Mischief Under The Mistletoe

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Mischief Under The Mistletoe Page 58

by Maren Smith



  Stupid, stupid, stupid... I berated myself. How could I have been so wrapped up in nerves that I would forget the car safety rules? I broke two off the top of my head, and I’m positive if I thought harder I could find another. I did not want to confess to Derek about speeding or using the stereo at an excessive level. Both were a no-no, and safety infractions were dealt with harshly. I thought back to the last time and noted it had been over a year. That punishment had been the worst to date, and now I would be facing the same fate. I made up my mind right then to confess after the holidays. Delaying would make it worse, but enjoying the festivities would be virtually impossible, and I didn’t want to risk being grounded. My stomach churned, and I gulped back the bile that tickled the back of my throat.

  The silence did not help my nerves, and I counted the seconds until we were home and I could escape to the safety of my own room. Maybe I could stay in the dorms until Jared left the ranch. Distance would make avoiding him much easier. And if that simple touch to my knee was anything to go by, I needed to avoid him at all costs. My body was hyper aware of him, and the close proximity in the tiny sports car was not helping. I should have brought the SUV, I could be sitting safely in the third row right about now.

  I sighed in relief as the GPS announced the turn onto Rawhide Road, the two-mile-long private lane that lead to the ranch. Almost home, then I could hide. I stared out the window at the glistening trees. Moses and the grounds crew had done a beautiful job hanging the delicate white twinkling lights in each one. I smiled to myself. It looked like a runway for Santa and his reindeer to land on, except our Santa was sexy as sin and not driving a sleigh. No! I need to not be thinking about him. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and spent the last few moments of the drive focusing on my escape plan.

  The moment the car was parked in the garage, Sadie bounded out the door and was jumping into Jared’s arms just as he unfolded his lanky frame and stepped out.

  “Whoa, whoa, little one! Take it easy.” He laughed as she placed tiny kisses all over his face.

  “I missed you.” She held out each word in a sad whine.

  “I missed you, too, sweetie. Where’s your Daddy? Shouldn’t you have a coat on?” he chided as he placed her back on her feet.

  “She ran out the door before I could catch her.” Derek entered the garage carrying a fluffy pink jacket. “Come here, naughty girl.”

  She wasted no time in obeying and turned to look at me as Derek put her coat on her. “Erika doesn’t even have pants on. How come I have to wear my coat?”

  Just like that, I had the undivided and unwanted attention of both men.

  I sighed to myself. “There went my escape plan.”

  “Yes, I did notice you were underdressed for this weather, little squirrel,” Jared teased, reminding me about our brief but memorable physical contact in the car.

  Trying to brush it off, I shrugged. “I knew I wasn’t going to be getting out of the car, so there was no use changing out of my skirt.”

  That was an out and out lie. I had spent the better part of an hour choosing just the right outfit to pick Jared up in, and pants were not it.

  “And if there had been some sort of accident or some reason you did need to leave the warmth of the car?” Derek picked up where Jared had left off, and I knew my goose was cooked.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I wasn’t thinking.”

  Jared crossed his arms and looked at Derek expectantly. “For the love of Pete, please tell me that excuse isn’t going to fly.”

  Derek shook his head and did not take his eyes off mine. “It doesn’t, and she knows better. Don’t you, Erika?”

  I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. If I could get away without screwing up one more thing this evening, I would be thankful. I considered my words carefully and decided to use as few as possible. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Angel, why don’t you take Uncle Jared inside and up to his room.”

  “He knows which— oh! Sure, Daddy.” She lifted up onto her toes and kissed his cheek before skipping to Jared and taking his hand. “C’mon, Uncle Jared. I wanna see what you brought me.”

  Jared laughed and, after retrieving his luggage from the back seat, he headed inside. I kept my eyes downcast and didn’t move until Derek and I were alone.

  He cleared his throat calling my attention to him.

  “I’m sorry.” It was all I could come up with in the moment.

  He crossed his arms and raised a brow at me. “I appreciate you offering to pick Master Jared up, but I’m not pleased with your choice of attire.”

  Offering to pick him up? What? I didn’t offer. Confusion must have been written all over my face.

  “Has it ever been okay to leave without dressing appropriately for the weather?”

  “No, Sir,” I answered still trying to figure why he thought I offered to pick Jared up.

  “Is, ‘I wasn’t thinking,’ a suitable excuse for one of my girls?”

  “No, Sir.” I knew where this was going. There was an essay in my near future.

  “Alright then, as long as we understand each other. We can finish this discussion in my office tomorrow. Now let’s get you inside. Don’t think I missed the goosebumps all over your legs.”

  I sighed. I did have goosebumps, but they were not from the cold.


  I followed Sadie up the steps to my room. It was the same room I always stayed in, but I knew it was Derek’s way of not embarrassing Erika. I respected that. There were definitely some situations where a subbie could use a little bit of humiliation. This was not one of those times. I hoped Derek would not let her off easy for her naughtiness and oversights, but that was between the two of them.

  Sadie flung open the bedroom door. “Welcome home Uncle Jared.”

  “Thank you, little one. If you don’t mind, I am going to take a quick shower. Isn’t it almost bed time?”

  “Yeah, but Daddy said I could stay up a little and wait for you. Did you bring me a present?” She bounced on the balls of her feet.

  “Don’t I always?”

  Sadie was the closest thing I would ever get to having a child of my own, and I loved spoiling her. It was so easy. Her thankfulness never failed to fill me with joy. Dragging my carry-on to the bed, I noticed there were no bed linens. That was odd. I glanced around the room.

  “What’s wrong, Uncle?” Sadie crinkled her eyebrows.

  “Nothing, sweetie.” I didn’t want her worrying about it. Knowing Derek, he had it handled. I pulled a tiny wrapped box out of the suitcase and handed it to her with a smile.

  She ripped off the pink bow and opened it. “Oh my God Jared, these are beautiful!”

  I smiled in satisfaction knowing the pink diamond teddy bear earrings would speak to both her little and big side. “I’m glad you like them.”

  “Like them? I love them.” She closed the box and threw her arms around me once more.

  “Good. Why don’t you run along, and we can hang out in the morning, okay?”

  “Okay, sweet dreams,” she sang as she skipped out of the room closing the door behind her.

  A SHOWER WAS EXACTLY what I needed to relax and settle in. Traveling was stressful, even in Rawhide’s private jet. Dressed in some comfortable clothing I headed downstairs. Derek and I always shared a drink and caught up on my first night at the ranch, and tonight was no different. I found him in the study with the Scotch already poured. A fire roared in the giant fireplace, and the table boasted a cheeseboard that was covered with assorted fruits and cheeses.

  “Always the perfect host,” I teased.

  Derek stood and greeted me with a tight hug and a slap to the back. “You know my Angel, everything has to be perfect.”

  “You’re a lucky man.”

  “Don’t I know it. Sit, let’s relax.”

  I did not need to be asked twice. Sinking down into the overstuffed armchair across from Derek I took a swig of the drink. It bu
rned going down, just the way I liked it.

  “How was the flight?” Derek launched right into conversation, and we spent the next hour catching each other up on the goings on in our lives. I listened as Derek went on about the changes and additions being made to the ranch. His love for the place was admirable. I used to carry the same fire for law, but not lately. I needed a change.

  “Well old man, I think we should call it. Angel is going to want to make a big to do about breakfast.”

  I knew this to be true. Sadie would prepare a breakfast fit for an army and expect us all to be at the table early. After the appetizers and drinks, bed sounded nice.

  “That reminds me, do you have blankets for the bed up there or am I sleeping on the bare mattress?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Isn’t the bed made?” Derek questioned, his brow crinkled in confusion.

  “Nope. No pillows or bedding anywhere in the room.”

  Derek sighed. “I’m going to tan that girl. She told me your room was prepared, I should have checked.”


  “Erika,” he answered. “I don’t know what is with her lately. I cannot keep her on-task.”

  “Must be going soft on her.”

  Derek shook his head. “You know me better than that.”

  I did, but I couldn’t miss an opportunity to give him shit. “I don’t know man, if she were mine, your bed would be made, just saying.”

  “If she were yours, huh?”

  “Hypothetically speaking.”

  “Bullshit. I see the way you look at her. I’m not dumb.”

  Apparently, I needed to tone it down. I didn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea. She was much too young, and I was much too busy. “Who wouldn’t look at her?” I blew him off. She was beautiful, and Derek knew it.

  Derek eyeballed me skeptically but let the matter drop. “Let’s find you some bedding. I will talk to her tomorrow.”

  I followed him out of the study and back up the stairs to a huge walk-in linen closet where we found a mass of rolled up bedding in the middle of the floor.

  “Well at least we know where your stuff is.” Derek scratched the back of his head in frustration. The way the blankets, sheets, and pillows were rolled together made it obvious someone threw them there in a hurry.

  Shrugging it off, I scooped it all up into my arms. “I got this. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Wait, you shouldn’t have to make your own bed, you’re a guest here.”

  “I’m tired, and I’m quite capable. Go to bed. I’m sure your wife is waiting,” I winked.

  Derek smiled. “She better not be, or I’m going to tan her little hide.”



  Standing in front of Derek’s desk, I wracked my brain for an explanation for all of the weird things that were going on. It started with Derek thanking me for volunteering to pick Jared up. He knew I hated to leave the ranch, and he knew how nervous I was around the older man. Why would I offer to drive an hour to pick him up on my own? Then there was the bed. I made that bed more than once. It was perfect when I left, yet when we got home, it was completely undone. Derek sat back in his chair with one booted foot resting on his knee and his chin rested in his hand. His eyes did not carry the typical joviality. He was unhappy with me, very unhappy.

  “Care to explain to me what’s going on?”

  “I wish I knew,” I mumbled under my breath.

  He sat up in the chair and folded his hands on the desk in front of him. “Being fresh is not the direction you want to take with me this morning, sub.”

  I hated when he called me that. It was so cold and impersonal. He did it to put me into a certain mindset, and it worked, but I still hated it. “I-I’m not being fresh, Sir. I don’t know what’s going on.” I managed to keep the whine out of my voice, but failed at sounding contrite. I wasn’t contrite. I was angry and confused.

  Derek stood and rounded his desk toward me. It took everything I had not to step backwards. He intimidated the hell out of me, but I was not afraid.

  Placing his finger under my chin, he forced my gaze up to his, and I gulped. “You have been off since we started planning for our Christmas party; you are being careless and disrespectful, and it is going to stop right now, do we understand each other?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I wished I could argue, that I could prove I had nothing to do with everything that was happening. I worked hard to please Derek, but I had no explanation and all signs pointed to me.

  “If you wanted some extra attention, you got it. For the next week you will come to the office fifteen minutes early and kneel in the corner wearing your punishment plug. When I arrive, you will request a spanking. If I have time, I will deal with you right then. If I do not, I will do so at the most convenient time for me. You will wear the plug until ten a.m. every day. All of your work will be completed with your bare bottom firmly in place on your punishment mat. And, Erika, you will figure out what is going on, and you will fix it and help make Jared’s stay as relaxing as he deserves it to be. Now is your time to ask questions if you have them.”

  My mouth dried out, and I found it hard to swallow. If I had a question in that moment, I wouldn’t be able to speak anyways. A seven-day punishment was going to be difficult, but I let him down, and that was worse than any spanking. I was sincerely glad he wasn’t grounding me.

  “Right then, fetch the school paddle, please.”

  The school paddle was made of oak, and it packed a punch. I carried it at my side weighing it in my hand. It was heavy, and it would only take a few swats to cause me to bruise. I hadn’t been spanked with it for a long time. Kneeling in front of Derek I presented it to him in the required manner. Without a word he took it and set it on the desk. Using his finger under my chin again he pulled my attention to him.

  “I do not like having to discipline you harshly.” His eyes softened significantly. “But we both know this is the way you learn. I want you to know that, even though your punishment will last several days, you already have my forgiveness.”

  Tears filled my eyes. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, little lady. Over the desk with you now.”

  Swiping the tears away, I obeyed as quickly as possible. With my chest and forehead pressed flat against the polished wood, my arms extended in front of me, hands palms down, and my feet flat on the ground shoulder width apart I waited. Derek lifted my skirt, but to my dismay, returned to his desk chair. He was going to make me wait. Taking a deep breath, I forced my tense muscles to relax as much as possible.

  After a prolonged period of silence, I couldn’t help but shift my weight from foot to foot. I was uncomfortable and anxious to get this over with. The longer he waited, the more likely I would have to deal with the humiliation of someone entering the office. It happened before, and if my luck had anything to do with it, this time it would be Jared. I couldn’t fathom him seeing me in this position. He would know exactly what landed me here, and I might die of embarrassment. My mind wandered at the thought of him. What would he think of me after all the mistakes I made? He was probably used to perfect and mature submissives who had their shit together. I was none of those things. I lived at the Ranch where my every basic need was met and then some. I had a tiny savings account that Derek forced me to maintain, but it would barely last me three months in the real world. With no plans for a future, and a sketchy past, it became painfully obvious just how unappealing I must appear. Who would ever want a girl like me?

  I was forced out of my pity party with a sharp smack to my thigh.

  “Where is your focus, girl?”

  How he knew I was not meditating about my behavior, I could never figure out, but each time I got lost and headed down a spiraled path to darkness, he was right there to bring me back.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” I whimpered. Sometimes he added strikes for not keeping my thoughts on my punishment. I hoped he would show some mercy today. I didn’t know how m
any I had coming, but any extras with the school paddle would undoubtedly be excruciating.

  “Eyes, please,” Derek requested gently, and I turned my head to face him. “Where did you go? Your body tightened like a rubber band ready to snap.”

  So that’s how he could tell. “I was thinking about my future, Sir.”

  Derek sighed and nodded his head. “It’s been on my mind as well, little lady. For now, let’s get your punishment out of the way. We have work to do. We can discuss that at a later time.”

  “Yes, Sir.” It made my heart lighten that he understood, and I knew he had my best interests at heart. Having his support made everything easier. Derek’s massive hands wrapped around my bare waist and tugged backwards. I took a couple of steps knowing that heavy implements would force my hips into the desk and cause terrible pain. It made me laugh that he was so concerned about hurting me when he was about to lay down some heavy discipline, but I appreciated it all the same.

  “Ten, girl; count them, please.”


  As I made my way to Derek’s office, I made a pitstop in each area, peeking in on some of the staff to say hello and was rushed from all sides with boys and girls bouncing with excitement about the Christmas season. They chattered about Santa and reindeer and presents. Their joy was contagious, and I found myself smiling more than I had in months. My steps lightened, and the weight of life seemed to disappear. Rawhide Ranch was a special place; it was no wonder Derek was so successful.

  When I reached the office I waited, but standing outside Derek’s door was the worst kind of torture. I knew what was happening, and I would love to witness a scene with the dark haired little sub whose delectable body consumed my thoughts. However, this punishment was between her and her Dom, and I would not disrespect either of them by interrupting. Derek warned me it would take a decent amount of time for him to fully deal with the naughty little sub.


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