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Mischief Under The Mistletoe

Page 28

by Maren Smith

  Fine! She had agreed to go with them to get their Christmas tree, so she grudgingly allowed Max to help her into the big black Chevy and be buckled in beside an excited Andi. It still didn’t change the way she felt about Christmas.

  Much to Marlie’s surprise, Max and Andi had brought a big box of Christmas decorations with them, and Andi insisted Marlie help them decorate their tree, even if she had adamantly refused to get her own. In spite of herself, she had enjoyed the afternoon, the holding hands with “Daddy” at Andi’s insistence, and the wagon ride to the trees where they had all snuggled together in the straw on the bottom of the wagon. Max’s long arms had gone around both of them, and Andi hadn’t been the slightest bit jealous. It was a bittersweet peek into a future she might have had if it hadn’t been for Tristan.

  When she went to bed that night she felt lonely for a different reason than normal. The woodsy scent of Max’s cologne was in her hair, and the feel of his long arms around her body lingered. She was restless and hungry, but not for food. It had been a long time since she was this restless.

  Finally she got up and went into the kitchen and was startled to see Max standing at the window in just a pair of sweatpants, his sculpted muscles gleaming in the moonlight. Her eyes roamed hungrily over every bulge and shadow, fighting the urge to touch and stroke. When his head swiveled to catch her gaze, she saw her own hunger reflected in his darkened eyes. She forgot to breathe as he stalked slowly toward her, his coiling muscles rippling sensuously beneath his smooth skin. Her body moved of its own volition toward his as if being summoned, as if answering a primal call. When they met he was all around her, his male scent in her nostrils, his lips on hers, his large hands cupping her buttocks and pulling her into a raging erection as if he were trying to absorb her body into his.

  And it felt so damned good.

  “I want you, Marlie,” he groaned into her mouth. “I need you.”

  “I want you too,” she gasped, frantically pushing at the sides of his sweatpants in an effort to remove them. Rational thought went out of her mind and hot desire ruled supreme.

  He responded by yanking her t-shirt up and slipping his long fingers into the sides of her panties and pulling them down to her knees. Then he picked her up under her bare bottom and set her on the end of the kitchen table and ripped them the rest of the way off. With sure fluid movements he slid his own pants down, his hands sliding beneath her buttocks to lift her up. With his raging erection poised at the entrance to her wet heat, he tried to maintain some control as he rested his forehead against hers. “Are you sure you want this?” he panted, his voice thick with desire.

  Marlie was more than ready, helplessly caught in the throes of a raging hunger she couldn’t stop if she wanted to. “Please, please don’t stop now. I can’t stand it,” she moaned grabbing the sides of the table as she lay back “I need you inside me—now!”

  He quickly lifted her legs up over his shoulders and holding her hips firmly in his hands, he thrust home in one long sweep, seating himself within her. Her body was shaking as her tight wet passage accepted his turgid length into the heart of her. The long-denied demands of sensual satisfaction took over as he speared long impaling thrusts into her willing body at a glorious measured pace.

  Marlie was mindlessly hot, her palms sweating as she lifted her hips to meet him, the desire within her all-consuming, building to a pitch she could barely stand as her muscles tensed and begged for more. She screamed into her fist when her body finally exploded in a shower of pleasure, making her writhe and groan, enjoying every last ripple and wave washing over her body.

  “That’s it, little girl,” he crooned above her. Now it’s my turn.”

  She cried in out in surprise as his eyes went darker and he continued his fast, hard thrusts, his fingers now titillating the little bud just above his erection.

  The waves of pleasure that had wound down to ripples began to build again like an incoming tsunami. “Max, not again,” she keened, her head whipping back and forth.

  “Again, Marlie,” he demanded, his other hand slapping the underside of her thighs a few times before reclaiming her hip. “You will come again, little girl.”

  The sting of the spanks and his verbal command took her over the edge again. This time he came with her, and Marlie thought she would pass out from the exquisite pleasure. Never had she known such sexual release.

  He pulled her up and sat in a kitchen chair as her liquid bones melted into his lap. “That was amazing, Marlie,” he panted as he held her close and nuzzled her neck. “If I didn’t know before, I do now. I’m in love with you.”

  Marlie stiffened in his arms. Now that the heat of the moment was over, she was desperately trying to regroup. What in the hell had she done? “You mean lust, don’t you? You haven’t known me long enough to be in love.”

  “There’s a healthy dose of that thrown in there too, but no, I’m in love,” he replied seriously, lifting her chin to look at her.

  “How can you possibly be in love?” she snapped. “You haven’t even seen my breasts. We just humped like frantic rabbits in heat; on the kitchen table no less.” Marlie was frantically backpedaling. “And while I admit you’re the best lay I ever had, it doesn’t mean you love me.” She tried to wrestle away from him and stand up but he held onto her, his eyes growing angry.

  “Why are you talking like this? I admit this wasn’t how I planned to tell you, but now that it's happened, I think it’s time you know my feelings.”

  It was too much too soon for a girl who didn’t even trust her own feelings, let alone his. Her temper got the best of her. “Just shut up, just shut up,” she raged, grabbing the front of her shirt and yanking it up to her chin. “There! Now you’ve seen it all so I guess I can at least pretend there’s some reality behind your words. You’re crazy if you think I’m buying your love at first sight bullshit!”


  MAX FOUND HIMSELF LOOKING at two of the prettiest little breasts he’d ever seen. Little pink tips looking like sweet raspberries and light pink areolas planted on creamy flesh the size of large grapefruits His mouth watered at the sight but his anger at her audacity took over. “That does it, I’m spanking your cute little butt and putting you to bed. Maybe you’ll think differently in the morning, but if not, I’ll do it all over again. Your temper is abominable.”

  Max swept her up over his broad shoulder and carried her wiggling and cursing through to her bedroom “You’d best be quiet if you don’t want to wake up Andi,” he remonstrated as he sat her on her feet by the bed.

  “I don’t care if she wakes up, and you have no right,” she replied hotly, trying in vain to push him away.

  “Then she’ll see you getting your bottom spanked and put to bed like a little brat,” he scolded as he pulled her down and across his lap, making sure her arms could rest on the bed. She didn’t rest on her arms and tense up like she had the last time, her legs were kicking and her arms were flailing everywhere.

  “Let me go. You can’t do this.”

  Her complaint ended on an enraged howl as his large palm began smacking her saucy globes with sharp stinging smacks, his other arm blocking her attempts to put her hands back.

  “I can do this, and I am doing it,” he assured her while landing a flurry of spanks all over her bobbing cheeks. It was fascinating to watch the skin turn color, like a rose blooming under his hand.

  “Ow! Oh! Stop it!”

  When she started pounding his arm with one of her fists, he paused and grabbed both her wrists in one firm grip. “Take your medicine like a good little girl and maybe I’ll go easier on you.” Her cheeky backside was as luscious as the rest of her and her skin soft and smooth as silk. He lifted one leg over both of hers to pin her in place. He didn’t want to take a chance on almost losing her again.

  “Let me go,” she yelped, trying desperately to free some part of her, any part, but he held her firmly in place. He began spanking her again with swift sure strokes, pausing on
ly to scold her some more.

  “I understand what a hard time you’ve had, but I’m not your ex-husband,” his gravelly voice rang out above her. “I intend to keep you safe and well-loved for the rest of our lives, if you’ll let me.”

  “You’ve got to stop, Max,” she pleaded raggedly. “I just can’t take anymore, Please!”

  Max stopped spanking and rubbed her red-hot cheeks, debating with himself. Should he give her more and try to break that rigid control she held on her emotions? Force her to cry? Or should he accept her apology and just put her to bed alone? He could feel her body quivering over his bare thighs, and her nakedness was making him hard again. He’d heard that spanking could be a real turn on but had never explored it. He wondered if it was a turn on for her? Languidly he dipped his fingers between her thighs. She was soaking wet. Gently he slid inside her passage and he could feel her body respond by pushing back against him. No doubt about it, she was aroused.

  “I’m sorry, but I just don’t trust easily. I d-don’t know if I ever will again.”

  “I’m not asking you to immediately trust me, Marlie,” he offered as his fingers played with her little nub. “I know you’ve been through a lot. I just don’t want you to make light of my promises because I mean them.”

  When his fingers stroked inside her again and again, she lifted her hips to meet him. She was so responsive to him, even in her distress. He began spanking her lightly again as his fingers alternated in torturing her little bud, and dipping inside her. He could feel her tensing up, feel the tightness around his fingers as he pumped inside her. When her body finally spasmed hard, the tears burst from her in a raging torrent. “I’m so sorry, Max,” she sobbed wildly as her body writhed in pleasure. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.”

  Max pulled her up immediately and cradled her in his lap, her arms clinging desperately around his neck. “It’s all right, I’ve got you,” he crooned. I’ve got you, Marlie. Let it all out, I’ve got you.”

  Marlie clung to him, sobbing wildly until her tired body gave out and then Max laid his sleeping bundle gently on the bed. Grabbing the dolphin throw Savannah had used the other day, he covered her up to her chin. She looked like a perfect angel laying there and his fierce protective instinct hated like hell to leave her. He went back and straightened up the kitchen, put his sweats on, and then sat in the armchair in her room, but she never even stirred. He napped off and on, waiting to see if she woke up, but other than flipping to her side, she never moved. He glanced at his watch, it was six in the morning. Time to get back upstairs because Andi would be awake soon. She never slept past seven in the morning, and she might be scared if she found him gone.

  Max wasn’t foolish enough to believe one good cry would resolve all Marlie’s issues, but he felt it was a good start. If she would let him, he would help her, but she had yet to tell him what had happened. Maybe in the coming days she would finally confide in him. At any rate, she was his now, he had claimed her body and soul. He would do what he needed to do to protect and make her happy, even if it meant spanking her stubborn little rear now and then.

  MARLIE WOKE SLOWLY, a feeling of wellbeing permeating her entire body. The events of the previous night came flooding back and the way she had reveled in Max’s strength and leaned on him shamelessly. She thought she might love him too, and she desperately wanted to believe that he did love her. Her broken heart felt emptied like a wine cooler bottle with all the liquid sucked out of it but she felt better. Maybe it was enough for now. She flipped to her back and then squeaked in pain. “Ow, that hurts.”

  She glanced quickly around the room but hadn’t really expected to see Max there, he had Andi to tend to. The clock on her bedside table said nine and she gasped and sprang up. She never slept this late! On her way to the bathroom she remembered it was Sunday so she slowed down. No chance of being late for work today. She sighed with pleasure.

  In the bathroom she started the shower and then dropped her t-shirt on the floor to examine her bottom in the mirror. There were a few red splotches here and there that were tender, but she didn’t see any bruises or welts. “He sure has a hard hand,” she muttered ruefully. Remembering the other things he had done with those talented hands and fingers had her blushing. Quickly, she got into the shower and let the hot water pour over her. Sheer bliss!

  When Marlie finally made it to the kitchen all was silent, but there was a note on the table. She opened it.

  Good morning, sleepyhead. Last night was wonderful. You are amazing. I had some errands to run so Andi and I will be back later this afternoon. Don’t forget our dinner plans for tonight. Love, Max.

  Thirty minutes later, Marlie was knocking on Savannah’s door.

  “Well, well; you certainly look chipper this morning,” remarked her twin as she opened the door wide for Marlie to come in. Her eyes narrowed as she inspected her sister thoroughly. “You look more relaxed than you have in years. At the risk of sounding crass, you look like you got laid last night. Anything you want to share?”

  Marlie blushed furiously. “Savannah!”

  She smiled wickedly. “You know me, blunt to the core. Is that how things are going with your cop these days?” She led to the way to the country kitchen decorated with all sorts of hunting trophies and western gear. It wasn’t Savannah’s type of décor, but Luke was an avid hunter.

  “Yes, I want coffee,” she replied before Savannah could even ask. “And that’s none of your business, sister dear.”

  Incorrigible as always, Savannah hooted. “Aha... I knew it!”

  “You don’t know anything,” scoffed Marlie. “You’re just guessing, but if you must know, we’re getting along pretty well. In fact, he says he’s in love with me, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not.” Her lower lip trembled.

  Savannah sat down with her coffee after getting Marlie a cup. “In love, huh? I knew he had a thing for you the other day when I was over there, but I didn’t realize it was serious already. How do you feel about that?”

  Marlie twisted her cup in her hands, her fingers trembling slightly. “I... I’m not sure. I want to believe him, but how can I?”

  Savannah stared at her from across the top of her cup. “I think the important thing to think about here is how you feel about him. Because if you don’t have feelings for him, then it doesn’t matter what he feels. You deserve a keeper, Marlie, and that man is a keeper, but only if you want it.”

  Marlie could feel the hot blush suffusing her cheeks again. “I do have feelings for him. I’m just not sure what they are besides old-fashioned lust. I was in love with Tristan and look what happened,” she added bitterly. “He said he loved me too.”

  Savannah scowled. “Forget that asshole and concentrate on Max. How does he make you feel?”

  Marlie got up and started pacing the floor, going back over the day they had spent together. “We had a great time yesterday,” she began slowly. “He’s warm and funny, protective, great to snuggle up to in the cold weather, and an amazing father to Andi.” She stopped and stared at her twin, her eyes narrowing. “And besides making me horny as hell and spanking my ass, he makes me feel... safe,” she finished heatedly and then sighed. “I admit it, I suspect I’m in love with him, Savannah, and it scares the living daylights out of me.”

  “Of course it does, honey. It’s always a risk to put yourself out there, but real love doesn’t happen every day. It’s not something to be taken lightly once you find it.”

  Marlie sighed and sipped her coffee. “He’s taking me to the Longhorn steakhouse for dinner tonight and I haven't bought any new clothes in months. Do you have something nice I can borrow? I don’t have time to shop.”

  “I’ve got just the thing,” replied Savannah, her eyes gleaming. “Come with me.” She led the way to her walk-in closet. “Longhorn, huh? He must really like you to spend that kind of money. Better snap him up before he finds someone else.”

  “Shut up, Savannah.”

  “I’m just sayin...�

  THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS on the grounds of the Longhorn Steakhouse were gleaming brightly as Max ushered Marlie up the sidewalk and into the restaurant. Andi was staying with Mrs. Allred next door until they got home, and he was really looking forward to the evening out. Marlie was heartbreakingly beautiful dressed in a deep rose-colored sheath with three-quarter-length sleeves. He could tell by the covert glances that came their way that every other man in the restaurant thought so too, and his hold tightened possessively around her slender waist.

  When the waiter motioned to them, Max guided Marlie to walk ahead of him and then seated her himself when they reached the table. He sat beside her instead of across from her so he could stay close.

  “So, you ready to drop big bucks?” teased Marlie as she opened her menu. “I love the ribs they have here.”

  “I think I can afford to fill you up,” he assured her suavely. “Do your worst, little girl.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Last time Gramps brought me here he said he had to take out a loan to get through the next month.”

  “I’ll just expect a bigger Christmas present,” he mocked suavely. “And a Christmas kiss under every mistletoe that we can find.”

  “I think that can be arranged,” she whispered, blushing. “After all, it is the Christmas season.”

  Max chuckled. “You do realize you just had a positive thought about Christmas, right? He watched her eyes widen in sudden wonder and her entire features light up as if she had realized a miracle. He smiled encouragingly.

  “I think I love you,” she whispered suddenly, moisture forming at the edges of her beautiful eyes. She lifted her finger and traced the outline of his upper lip as if she had just now figured it all out.


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