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Obsession (Dark Obsessions Book 1)

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by A. Blackthorne

  The storm raged on. Thunder crashed overhead and lightening lit up the entire room. Sarah wrapped her long legs around him, her hands clutching his ass driving him deeper into her. He groaned as he felt his cock begin to twitch. Her breath was coming hot and fast just like his own. Her pussy tightened around him and he knew she was coming.

  Their eyes met briefly and he saw the pleasure erupt on her face. He found his sweet release as well. His orgasm flooding through him, causing his entire body to shake. She was still trembling beneath him, slippery with sweat, as he pumped the last of his load deep within her.

  Breathless, he brushed the hair from her face, caressing her cheek softly.

  “Sarah, you’re amazing.” The words fell from his lips before he could stop myself.

  “You have no idea, Jax.” Her green eyes twinkled with mischief as he pulled out of her.

  Sarah looked out the window to see that the rain had stopped. Only a few sprinkles remained.

  “Looks like the rain has let up. Guess I’ll walk back to my car now.” Sarah pulled the dry t-shirt over her head.

  Jax was confused.

  “But what about your wet clothes? I haven’t dried them yet!” Jax scrambled off the floor and handed them to her.

  She shrugged.

  “You don’t mind if I keep this shirt, do you? It’s a fan shirt so I’m sure you don’t ever wear it.”

  He nodded.

  A pair of headlights flashed in the window as a car pulled up the long driveway.

  “That’s Tim, my friend. Guess I’ll be going. Thanks for the book, the shirt, and the company.” She winked at him as she sauntered out the door.

  Jax stared after her his mouth open. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect that to happen.

  It was almost as if it had been orchestrated.

  Which, of course, it had been.

  Chapter 2

  “So, you’ve met Sarah I take it?” Laughter bubbled from the other end of the phone.

  “You failed to tell me how hot she is. Damn.” Jax laughed as he paced up and down the sidewalk in front of his PA, Allie’s office.

  “She’s a beauty.”

  “So, what does she do at Meridian?”

  “Other than stalk you? Ha! She’s a senior staff editor.”


  “Do you think you can do this, Jax?” Jessica Pierce, his publicist, asked.

  Jax’s cock was still sore from the previous night. He couldn’t stop thinking about Sarah.

  “Oh, I think so.”

  “Now remember she’s supposed to be scaring you not turning you on. So, hands off!”

  Jax chuckled.

  “I think I can handle it.”

  “Good, now get into your meeting with Allie!”

  As soon as he saw Sarah a few days later, he grinned to himself. This was perfect. There were tons of people around. He was going to make this good just like Jessica had told him to.

  He didn’t know what to say. There she was staring at him. He sighed as he moved forward in the line.

  “What’s it going to be?”

  He drummed his fingers on the counter as he studied the menu. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he felt her gaze.

  “Just coffee black.” He muttered handing his card to the cashier.

  “That’s all?” She stepped up beside him. He could smell the sweetness of her perfume.

  “Yes, that’s all.”

  “Nothing sweet…. like a muffin or something?” She ran her hand over her collarbone. Damn, she was sexy.

  “Sarah, how have you been?” He took the cup and walked over to a small table. The restaurant was bustling with customers. As he expected, Sarah followed him over to his table.

  “Please have a seat.” He gestured to her. She was dressed in a tight red dress that highlighted her curves.

  He watched as her full lips brushed the rim of her coffee cup.

  “Better now that I’ve seen you. Where have you been hiding yourself, Jax?” She crossed her legs swinging her high heel from her foot.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me? You seem to turn up wherever I go.” He didn’t bother to hide the irritation in his voice.

  Smirking, she sipped her coffee. She shifted her body so her cleavage was visible.

  Trying to avoid staring at her, he busied himself with his phone.

  “Oh, come now, Jax, isn’t that the way the game is played? You run and I follow, right?”

  He gulped the rest of the hot liquid down before checking his calendar. He was due to have the first draft of his latest novel to his editor in less than two weeks. He’d been suffering a terrible case of writer’s block and the last thing he needed was a one night stand showing up.

  “If you say so, Sarah. Look, I invited you to sit down with me because I want to make something very clear to you.”

  Sarah leaned forward licking her lips. Her long brown hair swept down over her forehead.

  “What is that?”

  He tapped his fingers against his coffee mug.

  “We had a fun night together once, but that’s it. That’s all that it is. I made that clear to you that night. You said it was fine with you.”

  “So, what’s your point, Jax? I mean, I fucked your brains out.”

  He snickered inwardly. If anyone got fucked, it was her.

  “What don’t you get, Sarah? I’m not interested in you beyond the night we shared.”

  Sarah’s face darkened as she stared down at her coffee cup.

  “So, you just wanted to fuck me? I show up at your house in the middle of a rain storm and you think it’s free pussy time?”

  Despite the severity of the situation, he chuckled.

  “No, of course not. But we’re both adults we both chose to share a---“

  “---a fuck?” Her voice rose so much that other diners turned to stare at them.

  “Will you calm down please?” He reached out to stroke her arm gently. At his touch, she softened.

  “I’m sorry, Jax. I do understand what you’re saying. It’s just…. I’m such a fan of yours and to think that you fucked me and I can’t see you again---“She trailed off. Her green eyes looked down.

  “I’m sorry if you misunderstood. It was just the one night.” He stood up getting ready to leave.

  “It’s okay. I understand.” She nodded, her eyes still sad.

  “So, please stop following me. I don’t want this to turn ugly.” He made sure to raise his voice. Several diners stared at them.

  With that, he walked out of the café. Looking back, he saw she was still sitting there staring down at the table.

  An eerie feeling came over him. Something was wrong. Sarah was a good actress he thought. Everyone was going to buy this.

  Chapter 3

  The sky opened wide, the rain pouring down so hard, she was having trouble seeing the road in front of her. Even with the windshield wipers on high, they weren’t moving fast enough to keep up with the flow of the rain. Water pooled on the roadways making her tires jerk to and fro. She loved the rain, but hated driving in it.

  Her thoughts went to Jax as they’d frequently been doing for the past few weeks. She knew it was only a job, but she couldn’t stop thinking of him. Ever since they’d spent the night together, she couldn’t stop thinking of how strong his hands felt against her skin, how big and hard his cock was as he slipped it inside her. Just how much she’d enjoyed having his lips pressed against hers, his fingers touching…

  WHAM! Her head reeled back as she rear ended the car ahead of her. Immediately, cars began honking as she sat, shaken, clutching the steering wheel. The air bag exploded burning her arms.

  Soon she was surrounded by emergency personnel pounding on her car door screaming at her to roll down the window. Rain pelted them as she turned to stare at them not comprehending what was going on.

  Finally, a policeman pulled on her car door and it flew open.

  “Miss, what happened here? Are you

  Still holding the wheel in a death grip, she slowly nodded. The blood seemed to have pooled at her lower extremities making it hard to think.

  “Miss, what’s your name?”

  “Sarah,” she whispered. The wind driven rain soaked the interior of her car as the officer held open her door.

  “I’m cold.” She offered as she gazed up at him. He was young and good looking with a dark goatee just like Jax.

  “Let’s get you out of the car. There’s an ambulance over there.”

  “I’m okay. I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

  He unbuckled her seat belt as she got her purse. Another officer came over carrying a large black umbrella. She stood beneath the umbrella as they walked over to the ambulance. The EMT helped her inside as the officer hopped in beside her.

  “Lay down on the stretcher.” The EMT directed.

  As she laid back, the officer questioned her.

  “Why were you driving so fast?”

  “Fast? What are you talking about?”

  “Several witnesses said that you came out of nowhere, speeding, and slammed into the back of that minivan.”

  She struggled to recall what had happened. None of that made sense.

  “I don’t remember speeding. It was raining and I was having a hard time seeing the road. I guess I just didn’t see the van stopped in front of me.”

  The officer nodded as they both looked out at the still pouring rain. The EMT strapped a blood pressure cuff on her arm.

  “Miss, from all the evidence I’ve gathered, I’m afraid I’m going to have to give you a ticket.”

  The EMT brushed his fingers across her forehead. A dreadful pain shot across her head.

  “Ow, that hurts!” She cried out.

  “Disorientation, slight bruising to the forehead. Maybe a mild concussion. We’ll take her in for observation.” The EMT spoke to the officer.

  “I’m not going to any hospital! I’m fine.” She tried sitting up, but an extreme bout of dizziness caused her to fall back on the stretcher.

  Seeing her pain, the officer smiled at her and stepped out of the ambulance.

  “Just take care, miss and drive more carefully.”

  Slamming his laptop down in disgust, he poured himself a drink. Maybe that would help him overcome his writer’s block. A week had gone by and he’d only written a few thousand words. The room was stuffy, so he walked over to the window to let some fresh air. As soon as the window was opened, the cool air poured into the room. He inhaled deeply. Jessica had been hounding him about the progress of the manuscript. She was the greatest publicist in the business, but she had no idea how difficult writing could be at times.

  Sighing, he collapsed in his favorite chair casting a hateful glance at his empty screen. No one except fellow authors knew just how hard it was to come up with new material every few months. Readers were wonderful, but voracious. They devoured each new novel like starved children. He loved how much his work was appreciated and adored, but the pressure could be overwhelming at times. The writing community could be very supportive and understanding, but extremely competitive and vicious as well. Authors were a strange breed for there was the camaraderie of a shared passion and profession, but there was also vicious backstabbing and gossip that readers just weren’t privy to.

  Before he could pick up where he left off, his phone buzzed.

  Do you need some inspiration?

  He studied the phone number. Who was it?

  I can help you.

  Then a link to a video appeared.

  Clicking on it, he nearly fell out of his chair as he saw Sarah pushing a blue vibrator in and out of her hot pussy. He watched mesmerized as the object disappeared deep inside her. She moaned as she fucked herself harder and harder. Immediately, he clicked out of the video.

  Did that help?

  As attracted as he’d been to her initially, her video left him unnerved. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. It was as if she were watching him. He jumped up and looked out the window. Nothing out of the ordinary was going on. The neighbor’s cat had jumped the fence and was sitting on his patio chair licking herself. The birds were chirping as the trees swayed lightly in the wind. The sun was obscured by clouds making the sky overcast.

  But nothing that struck him as odd.

  Going to the door, he double checked that it was locked. He poured himself a glass of scotch and tried to calm his nerves. It was just a video, he told himself. No harm done.

  Was this all part of the plan?

  Chapter 4

  “So how’s it working out, Jax? Sarah been giving you a hard time?” Jessica laughed as she sipped her coffee.

  He shook his head.

  “Not hard enough, I’m afraid.”

  “What do you mean?” Jessica cocked an eyebrow.

  “I mean that I’m not sure this is going to work. I haven’t seen any press on this story yet.”

  Jessica laughed.

  “That’s because I haven’t leaked it to them yet.”

  Gazing around her office, he noted all the NYT bestsellers she’d represented. All the big names were here: James Kayne, Madyson Seasons, J.B. Lawson, and Paxton Rivers. All were noted romance authors who’d hit #1 on the NYT list. Everyone who was anyone in the business was desperately trying to get Jessica to work with them. She’d made #1 happen for these internationally bestselling authors so Allie, his PA, was confident she could make it happen for him.

  “What about the police? Isn’t it a crime to make a false police report?”

  She waved her hand at me dismissively.

  “Jax, didn’t Allie tell you that I would take care of everything? That’s why you pay me. To ensure the continuing success of your career.”

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Despite my paralysis leaving me more than a year ago, my legs still felt stiff after sitting for more than a few minutes.

  “Are your legs still bothering you?” Jessica’s beautiful face wrinkled with worry.

  “Sometimes. They are getting better though.” He glanced out the window to see a large bird circling the building across the street. Jessica’s office was on the top floor of a huge corporate building. When Allie told him about Jessica Pierce wanting to take him on as a client, he wasn’t prepared for the opulence of her office. She was at the top of her game with a corner office in one of the most lavish corporate buildings in the city.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Jax. If it makes you feel any better, I am not filing a false police report and neither are you.”

  As he ran his hands through his thick dark hair, he recalled the steamy scene with Sarah. How the rain beat down on the windows, her full breasts swaying above him, how wet and tight she was….

  “Jax, did you hear me?” Jessica lightly touched his arm across the desk.

  “What? Oh yes, no false police reports.”

  “Yes, I said that several minutes ago. I was asking you if Sarah was working out.”

  “She followed me to a café just the other day. She keeps turning up in various places.”

  “Very good. Just like we planned.”

  “Have you ever done this before, Jessica, I mean with other clients?”

  She shook her head.

  “No, I’ve done similar publicity stunts, but not a ‘stalking’ scenario. I’m sure it will work wonders.”

  He nodded.

  “Now onto the most important question: how’s the book coming along?”

  “It’s good. I was having a bit of trouble initially, but I think it’s getting back on track.”

  “Excellent. Maybe Sarah is inspiring you?” She winked at him.

  He panicked for a moment. Was it showing on his face? He wasn’t sure if fucking Sarah had been part of the plan, but he didn’t think it was necessary to tell Jessica he had.

  “She’s been great.”

  Jessica slapped her hands on the desk as she stood up.

  “Sounds good, Jax. I’m conf
ident this will take you to the top.”

  “Do you really think we have a shot at a top 5 spot on the NYT?” He struggled to stand. After sitting for an extended period, standing could be a challenge. He hated that he appeared ‘handicapped’ in any way.

  Jessica flinched a bit as she noticed my struggle. He knew she wanted to inquire if he needed assistance, but she knew him well enough not to.

  “Absolutely. Look, Jax, I wouldn’t have taken you on as a client if I didn’t think you did. I only take the very best. See that stack of files over there?” She gestured to a pile of folders on the credenza at least a foot high.

  He nodded.

  “All those are just from last week. Authors wanting me to represent them. I only take a tiny fraction of those who want my services. Many of them are good authors, but not great, if you get my meaning.” Jessica moved towards the door.

  “Of course. I’m flattered you agreed to take me on.” He got his briefcase and headed over to the door.

  “My pleasure. You’re the one paying me, remember that. Just do as I say and this will have you hitting #1 on the NYT in no time, provided that your book is excellent as well.”

  “It will be.”

  “Good. We’ll set something up in a few weeks. Keep detailed notes of each ‘stalking’ incident, okay? That’s crucial to our success.”

  He nodded pulling the heavy oak door to her office open.

  As he walked out of the building, something caught his eye on the way out. A dark blue car was sitting outside the building with the engine running. A female figure appeared behind the steering wheel.

  He shook it off. He didn’t think Sarah was supposed to pick up her stalking activities until tomorrow.

  He shook off his concerns and drove home.

  Chapter 5

  As he drove home, he gazed down at the well-developed muscles in his legs. He thought about the accident that had nearly left him paralyzed for life. About seven years ago, he had been a Marine serving the last year of his tour of duty in Iraq when the unthinkable happened. The Humvee they were in hit a landmine and exploded. Jax was thrown from the vehicle and landed a hundred feet away.


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