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Taken by the Russian

Page 8

by Alexa Riley

  I could lose her — right here and now, I realize. Oh, she’ll come home and be my wife. She’ll eat meals with me, sleep by my side, moan while I fuck her, resume her daily swims in a new pool. After the fight, my decision to compromise on college seemed like a thing of the past. But she just threw a piece of herself out the window. And I can’t let her do that, no matter how difficult it is for me. I love her far too much. She has accepted my demanding nature, and it is only fair that I attempt to accept she needs to spread her wings.

  Already on the way to retrieve her, I’d decided she must attend college. To refuse her something she wants so terribly would be a crime. It would dim her happiness. Which would, in turn, dim my entire reason for living.

  “Anya, look at me.” I reach over and brush her cheek with my thumb. “Please.”

  She turns luminous green eyes on me, making my tongue feel thick. “What?”

  I take a deep breath and force my need for control to loosen. “There is a safe, gated community near the school. On the drive to meet you, I needed a distraction from my panic, so I made some inquiries with an agent.” Her lips pop open as I continue. “During the week, we will live in an apartment off campus. On the weekend, we will return home.” I nod once. “You will go to school, angel. I’m sorry I said no in the first place. We should have…discussed it. Do you forgive me?”

  “Forgive…you?” she breathes, twisting toward me in the seat. “This isn’t a joke? Even after what happened…you really mean it, Sasha?”

  “Da. As long as you’re patient and let me escort you to class until I know you’re safe — and no more fucking frat parties — then, yes. I mean it. I want you to be happy.”

  Something melts in her eyes, her bottom shifting in the seat. I’m beginning to recognize this look. The angel wants my cock planted between her thighs. “Thank you, Sasha,” she breathes, a different kind of tears painting those green irises. “I love you so much right now. I’m not even going to make you call my father.”

  “It is already done.”

  She straightens. “And?”

  Darkness twists in my stomach. I’m not going to ruin this moment of progress between us by recapping that troubling conversation. “He has made his peace with us.”

  My intelligent wife nods solemnly, as if she understands I’m leaving out the important parts, before transferring her attention to the rearview mirror. I do the same. Then we both climb out of the car to collect her college papers. On the way down the shoulder, she reaches over and twines her fingers with mine.

  When I rub my thumb across her knuckles, I notice a slight wince and remember. “In my anger, I forgot about that right cross you delivered.” Pride swims in my chest. “Just as I taught you. I’m very impressed.”

  “Thank you. It felt really good.” A car flies past, the breeze lifting her hair against her smiling mouth. “You know, my birthday is coming up soon. I wouldn’t mind a pair of those brass knuckles.”

  My instinct is to say nyet, she will not need to protect herself again as long as I’m walking the earth. But instead I say, “We will discuss.”

  For the next few minutes, we gather the envelopes and papers that have come loose. As we head back toward the car with stacks in our hands, Anya can’t seem to stop peeking over at me through her eyelashes. And I realize I must be doing the same, since I’m catching her every time. Her dress billows in the wind around her thighs and ass, sending my blood south, preparing my cock for sex. She notices the jut of my flesh behind my zipper and bites her lip, throwing more sway into her hips as we walk. Asking for it, she is. There is no doubt in my mind as she bends forward to place her stack in the backseat and remains there far too long, giving me a good, long look at the tight swell of her cheeks.

  Heat grips my loins and I groan, tossing my envelopes into the backseat, too. I take the hem of her dress in my hands and lift it, leaving it bunched at the small of her back. The perfection I reveal leads to a vile curse, my hands yanking that ass back against my lap. Humping it with firm bucks of my lower body. “We will not make it home without me cumming inside you, Anya.”

  “I know,” she pants, circling her bottom on my throbbing dick. “I need you.”

  Except for the occasional vehicle passing, we are alone on the road, so I waste no time drawing Anya out of the car, shutting the door, and turning her around to face me. I’m preparing to kiss her sulky mouth, but she stops me by framing my face in her hands.

  “I always need you.” One of her legs wraps around my waist, so I grip her opposite knee and draw it high, as well. Then I take one rough lunge and pin her against the car door. With both of those thighs open around me, I luxuriate in the heat of her cunt where it presses to my waiting cock. I’m desperate to rip the panties from her pussy and fuck her on the side of the road, but once again, she stops me, her big green eyes lustful but serious on mine. “I was so scared, Sasha.”

  “Angel.” My heart squeezes painfully, my muscles stiffening with renewed rage. “It is very difficult for me to hear this.”

  “But when I felt fear, I realized it was the first time in forever.” She leans in and drags her tongue along the seam of my lips, causing my hips to pump involuntarily. “I haven’t been scared a single day since you showed up. You’re my protector. My husband.” Maintaining eye contact, she drops her hands to her neckline, tugging it down to reveal her sweet, pink-tipped tits. “My Daddy.”

  Lust, honor and possessiveness flood me, snapping my small reserve of restraint in half. Suctioning my mouth to her right nipple and raking it with my teeth until she cries out, I reach beneath her dress and tear the panties that hide her pussy from me. Moving on to her other delicious breast and devouring, I slide my middle finger down the crack of her ass, before continuing to her entrance, shoving my thick digit inside.

  “Is this little fuck hole ever anything but drenched for Daddy?”

  “No,” she whimpers, dropping her head back against the car. “It’s been like that since you moved in to my house. I was just waiting. Waiting.”

  A growl lingers on my mouth as I give her cunt one final pump of my fingers, then move to free my cock. I capture her lips in a filthy, slippery kiss as I thrust deep, deep into my home — my wife — and utter bliss spreads to every part of me. “Those games you played with Sasha would have been over very quickly had I known.”

  “Damn,” she breathes, arching her back. “Hindsight is twenty - twenty.”

  Remembering the fantasy I’ve been starved to watch play out for years, I reverse our positions, wedging my back against the car and angling my hips. “Go on, Anya.” I groan at the way she wiggles, adjusting to being seated on my cock. “Work those little hips and give Daddy a ride.”

  A car approaches, but only Anya’s face, plus my shoulders and head, are visible. So as the headlights flash over us and pass, she begins to fuck me. Her mouth falls open on sexy mewling noises, she grabs the collar of my shirt and bounces up and down, legs dangling on either side of me. Like everything else she does, the reality blows the fantasy out of the water. Who could dream up such a beauty with wit and intelligence…who can also ride a man’s cock like she was born to do it? Not me. But I’ve had the fortune to find her and make her mine.


  “How does that make your pussy feel?” I take one of her ass cheeks in my hand and grind her down on my dick, making sure to rub that sweet clit side to side on my wet girth. “My lap is where you sit for a very different reason now, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. I - I love it.” Her thighs start to tremble, her fingers ripping at my shirt. “Oh, Daddy. Oh my God.”

  I spin around once again, pressing her ass against the car and ramming my cock deep. Her scream, the intense clench of her pussy, summon my own climax, and I bite down on the side of her neck. Hard enough that she’ll wear it on the first day of classes, gentle enough to keep from breaking skin. And it seems to heighten her orgasm until she’s doing that thing that makes me feel like a fucking animal. Sh
e struggles and whines, and all the while, the frantic movements drag her cunt up and down my cock, milking cum from deep inside me.

  Moments later, she is limp between my body and the car, her head lolling to one side. When I press a kiss to her cheek, her lips, she smiles up at me drowsily. “Take me home?”

  “Da,” I rasp, emotion clogging my throat thanks to her beauty. The fact that this incredible creature is my wife. With a full, pounding heart, I cradle her in my arms, carefully depositing her on the passenger seat. “Sasha will always take you home, angel.”


  Four Months Later…


  “I need to make sure you can hit with your right hand. I don’t want you placing it against your wedding ring,” Sasha says as I stare down at the brass knuckles he got me for my birthday.

  I can’t help but warm inside. I didn’t really think he was going to get them for me, but I know he’ll do anything to make me happy. Even if that means giving me a weapon.

  “My right hook is just fine,” I say, winking at him. He grunts, but I see the pull to one side of his lips and know he’s fighting a smile.

  “Happy birthday, sweet Anya.” He leans down, placing his mouth to mine in a soft kiss. His hand comes to rest on the little baby bump that has formed in the last few months. He can’t seem to keep his hands off it. I would be jealous if I didn’t have the same problem. “What does my angel want to do today?”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, and he picks me up easily. I wrap my legs around him, securing my body against his, leaning back until we are eye to eye.

  “I have to meet with my adviser today,” I tell him, going in for a kiss.

  “Nyet. It is your birthday. You will stay home with me.”

  I smile against his mouth as he carries me to our bedroom.

  College didn’t last long for me. Well, at least going on campus. It didn’t take long for me to see I hated going into class. I always felt like people stared at me, and I didn’t like being away from Sasha. Even if he was hovering right outside the door.

  For so long I thought I was looking for something from the outside world, but after a few weeks in college I realized I’d created the dream in my head. It was something to hold on to because I thought I could never have what I truly wanted. Sasha.

  I don’t know how he did it, but once I told him everything, he somehow made the college let me do everything online. For the most part I don’t step foot on campus, with the exception of going in to talk to my advisers.

  “It will only take a second. Then you can take me to a fancy restaurant, where I’ll order everything on the menu.” I push on his chest to let me down, but he doesn’t.

  “Are you hungry, angel?” His eyes are heated, and I know where this is going. We don’t have time for that, even if I want it just as much as he does.

  “You fed me breakfast twenty minutes ago,” I remind him. Though since I found out I was pregnant, I’ve been eating everything. I haven’t had a trace of morning sickness, which has been a surprise bonus. This baby isn’t letting any food go. “It’s a two - hour drive and I still need to get ready. I’m running late.”

  “They will wait,” he says easily. I don’t know how he has so much pull at the college, but I’m not shocked by it. Sasha can always get what he wants, and even more so when it comes to something I want.

  I roll my eyes, knowing if I let him take me to bed we’ll spend the whole day there. I lean forward, taking his mouth in a kiss. He growls like we didn’t have sex twice before breakfast. Neither of us is able to go for more than a few hours without it.

  “Please,” I pout. I bat my eyelashes at him when I pull back, and he drops his forehead to mine, his breathing heavy. I know he wants me bad enough there’s no stopping it, so I’m patient for his decision.

  “I can deny you nothing, my angel.” He reluctantly places me on my feet. I can tell he doesn’t want to let me go, but he does.

  “Give me fifteen minutes,” I throw over my shoulder as I rush toward my closet. It takes me a minute to find something that will fit me. We should probably go shopping while in the city today. All of my clothes are getting to be too small. I grab a pink dress even though it’s a little chilly out. It used to fall to my knees, but the baby bump brings it up a few inches shorter. I don’t have much time, so there’s really no choice. I put on some mascara and lip gloss before walking out of the bathroom and going for the door. I’m not surprised to see Sasha standing outside the bedroom. He has this thing about not letting me go down the stairs by myself now that I’m knocked up. It’s silly but sweet at the same time.

  His eyes narrow on me, then he shakes his head.

  “It’s all that fits!” I protest.

  One of the rules with school was that I pretty much had to be covered from head to toe — a rule I didn’t fight him on after the frat party incident. And on top of that, after actually going to a class and seeing the way people looked at me, I realized he had a point.

  He lets out a deep breath. I probably shouldn’t tell him I’m not wearing underwear. I’ll save that surprise for dinner.

  “It’s really starting to show,” he finally says, taking a step towards me. His hand rubs my belly, and I watch as the tension along his shoulders eases.

  “Everyone will know I belong to you. There’s no need to worry about the dress,” I tell him. He doesn’t look convinced.

  “Come, angel.” He grabs my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. “I want to make this quick. I don’t like sharing your attention.”

  “You’re not going into my adviser meeting,” I tell him as he leads me down the stairs. He doesn’t answer me, just lets out a grunt, which I know means he’ll get his way. I bite my lip to keep from smiling. I said that on purpose, knowing what his response would be.

  Since he found out I was pregnant, all of our sex has been gentle and sweet. While I do love how tender he can be, I miss the time when he lost control and took me hard. Dominating my body was his favorite pastime, and I’m hoping with a gentle nudge I’ll get a perfect ending to my birthday.


  I crack my knuckles when the professor glances down the front of her dress for the second time since we walked into his office.

  My Anya has yet to realize the allure her body has. I had hoped when she would be round with my child that it would show her as marked, but I see now that my thinking was a mistake. Now when men lay their eyes on what is mine, they see she has spread her legs. That she’s allowed a man to enter her most sacred place and plant his seed. Perhaps they are thinking they will be able to do the same.

  They are mistaken.

  “You’ve only chosen two classes for next semester,” the professor says as he wipes away at his bottom lip.

  He glances down at the swell of her belly, and I watch as he swallows. Blood rushes to his cheeks, and I would bet my every dime I have that his cock is hard behind the desk. I won’t stand for this blatant disrespect.

  “Daddy and I are expecting our first baby, and I wanted to take light classes until then. Afterwards, I plan on taking a year off.”

  I growl at the word she uses to describe me. Anya reaches over and places her hand on my thigh. It’s right next to my cock, and my eyes zero in on it. I watch her delicate little hand rub slow circles right next to the hard length only a breath away.

  “Your husband?” the professor asks as a way to correct her.

  The tone of his voice causes me to look up. I place my hand over Anya’s without breaking the eye contact with him. I pull her hand right over my swollen cock and feel the heat of her palm. She doesn’t make a move to pull away from me. She’s getting off on this.

  “Daddy,” my little Anya says. I press her hand firmly against my length as she wraps her fingers around as much of me as she can over my slacks. I grit my teeth and lean forward. “Mine.”

  He looks between us, and he is embarrassed. I’m not sure if it is for him or for us. I do not care either way. I�
�ve had enough of him eye - fucking my bride.

  “Get out,” I tell him as I stand up and pull Anya out of her chair.

  “Th - this is my office,” he stammers, and he pushes his chair back.

  I place Anya on the edge of his desk, and she smiles up at me. She knows exactly what she’s done to push me to this point, and I’ve fallen into her trap.

  “I’m going to fuck my angel on your desk. If you stay to watch I’ll pull out your eyes with my fingers and then shove them up your ass.”

  He jumps up from his desk and looks at me with a shocked expression.

  “Lock the door on your way out,” I say, moving between my angel’s thighs.

  It only takes a second before he does as I say without a word.

  I push up the material of her dress and see her bare cunt glistening with wet need.

  “You did this on purpose,” I say as she leans back on the desk.

  There are papers and pens all around her, a laptop off to the side. I don’t care, though. The only thing weighing down on me is the need to fuck her before my cock explodes.

  “I don’t what you’re talking about, Daddy,” she says, biting her lip.

  My angel has been placed on this earth to torture me, and only one thing will stop the ache. Only when I sink into her tight young pussy will I be forgiven of my sins.

  “And?” I ask, pulling out my cock and rubbing my palm over the wet tip, dragging the cream down my shaft.

  “I want you to make me remember them next time.”

  “You act out to seek attention. Are you not getting enough?” I reach forward with my other hand and graze my rough knuckles across her soft clit. She moans and raises her hips. “I can smell your pussy from here.”

  I inhale as she spreads her legs wider and puts her feet on the desk, opening her cunt for me.

  “Pull your dress over your belly. I want to see the baby I created in you as I fuck you.”

  She does as I ask and lies back, waiting for me to take her.

  I enter her in one hard stroke. I’ve been so gentle with her lately, it’s a welcome pain for both of us as I ride her hard on the wooden desk.


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