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Skipping Stones

Page 13

by D. J. Manly

Leo groaned. "Fuck, you are so beautiful." He stroked it with his hand. He leaned forward and kissed it, licked his balls.

  "You want it?"

  "Yes, you know I do, so why are you torturing me?"

  Reed didn't reply. He just shook his head. "Here." He handed him a condom. "Put it on me."

  Leo tore the package open with shaking fingers and then placed it on the tip of Reed's cock. He rolled it down to the end and leaned forward to kiss him on the mouth. He pushed back his hair. "You want me?"

  "Oh yeah." He nodded. "More than you know."

  "I want to see your face when you come."

  Reed reached for him. He pulled him forward. "Then ride me. Ride my cock. Come on," he urged as Leo positioned himself facing him. Reed supported his back as he went into him, lowering him down onto his rock hard rod, his face close to his. For a long time, he waited, waited for Leo to lower himself onto his shaft.

  Leo strained, sweat pouring off him as inch by inch of Reed's glorious cock sliced up into him. Some pain, burning, then an ache, a need, a hunger for Reed that was closer to insanity than he'd ever been.

  They were completely joined and Reed didn't move. He just looked down into his eyes, filling Leo liked he'd never been filled before, stretching him wide and deep. "Say my name," Reed urged. "Say it."

  "Reed. Oh God, Reed." The tears slid down his face.

  Reed moved up on his knees, bearing down on him. He began to move, his breathing coming in slow, deep gasps. His hands pinned Leo's arms above his head, holding him completely in his power. And never before had Leo felt possessed like this, possessed by his eyes, his hands, and his cock.

  Leo grabbed the rungs in the headboard as Reed let go of his arms and placed his palms flat on the bed. He pulled almost all the way out and slammed in again all the way. It was like an explosion going off in Leo's head. Reed did it again, then faster and faster.

  Leo cried out. "Mother of God! Yes, yes, damn. Damn it...Reed. Yeah...yeah...aggggggggg." He could see his cock shooting reams of come, hitting Reed's stomach and his chest.

  Reed slowed his pace. He buried his face in Leo's neck, breathing hard as Leo grabbed his hair. "Baby, baby."

  He reared back, brought his head up, grunted, and began to pump again. His head tipped back and he let out a shout, his beautiful face contorting with a mixture of pleasure and pain. He gasped and separated himself from Leo. He lay down at the bottom of the bed, not moving for a second, his breathing coming fast and hard.

  Leo closed his eyes, licked his lips, stretched, his muscles relaxed. "Um," he murmured, sleepy now. "That was incredible."

  He felt Reed getting off the bed. He opened his eyes, watching as he walked across the floor naked, and went to the fridge.

  Leo wanted to hold him. He wanted to hold him and never let him go. Reed seemed so far away all of a sudden.

  "You better go back to the house," Reed said, not looking at him. He shut the refrigerator door, went to sit on the sofa naked with a half empty bottle of juice in his hand. He took another swig.

  Leo nodded, sat up. "I suppose."

  Reed wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

  "Mark wouldn't understand."

  He didn't comment.

  "What did he say to you before he went upstairs tonight?" Leo asked, searching for his pants.

  "He said he'd leave his bedroom door unlocked," he replied without expression.

  "Oh. Poor Adrian."

  Reed glanced at him as Leo was doing up his pants.

  "And I'm to blame because Mark will never find happiness I suppose."

  "I didn't say that."

  "It wasn't a question."

  "You can't blame yourself. People feel what they feel. You can't make Mark not love you, even if you've certainly tried hard enough."

  "Yes, I'm an evil fuck."

  "No." Leo shook his head as he came over to the sofa. He wanted to touch him but he thought better of it. If he touched him, he wouldn't be able to leave. "You're just not a..." He paused.

  "I'm not a what?" He looked at him, waiting for an answer.

  "Guys like shouldn't fall in love with guys like you, I guess."

  "But we're good for fucking, right, Leo?" He was still looking at him.

  "It's safer that way," Leo said, bunching his hands into fists. "Safer for the heart."

  "I see." He stood. "Why don't you take your bullshit and your heart, and get out of here."

  "You're angry now? Finally, I get a reaction! Well, I'll be damned."

  "Get out," Reed said quietly, not looking at him.

  Leo nodded and walked to the door. "If I hurt your feelings, I'm sorry. But you wouldn't want me to think of this as any more than a fuck, would you?"

  "You know what I want, Leo," he replied lightly. "You always do."

  The tears flowed as Leo walked back to the house. When he got to the door, he wiped them away and hurried upstairs to his room.

  * * * *

  The following day Mark found Reed working on Cabin 3. He was changing the leaking pipe in the bathroom. Mark pitched in on fixing the hinges on the kitchen cabinet. Reed was really quiet as he worked. He looked tired.

  When the plumbing worked properly again, Mark told him he was impressed.

  "Don't be," Reed said. "Took me forever."

  Mark laughed. "You know more about that stuff than I do."

  "My father taught me to do basic things. Is the cupboard all right?"

  "Yeah. I guess we should paint. Leo is finishing the painting in Cabin 5. We had a check out today."

  "Good. I'm going into town later to see the real estate person. Want to come?"

  "No. I'll let you handle that. I think Leo needs to go into town though. He might want to go with you."

  "Whatever." He shrugged and walked outside.

  * * * *

  In the car, Leo held his cell phone in his hand. He stared at it, waiting for Reed to get behind the wheel. His phone said he had twenty-three messages and he was afraid to listen to them. Twenty-three? It didn't seem possible.

  When Reed got into the car, Leo tensed. He wasn't sure if Reed wanted him to go with him to town, but Mark had insisted. "I hope it's okay," he said.

  "Why wouldn't it be?" he asked.

  "I thought you were angry at me."

  "I'm not angry at you, Leo," he replied and started the engine.

  He drove fast but Leo wasn't afraid. Reed was a really good driver, and seemed to be completely in control, just like he was in bed.

  "I need to get a phone card," Leo mentioned as Reed pulled up in front of the real estate office.

  "Over there probably, at that cigar shop. I won't be long." He got out of the car and walked into the building.

  Leo walked to the cigar shop and asked for a phone card. Then he stood beside the car, plugging in the numbers. When Reed returned, the voice told him he had added twenty-five dollars, and he closed the phone.

  "Ready?" Reed asked, putting on his sunglasses again.


  "You need anything else?"

  "No. I'm good."

  They drove back in silence. Leo looked over at him once in awhile, his gaze caressing his hands on the wheel, moving down to his muscular thigh, trying not to dwell on what lay between his legs, so temptingly close. He almost slid his hand over there but changed his mind.

  When they arrived at the house, Leo turned to Reed in the car and said, "What would you like me to do tonight?"

  "Regarding?" He lifted an eyebrow.

  Leo flushed. "The renovation stuff, of course. I could help you if you want to work tonight. I know there's a lot to do."

  "You can help me fill some holes"--he paused, then grinned--"in the wall that is."

  "That's what I thought you meant," Leo muttered, "in the damn wall."

  Reed was laughing as he got out of the car.

  Leo gave him a dirty look.

  That made Reed laugh all the more.

  Leo opened his mouth to
say something, but then Meggy appeared in her bathing suit. "Hi, guys."

  "Hey, princess." Reed smirked at Leo.

  Leo knew Reed realized Meg had prevented him from saying what was on his mind. That seemed to really amuse Reed. It made Leo angry. Reed could be a real asshole sometimes.

  "Reed, come swimming with me, please?" Meggy grabbed his arm.

  "Sure," he said, "just let me change."

  "You can come, too, Leo," she added, glancing at him over her shoulder while she clung to Reed's arm.

  "Gee thanks," he muttered. "I'll pass. I've got things to do. Have fun."

  Leo went inside to find Mark. He spied him out in the backyard talking to Adrian. Adrian was leaving tomorrow. Leo decided not to interrupt them.

  Upstairs, he turned his phone back on. His worst nightmare had become a reality. All but three of the calls on his phone were from Pierre. His message box was filled to capacity. He sighed and sank down on the bed. The messages all basically said the same thing. I miss you. I made a mistake. My marriage is over. I've come to my senses. Leo, damn it, call me, I love you.

  There were three messages from Felix. Jacques had left him for good. He'd got a big part in a show. Call me, Leo. Let me know how you are.

  When Mark came into the bedroom, Leo had been sitting there for quite some time. Mark came and sat beside him. "Don't worry, Leo, Reed won't corrupt Meggy, and she'll get over her little crush."

  Leo looked at him. "What?"

  "Meggy with Reed."

  "Oh," he shook his head, "I'm not worried about that. I know Reed would never try anything with Meggy. He's just being nice."

  "What's wrong then?"

  He sighed. "Pierre has been calling me on the cell. He says he loves me. He left his wife."

  "Leo," Mark said, his voice excited, "that's good news, isn't it? You do love the guy?"

  "I...well, I thought so, yes."

  "What do you mean, thought so? Call him."

  He nodded. "I will. I need to think."

  "Good," Mark said, standing. "Now, come on downstairs. It's almost supper time. Meggy and Reed are starved."



  Leo stood as well. "What about Adrian?"

  "What about Adrian?"

  "Well, you tell me to call Pierre but are you even going to... I mean, are you going to let him just walk out of your life?"

  "I'm a little confused right now."

  "Why don't you spend some time with him tonight, before he leaves? Make sure you're not making a mistake. Reed is not... I mean, he doesn't play for keeps, Mark. After he sells this place, you'll probably never see him again, neither one of us will."

  "Hey," Mark said, placing a hand on Leo's shoulder, "don't cry for me, crazy boy. I'll miss Reed but I'll be okay. I have to accept it."

  Leo nodded. It wasn't Mark he was crying for.

  * * * *

  Reed and Meggy were playing checkers at the table when Leo walked into the room. Mark was busy in the kitchen.

  Meggy laughed. "You cheat," she accused.

  "Hey, you can't move there," Reed told her. "That's illegal. Just because you're cute doesn't mean you can get away with--"

  "Hey." Meggy threw her napkin at him, her eyes alive with humor. "You should let me win anyway. You would if you were a gentleman."

  "But honey," he winked, "I'm not gentleman."

  "You're a flirt, Reed Owens." She laughed, sitting back in her chair, then glanced at her brother. "Don't play games with this guy. He's dangerous."

  "Oh, I know that," Leo said, looking at him.

  Reed met his gaze, an eyebrow slightly cocked.

  Meggy glanced from one to another. "Okay," she muttered, "I don't think we're talking about the same game."

  Mark came out and saved them from the conversation. "Okay, kids, clean up the game. Supper is on."

  "Great, I'm starved," Meggy announced.

  A few minutes later, they all sat down to fried chicken and salad. Reed complimented Mark on the chicken and he smiled, appearing pleased with the compliment.

  "Oh," Mark said suddenly, pouring some wine into Leo's glass, "Leo has some good news."

  Leo looked up sharply from his plate. "I do?"

  "Pierre," Mark reminded him.

  "Pierre?" Reed asked, looking at Leo.

  "Oh, Mark, ah...never mind that now." Leo tried to smile but he could have kicked Mark's ass. "It's kind of private."

  "Why?" Mark demanded. "You love the guy."

  Leo glanced at Reed, who lifted his glass of wine and took a drink. He put it down.

  "Drop it," Leo snapped.

  "But it's exciting news," Mark insisted. "At least there will be one happy ending around here."

  "Who's Pierre?" his sister asked.

  Leo sighed. "Let's just eat."

  "Pierre was a guy Leo met in Paris," Mark told Meggy. "They fell in love, then Leo discovered that Pierre was married and--"

  "Mark! Jesus Christ," Leo snapped. "I said to drop it."

  Reed wiped his mouth on a napkin. "The chicken was great, Mark. I think I'll get to work on the cabin." He stood.

  "I don't get why you're so pissed off," Mark said. "Pierre loves you. He wants you back. He left his wife for you. Aren't you happy?"

  "Reed," Leo said, looking at him.

  Reed threw down his napkin on the table. "I don't think I need any help tonight, Leo. If I were you, I'd call that guy back pronto. It looks like he's missing you."

  Leo watched him leave the room, his heart sinking. "Reed," he said softly under his breath.

  Meggy looked from one to another. "What in hell was that?"

  "What was what?" Mark asked.

  "Leo?" she looked at him.

  Leo got up and scraped back his chair. "Mark, Jesus Christ, did you have to do that?"

  Mark met his gaze. "It shouldn't have mattered to you if Reed knew. And it shouldn't have mattered to Reed about Pierre. But it did, didn't it? It mattered."

  "Mark," Leo muttered, "you don't understand."

  "Yes, I do," he said. "All this time you were supposed to be my friend, and what you really wanted was him. You've been fucking Reed behind my back."

  "Oh, my God," his sister said.

  "It didn't mean anything, Mark. Reed doesn't feel anything for me. Sex to him is like brushing his teeth."

  "But you feel something for him. It's in your eyes when you look at him. I'm not a fool."

  "Yeah, you are," Leo told him. "You are a fool, but so am I. Two fools in love with the same man, a man who doesn't give a damn about either one of us."

  He left the room before the tears threatened and went outside. He walked down to the water, passing the happy people on the way, nodding to them briefly, as he tried to hide the tears. He stared at the watch he still wore on his wrist, the one Pierre had given him, the one he thought he'd never part with. He unclasped it and took it off. Without hesitation he threw it into the lake, then pulled out his cell phone. He tried to remember Pierre's touch, his kiss. At one time that's all he could think about. Now, he was having a hard time even picturing his face.

  "Damn you, Reed." He grunted as he punched in Pierre's cell phone number.

  "It's over," he said when Pierre's voice mail answered. "I'm sorry, Pierre. I did love you, but not enough. Don't call me anymore." He closed the phone, hung his head and cried.

  * * * *

  The sun dipped low in the sky and the moon glowed above. He'd been sitting on the rock by the water a lot longer than he thought. Thankfully, his phone hadn't rung.

  Maybe it was time to go, leave here. He wondered if Mark would ever forgive him for sleeping with Reed. It didn't matter really. He'd be punished for that. The longing, the ache of wanting Reed would be enough.

  He walked away from the water. The light in Adrian's cabin was on. Leo imagined that he had his own ache to deal with. He paused, prepared to walk on, when Adrian came out on the porch. He seemed surprised to see Leo.

  "Oh, hi, I h
eard footsteps and I thought it was--"

  "Mark. You hoped it was Mark." Leo smiled sadly at him. "Sorry."

  "Want to come in for a drink?"

  Leo nodded. "I'm not sure if I even have a place to sleep tonight."


  Leo followed him inside. "Mark's pissed off at me. And I deserve it."

  "Ah, he found out you were fucking Reed."

  "So you did know. You saw me the other night."

  "Yeah," he said, pouring some whiskey into a glass, "but I knew before that. At least I knew it was bound to happen."

  "Oh." Leo took the glass and swallowed down the contents. He sat beside Adrian on the sofa. "Maybe we should fuck."

  Adrian laughed.


  "That's quite an invitation."

  Leo lay back on the sofa. "It wouldn't be complicated."

  "It's always complicated."

  "Yeah, Mark used you and Reed used me."

  "Are you sure about that?" Adrian refilled Leo's glass and his own.

  "Mark loves Reed. And Reed, well, he'd fuck anything. He just doesn't feel anything."

  "Mark loves the idea of Reed," Adrian said. "And Reed, well, I think he feels more than you think."

  "So you're the love expert now?" Leo laughed and swallowed the liquor, making a face.

  "No, no expert, believe me. I observe people, and Reed feels a lot. He just doesn't show it."

  "He makes love like..." Leo swallowed. "He makes love so beautifully. I..."

  "And it's there in bed that his feelings show, in his touch, his kiss."

  "It's called lust, not love."

  "Um, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference."

  "Are you saying you think Reed actually..." He paused. "It would be a dream."

  "Because you're in love with him."

  Leo nodded. "Yes. I had to admit that to myself tonight while I considered drowning myself in the lake."

  Adrian laughed. He moved closer, placed his arm around him. "Don't do that."

  Leo's eyes drooped.

  "It's okay, Leo, sleep. You're safe."

  * * * *

  Mark stood in the cabin watching as Reed plastered the cracks in the wall. He felt the bitterness rise in his throat, and sadness, sadness at the betrayal, and sadness at the loss. He didn't want to lose Reed. He didn't want to lose Leo. It looked like he was losing them both.


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