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On Dagger's Wings (The Spiral War Book 1)

Page 11

by SF Edwards

  Blazer looked around and sure enough, a large number of cadets nodded along with Chertsin.

  The Chret ex-chief held an arm out to keep Marda back. “My squadron merely showed initiative. If it were you or your squadron, would you be so incensed? No! You would be smirking at all the rest of us about how smart you were. We didn’t do anything wrong. My squadron, upon seeing the slowness of the line handed out fruit to those stuck in it. For more than a handful of cadets, that was their only breakfast.”

  Blazer smiled when a few hoots, thanks, and calls of support rang out in response. That explains the Tash fruit that Gokhead showed up to flight training with.

  “Then those losers should have gotten their act together and made it to chow on time. If they can’t hack it, they should just turn in their forms and wash themselves out.”

  A few grumbled affirmatives answered his assertion, but Blazer noted many cadets shook their heads instead. Blazer noted security troops waiting at the doors and turning back to the scene realized that Chertsin saw them as well. “You’re on notice, cadet. Watch your beak,” he threatened before he turned to Marda. “And you watch that pretty little rump of yours or you’re liable to get it kicked down washout row.”

  Only Deniv’s hand on his shoulder kept Blazer from jumping out of his seat as Marda started forward again. Her squadron commander held her fast to keep her from attacking. Blazer’s anger simmered as he watched Chertsin stomp away with Saldray in tow. They disappeared back into the crowd and he caught the look on Marda’s face. He saw the anger there as her squadron commander spoke to her. Her attention never turned Blazer’s way.

  UCSB DATE: 1000.183

  Star System: Classified, UCSBA-13, Drill Field 3

  Four decles in and the stress was starting to show. Walking to their after-class PT, Blazer cracked his neck and looked up at the hangar complex above the sports fields. The metallic cylinder stood out amongst the rest of the green interior. “You know I never thought I would miss all the downtime we had back on the guild ship.”

  Arion nodded. “You’re not the only one. The dirtsiders have it worse. They’re used to declegaps and skies.”

  “If it didn’t take so long to walk to the forest, I’d spend more time there. Dag, this schedule is more intense than I thought it would be.”

  “How are you handling the duties Seri handed you?”

  Blazer cocked his head side to side. “It’s not too bad. Not any worse than when I ran you guys on ship. But Zithe is bugging the shreg out of me and I’m really getting annoyed with his taking issue with Seri’s command style.”

  Deniv ran up to them putting on his best Zithe impression while holding back his hair to mimic Zithe’s look. “She treats us like a bunch of baby chicks! She should lead us like a wolfpack!”

  All three of them laughed. “Exactly! It’s been worse the last few cycles and Seri is really getting tired of it. You think it has to do with Catr?”

  Arion nodded. Back home, on Anul, the full Catr hung in the sky. “Yeah I think so. I’ve caught him the last few cycles just looking for sky, scanning for Catr.”

  Deniv coughed. “Horizon Sickness.”

  Blazer knew he needed to keep gossip like that from even starting. “He’s not got Horizon Sickness and don’t let him hear you say that. It just sets him off even more. Besides look at how he is in the sims. We’re in deep space for all of them lately and he’s got no problems in there. Right, Arion?”

  “Yeah, he’s definitely not got Horizon Sickness. He could probably do with time in the observation domes though. I set Zithe up with a second annura cadet who is big on meditation to help him control his anxiety. I really hope he takes it up.”

  “Why?” Deniv asked and immediately drew an angry look from Blazer. “I know B. At least we have PT to wear us out now. I hate to admit it, but this and the dawn runs are the time I look forward to most. They help me focus.”

  Blazer agreed. The runs and PT sessions were their best stress relievers. “Yeah, but you need to pick up the pace more or we need to pick a different route so we aren’t late to chow anymore.”

  Deniv gave Blazer a mock hurt look as Gokhead and Gavit joined them on the way to the PT field.

  “So, Gokhead, what’s the latest from Zithe about why Blazer is unfit to lead?” Deniv asked.

  Gokhead looked around, a nervous expression on his face as Blazer rolled his eyes. He was getting tired of all of Zithe’s posturing and politicking. “Just the usual. He did say something about Blazer making us a target for that pedlick Chertsin.”

  “You’re fragging kidding me!” Blazer retorted and stopped.

  Gokhead shook his head in response.

  “At least I’m not running around barking orders at everyone. I’m trying to build everyone up.”

  “And we all appreciate it,” Chris commented reaching the group. “But, hey, head’s up. Seri told me she has something planned. Check it out!” She pointed ahead of them at Seri speaking with their drill instructor.

  Blazer looked on, curious, since only Blade Force waited for them, not the Explosions. Blazer wanted nothing more than to get on with their PT as he watched the conversation. The team fell into formation as the drill instructor nodded and motioned Seri forward.

  Seri threw a thumb towards the drill Sergeant. “PT this cycle is going to be a bit different. The sergeant here is a well-known and highly placed slamball referee back home.”

  Blazer smiled, this could be really good.

  “He has authorized a short-sided match. I have the Explosions off doing their own PT since this team needs to learn how to work together.”

  Blazer made an unconscious nod. Unless they had enlisted with a buddy or made a newfound friendship, the team consisted of little groups or individuals. Since they had arrived, the academy had done little to promote team-building and there was a dividing line growing between the two male rooms. Perhaps a slamball game would help to correct that oversight.

  “We’ll be playing six on six with team leads being Blazer and Zithe,” Seri ordered, gesturing at both men. “Pick your teams!”

  Blazer felt glad that Seri had picked him as a team leader. On the slamball field the pair should prove equally matched. Still, we’re splitting the team up again. Why couldn’t Seri have had us go up against the Explosions or another team? Zithe and I could have traded captaincy. Let’s hope this doesn’t blow up in her face.

  Zithe started the team selection which didn’t go the way Blazer would have predicted. Zithe selected not only their squad leader, Seri, but Deniv for his team. Deniv was someone Zithe found uncouth and only worthy of derision. Losing Deniv’s capabilities on Blazer’s team hurt since Deniv knew all of his slamball strategies. Maybe Gokhead can offer some new strategies against Zithe he won’t expect.

  The drill instructor came up and blew his whistle. “You have five pulses! Make ready! Cadet Vaughnt, your team has the kick off!”

  Blazer gathered his team around him back near the post with the two rings hanging from it. “OK, here’s the plan. Datt, I remember you saying you didn’t play much slamball on Zel-Tag so you're on defense. Just get the ball away from the attackers and feel free to let some aggression out. Think you can do that?”

  Datt nodded, a note of relief on his face.

  “Arion, offense. Bichard, I want you on midfield with me. Gokhead, I want you on defense too. Watch the other team and tell me what you see. Chris…”

  “Definitely offense. As if there was any doubt. No one ever gets the ball from me.”

  Blazer liked her attitude. The confidence without the cockiness made the statement ring true.

  “All right! Now I have no idea of what kind of strategy Zithe’s going to use out there. He’ll probably try and pick Deniv’s brain about me but he won’t give anything up.” Blazer looked over at the other team, noting how Zithe had them in a huddle with himself standing taller than the rest, gesturing about the field. “If I had to hazard a guess, Zithe will put himself on offens
e with Rudjick. Treb will probably be put on defense and if Zithe’s smart he’ll put Deniv there as well. Seri and Gavit should end up on the midfield,” Blazer finished.

  Gokhead raised a twin-thumbed hand and Blazer nodded at him to continue. “I agree with you except I think he will put Seri on defense,” his speech clipped through his sideways opening snout.

  “Then who will he put midfield?” Blazer asked.

  “Gavit and Deniv. He sees them as the greater fighters of the group. He’s going to see them as well-rounded and runners.”

  “But he doesn’t realize that Deniv’s a defender at heart!”

  “Yes, and he will definitely put Treb on defense. He’ll see his size and power as intimidating to attackers. As for Seri, he’ll put her there because he disrespects defenders. That will be putting her in her place.”

  Blazer hated the sound of that and he could tell that the others didn’t like it either. “All right. What about our positions? What do you think of them?”

  “I think it’s good. I am a capable defender. I’ve not played much slamball. But, I am familiar with the rules, and,” he said flexing his hands. “I have tricks for taking the other players down,” Gokhead commented with his famous wicked, left sided grin back at him.

  “Try not to put anyone on the ground for too long with that nerve punch trick of yours. Now, it’s going to be our ball to start. Arion, I want you to run point and keep them off Chris the best you can. Chris kept in Arion’s wash. Bichard and I will run the flanks. Bichard, I want you to keep slightly behind me,” Blazer ordered.

  Chris looked at Blazer with a skeptic’s eyes. Bichard noticed and rested a hand on her shoulder. “It’s OK. I can run faster than any of you and could leap half the width of the field in one bound if need be.”

  “Then shouldn’t we give you the ball?”

  Blazer, Arion and Bichard shook their heads.

  “No! We don’t want to reveal that too soon. It’s our holdout. Deniv knows and will plan to block him, but if he’s not on defense…” Blazer explained before Chris interrupted him.

  “You don’t think he’ll throw the game, do you?”

  Blazer shook his head. “No, he takes slamball way too seriously. He’ll play his best out there even if it’s against us. He won’t give up our strategy but he’ll play his best.”

  The whistle sounded and the two teams broke huddles to take their positions. The drill instructor stepped up to the middle of the field and placed the ball on the ground. Arion and Chris took positions to either side in anticipation. Sure enough, Zithe arranged his team just like Gokhead estimated. Blazer had the advantage.

  The drill instructor signaled to both team captains to step up. Zithe immediately waved his readiness. Blazer took a moment to check everyone then signaled his own. The whistle blew and everyone started for the ball at once.

  Arion grabbed the ball, scooping it off the ground. Three strides later, he rammed into Zithe with a shoulder and shrugged him aside. Rudjick was upon him an instant later, leaping through the air. Arion was faster and fired a no look pass to Chris. She caught the ball with ease and ran with it. Blazer followed, quick on her heals.

  Zithe got up and ran faster than Blazer would have thought. His Lycan genes took over. With a hunter’s glare in his eyes, he sprinted towards his prey.

  “Bichard!” Blazer screamed.

  Bichard ran past Blazer in an instant. Before Zithe could reach out to grab hold of Chris, Bichard latched onto him; tossed him aside like an old doll.

  With an apologetic nod, Arion slammed hard into Deniv. The move threw him into Gavit which caused the two to tumble to the ground. Chris danced her way around them towards the goal. That left Seri and Treb defending the goal. They were too close for Chris to try to avoid so she dropped the ball from her hands and kicked it. The ball sailed towards the goal.

  Treb dove for it. He went wide and Seri’s fingertips barely grazed the ball when she tried to stop it.

  Chris continued running as the two hit the ground, just in case the ball didn’t make it into the goal. It glanced off the inside wall of the lower hoop, bouncing through.

  “Score two points for the good guys!” Chris hollered and turned around, slapping hands with Arion as they ran back towards the midfield line.

  Blazer smiled. Those two make a good team. As he back peddled towards his position, he locked eyes with Zithe who shook his head.

  “You may have scored first blood, but you won’t get any more.”

  Blazer realized that was no idle threat. He’s going to throw everything he has as us.

  Sure enough, when the whistle blew for the second play, Zithe was merciless. He had the ball in an instant, charging Arion. Zithe slammed hard into Arion’s gut, knocking the air out of his lungs before he pushed him aside. Arion crouched over, panting, trying to get air back into his lungs. Rudjick then ran up his back, vaulting off his shoulders, forcing Arion to the ground.

  Blazer sprinted forward to stop Zithe, catching the look of anger filling Arion’s eyes. He flashed a signal to Bichard who, with a nod, sprang ahead.

  Zithe took things personal and went straight for Blazer. Blazer was eager to meet him. His focus remained on the ball, not Zithe. Where’s it going? What trajectory? Which direction will Zithe take it; straight, left, right, up, or down? The subtle shifting of the ball in Zithe’s grip telegraphed his intentions to Blazer. He flashed another signal to Bichard. Bichard maintained his line with Blazer but stepped a few more metra off. Blazer lunged for the ball but it was already gone, Zithe launching it backwards.

  Just like Blazer planned, Bichard intercepted the ball before it crossed half the distance to Rudjick. Bichard skittered forward, ball in hand. Zithe tore up the grass as he stopped and stared after the Coretherian, incredulity crossing his face. Blazer spun past him, yelling, “you telegraphed!” before he raced after Bichard.

  Looking forward, Blazer felt relieved to find Arion and Chris already moving. Neither of them could keep up with Bichard though. Huffing as he ran, Blazer spotted Gavit headed straight for the insectoid. Rudjick ran a quick line towards him too and he could hear Zithe racing up behind him.

  Bichard’s head twitched back and forth as he looked for an opening. Arion was open. However, Zithe was too close to him and could intercept. Treb had angled towards Arion as well so Bichard lofted the ball to Chris.

  Chris leapt into the air and caught the ball, landing right in front of Deniv. Blazer winced at the sight. Bichard must have forgotten that Deniv’s on the other team and assumed he was coming to escort her. Instead, Deniv was there to stop her. He grabbed the ball but Chris yanked it free and twisted around him. He followed, grabbing her shirt his intention of pulling her back to wrestle the ball away clear. As Deniv pulled, Chris’s next move surprised everyone.

  Chris tossed the ball up and forward then dropped straight down throwing her arms skyward. She dropped out of her loose fitting shirt, slipping it over her head and arms like it was nothing. She launched forward to catch the ball. To everyone’s amazement, she was not wearing a bra.

  Almost everyone snapped to a stop and stared at her. Only Bichard and Gokhead did not stand transfixed by her sudden nudity. Bichard wore that repulsive smile of his and nodded in approval while Gokhead tilted his head and muttered, “Good! Nice distraction!”

  Seri was the first of Zithe’s team to snap out of their stupor. Chris’s action had surprised her, but it was nothing she was interested in or hadn’t seen before. She ran for Chris and Bichard surged forward, jumping ahead, he wrapped his arms around Seri. She struggled against his grip.

  “Please, ma’am, don’t! I would hate to hurt you by mistake,” he pleaded.

  Seri stopped struggling as Chris ran by. Once again, Chris punted the ball. This time she sent it towards the upper hoop. It sailed through unobstructed. “Four points! Catch up wolf cubs!” Chris hollered.

  Blazer shook his head and realized why. She’s a Chamalad dummy. They don’t have same st
igma against nudity as most others. Shreg, they encourage it.

  As Chris walked past Deniv, he handed her back her shirt, still staring at her sweat-covered bosom. “Do you, uh, want this back?” he asked.

  Chris sighed expanding her chest intentionally before she breathed out. “Nah. You’ve all seen the power and glory and I doubt it’ll work a second time. You might as well keep it,” she explained swiping the sweat off each breast in turn.

  The drill instructor walked up and took the shirt from Deniv’s outstretched hand, tossing it back onto Chris’s shoulder. “Put your uniform back on.”

  Chris huffed. “You’re not going to take away my points are you?”

  He smiled back at her. “I think I should grant you more points to be honest.”

  She gave him a girlish smile in response and slipped the shirt back on. “I don’t think you’re allowed to do that.”

  He shrugged. “Another time and another life then.”

  To Blazer’s amazement, Chris blushed.


  As the teams arrayed themselves for the next launch off, Zithe stared across the field at Blazer’s team. How have they scored on us, twice?! Taking out that big bull Arion should have sent the rest scattering. And what is with the autonomy Blazer’s giving his people? Zithe shuddered at that thought as he looked back at his own team. I gave them explicit instructions and they had followed them the best they could. But they had still failed me!

  His tactics had been off. Chris and Bichard are the real targets. Chris should be an easy take down. He nodded at Rudjick indicating that Chris was his target. Rudjick nodded back in understanding. That shirtless tactic won’t work twice, and she won’t score for the rest of the game, I’ll make sure of that.

  Zithe then looked to Bichard. He would be harder to take down. He turned and locked eyes with Deniv then nodded towards Bichard. Deniv shook his head at first. He wouldn’t betray a friend, not even for slamball. Zithe stopped and allowed Deniv to approach. “Remember what side you’re on,” he scolded.


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