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Skipping Stones

Page 8

by D. J. Manly

  "Most days. What I really like is what my job allows me to do--meet people, travel and live the good life."

  Leo pursed his lips. "I painted your portrait," he confessed.

  "Oh?" Reed reacted with his usual low-key style.

  "I wasn't sure if you'd be happy about that or not."

  "Why, did you paint me with a big red nose?"

  "No." Leo laughed. "What I really would like is to paint...well...all of you. I just did your head."


  "Chicken? I'm not a chicken, but I need you to sit for me, ah...naked. You wouldn't do that, would you?"

  "What does it pay?"


  For a second he didn't comment, then he shrugged. "I'll do it."

  Leo's eyes widened. "You'd pose for me? Nude?"

  "I said, yes. I'm not modest."

  "Why?" Leo narrowed his eyes.

  "Why am I not modest?"

  "No. Why would you?"

  "Because you asked me to. I have nothing else to do."

  "What will Mark say?"

  "I have no idea what he'll say. Do you want to ask his permission first?"

  "He might not like it."

  "It's my decision. It's my body. Just one question, what do you intend on doing with this painting after?"

  "I'm going to hang it on my bedroom wall," he teased. "What do you think? It will start off my collection for a show. I want to paint beautiful men." Leo stood.

  "Show, as in public show?" He stood as well, narrowing his eyes.

  "Yeah," Leo replied. "What other kind of show is there? If I'm going to become known and sell my work, I need to have a show."

  "Whoa, wait," Reed said as Leo began to leave the room. "I'm not sure I want to be waving my body parts all over the place for the world to see."

  "Why not?" Leo threw at him. "You do have a penis, don't you, like any other man?"

  Reed scowled at him.

  Leo reached up and pinched his cheek. "Don't worry, honey; I'm sure you'll measure up."

  "Very funny," he growled.

  "I've got to wash off this paint. So, seven-thirty?"


  "Tomorrow morning, seven-thirty, after your jog and...a shower of course."

  "You don't want to draw sweaty men?"

  Leo shook his head and began to climb the stairs. "Seven-thirty," he called out over his shoulder, grinning.

  * * * *

  Leo was excited. He had a hard time sleeping, thinking about having a live subject again to paint, not to mention it being Reed. He was trying to imagine what combination of colors he'd use for Reed's skin tone. Seven parts white...flake white, one part yellow ochre and a heavy dose of cadmium red because Reed was tanned. He wasn't sure if he was tanned all over but he'd decrease the cadmium as needed.

  The thought of having to inspect Reed all over didn't help him to sleep. He woke well before seven, sleepy but running on adrenaline. He crept downstairs for coffee and went to look outside. He saw Reed and Adrian running along the water and smiled. It didn't look like Reed had any trouble sleeping last night.

  As he sipped his coffee, he wondered why Reed had agreed to sit for him. Leo hadn't expected him to. Maybe he was just trying to be nice, trying to ease relations between them. They'd gotten off to a rocky start.

  He let the curtain fall back and headed up to the attic. He had pulled on a pair of sweatpants and was in his bare feet. That's how he liked to paint. He reminded himself to be careful where Reed was concerned, as he began to organize the colors he thought he'd need. He couldn't let his guard down around him. Reed was no innocent. And it bothered him when he'd told him that he had never loved Mark.

  When the door opened, Leo looked up expectedly. Reed poked his head in. "I'll grab a quick shower and be with you in a few minutes, okay?"

  "Okay, thanks. Want coffee? I can run down and get you a cup?"

  "Um, sounds good, yes." He nodded.

  "Okay, five minutes?"

  "Make it ten if you want me to dry my hair."

  "It's not important."

  "'Kay," he said and closed the door.

  Leo wondered if he should tell Mark what they were up to. If Mark came up here and...he didn't want to piss off Mark. He wondered if he was awake already.

  On the way downstairs, he heard some laughter in the kitchen. He walked in to see Adrian and Mark drinking the coffee he'd made. "Hey," he said, looking from one man to the other.

  Both men looked at him and smiled. "Coffee?" Mark asked.

  "Yeah, ah...can you make more?"

  "Sure," Mark replied.

  "Did you enjoy your show last night?" Leo asked them.

  "It was great," Mark replied.

  Adrian nodded. "It was a classical concert."

  "Reed doesn't like that stuff so I went with Adrian instead." Mark began to refill the coffeemaker.

  Why in hell did he bother to tell me that? "Great. Look, Mark, I just wanted to tell you that Reed has agreed to sit for me."

  "Sit for you?"

  Adrian was looking at him as well.

  "Yeah. I'm going to paint him."

  "Oh," Mark said, scooping in the coffee.

  "Naked?" Adrian asked.

  What in hell do you care? "Yes, actually. I want to paint a series of men..." He looked at both of them. "Hey, maybe I could paint you guys, too. Would you sit for me?"

  "I'm too old for that," Adrian smiled shyly.

  "You're gorgeous." Leo shook his head. He came closer, squeezed his arm. "You have amazing tone. You're in shape. You're really a handsome guy, Adrian."

  He blushed a little. "Well, maybe. Okay."

  "I won't put the names of anyone. Mark, what about you?" He waited. "Come on."

  He shrugged. "Sure. I'll help you out."

  Leo smiled. That took care of that. Mark felt included and wasn't altogether focused on Reed being naked in front of him.

  "Can we watch?" Adrian asked suddenly.

  "Watch?" Leo echoed.

  "I mean," his cheeks flushed, "I'd like to paint."

  You'd love to see Reed without his pants. I wasn't born yesterday, Adrian. "I'll ask Reed. If he doesn't--"

  "He won't care," Mark replied. "He's not modest at all." He handed Leo a cup of coffee. "Is it for the master?"

  Leo laughed. "Yeah."

  "Okay, milk only. So you're good to go."

  "He's already sweet enough." Adrian grinned.

  "Right," Leo muttered and took off with the coffee.

  When he got upstairs, Reed stood staring at the painting Leo had brought back into the art room. He wore a loose fitting T-shirt and those short nylon shorts. God, he had a great ass. "Is that how you see me?" Reed asked with his gaze still on the canvas.

  "Yes," Leo replied, holding out the coffee cup, trying to keep from assessing his ass in those shorts. Damn.

  "It's beautiful." He took the coffee from him.

  "You're beautiful," Leo whispered, then realizing what he'd said, he looked away.

  Reed glanced at him. "Thanks for the,, and the compliment."

  "We're going to have company," Leo muttered hastily, walking over to the metal table. "If you don't want an audience, tell me and I'll..."

  "Is it the Armed Forces?"

  "Close, it's Mark and Adrian. I asked them to sit for me as well, after I get done with you. They agreed, but they want to examine the...ah...process, I guess."

  "You're funny." He sipped his coffee, a grin on his face.


  "Examine the process? Get real. Adrian wants to check out my cock, and Mark wants to make sure that you behave yourself."

  "Guess you don't believe in discretion, Reed."

  He shook his head. "Nope, I believe in telling it like it is." He went over and looked out the window, and then added, "most of the time."

  Leo began to prepare his paint. "Why most of the time? I figure that either you believe in being candid or you don't."

Sometimes saying what's on your mind is...well, it's not appropriate, that's all."

  "Ah, so you do believe in candor."

  Reed turned around and looked at him. "All right, if you say so." He put his cup down and pulled his T-shirt up over his head.

  Leo cleared his throat unnecessarily, his view filled with the fluid muscles on Reed's chest. "Did you want a...robe?"

  "No." He shook his head. "What do I need a robe for? Where do you want me?" He placed a thumb in the waistband of his shorts, preparing to pull them down.

  "Wait." Leo put up his hand. His throat was dry. He cleared it again. "You don't have to take them off yet. I need to prepare a backdrop."

  "Satin and lace?" He joked.

  Leo gave him a playful shove. "No. Hey, do you have a daybed?"

  "A day what?"

  "You know, one of those things that are a cross between a bed and a sofa?"

  "Ah, maybe."

  "Okay, find me one of those and bring something to drape over it."

  "Fur?" He made a face.

  Leo laughed. "Will you stop it?"

  "Okay, okay, I'll go and see. I think Mark has one of those lounging chairs in--"

  "A table will do."


  "I want to make them erotic but not pornographic. Haven't you ever wanted to fuck someone on a table? Never mind. Don't answer that. See what you can find."

  A few minutes later, the door opened. Adrian and Mark walked in. "Where's our subject?" Mark asked. "He ran away already."

  "He's going to get something to lie on."

  "Why not the floor?" Adrian suggested. "I'd take him on the floor."

  Leo stared at him. "For someone who's just come out of the closet, you catch on fast."

  Adrian laughed. "Look, I'm convinced I've wasted enough time, you know?" He looked at Mark.

  Mark nodded.

  The door opened wider. Reed called to Mark to give him a hand, and they brought in a leather chaise lounge. "That's perfect," Leo said.

  "The early Egyptians had those, and so did the Romans," Mark said.

  "They made no distinction between relaxing and sleeping," Mark continued. "They ate on those, slept on those, and fucked on those."

  Reed grunted and set down the chair. He looked at Leo. "Is that all right? I had to bring it up from the basement."

  Leo laughed. "Yeah. Great. Now, something red. Mark, do you have a red blanket or sheet?"

  "I do," Adrian said. "I have red satin sheets. Will that do?"

  "Adrian!" Reed mocked with a big grin.

  Adrian blushed. "Just in case."

  Reed laughed. "You were a Boy Scout."

  "Yep," he said, winking. "I'll be right back."

  Mark looked at Leo. "This is a great idea. But you need a show."

  "I can help you with that," Reed said, sitting on the edge of the lounge chair.


  "Yeah, I did a lot of computer work for a guy who is heavily involved in the arts. I'll see what I can do when the time comes."

  "I think Leo should do that on his own," Mark said.

  "Why in the hell should he if I can help him?" Reed asked, narrowing his eyes.

  "It's more rewarding."

  "That's horseshit," Reed muttered. "You don't get anywhere today without connections. Jesus, Mark."

  Mark shrugged. "Play Mr. Benevolent if you want. Just be careful, Leo, about what Reed asks for in return."

  Leo sucked in some breath.

  Reed's light eyes sparked with anger. "You're pushing it today, Mark." His mouth was hard.

  "Relax, baby." He put up his hands. "I'll drop it."

  Reed looked down at his hands.

  Mark smiled at Leo. "I'm glad you're painting again, sweetie. Looks like you've found your muse." He glanced at Reed.

  Reed didn't bother to acknowledge his comment.

  "Would you and Adrian mind if I began painting without an audience? You guys can come in later, say a half hour?"

  "No problem," Mark muttered, turning around now as Adrian walked in with the sheets still in the package. "No reason to use them unfortunately. He glanced at Reed. "Yet."

  Reed stood and took the sheets. "Thanks."

  "Look, Adrian, Leo prefers to be alone with Reed, at least for a bit. We'll come back later."

  "Sure," he said. "I understand."

  The two of them left the room. Mark didn't close the door.

  Leo looked at Reed, who took the sheets out of the package and began to spread the flat sheet over the chair.

  "You didn't have to send them away on my account," Reed said.

  "I didn't want you tense. Mark has a knack of pissing you off."

  "That he does. So," he turned around, "we ready?"

  No. I'm not ready to see you spread out naked on that thing. "Sure. Ah"--he turned around and went back to his easel--"take off your shorts and lay down natural, like you would if you were..." He trailed off as he looked up to see Reed lying back on the lounge chair. He'd spread his legs, one over each side and placed his hands under his head. His body was a goddamned masterpiece, one of the most beautiful he'd ever seen, and he'd painted enough of them back in art school. He looked relaxed, calm, his sex curved up over his stomach almost seductively.

  Oh yeah. Oh God Jesus, yes. If Reed only knew what he was doing to him at that moment? How in the hell could he paint? He couldn't even think. Get it together, Leo. Don't you know how much money you could get for a painting like that if you do it right?

  "Ah, just one thing," he said, composing himself and walking over to where Reed lay.

  Reed looked up at him. "What?"

  "What? Yeah...ah..." Trembling fingers picked up the edge of the sheet at the bottom of the lounge. "It's a beautiful..." His gaze moved up his leg to his cock. It was thick, and at least eight inches, and it wasn't even fully erect, yet it was firm, with a perfectly smooth helmeted head, uncut. "The red...the color," he managed, clutching the edge of the sheet. He bought it up between Reed's legs and draped it over his thigh to the right. It framed his cock, even drew attention to it, completing the sensuality of his body.

  "Leo," Reed said.

  "Yeah?" He met his gaze.

  "Leo?" His hand reached out suddenly.

  Leo took it. He caressed his knuckles. "Yeah? What?"

  "Are you okay?"

  "I didn't eat breakfast."

  "Kiss me." One of Reed's hands moved down over his naked chest and settled on his cock. "Touch me."

  Leo stifled a moan in his chest. "Jesus, Reed," he whispered, swallowing.

  Reed pulled Leo toward him gently and Leo went to his knees beside the chair.

  "Touch me," Reed insisted, dragging Leo's hand to his face. He kissed the palm and then moved Leo's hand to his chest. Reed squeezed it in his. "You want to, don't you?"

  "Yes." He nodded. "I want to." He's an arrogant prick who treated Mark like shit, Leo. What the fuck...but God, he's beautiful. What will it hurt to...

  Reed sat up suddenly. He swung his legs off to the side and pulled Leo between them. He leaned down and framed his face with his hands and captured his mouth with his. Leo brought his hands up and buried them in Reed's dark, silky hair, giving himself over to the kiss as Reed jerked Leo upright, lay back down on the chair and pulled Leo on top of him.

  Reed's hands moved down over Leo's back, and then inside his sweatpants, cupping his ass, squeezing, murmuring something against Leo's mouth that sounded obscene.

  Leo heard an animalistic sound coming from his own throat and he tore his mouth away from Reed's, straddled his hips and pinned his arms down hard against the leather. He stared into those unreadable eyes of his. "What in the fuck are you doing to me?"

  Reed lifted his hips, a hard cock pushed against Leo's ass. "Feel my cock," he insisted. "I think the question might be, what in the fuck are you doing to me?"

  Reed didn't struggle. In fact, he lay there in surrender, looking up at him.

  Leo's chest heaved. He lowered
his head.

  "Don't," Reed said. "Don't think about it, feel. I'll give it to you. I'll give you what you want. Take it."

  There was something in his eyes that Leo could read clearly this time--desire. And it was intoxicating, seductive, and irresistible. He couldn't fight it anymore. His cock couldn't fight anymore.

  He released the pressure on Reed's arms and crawled off of him. Reed half sat up expectedly as Leo stripped off the sweatpants. He leaned over and pushed Reed back down. "You're not going anywhere."

  "I had no intention of it."

  Leo assessed Reed's cock. "Your cock is so hard."

  "Looks like mine isn't the only one." He reached out for Leo's penis and took it into his hand. His thumb caressed the tip and Leo's entire body shuddered. "We don't have any lube. We don't have..."

  Reed took his hand and pulled him closer, sitting up. He positioned his hands on both sides of Leo's hips and ran his tongue up his shaft.

  Leo dug his nails into Reed's shoulder. "Shit."

  Reed sucked the head into his mouth, running his tongue around it, then proceeded to take more of Leo's cock into his mouth. His hands massaged the globes of Leo's ass as he began to suck his cock in earnest, the height of the chair forcing him to stretch his neck some. One hand suddenly came off his ass and reached under to cup his balls.

  Leo felt his knees buckle. "I want you," he breathed suddenly. "I want you inside me."

  Reed looked up at him, his lips wet on Leo's shaft and he backed away.

  "I've never been..." He grabbed Reed's hair, kissed his mouth and tasted his own juices there. "I've never wanted a man to fuck me as much as I want you right now. Your mouth is so sweet but I don't want to come until you're inside me." He pushed away from him. "I have this," he said. It was glycerin hand cream that he put on after painting. "It's hypo..."

  Reed stood. He grabbed the tube and pulled Leo in against his hard body. He kissed him again, passionately, deeply, his hands roaming his body. "It will do," he said gruffly. "Touch me."

  Leo wanted to. His hands trembled as he separated himself from Reed and lightly moved his fingers across his chest. It was a humbling experience touching him like that, and he had no idea why he was so hesitant.

  "Touch me." Reed groaned. "Jesus, Leo. I won't break."

  I'm afraid to drown. He blinked. What in hell was that?

  Reed took Leo's hand, placed it on his cock. "If you want me, touch me."


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