Malone, Dudley Field 371, 375, 433
Manchester, 8th Duke of (Viscount Mandeville) 49–50
Manchester, Duchess of (nee Consuelo Yznaga) 30, 40–41; Consuelo’s godmother 50, 109; daughter’s death 110–11; eccentricity 49; guest of honour at Vanderbilt ball 60, 63; literary interests 354; lovers 109–11; marriage 49–50, 109, 113; relations with Alva 42, 46; and Wharton 402, 425–6; widowed 50; as Viscountess
Mandeville 50, 60
Mandeville, Viscount, see Manchester, 8th Duke of Mandeville, Viscountess seeManchester, Duchess of
Mangold, Ernest 448
Mann, Col. D’Alton 104–5, 183, 245, 298, 302, 521n
Manning, Bishop 415–19, 423, 425, 428, 447
Mansart, Jules Hardouin 90
Marble House, Newport 100, 372, 403; Alva’s ownership 111; balls 116, 118, 127–9, 342–3, 349; bought back by Harold 499; construction of 78–9; Consuelo’s life in 91–2, 119; interior 89–91, 214; Marlborough’s stay 126; opened 92; ‘social workers’ conference’ 341–7; sold 440, 448; suffrage meetings 311–13, 315, 335, 364
Marie, Peter 41
Marlborough, 1st Duke, John Churchill xxi, 134, 165, 166, 205, 227
Marlborough, 3rd Duke, Charles Spencer 166
Marlborough, 4th Duke, George Spencer 166–7, 264
Marlborough, 5th Duke, George Spencer-Churchill 167, 168
Marlborough, 6th Duke, George Spencer-Churchill 167
Marlborough, 7th Duke, John Winston Spencer-Churchill 167–8, 169, 171
Marlborough, 8th Duke, George Spencer-Churchill 117, 164, 168–70, 213
MARLBOROUGH, 9TH DUKE, Charles Richard John (Sunny) Spencer-Churchill
LIFE: affair with Gladys Deacon 250, 253, 255, 259, 262–3, 274–5, 361; annulment of marriage 412–24; arrested in Central Park 138, 139; attentions to Consuelo 103, 116–18, 139; birth 169; and Blenheim 164, 172, 201, 202, 204, 214, 223, 459; Boer War 226, 245–7; brings Consuelo to Blenheim 192–7; childhood 169–70, 172, 239; in Consuelo’s memoirs 487, 489, 491; death 237, 452, 454; divorce 361, 389–91, 423; engagement to Consuelo 133–6; financial problems 170–71; honeymoon 149–50, 172–5, 177–86; inherits title 170–71, 172; insures Consuelo’s life 182, 238, 522n; as historian 164, 165; marriage difficulties 236, 237, 245, 248–50, 261, 452–4; marries Consuelo 4, 6–7, 139, 142–3, 146–9, 151, 155, 172, 418; Newport visit 118, 122, 123–4, 126–32; political career 226–7, 249–50 259–60, 266–7, 269, 353–4, 383; and press 112, 125, 132, 136–40, 150–51, 172, 174, 520n; public interest in 143, 173–4; relations with Consuelo 149, 178, 183–6, 237–40, 242, 255, 257, 267, 269, 353, 359–61; relations with Consuelo’s family 298; relations with royals 213–14, 281, 289; remarriage 391, 452–3; separation from Consuelo 269–70, 272–7
PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: anti-American sentiments 174–5, 238, 240, 249, 383; appearance 103, 126, 137, 192, 219; class-consciousness 149, 163, 171, 238, 244, 288; depression 241, 277–8, 289, 360; domineering streak 238, 239; dress 175, 208, 221–2; Epstein bust of 452; insecurity 263; insensitivity 183, 238, 239; intellect 164; isolation following separation 289; ostentation 180–81, 184–5, 205–6, 208, 210, 214, 229, 238; personality 132, 163–4, 169, 172 181, 238, 261, 454; portraits 264–5; religion 413; self-absorption 238–9; self-pity 363; snobbery 243; temper 239, 360–61
Marlborough, 10th Duke, John Albert Edward William Spencer-Churchill (Consuelo’s son) 359, 477, 483–4, 538n; attends Alva’s funeral 441–2; attends Consuelo’s second wedding 392; birth 222–3, 250, 298; children of 412; christening 223–4; and Consuelo’s death 501, 503; on Consuelo’s memoirs 488; dress sense 484; inherits title 459; manner of speech 483–4; marriage 387, 389; military service 363–4; and parents’ separation 276; personality 483; portraits 264–5; taste for actresses 383; visits Balsans 483
Marlborough, Consuelo, Duchess of see Vanderbilt, C.
Marlborough, Frances, Dowager Duchess of 103, 167–8, 179, 191, 220, 222
Marlborough, Lilian, Duchess of (Hammersley) 117, 168
Marlborough, Mary, Duchess of (Consuelo’s daughter-in-law) 387, 389, 392, 441–2, 488, 498
Marlborough, Sarah, first Duchess of 165–6
Marlborough House Set 102, 181, 231
Marlborough School of Mothercraft 332
Marshall, Charles C. 423
Marshall, Thomas R. 386
Martindale, Father 413, 423
Martineau, Harriet 401
Mary, Queen 330
Mary Curzon Hostel for Women 331, 358, 388
Masham, Abigail 166
Mason, A. E. W. 269
Masses, The 328
Masterson, Kate 261
Maud, Princess 216, 219
Mauritania 303
Maxwell, Elsa 405, 417, 440, 447, 449; and Alva’s will 439, 449; assessment of Alva 447; composer of operetta 367; on Consuelo’s love of France 479; lesbianism 367, 404; quarrels with Balsans 473; relations with Alva 367, 398, 437; visits Balsans 471–2
May, Henry 401
Maze, Paul 456–8, 460–2, 465, 492
Maze, Pauline 456, 462
Melinda and Her Sisters (operetta) 367–9
Melton Mowbray 221, 243, 524n
Mensdorff, Count Albert 229, 253, 257, 355–361
Mercer, Lucy 154
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 91, 478; Costume Institute 505–7
Metropolitan Opera, New York 65, 73
Metternich, Count 253–4
Michael, Grand Duke 230
‘Mike’ (Egyptian pageboy) 183–4, 201
Milholland, Inez 327, 372–3
Miller, Paul 90, 214
Mills, Mrs Ogden 295
Milner, Alfred 331
Milner, Henry 229
Mobile, Alabama 21, 22–4, 91
Monkswell, Lady 208
Montagu, Lady Alice 110
Montagu, Lady May Alva 110–11
Monte Carlo 179–80, 183, 238, 400
Montesquiou, Comte Robert de 252
Montgomery-Massingberd, Hugh 167
Moran, Lord 471–2
Morand, Paul 356–7, 358
Morgan, H. Wayne 43
Morgan, John Pierpont 79, 88
Morning Post 246
Morrell, Lady Ottoline 452
Morton, Alice 154
Morton, Edith 6, 146, 147
Morton, Governor Levi P. 149, 154
Morton, Major 475–6
Muir, Lady Rosemary (nee Spencer-Churchill, Consuelo’s granddaughter) 477, 478, 483, 494, 503
Munich Agreement 458
Munsey’s Magazine 4, 19, 506
Murat, Prince Achille 31
Napoleon III, Emperor 31, 32, 33
Nash, Beau 37
National American Woman Suffrage Association 315, 318; Alva’s disenchantment with 319–21, 324, 327–9, 340; Alva joins 305–6; conservatism 308–9, 337, 366, 445; disbanded 406; headquarters 309, 311, 316, 324, 340, 385, 444; histories of 447; Shaw’s presidency 309, 316; state-by-state approach to suffrage 327; wartime truce 373
National Anti-Sweating League 334, 335
National Efficiency movement 331–2
National Physical Recreation Society 331
National Suffrage Convention 340
National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) 309, 321–2, 329
National Woman’s Party (NWP) 446, 447; and Alva’s funeral 441–3; Alva’s last communication with 439; Alva leaves newspaper clippings to 430; Alva’s political ambitions for 406–9, 432; Alva’s presidency 409, 411, 433; bequest in Alva’s will 448; end of 403; excluded from IWSA 410–11, 415; friction with Alva 435–6, 437; headquarters 409, 433–4, 436, 438, 448; international interests 410, 438–9; lesbianism 404; militancy 373, 385–6, 445; pickets White House 373, 374–5, 385, 445; see also Congressional Union; see also Woman’s Party
National Women’s Trades Union League 345
Neagle, Dame Anna 289
Neustretter, Nellie 105, 107, 109–11
New Dorp, Stat
en Island 12, 50
New Liberalism 287–8, 332
New York 82, 106; architecture 55–6, 58; economic boom 33–4; gentlemen’s clubs 28, 38; Grand Central Terminal 15; poverty 43–4; press 103–5, 125, 134, 136–40, 174; prostitution 87; shirt-waist strikers 316–17, 442; Smith family in 24, 27–30, 33, 37; society 16–17, 27–8, 30, 33–42, 77, 84, 103–4, 295; wealth 34–6 New York Call 346
New York Central Railroad 15, 18, 51, 135, 450, 484
New York City Journal 66, 70
New York City Mail 323
New York City Tribune 323
New York Customs House 140
New York Evening Journal 291, 320
New York Evening Sun 313
New York Herald 35, 104, 165, 175, 176, 297; on Consuelo’s marriage 140–41, 145, 147, 149, 150; on Marlborough’s US visit 126, 127, 130, 134; on suffragists 343, 345
New York Journal 408, 498
New York Mail and Express 307
New York Stock Exchange 35
New York Sun 74, 321, 369, 433
New York Telegraph 369
New York Times 3, 6, 47, 79; on Alva’s article 408; on Alva’s feud with Bishop 417; on Alva’s funeral 442, 444; on annulment of Marlborough marriage 415, 416, 419, 423, 534n; on Consuelo’s funeral 502; on Consuelo’s marriage 144, 145, 148, 151, 250; on Consuelo’s separation and divorce 289, 390; on Consuelo’s social work 293, 333; obituaries 50; society column 104; on suffragists 327, 339, 343, 344, 368, 411; New York Tribune 112, 137, 385
New York World 104, 142, 176, 297; Alva’s articles for 328; on Alva’s divorce 89, 108–10; on Consuelo’s marriage 1, 3–4, 144, 145, 147, 148; on Consuelo and Rutherfurd 112; detectives 118; ‘Diary of the Most Interesting Couple in America’ 139; on Marlborough’s US visit 134, 136–40, 143; scoops Vanderbilt ball 64; on suffragists 313, 314, 318, 320, 385
New York Yacht Club 131
Newport, Rhode Island 82, 159; Bridge Club 300; cars banned 299; Consuelo feted in 349; Field in 375–7; Golf Club 113, 116, 126; Preservation Society 90, 214, 379, 499; Marlborough’s visit 118, 122, 123–4, 126–32; Smith family holidays in 27, 30, 76; society 76–8, 94, 112, 294–7, 300; suffragists in 311–14, 327, 341–3, 345; summer cottages 76–7, 202, 214; see also Marble House
Newport Daily News 133
Newport Journal 126–7, 134
Newport Mercury 126
Nicholas II, Tsar 229, 230–31
Nicolson, Harold 495
Nineteenth Century and After, The 331
Noel, Leon 476
Nolan, Mary 375
Norfolk, Duke of 259
North American Review 290, 291, 305, 391
North Southwark 383, 386–7
North Star 16, 17
Obolensky, Prince Serge 399, 502
Oelrichs, Blanche 82, 93, 94, 135
Oelrichs, Lily 312
Oelrichs, Lucie, see Jay, Lucie
Oelrichs, Mrs 86
Oelrichs, Tessie 294, 295–7, 312, 345, 372
Ohio Star 346
Old Fields, Long Island 471, 479, 496, 537n
O’Sullivan, Mrs Fitzstephen 332–3
Oxford 217, 219; Bishop of 413; University 83, 218, 330
Oxford Times 192, 195, 197, 523n
Oxfordshire Hussars 224
Paget, Arthur 49
Paget, Lady (Minnie, nee Stevens) 426; facilitates Consuelo’s meeting with Duke 102–3, 116–17; friendship with Alva 40, 46; gossip 271; marriage 49; social position 40–41, 42, 102
Pall Mall Magazine 164
Pankhurst, Christabel 338–9, 405
Pankhurst, Emmeline 321, 326, 335, 338, 339, 373
Pankhursts: Alva’s relations with 335–9, 430, 445; militancy 329 344; wartime truce 364; and WSPU 292, 309–10
Paris 55, 180, 269–70; Alva in 25, 30–33, 410; Consuelo visits 81–2, 99, 115–16, 184–5, 245, 248, 250; Consuelo’s debut 100–101; Consuelo’s house in 390, 395–6, 432, 477; Deacon in 255, 258–9, 391; horse racing 242, 245; William K. in 105, 107, 245
Parsons, Schuyler 53
Patriarchs 37, 60, 61, 112
Patterson, Jerry E. 163, 485–6
Patti, Adelina 65
Pau, France 464, 466
Paul, Alice 346, 348, 349, 403, 404, 449; and Alva’s funeral 441–3; on Alva’s personality 446; arrested 375, 385; CU leader 339–41, 365; equal rights amendment 406, 409, 410, 445; militancy 339, 366, 373–5, 386, 445; relations with Alva 341, 365, 374, 403, 411, 434, 439; relations with Stevens 448; visits Augerville 433–4; on Woman’s Party 370, 408–9
Pauncefote, Sir Julian 143, 148
Pelier, Louise 31
People 422–3
Perkins, Mr 117, 216, 225
Pétain, Marshal Henri-Philippe 472–3, 474
Phelps, Col. 140
Pittsburgh Times 335
Political Equality Association (PEA) 343, 345, 365, 366; closure 385; Department of Hygiene 325–6, 328; founded 316; headquarters 316, 324–5, 385; lunchroom 323, 324; Negro Men and Women League 317–18; settlements 319
Portland, Duke and Duchess of 355
‘Position of Women, The’ (Consuelo’s articles) 291, 305, 329
Post, Charles 41
Post, Daisy 146, 175, 502
Potter, Bishop 146
Pougy, Liane de 179
Powers, Elsie 379
Powers, Hiram 16
Pralin, Duc de 31
Preston, Stuart 487
Pretoria, South Africa 246
Prince, Norman 382
Pritzelwitz, Col. von 253, 254
Prochaska, Frank 285
Progressives 383–4, 386
Proust, Marcel 62
Pulitzer, Joseph 104, 136
Queen Mary’s Hospital 261, 388
Redding, Josephine 141
Reilly, Caroline 341, 364
Representation of the People Act (1918) 373
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 264
Roberts, Lord 226, 246–7
Robinson, Helen Ring 345, 346
Rome 182, 259
Ronald, Reginald 5
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 471, 472, 474, 475
Roosevelt, Theodore 34, 281
Rosa, Mr 82
Rosalie (Consuelo’s maid) 200
Rosebery, Lord 178–9, 354
Ross, Ellen 332
Rota 133, 414, 415, 418, 419–21, 424
Rothermere, Lord 398
Rothschild, Baron Louis de 466
Rowntree, Seebohm 288
Rowse, A. L. 163, 168, 181, 188, 215, 360
Roxburghe, Duke of 82, 157, 270
Royal Free Hospital 362, 388
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria 80
Russell, Edwin 482
Russell, Lady Sarah (nee Spencer-Churchill, Consuelo’s granddaughter) 459, 480, 482, 496, 498, 501, 503
Russia 228–31, 256, 459
Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris 83, 112, 114, 526n
Rutherfurd, Winthrop 132, 156, 157; background 112–13; Consuelo’s romance with 112–15, 491; and Marlborough annulment 419, 421; marriage 154; separated from Consuelo by Alva 114–15, 119–20, 121, 122; wedding gift to Marlboroughs 143; Wharton and 402
Rylance, Dr J. H. 146
Ryman, Mrs 195, 200, 224
Sackville-West, Vita: The Edwardians 201
St Georges-Motel, France 431, 455–7, 459–65, 477–8, 495, 538n; children’s sanatorium 456, 461–6
St Petersburg 229–30
St Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue: Alva’s funeral 441–2; Consuelo’s funeral 501–2; Consuelo’s wedding 2–3, 5–6, 11, 144, 145
Salisbury, Lady 215
Salisbury, Lord 180, 188, 213, 226, 259, 266
Salisbury Hall, St Albans 271
San Francisco Voters Convention 366
Sandringham 214
Saratoga 76
Sargent, John Singer xxi, 247, 264–5
Schiff, Dorothy 471
Schlichting, Kurt 15
Schneiderman, Rose 345, 346
chofield, Mabel 366
Scotland 81
Sears, Eleonara 372
Second Empire France 31, 32–3, 55
Segonzac, André Dunoyer de 456, 457–8, 495
Selznick, David O. 494
Seminole 370, 371, 372
Seneca Falls Convention (1848) 308, 312
Sevres, Mademoiselle de 32
Sewall-Belmont House see Alva Belmont House, Washington
Shaw, Anna Howard: Alva’s relations with 316, 384; enlists Alva in National American 305–6, 318; in London 321; Marble House speech 313; non-militant views 322, 324, 337, 339, 366–7; President of National American 305–6, 309, 311, 319; strikers addressed by 317
Shaw, George Bernard 283, 354
Shearburn, Mary 461
Sheridan, Gen. Philip 29
Sherman, Gen. William 29
Shuvalova, Countess Olga 229
Sice, General 475
Sloane, Adele 83, 120, 157
Sloane, Emily 120
Slocum, Eileen 94, 122
Smith, Alfred 76
Smith, Alva Erskine, see Belmont, A.
Smith, Armide (Alva’s sister) 31, 39, 86, 143, 304
Smith, Desha (Alva’s brother) 39
Smith, F. E. (1st Earl of Birkenhead) 164, 361
Smith, Jane Norman 411
Smith, Jenny, see Tiffany, J.
Smith, Julia (Alva’s sister) 28, 304
Smith, Murray Forbes (Alva’s father) 21; business activities 21, 24, 30; death 48, 87; financial problems 38, 40, 42, 43, 44; homes 27, 38, 91; ill health 44, 46; moves to Paris 30–31; relations with daughters 23; returns to New York 33, 37; as slave owner 29; social standing 28, 35, 37–8
Smith, Murray Forbes Jr (Alva’s brother) 23, 39
Smith, Phoebe (nee Desha, Alva’s mother): Alva’s relations with 22, 26–7; death 38–9, 86; family background 21; marriage 21; and slaves 24; social standing 23, 28; travels 25, 30–31, 80
Smythe, Dame Ethel 443
Soames, Mary (nee Churchill) 164, 398, 460–61, 481, 503
Sommi Picardi, Marquess 436
Souls 355, 357
South Africa 226, 245–6
Southern Woman Suffrage Conference 531n
Spain 178
Spectator 313–14
Spencer, Earl 210
Spencer-Churchill, Lord Ivor Charles (Consuelo’s son) 224, 359, 363, 389, 458; appearance 495; art collection 495; and Consuelo’s memoirs 488, 490, 494; at Consuelo’s second wedding 392; death 495–6; Epstein bust of 452; grave 502, 504; marriage 494; and parents’ separation 276; personality 495–6; portrait 264–5; relations with Consuelo 495; war work 475
Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt Page 66