Mischief Under The Mistletoe

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Mischief Under The Mistletoe Page 57

by Maren Smith

"You know which one! Ms. Price! She's mean, and she has it out for me!"

  "I believe that Ms. Price usually has good reason to get on your case. You can tell me what happened later. For now, how would you like to discuss Christmas?" A squeal of delight echoed through the adjoining rooms. I always felt guilty about listening to conversations so I tried to busy myself, but my boss and his wife were some of the most entertaining people on the planet. Their love was so deep, so pure, so beautiful. I could only hope to find someone who matched me so perfectly.

  "I thought you would like that," Derek continued. "Who do you think would make a good Santa Claus?"

  I wracked my brain for an answer to his question, but came up empty.

  "How ‘bout you, Daddy?"

  "I would love to little one, you know that, but I can’t play Santa and do everything else at the same time."

  "The other people could do the other things. You be Santa!"

  "Not an option. Next choice?" He shut her down.

  I opened Master Derek's virtual rolodex on my computer and scrolled through the names, looking for a potential candidate.

  "How ‘bout Uncle Jared? He's old! He could do it, and we haven’t seen him in foreeeeever." She drew out the last word, and Derek laughed.

  "That's a wonderful idea, Angel, but don't let him catch you calling him old or he will tan you good.”

  I shook my head knowing this was true.

  Derek’s voice rose slightly as he called out to me through the open door. “Erika, can you get me Jared on the phone, please?"

  I gulped thinking about calling the man I secretly pined over. Jared was an old friend of Derek's, and he visited the ranch a couple of times a year. He was a seasoned Dom and carried an air of strength and confidence that made me shiver. I had trouble even making eye contact with him, and he loved to tease me about it.

  "Erika?" Derek spoke a little louder.

  "Oh, yes, Sir, sorry would you like me to do it now?"

  "Yes, please.”

  “Yes, Sir.” My throat tightened as I located Jared’s contact information.

  “Angel, why don't you go back to your classroom or to the dorms with your friends?"

  "I wanna talk to Uncle Jared!" she whined.

  "We can call him again later, this call is about business."

  "Okaaaay." Her footsteps faded as she left the office just as the first ring of the phone sounded in my ear. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to calm my pounding heart in an effort to keep my voice from shaking.


  All the lines of the deposition before me bled together as I stared at my notes. It was the same thing every day with a new client and a new case. The mundane pattern made work difficult, and I had long lost the fire and passion I used to feel for my cases. My clients did not deserve a half-hearted attorney, something had to give.

  I decided to pack up for the day just as the phone at my desk rang. I looked skeptically at the caller ID, wondering if I should let it go to voicemail, but when I saw Derek’s number I couldn’t help but grin. The man had impeccable timing.

  "Stark," I answered out of habit. The sultry voice on the other side of the phone shook.

  "H-Hello Mr. Stark. This is Erika Lane. I'm calling on behalf of Master Derek. Would you mind if I put you on hold while I transfer you?"

  "Hello, Erika. How are you, little squirrel?"

  "Me?" her voice squeaked.

  "Yes, you. Is there someone else on the line I don't know about?" I grinned. The little submissive fascinated me in a way no woman had in a long time. I loved to catch her off guard and listen to her stumble over her words or watch her squirm in her seat.

  "N-no, Sir, I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I, um, Master Derek would like to speak to you. May I transfer you?"

  "Trying to get rid of me so quickly?" I leaned back in my desk chair and crossed my legs, getting comfortable for the best conversation I’d had all day, all week for that matter. She was adorable, and she flipped all my dominant switches.

  "N-no, Sir. Of course not. I-I'm just doing my job.”

  Her voice shook with nerves, and I could bet my paycheck she was wiggling on a sore bottom as she practically begged to pass me off to Derek. I could listen to her voice all day, but I didn’t want to stress her out. "Okay little squirrel, go ahead and transfer me."

  Her audible sigh made me laugh out loud. "Thank you, please hold." A small click sounded and the line went silent before Derek's drawl carried through the earpiece.

  "This is Derek."

  "It's Jared. What can I do for you, old friend? Need a lawyer for something? One of those nice mix and match couples suing you for everything you own?"

  "Very funny, old man. You know my clients are all happier than most traditional couples."

  "I know I know, you are the best. What can I do for you then?"

  "Have any Christmas plans?"

  I looked at the calendar on my desk with a blank stare. "Is it December already?"

  "Uh oh. Are you losing your marbles, old man? Do we need to get you into a home already?"

  "Very funny, junior. This year passed by a little quicker than I realized. I have no plans as of yet. I have a feeling that is about to change?" I could not help the hope in my voice. Time off and a vacation at the only BDSM Ranch in the country sounded like exactly what the doctor ordered.

  "You got that right. I need a Santa Claus, and you just got nominated."

  I bolted upright, "Santa Claus? Are you kidding me? That's a little outside of my personality. What's wrong, all your other prospects turn you down?"

  "No one turns me down; don't you know that by now? No, you are my first and only call. Sadie asked for you specifically."

  I growled, "That was a low blow, you know I can't tell that little thing 'no.'"

  "Indeed, I do. So when can you fly out? I will send the plane."

  "Let me finish up the week, and I’ll let you know," I sighed. There was no use arguing. I needed a change of scenery, and Derek really did not take no for an answer from anyone.

  "Sounds good. Better start practicing your Ho-Ho-Ho." Derek’s laugh boomed before the line went silent.

  Shaking my head, I hung up the phone and gathered the rest of my papers. I could finish the rest of the case at home. Looks like I need to start watching some Christmas movies.



  I skittered around getting everything ready for Christmas festivities and Master Jared's arrival. Master Derek had seen how nervous I was, and after a long session over his knee, he made me insert one of my glass butt plugs to give me something else to focus on. It didn't help. Not in the slightest. In fact, it made things worse, way worse. It kept me acutely aware of my throbbing sex and the images that I was conjuring were anything but pure and all of them starred a fit silver fox named Jared. I felt like I was going crazy. After removing the load of laundry from the dryer, I hurried to the spare room. I cleaned, dusted, and shined the space from floor to ceiling, making the bed would be the finishing touch.

  "Hi, E!" I startled as Sadie bounded into the room. The girl had been following me around asking me all sorts of questions all day. As much as I adored her most of the time, I was struggling not to tell her to buzz off.

  "Hi, Sadie. I can't play right now. I have too much to do."

  "I know. I'm just delivering a message from Daddy."

  I turned to give her my attention. "Oh, okay."

  "He has a phone conference and can't get Uncle Jared from the airport. He wants you to go."

  "Me?" I screeched as my heart caught in my throat. "Why does he want me? How about Moses or... someone else." My hands shook with nerves. I hated leaving the ranch. Why would Master Derek ask me to go all the way to the airport? "How about a taxi? Or a shuttle or something."

  Sadie shrugged her shoulders. "I’m just tellin' you what he said. If you're saying 'no' I can go tell him."

  I did not tell Master Derek 'no.' The man saved my life
and took me in when no one else would. "No. It's fine. I will go," I capitulated, "What time does his flight come in?"

  A mischievous looking smirk spread across Sadie's face. "Seven."

  "Seven? Who does Derek have a conference with so late in the evening? I didn’t have anyone on the schedule.” I had a photographic memory so it was unusual for me not to remember a detail like that.

  “How should I know?" she shrugged and averted her eyes.

  "How about you go with me? Aren't you excited to see your Uncle?" I begged.

  Sadie sighed. "I wish I could. I have lines I have to write before he gets here."

  "Naughty girl," I teased with a knowing smile.

  "I'm not naughty. The nannies just have zero sense of humor, I swear. One little prank and I'm saddled with extra duties and lines. Sucks." She pouted, and I held back a laugh. Sadie had a penchant for trouble like no other person I had ever met. If there was a naughty deed to be done, she would find it and attack it with gusto. "Anyways, I gotta go, don’t forget my Uncle."

  "I won't forget him." Trust me.

  "Good, Daddy said you can take whatever car you want."

  That was a bonus. Master Derek had a car for every occasion, and I had been dying to drive the new Camaro. Not having to take my beat up clunker eased my anxieties slightly, but the idea of being alone in a car with the star of every single one of my fantasies was about as nerve-wracking as it could be. Sadie left without another word, and I went back to making the four-poster bed that made me tingle all over. A seasoned Dom would be able to think up all sorts of delicious torture in this bed, and I wanted so bad to be the sub on the receiving end.

  It had been a long time since I had felt the intimate touch of a man. Any touch of a man really. Except for spankings from Master Derek and the occasional cuddle from Moses, I was bereft. I lived inside the fantasies that graced the pages of my naughty books and invaded my dreams, and I was beyond frustrated. However, the idea of submitting to a man again shook me to my core. My last “Dom” almost killed me. If not for a neighbor overhearing me scream, I would probably not be alive. After that night and the resulting stay in the hospital, I had sworn I would never trust a man again, and I hadn't until Derek. He had renewed my faith in the male species, and he would protect me with every resource he had. So my fantasies would remain fantasies, and I would spend my life here, where I was safe and cared for, as long as they would keep me.

  I WHITE-KNUCKLED THE steering wheel as I sped down the interstate toward the airport reminding myself that this was just another errand for Master Derek. I was picking up a visitor to the ranch. Nothing more. The fact that said visitor was also my boss’ oldest friend and lifestyle mentor, and the only man I pined for, didn't matter in the slightest. Nope, not at all. The whir of the sports car beneath me was not enough to quell the anxiety, so I flipped on the radio to one of my favorite rock stations and made use of the extravagant sound system. The music vibrated in my chest, but my heart beat rivaled it by a mile. I was going to be sick. I rolled down the windows for a moment and let the cool crisp air hit my face before I pulled off the highway and into the pickup zone of the airport.

  Scanning the group of people, I spotted the salt-and-pepper hair that was unmistakably Jared. I swallowed the lump in my throat and put the car in park. His eyes met mine through the windshield, and I froze. The smirk that formed on his face made my pussy clench.

  “This man is dangerous, Erika, keep your distance,” I whispered to myself as I watched him move in my direction with his eyes zeroed in on me through the windshield.

  Closing my eyes, I took several deep breaths reminding myself I was just doing my job. This wasn’t some sort of date or anything, all I had to do was drive. Something knocked against the window of the car, and I jumped and screamed. Opening my eyes, I saw Jared smiling at me through the window. I rolled the window down and looked at him, dumbfounded.

  “Are you going to leave me out here to freeze, little squirrel?” A shiver ran down my spine as the familiar nickname fell from his lips. He raised an eyebrow, and I hit the unlock button as fast as I could. “Thank you,” he chuckled. “Can you pop the trunk for me?”

  Wordlessly, I nodded and did as he asked, watching his every move through the rear-view mirror.


  I shook my head at the antics of the beautiful little subbie behind the wheel. She was so easily flustered, and I wanted to push and protect her at the same time. After a stressful work week and a long flight, seeing her squirm was an enticing treat. Rounding the car to the driver’s side, I opened her door and offered her my hand.

  “Umm?” she asked.

  “When I’m in a car, I drive, little squirrel.”

  “But, this is my car,” she squeaked.

  I bent down into a squat bringing us eye to eye. She worried her bottom lip, running her finger over the leather of the steering wheel. “Did you just lie to me, little squirrel?”

  Her eyes snapped to mine, and her head shook wildly.

  “You didn’t? Well than maybe I misunderstood you because what I thought you said was this is your car, but see, I know for a fact this is one of Derek’s harem, so that would have been a lie, now, wouldn’t it?” I kept my voice low and level and watched as her eyes dilated and she slid deep into her submissive mindset.

  “Y-yes, Sir,” she mumbled.

  “Good girl, we don’t want to start my trip off on the wrong foot, now do we?”

  “N-no, Sir.”

  I smiled gently, letting her off the hook just a bit. “Okay, little squirrel,” leaning over her I unbuckled her seatbelt and offered her my hand once again. She took it automatically this time and allowed me to guide her to the passenger side, jumping in the second I had the door open.

  Shaking my head in mirth, I closed her door and inhaled the brisk winter air. Yes, this trip is exactly what I need.

  IT WAS A QUIET RIDE back to the ranch despite all my best efforts to engage Erika in a conversation. Her soft-spoken one-word answers gave me little to nothing to work with. Still, she intrigued me, and I took every possible opportunity to unapologetically take stock of her charms. Her gaze remained glued to the windshield, and I took the moment to appreciate her stunning profile. Her short black hair barely brushed the tops of her shoulders. I had always preferred long hair on women, but I was beginning to think differently. Each time I had been in her presence, her hair was various lengths but always short, and each time I wanted to wrap my fingers around the soft tendrils as I took my fill of her mouth. Her pale pink lips sparkled in the darkness of the car, and I imagined those pillowy lips surrounding my cock as I thrusted deep into her throat, forcing her to take my length. Shaking my head, I pulled myself from my improper thoughts. The poor girl was scared to death of me, not to mention twenty years my junior, yet her aura called to me like a siren, luring me in with her intoxicating song.

  Get it together, man. I chided, turning my attention back to the road. I always enjoyed Montana in the winter. The vast difference between here and home gave the actual feel of Christmas in the air, and my spirit lightened about my future role as St. Nick. Seeing the Little ones light up as they each received their special gift would be worth the torture of dressing up and playing the part of an overweight elf with overgrown facial hair. I considered recruiting Erika to play Santa’s Little helper, envisioning her in a green mini skirt, bending to retrieve each gift.

  “God dammit!” I uncharacteristically cursed under my breath.

  Erika jumped, clutching her chest. “What happened?”

  “Nothing, little squirrel, everything is fine.”

  “A-are you sure?” she asked, her voice trembling.

  Reaching over, I patted her knee in a pathetic attempt at calming her. As soon as my hand grazed her skin an electric shock traveled through my body, and I snapped my gaze in her direction. Our eyes locked, and her mouth formed a tiny “o” in surprise. She felt it.

  A horn sounded beside us, and I realized that
I was drifting out of my lane. Pulling my hand away, I turned my attention back to driving.

  “I’m sorry, honey. That was irresponsible of me.” I apologized with as much sincerity as possible. This girl had me so flustered I almost killed us both.

  A tiny giggle escaped from the passenger side, putting me at ease.

  “Something funny about us almost getting into an accident?” I raised an eyebrow but did not take my eyes off the road.

  “A little.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “You should really pay better attention when you are driving, Sir. Subbie safety 101.”

  My face broke into a huge grin at hearing her give back some of the teasing I always tossed at her. “You are correct, which is why I apologized.”

  Her sigh spoke volumes, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. Using this as a chance to connect with her I poked. “Is that not good enough? Should I make it up to you another way?”

  I knew all of the ways that I wanted to make an apology, but they were all strictly selfish. Her gasp made me laugh, but her quick wit came through. “Well, if I was unsafe like that, Master Derek would tan my hide.”

  “As he should. Which is why it’s good to be the Dom,” I winked, taking the opportunity to turn the heat back on her. “Tell me little squirrel, did you obey all the traffic rules on your long drive to the airport?”

  I watched her body slouch out of the corner of my eye and clicked my tongue against my teeth. “That’s very naughty,” I continued. “Master Derek will be less than pleased.”

  “A-are you going to tell him?”

  “It’s not my job to confess for you, little squirrel, but you will confess. Do we understand each other?”

  Her silence was all I needed to know she did indeed understand. Her guilt would have gotten to her sooner or later and she would have told him. My own hand tingled, and jealousy reared its head at the idea of my longtime friend being the one to discipline her luscious little ass instead of me. But she was not mine, nor did I have any sort of permission to deal with her dangerous behavior. The realization halted all thoughts of Erika, and silence filled the car for the remainder of our journey.


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