Cecil, Hugh 274–5, 277
Chamberlain, Joseph 188, 227, 260, 266, 331
Chamberlain, Neville 458
Chambers, Sir William 166
Chanel, Coco 380
Channon, Sir Henry ‘Chips’ 453
Chaplin, Charlie 398–9
Chaplin, Henry 267
Charles, Prince of Denmark 216, 219
Charteris, Evan 354, 460
Chase, Edna Woolman 141
Chasseloup Loubat, Marquess 31, 32
Châteauroux, France 380, 426, 427, 464
Chesterfield, Earl of 212, 216
Chicago Record 349
Chicago Tribune 328, 417
Choate, Joseph 107, 112, 377
Christina, Queen of Spain 178, 238
Church Army 283–4, 286
Church of the Ascension, New York 28, 29
Church Times 418
Churchill, Clarissa 453
Churchill, Clementine: on Balsans’ relationship 398; at Consuelo’s interment 503; engagement at Blenheim 164; on Marlborough annulment 411–12; visits Balsans 397–8, 399, 400, 457, 460, 481
Churchill, Lady Edward 212
Churchill, I. see Spencer-Churchill, Lord Ivor Charles (Consuelo’s son)
Churchill, Jack 273
Churchill, Mary, see Soames, M.
Churchill, Lady Randolph (nee Jennie Jerome) 29, 103, 167, 169, 277; on American brides of English aristocracy 240; American nationality 113, 189; Blenheim house guest 194, 216, 219, 220, 402; Consuelo’s relations with 190, 270–73, 281; correspondence with Winston 215, 222, 270; philanthropy 261; remarriage 247, 270, 271, 371; in South Africa 247; support for Marlborough 289
Churchill, Lord Randolph 168, 169, 190, 223
Churchill, Randolph 491–2, 503
Churchill, Sarah 503
Churchill, Verena 253
Churchill, Viscount 208, 211, 253, 508
Churchill, Winston 163, 189, 237, 269, 360–61, 503; American visits 173–4, 471, 480, 497; biography of 1st Duke of Marlborough 458; Blenheim heir 190, 191, 222; and build-up to war 458–61; Consuelo’s assessment of 190; and Consuelo’s memoirs 488–9; Consuelo’s relations with 225–6, 244, 270, 276, 456–9, 475–6, 478, 489, 494, 497–8; correspondence with Marlborough 226, 242, 270; delivers Marlborough’s funeral address 164; depressions 170; on English aristocracy 188; Fulton speech 480; grave xxii; on Marlborough 219–20, 454; and Marlboroughs’ separation 270, 273, 274, 276–7, 281; painting 457–8, 460; political career 266, 287, 288, 398, 457, 459, 478, 481, 494; political circle 225; and suffragettes 337; tension with Marlborough 276–7; visits Balsans 397–8, 457–8, 459–60, 471–2, 480–81; war correspondent in South Africa 246–7; as wartime leader 471, 475
Civil Rights Act (1964) 410
Claflin sisters 15, 52
Clarke, Charles E. 78
Clarke, Nellie Mabel 193
Claypoole, Abraham 59
Clermont-Tonnerre, Lily de 454; as Gramont, Elisabeth de 100–1
Clews, Henry 297
Cochet, General 474–5
Cockburn, Sir Alexander 168
Coeur, Jacques 90, 91, 431–2, 434
Colony Club, New York 317, 421
Conciliation Bill (1910) 321–2
Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage (CU) 339–43, 347–8, 364–7, 369–70; see also National Woman’s Party; see also Woman’s Party
Connaught, Duke of 234, 235, 400
Conservative Municipal Reform Party 387
Conservative Party 266–7, 398
Cooke, Florence 193
Coolidge, Calvin 409
Cooper, Lady Diana 207
Cooper, Edith 40, 46
Corbin (French ambassador) 459
Cornwallis-West, George 103, 224, 275, 289; marriages 247, 270, 271, 371; on Sarah Wilson 212, 272
Cornwallis-West, Jennie, see Churchill, Lady Randolph
Costelloe, Mary, see Berenson, M.
Côte d’Azur, France 397, 400–401
Coulon, Mademoiselle 31, 33, 40
Craigie, Pearl 269
Crandall, Edward 501, 508
Crawford, Monroe 24
Crawley, George 355–6
Croffut, William 15
Crook, J. Mordaunt 214
Crowhurst Place, Surrey 355–6, 383, 387, 390
Crowinshield, Frank 16
Cunard, Lady 387
Cunningham, Elizabeth, see Spencer-Churchill, Lady E.
Curzon, George, Marquess 257, 389; Blenheim visits 211, 216; marriage 208; philanthropy 331; political career 209; relations with Consuelo 228, 358, 400; as Viceroy of India 233–6; visits Balsans 399
Curzon, Mary Leiter: American nationality 97, 113fn; on Consuelo’s social success 208; death 331, 358; subjugation to husband 209, 358; as Vicereine of India 96, 97, 234–5
Cust, Harry 354, 357
Daily Chronicle 359
Daily Mail 247, 333
Daily Mirror 322
Daily Telegraph 386
D’Abernon, Viscount see Vincent, Sir Edgar
Daisy, Princess of Pless 267, 269, 282, 289; on Consuelo 257–8; friendship with Marlborough 211, 226, 277–8; on Marlborough 226; on Sunderland House 260
Dalton, Professor Hugh 387
Damrosch, Walter 5, 6, 139, 325fn
Davidoff, Basil 461, 462, 477–8
Davison, Emily Wilding 337
Deacon, Audrey 259, 262
Deacon, Edward Parker 251–2
Deacon, Florence 251–2, 259
Deacon, Gladys 169, 182; affair with Marlborough 250, 252–3, 255, 258, 259, 262–3, 274–5, 361; background 251–2; beauty and accomplishments 250–51, 252, 255; conquests 252–4, 259, 263–4; in Consuelo’s memoirs 489–90; as dog breeder 453; evicted from Blenheim 454; facial disfigurement 258–9, 453; ill health 258, 262; Marlborough’s letters to 359–61, 363, 391; marries Marlborough 391, 452–4; relations with Consuelo 251, 254–6, 259, 262, 264, 525–6n
Deauville, France 337–9
Decies, Lady see Lehr, Elizabeth Drexel
Defender (William K’s yacht) 131
De Grey, Lady 207
De Leon, Thomas 23
Delhi Durbar (1902–3) 233–6, 258, 275
D’Emilio, lohn, and Freedman, Estelle B. 86
Democratic Party 301, 364–5
Depew, Chauncey 73
De Ramsays 359
Desha, Joseph 21
Desha, Phoebe, see Smith, Phoebe
Desha, Gen. Robert 21
Destors, Marie Odile 383
Devonshire, Duke of 171
Devonshire, Duchess of 221, 242
Dickens, Charles 185
Dimbleby, Richard 484
Diplomat 498, 501
Dispatch Line 13–14, 36
Disraeli, Benjamin 169, 171
Dmitry, Grand Duke 386–7
Dodworth’s Dancing Academy 65, 230
Donnelly, Mary 319, 324, 326
Donovan, Madame 47, 140
Douro, Marie 367–8
Drummond-Wolff, Sir Henry 178
Duchêne, Achille 260, 397, 453
Dudley, Earl and Countess of 249
Duer, Katherine, see Mackay, K.
Duer, Mr and Mrs William 143
Dufferin and Ava, Marquess of 186–7
Dunn, Bishop 423
Dunraven, Lord 130, 131
Duoud, Prince 437
Eastman, Max 328
Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris 54
Eden, Sir Anthony 456, 459
Edison, Thomas 33
Education Act (1902) 266
Edward VII, King of England (formerly Prince of Wales) 42, 183, 207, 234, 268; blackmailed 169; Blenheim visits 213–19, 225; Consuelo presented to 206; Consuelo scolded by 242; Coronation 228, 231–3, 256; godfather to Blandford 223–4; and Marlboroughs’ separation 281; mistresses 109; in New York 28; opulent lifestyle 181, 207; social set 102, 171–2
Edward, Revd Dr S. 418
Egypt 183, 436–7<
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Eisenhower, Dwight D. 497
Elgin, Lord 97
Eliot, Elizabeth 156
Elizabeth II, Coronation of 494
Elliott, Maxine 398
Endsleigh Street Maternity Hospital 284, 287, 388
Epinay, Prosper d’ 302
Epstein, Jacob 452
Erb, Sophie 137
Eugenie, Empress 31, 185
Eulenburg, Count 253
Evreux, France 463
Eze, France 396–402, 403, 432, 439
Fads and Fancies 298
Farmer, Revd J. 193, 196
Fatio, Maurice 452, 471
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett 309, 321, 329, 364
Fellowes, Daisy 398
Fellowes, Reginald 359
Field, Sara Bard 306, 375–80; on Alva’s affection for young feminists 404; on Alva’s attitude to marriage 43, 424; on Alva’s intellect 428; on Alva’s love for Bloomer 370–71; on Alva’s role in Consuelo’s marriage 152, 156, 424; ghosts Alva’s memoirs 24, 26–7, 46, 48, 67, 107, 120, 155, 158, 293, 375–7, 446, 513n; letters to Wood 46, 86, 152, 370–71, 376–8; love affair with Wood 376, 378; political views 376–7, 379; relations with Alva 378, 379; on William K.’s mistresses 109
Fielding, Daphne 493
Fifth Avenue 311, 485, 506; Alva’s house (No 660) 56–9, 62, 64–5, 90, 106, 111, 387, 431, 433; Astors’ house (No 350) 36; William Henry’s house (No 640) 72–3, 485
Fish, Mrs Stuyvesant (Mamie) 295–6, 302, 312, 315, 345, 349–51
Flatbush, Long Island 12
Fleetwood Park 73
Florida 451, 471
Fondation Foch 455
Fontenilliat, Comte de 304
Forbes, Lilian 31
Ford, Frank Lewis 4
Foreman, John, and Stimson, Robbe Pierce 19, 56
Fortescue, Guy 209
Fortescue, Winifred 282, 523–411
Fowler, Marian 186, 218
Francis Joseph, Prince 101
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 343
Free French 475
Fry, Amerlia R. 370, 376
Fulda 175, 177–8, 195, 522n
Fuller, Hiram 22
Gallea, Robert de 452
Galsworthy, John 354
Galway, Marie Carola, Lady 184
Garden Side, Southampton 497, 500, 501
Garet, Odette de 456
Gaulle, Charles de 472
Gavet, Emile 90–91
Geidel, Peter 324, 430, 437
General Election (1906) 266–7
George I, King of England 166
George V, Prince of Wales 230, 231, 387
Germany 253
Gilmour, David 358
Gilmour, William 84, 108, 112, 128, 130, 131, 133, 303
Glitter and the Gold, The (Balsan) xxii, 204, 483, 504; writing and publication 237, 486–94, 500
Goelet, May 6, 82, 146, 157
Goelet, Mrs Robert 129
Goering, Hermann 477
Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de 33
Goodall, Ethel 195
Gordon, Dickie 367
Gorky, Maxim 231
Gould, Anna 113, 179, 380, 415
Gould, Jay 13, 79, 141, 512n
Gramont, Duc de 49, 100, 380
Gramont, Elisabeth de see Clermont-Tonnerre, Lily de
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S. 29
Great Exhibition (Paris 1867) 33, 41
Green, David 203, 483, 488
Green, T. H. 288
Grenfell, Lilian (nee Spencer-Churchill) 117, 189, 216, 390
Gros, Dr Edmund L. 382, 440, 461, 535–6n
Guest, Ivor (1st Viscount Wimborne) 6–7, 136, 144, 189, 249, 253, 276, 277
Guiche, Duc de 49
Gurney, Augustus 63
Guy, Seymour 19
Gwynn, Alice Claypoole 59
Hague conference (1930) 437–8
Hamilton, Gen. Sir Ian 246–7
Hammersley, Lilian, see Marlborough, Lilian, Duchess of
Hands, Phebe 12
Harcourt, William 267
Hardie, Keir 125, 188
Harlem and Hudson Railroad 18
Harmon, Florence 366
Harper, Ida Husted 305, 311, 320
Harper, Miss (Consuelo’s governess) 123, 426
Harper & Brothers 486
Harrogate 253
Hart, Joel Tanner 16
Harvey, George 290–91, 391
Hearst, Millicent 437
Hearst, William Randolph 365
Helleu, Paul 247–8, 265, 274
Hempstead Hospital 324
Herald Tribune 476, 499
Hess, Rudolf 472
Higgins, Eugene 182, 391
Higgs, Mary, 330
Higgs, Mr 193
Hilles, Florence Bayard 441
Hinks, Peter 185
Hitler, Adolf 458, 460
Hoffman, Annie 478
Hoffman, Louis 477, 478, 480, 496
Holyoke Transcript 351
Homberger, Eric 28, 35, 41, 42, 47, 53
Home Rule 260
Hoover, Herbert Clark 438
Hope, Lord Francis 259
Horne, Alistair 32
Horne, Gerald 183–4, 196, 201–3, 218, 220, 223, 524n
Horowitz, Vladimir 400
Horst (photographer) 499–500, 501, 508
House of Commons 260, 321–2, 329
House of Lords 260, 267, 353–4
Howe, Julia Ward 129, 312–13
Hoyle, Marguerite 487, 490
Hudson River Railroad 20
Hughes, Charles Evans 372
Hunt, Richard Howland 294, 365
Hunt, Richard Morris 67, 77; Beaux-Arts architect 55; collaboration with Alva 54–5, 84–5, 89, 436; designs 660 Fifth Avenue 56, 57–8, 62, 63; designs Belcourt 129; designs Idle Hour 53; designs Marble House 78–9, 90–91
Idle Hour, Long Island 53–4, 70–72, 82, 111, 199; burns down 294; Consuelo honeymoons at 149–50, 172–3
Imperial Cotton Growing Association 260
Imperial Yeomanry 245, 246
Independent Labour Party 125
India 95–7, 233–5, 258
Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration (1904) 331
International Feminist Committee 410
International Women’s Suffrage Alliance 309, 335, 410–11, 415
Ireland, Lord Lieutenant of 249
Ironsides, Bax 6
Jackson’s Oxford Journal 193, 216, 523n
Jacob, Mr and Mrs John 5
James, Henry 47, 56, 226, 251; on Newport summer 76, 516n; The Special Type 111
Jay, Lucie Oelrichs 5, 41, 101, 121, 122, 128, 303, 420, 421
Jay, Miss 6, 146
Jay, Col. William 6, 41, 108, 176
Jerome, Clara 261
Jerome, Jennie, see Churchill, Lady Randolph
John O’London’s Weekly 491
Johnston, Lawrence 401
Jones, Jennifer 494
Kansas City Journal 336
Kellogg-Briand Pact 435
Kelly, Florence 345
Kent, Duke of 469
Kentucky 137
Kingsland, Helen 108
Kissam family 17, 75
Knollys, Lord 213, 215, 218
Korsakow, Princess 32
Kreisler, Fritz 289
Kunz, George 185
La Belle Otero 179
Labour Representation Committee 267
Ladies’ Home Journal 407
Ladies’ Shirtwaist Makers’ Union 316, 317
Lady Priestley Memorial Lecture 362
Lafayette Escadrille 382, 461, 473
Lagarde, Count Jean de 496
Langhorne, Nancy 82
Lansdowne, Lady Beatrix 98
Lansdowne, Marquess of 96–7, 158, 171, 226, 353–4, 360–61
Lansdowne, Lady (Maud) 96–8, 100, 116, 169, 170, 190–91, 207
Laurence, Margaret 334
Lawford, Valentine 479–80, 482, 497, 499–501
wrence, Adele 483
League of Nations 409; Consultative Committee on the Nationality of Women 438, 439
League of Women Voters 406, 410, 442
Lebrun, Albert 455
Lee, Captain A. H. 125
Leeds, Mr and Mrs William 300
Lees-Milne, James 201
Lefebure, Yvonne 456
Lefuel, Hector-Martin 55
Lehr, Elizabeth Drexel (Lady Decies) 295; on Alva 222, 300, 308, 328–9, 406; and Augerville statue of Joan of Arc 434–5; on Belmont 94; as heiress 296; as Marble House guide 312; marriage 296; on Newport society 297, 314; visits Balsans 398
Lehr, Harry 295–7, 306, 308, 312, 315, 398
Leiter, Mary, see Curzon, M.
Lenglen, Suzanne 399
Leonard, Adelaide 488
Leslie, Anita 268, 453
Leslie, Sir Shane 164, 413
Lévy, Simon 456, 457–8
Liberal Party 266–7, 287–8, 301, 310, 322, 335, 383, 387
Lincoln, Abraham 29
Lindsay, Norah 401
Lindsay-Hogg, Lady 453
Lipton, Sir Thomas 451
Littlejohn, Bishop 143, 146, 148
Livingston sisters 40
Lloyd George, David 266, 267, 288, 322, 335, 360, 364
Lloyd George, Mrs 360
Logan, Andy 298
London County Council 383–4, 386, 388, 390
London Labour Party 386
London School of Medicine for Women 282, 388
Londonderry, 3rd Marquess of 167
Londonderry, 6th Marquess of 211, 216, 267
Londonderry, Lady Theresa 207, 260, 268, 276, 281
Long Island: Balsans’ house 471; Parkway 300; Vanderbilt Cup Races 300, 449; Vanderbilt Museum 450; see also Beacon Towers, Idle Hour
Lonsdale, Lord 221
Lorillard, Peter 14
Los Angeles Record 323
Lou Sueil, Eze 397–401, 426, 477, 478
Louis XIV, King of France 165
Lovat, Lord 81, 354
Lowther, Mrs 261
Luce, Clare Boothe 404, 405, 425, 533n
Lucy, Sir Henry 267
Luhan, Mabel Dodge 258
Lusitania 366
Lydig, P. M 127
Lyttleton, Alfred 260
Lytton, Lord 233
Lytton, Pamela 212
McAllister, Ward 36–7, 41, 42, 295–6; Society As I Have Found It 35; and Vanderbilt ball 61–3, 64
McCarthy, Kathleen D. 285
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 165
McCormick, Mr 30
Mackay, Katherine (nee Duer) 6, 82, 146, 147, 175, 305, 318, 319
Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt Page 65