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Mischief Under The Mistletoe

Page 62

by Maren Smith



  I could have stayed over his knee all night. He alternated between hard and soft swats, but he did something no one else had ever done while spanking me. After a sharp smack he would briskly rub the pain away, transforming the sting to a warmth that spread throughout the lower half of my body. Between the kiss and the spanking my body was screaming for a more intimate connection, and when he made no move to take it further, I wanted to cry.

  “How are you feeling, honey?” he asked, continuing to rub the stinging flesh.

  “Wonderful and frustrated.”

  He chuckled, “Me too, but this is how it will be until I say otherwise. Understand?”

  I lifted my body to turn and look at him. “But, aren’t you leaving in a few days? Why do you keep talking like you’re staying and this could be any kind of real relationship?”

  Giving me his hand he helped me to stand and held me between his knees. “Oh, ye of little faith. Do you really believe I could start something as important as this and then walk away?”

  I shrugged. I didn’t understand why he would want anything to do with me besides a quick lay so the idea that he would extend his trip to spend more time with me was totally outside my realm of thinking.

  He shook his head. “I’m going to have to teach you how I feel about shrugging. When I ask a question, I expect an answer, little squirrel.”

  “You aren’t like any man I’ve ever met, well besides Derek, I guess. It’s just kind of hard to believe that you actually want me.”

  “You don’t think I have struggled with a little of the same? Erika, I am twenty years older than you. You have the world at your fingertips; you don’t need to be saddled with an old guy.”

  Hearing he was dealing with some insecurities of his own was endearing. And for the first time, I really looked at him as a man and not as Master Jared, my boss’ best friend. I loved what I saw, and I wanted more.

  “How long will you stay?” I asked hopefully.

  “Until the New Year. That gives us about three weeks to get to know one another, to explore what this is and to decide what we want to do.”

  I nodded. It sounded like the best idea ever.

  “You know, you never came and took your turn on Santa’s lap.”

  “Well I just spent a decent amount of time over Santa’s lap, don’t you think that’s enough?”

  He patted his knee. “Not even close. Sit down and tell Santa your Christmas wish.”

  “I can’t,” I choked out, as my eyes welled with tears, “because it’s already coming true.”

  The End


  I am a full-time mom to a sassy, strong-willed, loveable little girl. Okay, so she is all me. I am on the wrong side of 30, and I have been married to my best friend for over eight years. Like most couples, we have our ups and downs, but I could not imagine doing life with anyone else by my side. We are Southern California transplants, currently residing in a very rural part of the east coast. I have two crazy dogs that I adore, even though they drive me out of my ever-loving mind, most days.

  I have recently rediscovered my love of words and decided to become a writer. My first story is my heart and soul, and it reaches into the depths of all that is me. I also create covers, promos, and logos for authors. I have met some amazing friends on this journey that I now happily call family. Without my family members, whether biological or chosen, I would not be half the person I am today. Their constant love and support keep me afloat.









  Kathryn R. Blake


  Tingles of excitement coursed through Kelly Evans as she double checked to make sure everything was exactly the way she wanted it. Their tree, lovingly decorated with shiny ornaments that sparkled merrily beneath the tiny multi-colored fairy lights and garlands of gold tinsel draping from little red velvet bows, stood proud and majestic. Check.

  Christmas candles nestled in evergreen wreaths located on every table. Check. Living room dusted and vacuumed. Check. Coasters conveniently placed near each seat. Check. Glittery paper hats and horns ready on the mantle to join in their celebration at midnight. Check. A warmly glowing fire to complete the homey atmosphere. Check.

  "Jim," she called out to her husband, who was putting together hors d'oeuvres in the kitchen. "Kyle prefers beer over champagne. Did you remember to buy some of that Heinlein stuff he likes so much?"

  "It's Heineken Lager, darlin', and yes, I did. Though he'll join me with a glass of champagne at midnight so I won't be drinking the entire bottle alone."

  Good lord, she was twenty-nine years old, not six. With a shake of her head, Kelly argued, "Tiffany and I are adults now, Jim, in case you hadn't noticed. So, I don't think a sip of bubbly will hurt either one of us."

  He stepped out of the kitchen, while wiping his hands on a towel, and frowned at her. Even dressed casually in a button-down shirt and jeans, he looked intimidating. Her gaze trailed up his trim frame until she met his stern coffee-brown eyes and an inner part of Kelly melted.

  "Believe me, sugar, I've noticed, but I thought we settled this conversation last night," he purred.

  Kelly's backside tingled at the reminder. Yes, he'd made his position most painfully clear, but that only earned him her temporary agreement, not an all-out surrender. "I still think you're both being unreasonably strict on the matter," she grumbled

  "Not the point. It's our right as soon-to-be fathers to insist our wives take care of themselves, and I know Kyle agrees with me on the subject."

  Kelly absently patted her gently rounded tummy, which had been noticeably growing since September. "So, Tiffany told me."

  "Good. Did she also mention how Kyle elected to emphasize his perspective?"

  "Yes. We are both acutely aware you two attended the same Dom school, so you don't have to prove it every time your wives choose to disagree with you on something."

  "I dunno. Seems to be the only way we can get you to listen. And it works amazingly well at clearing out your ears most times."

  "Too well," she muttered.

  "Discussion over, then?"


  "You need a reminder on showin' proper respect to your husband, sugar'?"

  Kelly gave another sigh. Jim was a remarkably indulgent Dom in some respects, but her attitude and quick tongue often got her into trouble, and he didn't hesitate to give out reminders whenever he thought she needed one. "No, Sir," she replied, despite thinking he was still being unfair. Even so, she breathed a small sigh of relief when he gave her a curt nod and returned to fixing his appetizers.

  Once the doctor had called to confirm Kelly's pregnancy, Jim had been doubly protective of her. He wanted a boatload of kids, and wasn't about to take any chances with her health or well-being, especially while she incubated his offspring, as he so quaintly put it. The few spankings he'd administered since then had been painful, but brief. Just firm enough to make his point, while he severely curtailed their more playful, kinkier games.

  In some ways, he treated her like a delicate little girl whom he expected to obey his every order without question. Even their lovemaking had taken on a more vanilla flavor. Kelly wanted more, but didn't know how to tell her dominant lover he didn't need to be so gentle with her. She liked slow and easy at times, except now and again she longed for hard and fast. However, whenever she'd attempted to communicate her desire, he'd pullback, assume a more aggressive, inflexible position and reminded her they had
another to think of now. True, but what about her needs? They hadn't vanished the second she'd conceived.

  Patting her stomach again, Kelly sighed. She'd entered her third trimester earlier that month and Tiffany was a little more than thirty days ahead of her. Though the two of them discovered they were expecting before they wed their Doms, both were engaged to be married by the time their doctors called. Not that the timing mattered all that much. But when Jim learned of Kelly's pregnancy a month before they were scheduled to tie the knot, he almost dragged her to a Justice of the Peace to make their union legal. He was old-fashioned in that regard. Their baby would be born legitimately under his name, or there would be hell to pay.

  Though Kyle had dabbled in BDSM, he never got into it as deeply as Jim, so he and Tiffany had a less restrictive relationship. Tiffany never claimed to be a submissive, and given that she was younger than Kelly by seven years, Kyle allowed her more latitude as far as most dominant and submissive rules went. Though Kelly's feisty redheaded friend certainly spent a fair amount time over her husband's knee whenever she challenged him.

  Despite speaking to Tiffany on the phone at least once a day, Kelly hadn't seen her since she and Jim were wed in a small, local chapel on October 8th. So, she was thrilled when Jim suggested the other couple come over for New Years. Kyle and Tiffany had spent Christmas with her parents, while Jim and Kelly celebrated the festive occasion alone. Even though, or perhaps because, they didn't have any family members to join them, Jim didn't stint on making sure Kelly's Christmas was memorable by pampering her with tours through light shows and winter festivals intended primarily for children. Some might consider his choice of entertainment odd, but since Kelly's parents died when she was only six years old, she'd been denied most of the joys of childhood, which meant she enjoyed the fantasy of Christmas even more as an adult. Both Jim and Graham White, who'd taken Kelly in as his adult little girl when she was eighteen, recognized her child-like nature fairly quickly and did what they could to help make up for the loss.

  She'd been devastated when Graham separated from her on the day she turned twenty-one. Though he'd never truly abandoned her, Kelly still missed him, but Graham had another adult little girl to look after now, so they hadn't been together since her wedding, either. Still, he let her know he still thought of her by sending gifts and calling her on holidays and special occasions to make sure she was still behaving herself. And each time he took care to remind her she would always be Daddy's little girl. His little girl.

  Graham had mentioned more than once that he thought Jim provided Kelly with excellent guidance, and Jim admired Graham enough to seek his advice from time-to-time. Though Jim was thirty-six now, he'd lost his own parents within six months of each other when he was away at college, so Graham, who was several years older than Jim, willingly served as his mentor, particularly where Kelly was concerned. They were both dominant, protective men who took their responsibilities seriously.

  "Time check. It's seven p.m. Kyle and Tiffany should be here in a half-hour, doll. Don't you think it's time you got ready?" Jim called from the kitchen.

  Kelly gazed down at her warm, stretched out sweat clothes with a grimace. Here she was wool-gathering about the past and she still needed to dress.

  "Going now," she answered rushing into their bedroom.


  JIM SMILED AS HIS WIFE scurried to get ready. In many ways, she still acted like a young girl when she was excited. And having her friends over for a party was a definite cause for excitement. She'd been so particular about how things needed to be arranged, he knew she would have been mortified to be caught in her comfy clothes. Though she used to dress up for him in scanty, sexy outfits when they played, that didn't happen too much anymore, since she was still a little embarrassed about her baby bump. He'd need to work with her on that. He considered her even more beautiful as her body swelled to accommodate their unborn child.

  She was right to think him more than a trifle overprotective, but he wanted a passel of kids, so he insisted on ensuring his lovely wife took proper care of herself. A sip of champagne at midnight most likely wouldn't hurt her or the baby, but he had a precedent to set. But whenever he gave Kelly the proverbial inch, she grabbed the yardstick and ran with it. And that meant he had to go after her, grab it back and give her a few swats to remind her a cup wasn't a gallon and leniency was not a blank check for going overboard.

  Still he wouldn't change her for a brand new super-charged Vette, and the purr of that well-tuned beast certainly got his motor running. He grinned, positive his lady wouldn't care at all for the comparison.

  He picked up a lacquered tray that held his special chili queso dip, prepared Texas-style with pita chips for dipping; mushrooms stuffed with cream cheese and bacon bits flavored with barbeque and steak sauce; along with his personal favorite, Monterey jack and green chili egg rolls with jalapeno jelly dipping sauce, and carried the varied appetizers into the living room. His offering wasn't exactly holiday themed, he supposed, but the food could all be eaten with your fingers and he knew how to make them.

  Kelly could boil water for spaghetti, pour cereal and milk into a bowl, and heat things up in the microwave, but that was about the extent of her culinary abilities. He didn't mind, since he loved to cook, though admittedly his repertoire of recipes didn't extend into anything gourmet. All the same, he considered himself the chef of their little family.

  Once he'd arranged the various dishes about the room with napkins and small paper plates, he returned to set up a simple beverage bar in the kitchen. Coffee, tea and soft drinks for the ladies, chilled beer for Kyle and Jack on the rocks for him. The obligatory champagne was chilling, so he'd say they were ready for company, although Kyle and Tiffany were more friends than guests. They'd attended each other's wedding, and the girls had shopped for their dresses together.

  Jim and Kyle had grown closer after Kelly embarrassed them by throwing a disruptive temper tantrum at the police station where they both worked. The fact that Kyle had been Kelly's Dom a few months back didn't bother Jim quite so much now that he'd wrapped a ring around his lady's finger. In addition, Kyle had always been secretly in love with Tiffany, so his stint with Kelly had been more like biding his time putting a thoroughbred through its paces rather than riding the filly he intended to spend the rest of his life with. However, Kelly never did things half way, so she demanded Kyle's attention even when she suspected he wasn't the right man for her.

  Adding insult to injury, instead of dealing with Kelly himself, Kyle handed her over to Jim for punishment. Being traded like a pack of baseball cards did not settle well with the temperamental thoroughbred. Not at all. He and Kelly had had a rough start due to some unfortunate miscommunication in their early days, which when combined with Jim's initial reluctance to take up the reins on a permanent basis, caused Kelly more than a little heartache and uncertainty. He didn't mind applying the whip now and again, but keeping Kelly in line back then proved to be a full-time job, which he'd neither signed up for nor wanted. However, when her life was threatened, everything changed. He grew protective and possessive of the feisty submissive as he realized he was smitten. Big time.

  In the six months since their first night at the club, he'd gotten to understand Kelly's acting out was the only way she knew how to mask her deep-seated insecurities. All she needed was a modicum of reassurance that he still loved and desired her, even if he was about to lay into her butt for some foolishness, and she'd give him all the submission a Dom could desire.

  When Kelly stepped out of the bedroom he gave a long whistle of appreciation. He didn't know much about women's fashion, but her glittery gold top and flowing black skirt accentuated all the right places.

  "You're a sight for sore eyes, doll."

  "Think so?" she asked giving a playful twirl.

  "Oh, yeah. I do." Then he moved forward to loosely wrap his arms about her. "You feelin' okay?"

  "I'm fine. Why?"

lookin' a little flushed. You worked your butt off for this party and I'm worried you might have overdone things a bit."

  She stepped in closer to him, put her hands on his hips and gazed up at him with a dazzling smile. "I'm perfect, and I can't wait to show you just how perfect I am, later."

  "It's a date," he replied, grinning back at her, tempted to sneak in a kiss when the doorbell rang.

  KELLY TURNED TO OPEN the door, but Jim tightened his grip. "Unh uh," he warned. "That's what husbands are for. Your job is to plop down, relax and look beautiful. Now go do as you're told," he ordered giving her backside a gentle swat.

  In a show of compliance, Kelly reluctantly took a step toward the living room, but remained in the hallway. He was being bossy and overprotective, but she wasn't about to be so rude as to not greet their guests.

  "Happy New Year. Come on in, folks," Jim greeted as he opened the door wide.

  "Happy New Year!" Kyle and Tiffany replied in a chorus. Then Tiffany added with a giggle of delight. "It's snowing."

  Kelly stepped forward to take her friend's coat and gave her a hug before she brushed away a few of the tiny crystal flakes slowly melting in Tiffany's red hair. "White glitter on crimson silk. Pretty. It must be falling down hard. Your hair would have been veiled in white if you'd stayed out much longer."

  "I don't care," Tiffany confessed, returning Kelly's hug. "I love the snow."

  "So do I," Kelly admitted, catching Jim's warning frown. Yeah, yeah. She hadn't obediently dropped into a chair like he'd ordered. Too bad. Complimenting her friend was more important. "You look beautiful, Tiffany. That black chiffon flatters your figure."

  Tiffany let out an unladylike snort. "Right. The camel look is so 'in' today."


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