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Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship

Page 5

by Saxon Andrew

  “I know, Aman. We’re going to have to wait until we’re assigned to our units and then try to discuss it with our new commanders.”

  “That may be too late.”

  “I know, but I’m not going to do another two hundred pushups and run twenty miles in armor.”

  • • •

  It was in the evening after chow had been completed and they were getting ready to go to the Armory, when they heard. “Hey, man, leave me alone.”

  Derek looked at the front of the barracks and saw Brandon had grabbed Gomez’s shirt and lifted him off the floor, “Didn’t you see me!”

  “No, I was just going to my bunk talking with Thomas.”

  Hail’s face turned ugly, “That’s your problem, Gomez, no respect for others.”

  Derek sighed. Gomez was barely taller than five feet and was dwarfed by Hail’s six foot six massive body. Aman looked at Derek and whispered, “Don’t do it!”

  Derek shook his head and yelled, “Hey, Brandon!” Hail continued to hold Gomez off the floor as his head whipped around toward Derek. “If you had the choice to stay on Earth or come here, which would you choose?”

  Brandon’s face turned uglier. Gomez said, “That’s an easy one; I’d come here.”

  Brandon looked at the small man he was holding off the floor and said, “There you go disrespecting me again. He didn’t ask you.”

  Derek yelled, “So answer the question.”

  Derek was amazed at Hail’s strength. He continued to hold Gomez off the floor as he thought for a moment and said, “I would have chosen to come here as well. What business is it of yours?”

  “You appear to always be angry. It looks like you hate being here.”

  Gomez said, “You are angry all the time, man.” Brandon looked back at Gomez and he said, “I’m just saying, man.”

  Brandon dropped Gomez and started walking toward Derek, “Well look at Gung Ho telling me…”

  Derek interrupted and said, “What is your chosen occupation?”

  Brandon stopped in front of Derek and Aman and evaluated the two. He knew he would have to beat them both and he hesitated. “I’m a soldier.”

  “And what would be your profession?”

  Brandon’s eyes narrowed and he said, “I like working on machines. I’m a mechanic. What is yours?”

  “My chosen profession is to be a warrior.”

  Brandon’s head went back and he looked around the barracks as everyone watched the confrontation, “In case you haven’t noticed, everyone here is a warrior.”

  Derek said, “No they’re not; they’re soldiers.”

  Brandon’s eyebrows came together and Gomez, who had followed Brandon, said, “What’s the difference, man?” Brandon jerked his head around and shook it at the bravery of the smaller man, not only following him but also interrupting his conversation again. Gomez saw Brandon’s expression and said, “Sorry, I mean no disrespect.”

  Brandon looked back at Derek, “Yeah, what is the difference.”

  “Soldiers go to fight where they’re ordered. They go because they’re ordered to go. A warrior goes to fight and loves the challenge it offers him to improve his skills.”

  Gomez said, “You’re crazy, Gung Ho.” Brandon actually smiled. He tried to stifle it but couldn’t.

  Derek looked at Gomez and said, “Are you as good as you can be at being a soldier?”

  “Of course I am.”

  Derek looked at Gomez and shook his head, “You’re only as good as you’re willing to work to develop your fighting skills.”

  Thomas Sorrow yelled from the front of the barracks, “You and that side kick of yours are practicing all the time and your scores at the armory are no better than mine.”

  Brandon smiled and said, “He’s right, Gung Ho.”

  Derek said, “Aman and I have completed the force two program.”

  Brandon’s face showed his shock and he was going to call Derek a liar but didn’t have to, the rest of the platoon said he was full of crap. Brandon raised his arm and everyone grew quiet, “We say you’re a liar.”

  “You can say what you want.”

  “Gung Ho, we’re going to the armory with you right now and if you don’t do what you say you can do, I’m going to personally beat the crap out of you.” Brandon was pleased to hear several others agree to join him in the effort. Derek looked at Aman and saw him shaking his head. He stood and Aman followed him out of the barracks to the Armory. Sgt. Chetzen saw the platoon walking out and figured Hail was going to kick someone’s butt. He turned back to his desk terminal; it wasn’t his problem.

  • • •

  The platoon arrived at the armory and Derek yelled, “Computer, force of two.”

  “Program is loaded.”

  Derek and Aman grabbed the training weapons and Gomez yelled, “What are you doing with those bandoliers?”

  Aman looked at him, “I use them to reload.”

  Gomez laughed, “You’ll be dead before the first one is empty.” Brandon laughed and held up his hand as Gomez high fived him. The platoon settled in the chairs and watched Derek and Aman step up on the activation pad. Gomez said, “This should be good.”

  The Platoon was shocked silent once the electronic Gracken charge started. The smoothness of Derek and Aman stepping up and then back while their force fields charged was amazing. They sat and watched the Gracken charge obliterated and after fifteen minutes the computer said, “Program completed.”

  Derek went back to the weapon’s rack and put his training rifle away. He waited on Aman and then turned and walked toward the door. He looked at the stunned recruits and said, “That is the difference between soldiers and warriors.” They walked out of the armory and Brandon heard the others start talking about what they had seen. He remained silent and the vision of the two recruits holding off the Gracken charge kept running through his head. He stood up, ran out of the armory, and caught Derek and Aman before they entered the barracks, “Hey! Hold on a minute.”

  Derek stopped and saw the huge recruit running toward them. “What do you want, Brandon?”

  “Why haven’t you told the Sergeant about this?”

  “Why do you think we’ve been doing pushups and running? He refuses to listen to us.”

  “You can survive a Gracken charge.”

  Aman shook his head, “Only if it’s a force two Gracken Charge. If we’re in a platoon sized charge, we’d die with everyone else.”

  “I want you to teach me how to do this.”


  “Because you’re right; I’m angry beyond endurance. Can’t you see that we’re little more than blaster fodder. None of us will survive if we’re sent out to fight. That ticks me off like you can’t believe. This shows me that we can give as much as we get and I’m ok with that if I die.”

  The rest of the platoon had followed Brandon out and were standing around listening to the conversation. Thomas said, “I want to learn as well.”

  Derek looked at the others and they were nodding. “All of you should know that if you mention this to the Sergeant we will all be running twenty miles in armor. We have to do this on our off time.”

  Brandon nodded, “I’ll do it during my sleep time if you’ll teach me.”

  Derek looked at Aman and he tilted his head. “We’ll start tomorrow after chow. Before you will be allowed to use a weapon you’ll have to program your force fields and learn how to dance.”

  Brandon smiled, “Are you talking about the Daniel’s shuffle?”

  Derek laughed, “Yes, stepping up and back in time and rhythm.”

  Brandon laughed, “You lead and I’ll follow.”

  Derek nodded and stuck out his hand. Brandon shook it. His hand felt like it was in an industrial press. Darn he was strong! Brandon held out his hand to Aman and he jerked his hands behind his back, “That’s ok, I like my hands to function properly.”

  Brandon laughed, “You big baby.”

  Aman smiled, “You better be
lieve it.”

  • • •

  The platoon practiced the shuffle for six weeks while Sparta’s Leaders determined that to send out soldiers against the Gracken was nothing short of suicide. The Assembly was starting to feel frustrated that nothing was being done to free their invaded planets.

  Chapter Four

  Mike sat at his personal console and stared at the computer. He thought about the meeting he had with Hetzel and three other Assembly leaders six hours earlier. He sighed and started to wonder if this entire idea shouldn’t have been tried. He had shown the Assembly Leaders the training records of the most successful units against the electronic Gracken charges and even those were abysmal.

  Hetzel had said, “Is this the best you can do?”

  “It is with the technology we have to work with. Is there any way to make the personal force fields around our soldiers last longer?”

  Hetzel nodded, “Yes, if they can carry an additional hundred and fifty pounds around with them.”

  Mike shook his head, “What do you mean?”

  “The reactor for the personal force fields is limited by the material used to power them. In order to raise the power, a different radioactive material has to be used and it takes at least that much weight to shield the wearer from radiation poisoning.”

  Mike shook his head, “Those monsters are incredibly quick and can overrun us faster than you can imagine. Once they move inside the range of their blasters, the fighting is over. Our fields fail after twenty seconds.”

  “We have been able to strengthen the force field in the, what do you call them…uhh, Warthogs?”

  Mike nodded, “Yes, that’s what we call them. What else have you done with them?”

  “We changed out the antiquated jet engines and replaced them with modern nuclear powered thrusters. I’m surprised you want to use them; one would think you’d just put that gun on a modern carrier.”

  Mike shook his head, “Carriers are great at flying in a straight line. They maneuver like a brick.”

  Hetzel shrugged, “We also replaced the metal used in them with modern alloys. The aircraft is several tons lighter and the structure is stronger.”

  “What about pressurization?”

  “It can be flown in space. We added micro maneuvering thrusters on the wings and body. The wings serve no purpose in space.”

  “What about dropping them from space?”

  Hetzel looked at one of the Assembly Leaders and he said, “The small thrusters will control the speed of its descent until it enters atmosphere dense enough for the wings to start functioning.”

  Mike nodded, “How long will the fuel last?”

  Hetzel smiled, “It’s nuclear powered; it could fly indefinitely. What are you going to do with these Warthogs?”

  “You notice I’ve changed their weapons to fire a heavier round that was developed from the slivers.” Hetzel nodded. “I’m going to use them to attack their aircraft and their mobile blaster platforms on the surface of a planet.”

  The four Assembly Members stared at Mike. After a moment Hetzel said, “Do you honestly think those small projectiles will take out a starship?”

  “Those small projectiles have a coating made of spent uranium. It’s the densest material we’ve ever created. It will go through their hulls, ignite with the heat of passage, and explode inside the ship. Until you can build me a ship large and maneuverable enough to hold our larger cannons, they will have to carry the load.” Mike hesitated and said, “I’ve been meaning to ask; why does the Gracken beam have no effect on physical objects passing through it?”

  “It is designed to only destroy biological tissues. If it hits an unshielded body, it will disintegrate.”

  Mike nodded and sighed, “One of their mobile blasters could take out all the personal force fields of our soldiers at four times the range of their troops. We have to eliminate them before they get in range.”

  The tallest Assembly Member stared at Mike and said, “That’s really not an issue. Their troops can do it without the assistance of their heavy blasters.”

  Mike stared at him and finally said, “I hate to admit it but you’re right.”

  Hetzel stared at Mike and said, “We need to discuss whether or not we should continue this effort. We’ll get back to you shortly.”

  • • •

  Mike sat at his terminal and looked at the clock; it was two thirty in the morning but he couldn’t sleep. He wondered if everyone was going to be sent back to Earth. He really couldn’t blame the Assembly; this was a wasted expense. He pressed a button and said, “Computer, pull up all training records on Gracken programs.”

  “Do you want only the official records like you requested earlier?”


  “You requested all official training records earlier. Is that what you want?”

  “What other records are there?”

  “Training records that are not official.”

  “How would a training record not be official?”

  “Training that takes place after hours is not included in the official records.”

  “Pull up all records.”

  After ten minutes Mike heard, “Records have been pulled and are current up to ten minutes ago.”

  “What is the best time against a force of two training program?”

  “Program was completed.”


  “There have been a hundred and sixty nine completions of force two.”

  “Where…when…by who?”

  “Platoon Twenty One at Fort Athens.”

  “Force of four?”

  “Three hundred completions.”

  “By who?”

  “Platoon Twenty One at Fort Athens.”

  Mike jumped up out of his chair, “Force Platoon.”

  “Two hundred completions by Platoon Twenty One at Fort Athens.”

  “Why have you never informed me about this?”

  “You have only requested official records.”

  Mike pushed a button on his panel and waited until he heard, “Who is calling me!?!” Mike waited a moment and heard, “Forgive me, Sir. I couldn’t open my eyes.”

  “Alex, I want you to pull the official training records of Platoon Twenty One and review them. I also want you to contact their Training Sergeant and have the platoon in ranks in front of the armory they use for training. I want them dressed in full combat gear.”

  “When do you want this?”

  “Right now, Alex. Review their training records and meet me at the armory when you’re done.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Mike ran into his bedroom and snatched a uniform out of the closet. He quickly put it on and Tilly rolled over and looked at him, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to Athens.”

  Tilly rolled back over and looked at the clock beside the bed, “Are you out of your mind? It’s three in the morning.”

  “Go back to sleep.”

  “What are you doing?”

  Mike looked at Tilly and smiled, “I’m going to find salvation.”


  “Something’s going on that I need to examine. It could be critical to our survival.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Do you want to come with me?”

  “I didn’t get in bed until midnight; I’m exhausted. Tell me about it when you get back.”

  Mike kissed Tilly and she rolled back over and was asleep in an instant. He shook his head. Tilly, Eric, and Janet had shouldered so much of the load for him. He loved her so much and hated the fatigue she lived with. Maybe this would change things. He rushed out of his living quarters at Fort Rome and boarded his personal carrier. He lifted and went into the upper atmosphere before he went supersonic. He didn’t want to wake Tilly with a sonic boom.

  • • •

  He came over the atmosphere at more than twenty five thousand miles an hour and turned the nose of the carrier toward the eastern edge of the co
ntinent. He saw the lights far below and knew it was Fort Athens. This camp was under the command of the Russian contingent of trainers and Mike wondered if the success of the platoon was being kept secret. He didn’t think Alexander would have a hidden agenda but he wondered how this success could be kept hidden. His carrier came roaring in and the sonic boom was enormous. He stared at the display on his panel and saw people scrambling in an open area on the south end of the fort. He turned the carrier toward them and used his thrusters to slow down. He saw what looked like a platoon at half strength and wondered what happened to the others. He landed the carrier in front of the recruits and opened the canopy.

  • • •

  Sergeant Chetzen wondered what was going on. The Fort Commander had roused him from a deep sleep and ordered his platoon to assemble outside the armory in full combat gear. What had these loons done that would cause this. Could they have damaged the armory? He never should have allowed them to use it after hours. It did not improve their scores. He decided that he would stop it once this was over. He saw the carrier come roaring in from high altitude and felt as much as heard the sonic boom of its approach. Someone was going to have to pay for the broken glass in the barracks. The canopy of the carrier opened and he was shocked. The crimson colored uniform appeared and he knew the Planetary Commander was here. He yelled, “Platoon! Atennnshun!” The platoon snapped to attention and he saluted.

  • • •

  The platoon saw the man getting out of the military carrier was wearing a crimson colored uniform. Only one person on the planet was authorized to wear that color. Everyone began fearing that they were in deep trouble.

  Mike walked up to the platoon and returned Sgt. Chetzen’s salute. “Sergeant, take your platoon into the armory and I want to see them against a force two, eight, squad, and platoon size Gracken charge.”

  “Sir, the armory will not operate until after six AM.”

  “Sergeant, follow my orders.”

  Chetzen felt a cold chill go down his spine and he did an about face and said, “Platoon…about face. Forward…march.” The platoon marched into the armory and remained at attention. Chetzen said, “Computer, load the force of two program.”


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