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Mischief Under The Mistletoe

Page 47

by Maren Smith

  “It’s much easier for you, isn’t it?”

  “The way I feel for you comes naturally, kitty cat. You have a young girl stored inside of you that likes to come out to play without much coaxing. And then you always know just the right time to transition into an adult woman.”

  “I think Sammie has just repressed those child-like feelings and tucked them away deeper than I did. She’s always been much more aggressive with a tougher exterior. I think she just needs to relax and be herself with Pete.”

  “Yep. He knows that and has been trying to coax the little girl out of her more often. This holiday has given him an open door for some age play, but he had a great idea for an easy transition this morning.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Pete had a good idea? We’re still talking about my brother-in-law?”

  Trent winked playfully. “Do you want to hear the story or not, my sassy miss?”

  “Yes, sir, I’m sorry. Please continue.”

  “While she was playing with the rubber duckies in the tub this morning, he was downstairs cooking her breakfast.”

  “He bought her rubber ducks to play with in the bath?” she asked incredulously before her pupils narrowed in his direction. “Wait a minute? He left my sister alone in the tub? All by herself in sudsy bath water? Whoa, what a set-up! The man’s a genius!”

  Trent’s laugh was deep and hearty. “I’m sure he knew what would happen, but he wanted to get a few things done in the kitchen. Honestly, she set herself up for some discipline from her daddy. But that’s not the point of the story.”

  “I’m patiently waiting for a punchline here,” she said, raising one eyebrow.

  “He wanted to show her how much he desired her as a woman and needed Sammie’s little girl bath time to segue into something sexy after he took her into the bedroom, sweet pea. He needed to build a bridge in between the two completely different scenes.”

  She circled her arms in the air. “I’m not getting any younger, cowboy...”

  “Patience, my love, I’m trying to set the stage for you,” he said quietly, cupping her face in his strong hands. “He went into his office and printed up a checklist.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  He inclined his head and grinned. “A list of all the ways he could pleasure her. He thought it would be fun to give her some intimate choices.”

  She leaned forward, her eyes wide. “He’s definitely getting points for originality. So, what happened next?”

  “When he came back to their bedroom, she was waiting for him on the bed dressed in a robe.”

  “You’re dragging this story out...and in case you’ve forgotten, I’m hungry for two.”

  “Okay, here’s the good part. He introduced himself as her waiter, handed over the piece of paper, and told her to pick a few items off the list. I think she was able to pick three acts.”

  Her head tilted to the side. “Like picking an entrée with French fries and a salad instead of broccoli and applesauce? I think it’s referred to as a pick three menu.”

  “Yes, except instead of foods, it would be a combination of different scenes,” he whispered, with a subtle wink.

  She pursed her lips in disbelief. “I can’t believe he shared that with you.”

  “After she made the first two choices, he pleasured her over and over. Then she added one more, and he watched while she pleasured herself. He said it was the most arousing morning they’d ever had.”

  “Pleasuring herself was actually a choice on the list?”


  “I have an unselfish brother-in-law.”

  “He wanted it to be part of her Christmas present.”

  “Part of? Do tell, cowboy.”

  “I can’t. It’s a secret,” he said, jolting his back upright.

  “I think you’ve just demonstrated that there are no secrets in the Reynolds family.”

  He tilted her chin up and kissed the tip of her nose. “Uh-huh, and it’s all for the good of keeping everybody happy, right? Hey, I know my sweetie is hungry, so we should get right to it.”

  “I’m starved.”

  He motioned for Jessie to lift her arms and promptly removed her nightshirt.

  “Welcome to the Reynolds Restaurant. I’m Trent, your waiter, and I’ll be taking care of you this morning. Would you like to order from our special Christmas morning menu? Since it’s a holiday, we’re offering the opportunity to pick four items today,” he teased with a sly smile.


  “SAMMIE, I’M GOING TO take a quick walk to Trent and Jessie’s house. It seems they need an extra set of hands to carry food and gifts over.”

  “Do you need my help? The turkey is in the oven, and I only have a few things left to do in the kitchen,” she called toward the front door.

  “You know I have a rule that we don’t leave the house unattended with the oven on, little lady. Lock the door behind me, and I’ll be back in a flash.”

  Is there a rule on earth that this cowboy hasn’t thought of?

  Glimpsing out the backdoor window, she noticed that the green garland was completely hanging off the porch railing and opened the door to fix it.

  “Okay, my husband’s OCD would never have accepted something like this. Good thing he didn’t notice it was crooked, it might’ve ruined his entire holiday,” she joked out loud as she straightened the mini LED lights on the greenery.

  “It was hanging perfectly, five minutes ago, sugar plum,” a raspy voice growled into her ear as he grabbed her from behind and closed a hand over her mouth. “Now, I’m sure you’re dying to scream, but if you are nice and quiet, I won’t need to cut your throat. Do we have a deal, my dear?”

  She wanted to shout, but terror paralyzed her throat as he pushed her back into the house with a sharp-edged object leaning against the pulse point in her neck.

  “My husband is home, and he owns a gun.” she managed in a high-pitched tone.

  “Liar. I watched your fake cowboy strut down the street about two minutes ago,” he said with a throaty chuckle as he spun her to face him.

  “Ben Levy? Jesus Christ!”

  “Now, now, now. It’s Christmas, for God’s sake, and even I know that sort of language is blasphemy.”

  “I can’t believe they let you out of prison!” she eked out in one breath. “You haven’t even served a year’s time!”

  He rolled his eyes. “And I always thought you were the brighter sister.”

  “You escaped?”

  “Hey, I’m just as smart as Ted Bundy was. And he bailed twice,” he continued nonchalantly, pushing her down into a kitchen chair.

  “You’re never going to get away with this!”

  “And as much as I appreciate all the lively repartee, I’m going to have to stick this colorful bandana into your big trap,” he growled, untying the red paisley fabric from Sammie’s neck to place it inside her mouth before securing it in a knot behind her head. “Comfy?”

  “If you leave now, I promise not to tell anyone you were here,” she attempted through slurred speech, the cloth nestled between her teeth.

  After pulling two long plastic zip ties from his pockets, he attached them to her wrists and ankles. “Your sister said the same thing when I kidnapped her, and as lawyers, I’d think you’d be better liars.” She lowered her face in defeat, but then quickly raised it as she heard the front door open.

  He angled his mouth toward her ear and returned the steely tip of the boxcutter to her neck as he twirled the chair around. “Shh! Let’s surprise them,” he said with a deep throaty chuckle.

  “WE’RE HOME!” PETE SHOUTED excitedly, hurrying toward the kitchen with Trent and Jessie trailing behind him, their arms full of foiled food containers. “Wait until you see what we have to add to our Christmas feast!”

  “Stop right there, folks, and don’t come any closer,” Ben warned, prominently displaying the boxcutter before returning it to the side of Sammie’s neck.

  “You motherfucker!” Jess
ie screamed as Trent threw the wrapped packages on the floor and instantly grabbed her waist, protectively pulling her toward him.

  “Shh, baby. Don’t move,” he quietly directed.

  Ben’s lips curled up on one side. “Your sister was always famous for the foul mouth, but it sounds even dirtier coming from you, Jess.”

  “Come on, Ben. You don’t want to hurt anyone,” Pete said, outstretching his hand as he took one step forward.

  “Either you don’t understand English, or you’re hard of hearing, cowboy. Don’t take one more step unless you want me to slice your wife’s throat. Do you really want to have a bloody mess to clean up on this lovely pristine white tiled floor? Which, by the way, does not go with the rest of your ranch décor. Who decorated this fucking place, anyway? Stevie Wonder?”

  “Okay, Ben, what do you want us to do?” Pete asked, giving a side glance to Trent.

  “I want you all to take a seat, so we can enjoy this wonderful holiday together,” he directed through a lopsided grin. “I never experienced a proper Christmas like the rest of my childhood friends, but I do remember being a bit jealous of the awesome decorated trees and multi-colored lights on the row of houses along our street. My mom would go to work every Christmas Eve and I can remember crying myself to sleep watching A Christmas Story because I always felt like I’d missed out on having a loving family. Trust me, there’s nothing lonelier than spending that holiday alone in front of a television set. On the way over here, I pictured us sitting around your tree singing Christmas carols and eating candy canes, but maybe we should just hunker down together in the kitchen. It seems cozy in here, don’t you think?”

  Jessie, Pete, and Trent all looked at each other incredulously and then their eyes focused on the blade lying against Sammie’s neck before deciding to compliantly lower themselves onto the varnished oak seats.

  “I don’t have the rope-tying techniques like you home-grown western men, so I brought along some zip ties that a couple of guys were able to steal for me while we were in prison. And I’d really appreciate it if you’d do the honors of tying each other up, since I’m a tad busy pressing this sharp object to Sammie’s jugular,” Ben said calmly, reaching into his pocket before throwing six plastic disposable handcuffs on the lacquered butcher-block table.

  Jessie peered at Trent in disbelief. “He wants us to tie each other up? Is he insane?”

  “We’ll do what he says, sweetie. God knows he’s not all there.”

  “Yes, yes, I’m certifiable. We were all present when the psychiatrist gave the official report to the judge! Is it necessary to sum up the intricate details of my psychiatric disorder by spewing your derogatory bullshit remarks? Jesus. Talk about being hurtful! And on Christmas, no less! Have you people no shame?” he snorted, angling his head toward them, his dark eyes shifting from one face to another.

  Pete raised an eyebrow at Trent before swiveling his neck in Ben’s direction. “We have ranch hands that will be looking for us today,” he advised, clenching and unclenching his square jaw.

  “Good try, cowboy, but I happen to know that you gave everyone on this ridiculous vacation spot you like to call a dude ranch, the entire holiday off. You’d be surprised how much information one can get inside the Tucson Prison. Especially if you make the right friends,” he said with an exaggerated wink. “It’s been a great place to visit, but I can’t say much for their security on the weekends,” he continued with a maniacal chuckle.

  “I’ll try not to make this too tight for you, Jess,” Trent promised as he secured the ties around her wrists and ankles.

  “We’d never want our sweet Jessica Nicole to be uncomfortable, especially since she’s pregnant. But don’t you worry your large, egotistical cowboy heads, these were police approved and specially designed not to cut off any circulation,” Ben proudly stated, blinking his eyes twice in Trent and Pete’s direction.

  “How in the hell did you know?”

  “That your wife is pregnant? Come on, this is a very small town. And one that I never pictured my Jessie living in,” Ben added with an exaggerated sigh, rubbing the dull side of the blade into Sammie’s skin. “If only your twin sister had not suggested this stupid vacation, we’d probably still be together in Manhattan. Maybe we would even be engaged by now.”

  “Jesus. You’re crazier than I thought,” Jessie mumbled through clenched teeth.

  “It’s true, sometimes my memory conjures up a happy-ever-after fantasy instead of how an event actually happened, but even normal people do that,” Ben said, using air quotes with one hand. “I just hate that everyone lumps all emotionally disturbed people into one category. After all, I’m not an animal and certainly not pure evil as that cunty, blonde prosecutor stated. I just have a couple of mom issues I’m working through right now on the couch with my psychiatrist. And to prove how humane I am, I’m willing to take this lovely colorful bandana out of your big mouth, Sammie, if you promise to behave yourself. Do you think you’re capable of that, cupcake?”

  She nodded as he untied the fabric and then watched him hand Pete a couple of long clear plastic zip ties.

  “Now, be a good boy and secure your brother’s hands and ankles. That way, no one will get hurt, and Super-Trent won’t be able to save the day—again,” he said facetiously along with a raised dark brow.

  “You’re never going to get away with this,” Pete mumbled under his breath.

  “Oh, don’t you worry your rugged, self-centered head with my troubles, Mr. Reynolds,” Ben spouted through a crooked grin as he watched Pete secure Trent with the restraints. “And last, but certainly not least, it would be my pleasure to tie up the fake cowboy who owns this fine ranch house. So, after you’re done with your brother, sit down, big guy, and let me help you get these fastened. As I recall, Trent was the one who tied me up in that heavy rope about six months ago when I showed up at his house unannounced to rescue Jessie from him. Oh, wait...what was his threat? Ahh, yes, I remember that day like it was yesterday. He said, ‘Move one more time, and we’ll throw you on a spit and barbeque your sorry ass!’ Do you still think that was clever of him to say? Honestly, it was bit too trite for my taste. And though his tying technique had that fancy BDSM touch, I think these plastic ties are so much more professional. Don’t you just love how they look like handcuffs but are harder to get out of?” he asked, rambling on and on in a matter-of-fact tone as he firmly secured the restraints on Pete’s wrists and ankles.

  “You didn’t rescue Jessie, you kidnapped her. And I’m sure when they discover you’ve escaped from prison, this will be the first place they’ll come to look for you, asshole,” Trent interrupted, his voice deep and churlish.

  Ben clucked his tongue. “Now that’s not nice, Mr. Reynolds. Calling me names will not help the situation. For someone who runs such a high and mighty resort, you certainly don’t know how to treat your house guests.”

  “Guests don’t usually hold a boxcutter to their hostess’s throat,” Pete clipped, the crease in his forehead deepening.

  “Yes indeed, cowboys, I believe you’re both finally making a valid point,” he said, slipping the blade back into the metal box with a flick of his thumb. “You know, I’ve been so obsessed over this damn holiday that I just haven’t been thinking straight. But if I had to guess, the police will probably go to Trent and Jessie’s house first, and then they’ll come looking for me here,” Ben added thoughtfully as he raised his face to meet their narrowed eyes. “I managed to escape right after they did a head count this morning, and they’re just not that efficient on a holiday. You should have seen the lack of security on Thanksgiving; a group of us could’ve made it all the way to Vegas for a long getaway weekend.”

  Jessie threw Trent a worried glance.

  “And though I’ve been diagnosed as a chronic liar, I’m not telling tales about how stupid the workers in that prison are. Really, it’s not that I’m so smart, it’s that they’re all that dumb!”

  “Come on, Ben. We know that
you think you’re smarter than everyone else, and all you’ve ever thought about is yourself and how everything should benefit your needs,” Sammie interjected bravely.

  “Hey, speaking of my needs, I’m absolutely starving.” He sniffed the air and tilted his head.” Is that a bird I smell roasting in the oven? Maybe I should baste it since you’re all a little tied up right now,” he added with a snide chuckle.


  BEN LEANED AGAINST the wall and crossed his arms before turning his face to the side. “Isn’t it lucky for us that they decided to house me in the Tucson facility? Out of the ten Arizona state prisons, it was only a ten-mile hike for me to spend the holiday with you guys,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

  “So much for calling it a high security federal prison,” Sammie snapped. “How in the hell did you manage to escape?”

  “I asked to do some research in the library, and climbed out the first-floor window when the guard ran to stop a brawl down the hall in the television room.”

  Pete tipped his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe they left you alone for a minute. Who orchestrated the fight, so you could run?”

  Let’s just say, it pays to be charmin’ in this quaint little town. And I can be quite charismatic when I want to be, isn’t that right, Jessie? Or do you prefer, Jessica Nicole? I just love that Trent uses your formal name when he scolds you. It still sends shivers up my spine when I think of that day I watched him spank your bare tuchus through the window.”

  “Prick,” she said under her breath.

  “I hope to God that you intend to discipline your naughty wife for using those dirty words, Trent, old boy. From what I remember, you had some pretty fancy punishment techniques that involved a leather belt! God, how I miss the old days. Ooh, let’s reminisce! Isn’t that what families do on Christmas Day?” he asked, rubbing his hands together.


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