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Mischief Under The Mistletoe

Page 56

by Maren Smith

  “I asked before and you said you had no plans for today. Don’t you have any family or siblings you can spend the holiday with?”

  “Not really, I don’t.” It was clear he thought her answer vague, so she elaborated further. “There’s my foster parents, but it’s been while since I spoke with them.”

  “Bad childhood?” he asked.

  “No, ordinary childhood. Too boring, actually. I guess I left at eighteen and never looked back.” She thought about it and for the first time realized how callous that sounded. “They aren’t bad people; they just didn’t understand me.”

  “Trust me, I understand what you mean more than you think I do.” A rueful smile appeared on his face, and he paused with his fork midair. “Would you believe me if I said that I learned to drive a tractor before I ever rode a car, and had a cow as a pet.”

  Jenny eyes went round with shock, and she gulped. “You’re telling me you grew up on a farm?”

  “Yep, even had sex for the first time on a bed of hay.”

  “I’d never had guessed that about you.” Jenny stared at him across the table, his features highlighted by the dim lights in the room, and she realized she knew next to nothing about him. Apart from the fact that he was rich, which she got from Debbie and about every single page about him that existed online. She also knew that even though there was no mention of him actually being in a relationship, there were plenty pictures of him escorting various beautiful women to one social function or another. Suddenly, she was wondering what role she would be playing in his life. Would she be required to attend these functions with him? Or did he see her as a bedroom plaything, a sexual partner only to be seen and heard in the privacy of his home?

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked gently, and Jenny realized she had been unable to hide her emotions from him.

  She thought about lying, but realized there was too much at stake for her to ignore this. “I was just thinking of all those women seen with you in public. You know, how they all look beautiful and intelligent. I can’t measure up to them. Hell, if I knew the truth of who you were in the beginning, I would never have agreed to any of this. But I didn’t, and now,” she looked up at him, willing him to say something, anything that wouldn’t make her feel stupid. But he just kept quiet and kept on looking at her, so she had no choice but to keep talking. “I know next to nothing about you. Only that you like to tie up women and spank them, before fucking them mindlessly. I know you are stinking rich, and today I’m just finding out that you grew up on a farm.”

  “Really, is that all you know about me?” Jason looked at her, and Jenny wondered what he meant by that.

  “How about how I make you feel? When I make you do my bidding and the thrill you get from pleasing me? How about the way your clit gets hard when you call me daddy and I spank you? Do you want to tell me you don’t know how you make me feel when your cunt is wrapped around my cock, or my tongue is drinking in your pussy? More than all that, Jenny, you want to tell me you don’t know what your heart is telling you about me?”

  Jenny looked at him, his words driving her to arousal as they usually do. But even as her clit tingled in anticipation, she finally looked at him and admitted what he wanted her to hear.

  “I guess I was wrong, before. I do know how you make me feel when you punish me, the joy I get from getting to call you daddy and the pleasure that I get from being soaked by you. I also know how you look at me, like I am yours and you would share me with no one. It makes me feel precious. My heart, it beats wildly when you come near me, like a metal detector going crazy for hidden treasure. And even as I tried to convince myself that there is no way a human could feel the way I do about you, I can’t help the fear in my heart that tells me that I may lose you one day.”

  He leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on her across the table. “Stand up,” he ordered, and she complied immediately, the breath in her body leaving with a whoosh. “Take off the robe.”

  She did, leaving herself clad only in the silver he had given her. She felt exotic, like a slave girl being brought before her master at an auction block. Or a very good girl, modeling her Christmas present for her daddy. He lifted his hand and crooked his finger, beckoning her, and she walked toward him slowly, the heavy weight of her breasts swaying gently. She got to him, and that was when she saw the tent in his robe, his erection pushing the cloth out of the way until she could spy the tip of his cock, and the drop of pre-cum on it. Jenny’s pussy clenched and cried out, her clit engorging even more. She wanted to drop down and taste that pre-cum, but held herself back.

  “There have been other women, Jenny,” he said, placing a hand on the curve of her ass. “You are not the first person to taste my cock, or feel the sting of a whip in my hand. These hands have made other women scream in pain, and then in pleasure that can be gotten only through pain. If you want me to tell you that you would be the last, you will be. It’s always going to be about you and me, and this thing between us. It’s always going to be about the fact that your obedience is the only thing that would keep my cock hard. Your submission is the only thing that arouses me. But even more than all that, no matter what happens, my heart I keep with you. Do you know what that means?”

  “Yes, daddy,” she said, smiling up at him as joy filled her heart.

  “Good. Now, ask me anything you want to know about me. You alone have the right to the innermost part of who I am.”

  “Maybe another time, daddy,” Jenny said, his heartfelt declaration enough to put her worries at bay. She recognized the honor he gave to her in agreeing to open up about himself to her, and she knew him enough to know more than anything that it meant she also had a grip on a part of his soul. Just like he had a grip on hers.

  “I think I want to open my gift now, daddy,” she said, her eyes fluttering seductively.

  “Are you making a demand, girl?” he asked. Jenny quickly lowered her head, her pussy spasming at the intended promise. “I think you need another whipping.”

  Getting up from the chair, he led her under the tree and looked around, picking up the box he was looking for when he found it. But before he could hand it to her to be opened, she tugged at his robe, her eyes shining.

  “Before we start, I have something I want to give you.”

  He looked at her speculatively, and then nodded his head to grant her permission. Jenny ran to where her coat still lay on the floor and retrieved a small hexagonal box from it. Then she walked back toward him, a little bit timid now. Summoning courage, she handed the box to him, her eyes unable to meet his.

  “It’s not much, but I would love if you accepted it.”

  Jason looked at her, and the look in his eyes was flaming hot. He dragged her to himself with one hand, pulling her until her body was tightly molded against his, and shoved his tongue into her mouth, kissing her until she lost her breath. When he let go of her, she was panting wildly and hanging onto his body as her legs had gone shaky. He untied the ribbon that held the gift and removed the paper around it, his eyes coming to her when he saw a jewelry box within it. Setting the paper and ribbon aside, he opened the box and his eyes widened when he saw it. It was an ornate ring, made of bronze and shining in the box. The design on the head looked like a Celtic symbol, and Jason looked at her. Blushing, she started to explain.

  “It means...”

  “Mine,” he finished for her, still holding the box and not bringing it out. Jenny suddenly felt foolish and she wished she had stuck with getting him a tie or lava lamp or something mundane. She had bought the ring two years ago, at a trinket store in Vegas. She was enamored by the explanation the gypsy selling the ring had given her about the design on its head and what it meant. But in all her years with Barry, she had never entertained the thought of handing the ring to him. Almost as if she knew he was not the one for her. Yet, days after meeting Jason, and mere hours after he had his cock in her pussy for the first time, she was giving it to him. And while she was not regretting her de
cision, she knew would be gutted if he refused it.

  “Finally getting the only thing I ever wanted for Christmas,” Jason whispered, awe in his voice. He handed the ring to her, then stretched out his hand for her to slide it on. There was a brief moment when she struggled with the dilemma of where to put it. In the end, she slipped the ring through his middle finger, hoping the fact that it was a perfect fit was a good sign.

  He looked at it, then at her. “You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me, you know that?” he leaned in and kissed her, a sweet kiss that involved only their lips and their hearts. “I think that gift has to wait,” he dropped the gift he had picked earlier and picked a smaller one from the pile.

  “Open this one first,” he handed it to her. “And merry Christmas, Jenny.”

  Jenny looked at him, then back at the box. Then she slowly unwrapped it, pausing for a bit when she saw a velvet box almost like the first present. Her breath quickened and she quickly opened it, then lost her breath when she saw what was there. It was a silver choker, very thin with intricate detailing that screamed expensive. But what flummoxed her was the word written on the pendant that hung from it. It was in English this time, four letters that meant exactly the same as the symbol on the ring. Mine.

  Tears fell down Jenny’s eyes, and she silently turned around, allowing Jason to take off the choker she was wearing and to replace it with the new one. As he closed the clasp at the back, he leaned down and said into her ear, “You always wear this one when you go out, you hear me? No matter where you go or what you are wearing, I want to know that you are wearing my brand on your skin.”

  Jenny mutely nodded, knowing her words were not needed. And even though she would always wear the choker wherever she went, she knew Jason had an even more permanent brand on her. A brand etched on her heart.

  “You ready for your punishment, now? He asked her a few seconds later, and she nodded; her arousal was a slowly growing thrum in her body.

  “Yes, daddy,” she said as she bowed her head in submission, her nipples peaking in anticipation. “I’ve been a bad girl, daddy.”

  The End


  Her name is Molly! She’s a 22 year old who adores animals of all kinds! She has a four-legged female brown and black doxen named Nikki and a six-month-old male bearded dragon named Pixels. She loves video games and sci-fi movies. Lord of the Rings and The Matrix series are a couple of her favorites. She loves to write sexy stories that will make you blush and want some alone time with your favorite toy.

  Find Molly here:



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  She also loves to hear from her readers so please feel free to email her at anytime!



  Allysa Hart



  I furiously scribbled notes in my planner as Master Derek spouted off ideas about the Rawhide Ranch Christmas Party. His exuberance about the holiday was infectious, and I found myself bouncing on the balls of my feet just thinking about the festivities to come. Growing up, Christmas had been full of family, food, and fun, but that was before I was kicked out and shunned completely. At sixteen, my parents found out about my interest in spanking, and they decided that I was not fit to be their daughter. They were afraid their “holier than thou” friends would find out that their “perfect daughter” was some sort of deviant. I had been so surprised by their reaction that I walked out the door and never looked back.

  “And we need to find a Santa Claus,” Derek announced with finality.

  “Got it, Sir.”

  “Good girl, that’s all for now. Can you start working on those things this morning?”

  “Yeah, totally.”

  Derek’s eyebrow quirked, and I quickly realized my mistake. “I meant, yes, Sir.”

  “I’m sure you did. Fetch the crop please, naughty girl.”

  I dropped my chin to my chest and let my hands fall to my sides. Dammit, why is this so hard for you? In the office he is Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. I berated myself all the way to the implement closet and back again with the evil little torture device. Master Derek always asked for the crop if it was going to be a short, sharp lesson. Since it was the third time I had forgotten his title that morning alone, I wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up finishing out the work day standing.

  He stood and made a show of unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling up his sleeves. “Position, please.” He was not asking, he was commanding, but his sweet southern charm would not permit him to be impolite. He really was the most perfect man; his wife Sadie was a lucky girl.

  I laid my chest flat against the desk with my forehead pressed to the polished wood, my arms fully extended in front of me, hands palms down, and my feet flat on the ground shoulder width apart. The position itself was uncomfortable enough and knowing that Master Derek would leave me there for as long as he saw fit was unnerving. Luckily, he did not seem to be in an overly sadistic mood as I felt my skirt being lifted over my waist. I shivered as the air of the room hit my bare ass and brushed across my moist folds. Being punished always caused my pussy to flood. I did not like letting Master Derek down, and I certainly did not enjoy the sting of the crop, but none of that kept my body from reacting so strongly.

  Without warning, the crop sliced hard against my sit spots. I jumped slightly but succeeded in keeping my position, which was a small miracle. Master Derek was a strict man and breaking position during punishment was not acceptable. I took in a deep breath, letting it out as the crop struck three times in succession. My body tensed and my knees bent slightly, but I was able to stay put.

  “Why are you being disciplined, Erika?”

  “Because I failed to remember to use your title and you are training me to be a well-mannered submissive, Sir.”

  “Indeed. How many times have you forgotten my title this morning?”

  “Three, Sir.”

  Again, the crop fell three times, but this time the leather slapper concentrated on the underside of each butt cheek. I wished, not for the first time, that his aim was a little less precise. He struck the same spot over and over, guaranteeing a lasting impression. The pattern of the three-count continued. Sit spots, left cheek, right cheek, over and over again. I fisted my hands and was chastised with a swat across my thighs.

  “Ow! I’m sorry, Sir,” I begged for the first time since he started. It was impossible to keep completely still, and I swayed my bottom back and forth desperate to alleviate some of the sting.

  Master Derek set the crop on the desk and lowered my skirt. I waited for him to release me, not wanting to earn any more stripes.

  “You may take the crop back to the closet,” he directed as he returned to his desk chair.

  I did as I was told and turned to wait for more instructions.

  “Come here, my girl.” His voice went from the harsh coldness of a disciplinarian to the warm kind tone that I had come to adore. I moved to the spot in front of him and knelt in place.

  “I’m sorry for my behavior, Sir. Thank you for correcting me.”

  “You’re welcome, little lady. Now come up here.” He opened his arms, and I crawled into his lap for the mandatory cuddle. When I first arrived, I had a hard time accepting his warmth, but now it was my favorite part of the scene. Punishment did not happen without aftercare, he was adamant about that fact.

  The door to the office flew open, and Sadie stomped in. Her pigtails swung and the pout on her face screamed trouble. I turned my face into Master Derek’s chest to hide my smile. She was too adorable for words.

  “Daddy, we need to talk,” she announced with a stomp.

you forget how polite little girls are supposed to enter a room?” his voice rumbled, but I could hear the smile in the words. He loved his wife and all of her sass, and she kept him on his toes.

  “I’m mad,” she pouted, throwing her arms across her chest.

  “I can see that, but even when you’re angry, you need to remember your manners. Please go out into the hall and try again.”

  She sighed heavily and turned to leave, closing the door firmly behind her.

  “What am I going to do with her?” he chuckled.

  “Keep her, Sir. Just like you do the rest of us,” I stated confidently.

  “I suppose so. You think you can manage to keep yourself out of trouble for the remainder of the day or do you need to finish your work sitting bare-bottomed on a punishment mat?”

  I bolted up and looked him straight in the eye. “I will be good, Sir. I promise.”

  “Good girl. Get to work so that I can deal with my sassy little brat.”

  “Yes, Sir.” I retrieved my planner and left through the door that led to my little office. It wasn’t much, but it was my space, and I loved it. I looked dubiously at my typically comfortable desk chair and decided to give it a try. As I took a seat I hissed, wiggling a little to try to find a comfortable position. I needed to be on my computer to finish my tasks for the day, sitting was my only option, at least for a little while.

  The door between my office and Master Derek’s always remained open unless he requested otherwise, and I could hear as Sadie knocked on the door and received permission to enter.

  “Daddy, we need to talk.” Her tone hadn’t changed, but her words did not hold the same demand as they had minutes earlier.

  I giggled at her persistence. When her mind was set on something, she would not let it go for anything.

  "Daddy, that woman you have in charge needs to be fired."

  "Which woman, angel?"


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