Together 'Til Never
Page 3
Once I was done bathing I put on a pair of jeans and a black shirt and matched it up with the black jordans. It felt good to be wearing spanking new clothes. I felt like a new person. I am every woman. I thought.
“Tianna your outfit looks great on you! Spin around for me baby girl.” Tim said amazed.
“Thanks, Tim. You have good taste when it comes to clothes.” I complimented him.
I spun around, but when I looked up, he had a silly grin on his face.
I was very grateful and hungry.
“It is not a problem. I want my lady to look her best always.” Tim squeaked.
“What’s wrong Tim?” I said with an uneasy feeling.
“Nothing, I just have a lot of things on my mind,” Tim replied as he took another puff of his joint.
I walked over and sat on his lap.
“Is there anything that I can do to help ease your mind?’ I chirped.
“Keep being you. Tianna never switch up on me baby girl. Remember loyalty is everything.’ He murmured.
I could be loyal to Tim as long as his ass was loyal to me. I just did not want to be caught up in any mess. Tim was someone that I could count on, and that’s what I needed in my life along with stability.
“Loyalty! Huh? I can do that.” I agreed as I kissed
him on the cheek.
“Good baby, good,” Tim uttered.
“Tim do you have a microwave because I want to
warm up the pizza before going home. I am taking it straight to my room. I am not sharing shit!” I muttered.
“Why not Baby it’s enough?” Tim curiously asked.
“Because my mother never shares anything with me. The reason why I ate was because my dad bought everything.” I pouted.
Memories from earlier today flooded my mind. My dad was flying high in the sky now. I was all alone now with my wicked ass mother. Ugh!
“Don’t worry Tianna. I got you. I already programmed my number in your phone. If you need anything or just want to leave call tonight or
better yet text me.” Tim instructed me.
Tim then kissed me passionately. I was left breathless.
“Bet!” I said weakly as I hugged Tim tightly.
“The microwave is in the kitchen. I am going to take your bags out to the car, so I can drop you home.” Tim called out to me.
I was tired, but I knew that it was unlikely that I
would get any rest when I got home. There was no telling what the hell was going to pop off. My mama was not very good at being a mother to me. With daddy not being around now I knew that the shit hole that I called home was going to become a living nightmare for me.
I have been in a state of uncertainty every since I got the call that my husband was dead. I have been whooping and hollering. Duke and I have been together forever. It seems. Tianna was my friend girl Tiara’s child. Duke and Tiara had been an item at one point before her death.
Tianna did not know that I was not her real mama. Her mother Tiara had died during childbirth, and I took on the role of her mother because Duke and I had been secret lovers the entire time that he was with Tiara.
I could not stand Tianna because she looked like her mother Tiara. Tianna was the spitting image of her mother who used to be my best friend.
When Tiara passed away, I felt guilty as hell for fucking her man behind her back. We shared everything, but I knew that her man was off limits, but I could not help myself. Duke was a handsome man. Tiara used to tell me about the way he fucked her. I just wanted a taste for myself. Once I got that dick in my mouth and my pussy I just could not let it go. Duke had broken our relationship up the day that Tiara went into labor.
Tiara was in a horrible motor vehicle accident
which caused her to go into preterm labor. Tiara
was thirty-eight weeks along in her pregnancy. She lost a lot of blood from the rupture that she received during the wreck which caused her early demise.
Duke and I made a pact long ago to never tell Tianna. I wanted to leave Duke long ago, but we did not know what to say to Tianna. Duke brought me everything that I wanted to keep me quiet and to make me stay. I loved Duke, but I was not in love with him any longer. The thrill of creeping around with his ass has been long gone.
“Antoinette, it’s almost ten where is Tianna?” Vera barked.
“Tianna was supposed to have been here hours ago. I called the school before dismissal I thought Tianna was on her way home. I am not worried about Duke and Tiara’s child. I have to plan a funeral.” I said in a fury.
“Well, the child is still your responsibility. What you are you going to do? I know you are not thinking about sending her to Tiara’s family after all of these years. All the beef that you had with Tiara’s sisters about you fucking Duke behind Tiara’s back and then you married him.
Antoinette don’t think that shit has cool down by a
long shot because if you do you are a bigger damn
fool than I thought you were. I would not fuck with them folk if I were you because they are liable to put a few foots in your ass.
“Vera I ain’t got to worry about that because I am not thinking about Tiara’s people. It ain’t my fault that Duke had the hots for me.” I blurted.
“Girl you are a damn trip. Nothing basic about that!” Vera exclaimed.
“What are you doing about Brady?” Vera questioned me as she gave me a side eye.
I sat back on the old 1980’s blue floral sofa.
“Brady is coming over tonight to give me some sexual healing.” I spat.
I was popping my fingers to the imaginary music in my mind that went with the old Marvin Gaye song.
“Let’s make love tonight.” Vera sang along.
“Vera I am just enjoying myself. I am going to throw this nigga in the ground and live my damn life.” I said in a more relaxed tone.
“Antoinette just be happy. Happiness springs confidence. If Brady makes you happy be with him without regret. I am here to support you all the way.” Vera advised.
“Thanks for supporting me, Vera. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I said sadly.
“Antoinette I know that you are going through a lot. I am here for you because I know you would be
here for me if something happened to Mark.” Vera
I have been seeing Brady. He is the landlord. Brady is a handsome man I liked what I saw. It was nothing in particular that he said to turn me on. I just think my preference in my choice of men had changed. Brady was in my presence, so that made him fresh bait.
I never really checked him out before because Duke was always around. Brady is muscular like a wrestler with a bald head and a beard. He was a sexy motherfucker like them guys in the Beard group on Facebook. His lips were super full which made Brady incredibly hot, and I knew from that point that I wanted a piece of his chocolate pudding pop. I could just taste the pre-cum on my tongue. I know I am a bit much, but damn I had to have the damn man.
Brady owns a few properties around town. One day my toilet wouldn’t stop running while Duke was at work, so I called the landlord. He brought his fine ass over looking like a mid-morning snack. Brady went to do his repairs in the bathroom, and I slipped into my bedroom. I put my all black lace nightie with my black fur slippers. I spritz some sweet intoxicating perfume on my neck. I tidied up my bedroom and walked to the bathroom. Brady
was standing with his back to me. I walked up
behind him and put my hands on his pudding pop. Oh, that dick felt right in my hands.
“Antoinette I am trying to respects Duke’s home, but you are making it really hard for a nigga right now!’ Brady barked.
“I am gathering from the hardness of your dick that you feel the same way that I do. I am not trying to make anything hard for you but your pudding pop, but I want to do what grown folks do with you.” I hastily announced as Duke turned in the direction of my face.r />
“Antoinette, what is your version of doing what grown-ups do?” Brady asked giving me a side eye.
“You know ain’t nothing wrong with a little bump and grind baby.” I purred.
“Bump and grind humph? I am going to tear your pussy up!” Brady groaned as he became aroused.
He took his dick out and started jacking it in front
of me.
“No baby I got this,” I told Brady leading him into the bedroom.
Tim pulled up in the front of the house, but I was hesitant to get out of the car. I did not want to go inside because my mother had no real love for me and I just did not know why.
“Tianna I have something for you before you go inside,” Tim said as he affectionately grabbed my hand.
“What is it? Tim you don’t have to keep buying me things. I am happy with what I have and your sweet love and kindness!’ I protested.
I protested, but I also found it very amusing how Tim showered me with gifts.
“Hush! I am doing this because I want to. Tianna, please recognize when you are being blessed.” Tim advised as he placed five one hundred dollar bills in my hands.
“Ahhhhhhh! Thank you, baby!” I gasped.
“You are welcome, Tianna.” Tim chuckled.
“Tim this has been the best day of my life except for the fact that my daddy is now flying high with the angels.” I blabbed.
“Your daddy has no more worries. It is very unfortunate that you have lost your daddy at
such a young age but think of the good and not
the bad. Look forward to your future because I
am going to make sure it is filled
with all the happiness and love that you will ever need.” Tim sputtered.
“I guess you are right. Tim you have made the day a bit easier for me. I must go in to face the music. Ain’t no telling what type of bullshit my mama is about to be on.” I mentioned sadly.
“It’s okay! Just call me, and I will come scoop you. It doesn’t matter how late. I got you love!” Tim told me and then kissed me softly on my lips.
“Good night Tim!” I yelled as he sped off.
I had numerous bags and my pizza in my hand. I fumbled in my jacket until I found my house keys and entered the tiny apartment.
“Ohhhhh look what the cat has drugged in!” sneered Vera.
I rolled my eyes at her Vera’s fat ass and kept walking to my bedroom. I could not stand that heffa. I should have known her smoked out ass would be here.
“Tianna!” My mama called out to me.
“Ugh! Here go the shenanigans.” I whispered as I placed my bags on the bed.
I walked into the living room to see what my mama was calling me for.
“Yes, mama!” I answered.
“Where have you been?” Mama angrily piped.
“I was with some friends. I had a good time.” I lied, but it was not technically a lie.
I wanted to tell her it was none of her fucking business. I knew that would have been rude as fuck, so I said nothing.
“You look lovely,” Vera said with a wicked smile as she looked me up and down.
Her eyes were drawn to my brand new kicks.
This coon bitch was nothing but trouble. She sat her musty underarms up in here egging my mama on. She needed to take her fat ass home and take a bath.
“Young lady where did you get those sneakers and clothes from?” Mama bellowed.
It was a shame too. Jealously was written all over my mama’s face.
“Ohhhhh, mama! I decided to take heed of what you are always throwing in my face!” I boasted with pride.
“And Tianna what is that?” My mama fussed as she checked my new appearance over good.
“Mama you are always saying that if I don’t like what you and daddy provide me with, then, I need to sell some pussy.” I happily interjected.
I dared Antoinette to jump bad. I wasn’t putting up with her shit tonight. I would call my new boo to
scoop me. It felt good to know that I had options because usually, I was confined and miserable as
hell in the four walls of my bedroom.
“What kind of shit is that to tell your young daughter? Antoinette, you should be ashamed of yourself. When this child people comes lurking and digging, they are going to whoop your ass!” Vera
“Will you shut the fuck up Vera. Ain’t nobody coming to do shit! I will pop a cap in anybody’s ass that tries to fuck with me!” Mama howled.
“Antoinette, you are such a corny, conniving ass bitch. I am about to take my ass home.” Vera snarled.
“Take your old narrow fat ass home then. Just call me when you get home!” Mama piped at Vera.
“Mama may I be excused now!” I rudely interjected.
“Yes, Tianna. And baby?” Antoinette replied.
“Yes, mama?” I responded.
“Keep popping that pussy for a real nigga!” Mama hilariously blurted.
“Cool mama! Good night.” I announced proudly.
“Antoinette you don’t have no damn business giving that child permission to be selling her ass. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Vera angrily fumed at mama.
“Vera I will raise Tianna how I want, and there is not shit you can do about it!” Mama retorted
“I am taking my ass home. I know when I have overstayed my welcome!” Vera spat in a grouchy voice.
“I understand your reasoning, but Duke and I have raised Tianna in a certain way. We have only given her what she has needed and taught her if she needs materialistic shit that she needs to earn it.” Antoinette blabbed.
My mother had a sick twisted ass mind. Vera was right mama was going about raising me the wrong way. There was nothing that I could do but keep my head on straight and stay in school. Education will pave the way for my more magnificent days. I would not let my evil ass mother hold me back. I will achieve all of my goals.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
My phone was ringing. I was receiving my first call, and I bet it was Tim. I thought.
“Hello!” I answered.
Hi, baby! Are you alright?” Tim responded.
“Yes, everything is fine boo. I just got to my room. I am unwrapping my steak pizza now. I am famished.” I uttered.
“That’s good to hear baby girl. You eating good tonight. I wanted to warn you about tomorrow.” Tim mumbled.
“What about tomorrow?” I asked as I sipped my Pepsi.
“When we are in school, we must not be intimate or let anyone know that we are an item. I could get in trouble because of your age. When you turn sixteen, I want to marry you if you will accept me as your husband.” Tim grumbled.
“Wow! This is a lot to take in, but I do understand about the school. Hmm. I will think about your proposal. I always wanted to be someone's wife. I just did not realize that it would be so soon.” I stated.
“Girl I love you. I did not know how to approach you. Actually, I thought that you were going to turn me down today. I took my chances and took you to my house instead of taking you straight home.” Tim explained.
“It’s a good thing that I hate my house because you lucked out.” I giggled.
“I damn sure did. Well, good night baby. We both need to be up early tomorrow. Wear something cute tomorrow. Good night my love.” Tim said yawning.
“Good night!” I sighed as I hung up the phone.
I ate three more pieces of pizza before deciding to take the rest to put in the refrigerator for tomorrow. I thought I heard mama moaning and
her and daddy’s bed squeaking.
“What is that? I thought mama said Daddy was dead. If daddy is dead who is she in there fucking.” I whispered to myself.
I continued to the kitchen. I placed the pizza in the fridge. On my way back to my bedroom I noticed the moans had gotten louder. Who is in there with mama. I thought. Nobody is in there with mama Tianna stop being
foolish. I kept telling myself in my mind. I wanted to know what was really going on so I opened the bedroom door and this big muscular man had my mama’s legs twisted up into a pretzel just tearing the pussy up.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mama, what are you doing?” I gasped in distressed.
The man turned in my direction, and I could not believe my eyes it was Brady. Brady, the landlord.
“Mama, what are you doing fucking this man? My daddy ain’t been dead twenty-four hours yet. Couldn’t you have at least waited until my dad was on the ground.” I howled.
“Get your stupid ass out of this room girl. Don’t you see your mama is busy get this dick?” Brady screamed at me.
“Who the fuck are you talking to like that? We pay you to live in this shitty ass house, and that doesn’t include fucking my mother!” I yelled aggressively
as I stood my ground.
“Shut up girl before I put my dick in your mouth!” Brady blurted.
“Mama, why are you letting this no good nigga talk to me like that? None of this is making sense to me. Mama, you act like you are happy that daddy is dead. I can’t believe this shit!
Brady, you don’t have enough dick to satisfy my mama and me. Fuck you, Brady!” I growled.
I turned to leave the room when Brady grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the bed.
“I am going to teach your young ass a lesson. Antoinette this little bitch has got to much mouth!” Brady snarled.
He was pulling on my clothes.
“Mama help me!” I screamed.
My mama did not move she was frozen. Like she was afraid and in a state of shock. That’s when I realized that I was in the fight for my motherfucking life. I fought this big black bastard. I heard banging on the house door. Mama got up. I was still tussling with Brady for my clothes. I listened to mama talking to someone, and it sounded like a man. I could not make out the voice. Brady was trying to force my pants down think God they were tight fitting.
“HELP ME SOMEONE HELP ME!” I bellowed in hopes that someone would hear me and come to my aid.
“HELP ME HE IS TRYING TO RAPE ME! HELP!” I continuously bellowed.
“Shut up bitch! Don’t make me kill your ass!” Brady snarled.