Bringing me to my current situation that included me waiting in the Skullz compound, two days later, while one woman sucked a guy’s dick on the sofa in the main area and a few others were smoking weed on the other side watching the ordeal.

  This time I was alone, since Carl’s one and only trip to the compound, resulted in him hauling the old bike on his truck. He made it clear that he did not want any parts of that place and I was in full agreement, except I had a date.

  When I arrived, I asked for Slay and proceeded to stay as close to the door as necessary.

  “Hey, you came.” Slay smiled when he saw me, probably looking like a cat shrinking in a corner. This look must have registered on his face because he said, “Yeah, the club is still in the old-world order. A new dawn is coming and shit like this won’t be tolerated. Believe me.”

  He scoffed and waved for me to exit so we could start our dinner deal. It was not a date, it was a deal that came with a bike. I’d sworn Snoop to secrecy when Carl and I drove up with the old bike for parts. The man was in shock that I had even found the old model. He’d said, he couldn’t even find one. I think I scored a point with him that day. He could not believe it and kept shaking his head at me.

  Slay took me to a local bistro that was down in Norristown. He made the decision to have lunch, instead of dinner, which was great. They had paninis, frappes, freshly squeezed lemonade and sushi. It was not the typical place the locals went to, but this wasn’t my town. I got a sandwich and a glass of lemonade. Slay ordered the sushi and an espresso. I didn’t date much or at all for that matter, but this was by far not how I saw one happening. Though, it wasn’t a date, but a deal.

  He talked about the club, how he would transform it when he was president. He even mentioned going legit and not being outlaws, but I wasn’t sure what that meant either. I, on the other hand, rarely said anything about me, family or why because he monopolized the conversation about him, his undergraduate degree and the master’s he was currently pursuing. He seemed ambitious enough, but clearly full of himself, which was a complete turnoff.

  Towards what I considered the end of our deal that included a meal, a presence hit the small bistro, like a rushing wind. My head whipped over to see what changed and that’s when I saw a raging bull by the look of Shiz and Swag, right behind him.

  He did not look happy and for some reason, his anger seemed to be directed towards me.

  “Avery!” he barked at me. “Let’s go.”

  It took me an entire minute to process what was taking place. It was then that I asked, “Excuse me?”

  He was now in our space glaring at me, while ignoring Slay.

  “I said, let’s go.”

  “Who are you?” Slay asked in a calm and unthreatened voice.

  “Someone who doesn’t have to tell you who I am,” Shiz bit back.

  “That so?” Slay turned his head towards Swag. “Swag, nice to make your acquaintance again.”

  “Didn’t think the first encounter was nice,” Swag countered.

  “This one surely doesn’t look nice,” Slay nodded towards Shiz.

  There was a sinister look in his eye that made me leery. He wasn’t
into me or anything like that but the fact that another man just came up in here and tried to take over, was enough to make even a beta man, bulk. Slay didn’t strike me as the type to clap back physically. Shiz would crush him and he knew that. He looked like the type who’d bide his time, like he was doing with the club and then when the iron was hot, he’d strike. Scary, almost.

  This was my clue that despite what I felt, I needed to diffuse a bomb that could potentially blow up with me in the middle.

  “Slay,” I rose and held out my hand. “Thank you for a lovely evening. I appreciate your help with everything and I hope you get finished with that degree fast like you said.”

  I went for my wallet, but he held up his hand and said, “No need. Avery, I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  “The fuck you won’t,” Shiz snapped back.

  Holy shit.

  Swag intervened at this point and said, “Brother, let’s go. Not why I called you.”

  However, Shiz had other thoughts. He had fully turned toward Slay and if looks could maim, the man would be missing some arms and legs. This was not serious Shiz, this was a seriously pissed off Shiz. I didn’t know what to do in this case.

  “Shiz,” I called. “Come on.”

  He just stared off at the calm Slay who didn’t seem perturbed or moved by Shiz’s stance.

  Feeling my own self about to get in a snit as they wanted to have a pissing contest.

  “Fine, I’m leaving.” I picked up my purse. “Swag can you take me home please?”

  He looked like he was confused but when I started marching to the door, I heard Shiz curse, “Fuck me.”

  Then two sets of footsteps followed me outside of the restaurant. There was one hand that halted my progress as he pulled it around the bend of my arm and Shiz growled, “The fuck are you doing here?”

  “Excuse me,” I snapped and tried to jerk from him but was unsuccessful.

  “The fuck are you doing here with him?” Shiz was hissing at the point.

  “First of all,” I planted one hand on my hip.

  Shiz shook his head one time and murmured, “Nope. You’re going home, and I swear to God, I’ll spank your ass if you keep throwing me that attitude.”

  That was when he catapulted me using both hands and lifted me by my arms, propelling me to his truck.

  “Swag,” Shiz called behind him as he put me in the passenger side like I wasn’t a little on the chunky side and yelled back, “Thanks for the call man. I owe you a marker.”

  “My next tat on you,” Swag said with a laugh.

  “Yup,” Shiz slammed the door and I watched as the two of them exchanged some words, did their manly half-hug thing and departed. My whole back was facing Shiz because I had no words. The embarrassment, not only in front of Sway but Swag too. Let’s not even discuss the restaurant.

  He didn’t say anything, but I could feel his temper rolling off in waves. Hopefully, he could feel mine too. I guess he couldn’t because as soon as that truck came to a low rumble in front of the house, I flew out and headed towards my new place. He did the same and followed me up as if he was coming in too.

  “Nope,” I shook my head. “Buck stops here. I’m going to bed.”

  Man, Shiz was showing all sides of his ass today. Some of them I could have done without. Including the alpha one, he seemed to be stuck on.

  “You got five seconds before I put you over my knee and spank your ass.”

  I gasped out loud and that’s when I heard, “ You got five coming to you.”

  That was all I got before he had me up, off the floor and moved me into the house.

  “Shiz,” I was snapping at him. “I’m not someone you can just manhandle.”

  His eyes pierced into mine then he said, “What was that shit? What were you doing out with him? Why were you in Norristown? Answer me, Avery. My patience is gone.”

  “First of all,” I was screaming. “I don’t have to answer shit to you. Who are you?” I pushed him with both palms of my hands against his chest. “You’re my landlord, not my father. You don’t question me. What I do is none of your business. You don’t have any right to come and embarrass me in front of Sway and the other customers. What the hell....”

  His face turned into a sneer before he spits, “What? So you go from biker to biker?”

  A thump hit my chest because it felt like he struck me.

  “W-what?” I croaked.

  Shiz was bending down in my face and he sneered with nothing but venom in his voice, “You get into it with one club, seeking refuge in another, now you’re moving on to some other club?”

  I wasn’t violent. Well, I might vandalize, tap a person’s leg with my truck, but I rarely laid my hands on other people. However, the dropping of my hand and the clear strike I made across his beautiful face with my open palm even shocked me.

  I could not believe I actually laid slapped his face.

  “Get out,” I hissed.

  It was low and deadly which Shiz must have recognized because he turned and left. The look on his face was from pure regret but I couldn’t have given one fuck. Nobody talked to me like that. I didn’t put out or even do the cock tease thing. If that’s what he thought about me, then he could just never talk to me again.


  Tears streamed down my eyes by the buckets, but I would be fine in the morning. That’s what I kept telling myself.

  NO SLEEP CAME THAT evening and my eyes were red from crying all night. No makeup would fix the puffiness that gathered as bags on my face.


  My brother was due to get out of the hospital that evening, so I wanted to help him adjust but his girlfriend was on top of everything, which was such a relief. She seemed like a genuine girl and much better than his knuckled-headed friends. Though, I couldn’t be mad at Carl, since he helped me get something I needed to repay.

  I felt like I was in debt to Shiz but there was no way I was talking to him. Not after what he’d said; what he insinuated about me. He didn’t know me, know what I was, who I am. He didn’t know Avery West.

  Not for real.

  The next day was horrible, since I had a bad night, I was in no rush to deal with customers about the fact that they didn’t read the fine print from when you sign up for a free giveaway, their number would be in our call registry. Period. I hung up on one lady and the other one I raised my voice. My manager came and must have seen the state of me, which was worse than normal. She asked if I was okay, I told her that I wasn’t, so she gave me the rest of the day off. This would cut into my hours and money, but I had some left over from the car that I sold.

  Therefore, when I arrived back at my place, I was shocked to see a bouquet of flowers being delivered and the courier had placed them on the porch.

  With no thought, I started speaking.

  “Who are those from?” I called to the short delivery guy, who looked to be a college student with freckles splattered over his cheeks.

  “Hi, ma’am. Uh,” he looked down at his pad and said, “They’re from a Shiz?”

  He said the name like it was a question or a mistake. However, I wasn’t in the laughing mood. Therefore, I told him, “Take them back. I don’t want them.”

  He blinked once and then again.

  “Uh, ma’am,” he started to say, so I put more emphasis on my voice.

  “I don’t want the fucking flowers, so take them back.”

  He quickly jogged back up the steps, nabbed the bouquet and nodded to me as he went to his delivery truck.

  “Good day, ma’am,” he murmured.

  I slowly walked up the steps, put the deadbolt and latch on the door, and crawled in bed. My chest still hurt by the sting of what was said but now I also hurt because of his absence.

  An hour later, I heard knocking but I put my headphones on and went back to sleep. By the time I got out of bed, I was tired and starving. Quickly, I made some food and ate in silence, only to have that pang in my heart ag

  I didn’t want to call my mom, because she would know something was wrong and that woman is like a pit bull with a bone, once she discovers a mystery. So, I opted for Dad.

  “Hey, Dad.” I answered when he said hello.

  “Hey, baby girl. Everything alright?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied. “How are you?”

  “Good,” he said in a hesitant voice. Then he let the word linger when replying, “Baby girl?”

  I sighed.

  He was no better than Mom.

  “So, if I said I didn’t want to talk about it, would you let it go?” I asked.

  “I could, but I suspect you did want to talk, since you called me,” he surmised.


  “Okay,” he reluctantly said. “Let’s try this. It’s about a boy? Assuming it’s that guy, the landlord, and he’s made you mad.”

  “Dad,” I whined.

  “I must be right,” he chuckled.

  “It’s really not funny Dad.” I huffed. “The thing is he’s acting like we’re together or something and we’re not. He’s my landlord, that’s all. And he’s super alpha. Wants to know why I’m talking with other guys. Completely interrupts and he won’t quit. Then he said something really mean and he don’t know me like that. I smacked him Dad. Right across his face, so I know he’s fuming. I shouldn’t have hit him, actually. But then he brought flowers and I refused them because I remembered what he said. Sort of forgot that I smacked him. But, ugh.” I groaned in the receiver.

  Silence met me over the phone, then I heard light laughter.

  “Dad?” I called.

  “Sorry honey,” he said through louder laughter. “It’s just.” He sighed. “If you aren’t your mother’s child. I swear it.”

  This had me confused.

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked.

  “Baby girl, your mother has the same temperament. Just feisty to the core. Act first, think later. That woman done got me into so much shit,” he laughed. “I love her to death. She speaks her truth, mine, yours and everybody else’s. She’s a little volatile at times. Then I have to reel her in but that’s my lady. That’s what I do and that’s what makes us perfect. That, uh guy of yours, the landlord, honey, you and he may be the only ones that don’t know but he likes you a lot. He ain’t about to sit back and let some other man invade his territory. The first thing he did was put you in a house. Made sure you were covered, a place where he knew you’d be, were safe and invited you into his family. That was the very first thing he did. Shit, the man so smooth, he made the rent something no one could refuse. Oh, he likes you, which is why me and your mamma made the trek over there to check him out. He’s legit. At first, I wasn’t too keen on what he’s doing with you, but he’s legit.”


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