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Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship

Page 8

by Saxon Andrew

  Elle took off her helmet and Jesse was once again amazed by her beauty. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were just as amazing as the day he first met her when she was entering college. She saw him looking at her and smiled. She knew how much he loved her. She said, “Do you think they’ll send a follow up?”

  Silence followed her question. Jeanette finally broke the silence, “We really don’t know very much about these creatures. We’ll drop a probe, jump away, and wait to see.”

  Jesse smiled, “You really don’t have to stay. We can wait to see if anything shows up.”

  “If it’s all the same to you, I need to stay busy. I’ll stay and the two of you can go take care of anything you need.”

  Pete said on the private channel, “She just sent her oldest son to the DV-8 facility.”

  Jesse looked at Elle and saw her shock. “Why don’t we wait together? You can come and join us on our ship.”

  Jeanette fought back her tears and said, “Thanks, Jesse; I think I’d like that. I’ll dock with your ship once we jump out.” The two Q ships disappeared leaving small pieces of debris falling into the planet’s atmosphere creating a beautiful meteor shower.

  Chapter Six

  Josh leaned against the back wall of the barracks and tried to get the cobwebs out of his head from being stunned. He looked down and saw he was wearing a light blue jumpsuit that was different from the green suits everyone else was wearing. He knew it meant something but his brain was too fuzzy to figure it out. He looked up and saw a huge teenager walking up with ten others. The giant bent down and lifted Josh’s chin and forced him to look him in the eyes. He moved Josh’s head from side to side and looked over his shoulder, “What’s wrong with this newbie?”

  One of the boys standing next to the giant said, “I heard one of the ones that carried him in here say he was stunned by one of the warriors that picked him up.”

  The giant looked back at Josh and smiled, “I like that.” He raised Josh’s chin slightly and said, “I’m going to cut you some slack and not teach you who is boss here. If I say jump, you do it and don’t ask questions; you got that?” Josh could only stare at the big boy. He still had no control of his vocal apparatus. The boy saw Josh’s glazed eyes and he slapped him viciously across the face. Josh fell to the side and the giant looked at the others, “Tell him who did it and how things work here when he wakes up.” The boys surrounding the giant nodded and he turned and walked to the front of the barracks.

  No one needed to tell Josh. He could see what was going on and he decided to play it cool and keep a low profile. The first thing he was going to do was pretend he was unable to talk. Silence was the best way to be left alone. He stayed prone on the back wall and remained there all night. He watched the big ruler of the barracks hit numerous residents. Sometimes for no reason at all except for the joy of seeing the pain they endured.

  • • •

  The next morning the residents of the barracks got up, dressed, and walked out of the barracks. One of the boys came and helped Josh stand up, “It’s time to eat, Stumbles. Get up.” Josh allowed the boy to help him up and he stumbled out of the building following the others toward a huge building located in the center of more than a hundred barracks.

  He looked around and saw a mass of young boys and girls walking toward the huge building. There had to be several thousand just moving around him. The boy let him go and he caught himself and forced himself to slowly drag his feet as he walked with the others. He filled a plate and saw that none of the members of the different barracks sat with those from other barracks. He walked to the table where his barracks were sitting and heard the big boy say, “Sit at the end of the table, Stumbles. We don’t want to be infected by whatever rot is eating you.” The others laughed and Josh moved to the end of the table away from everyone else. He noticed a girl sitting there alone. He put his tray down and sat down several chairs from her and focused on is food.

  He was surprised that the meal was pretty good. His expression must have shown it; the girl said, “This is not like a prison. We are fed well.” He looked up at her and opened his mouth and issued a groan. He grabbed his throat and shook his head. She looked disgusted, “You should go to the infirmary and get your throat checked out. They’re pretty good.”

  The big boy said, “Did I tell you to talk with Stumbles?”

  The girl looked at the big boy and pulled a pencil out of the front pocket of her jumpsuit. She took a pencil sharpener out of her other pocket and began sharpening the pencil. She stared at the big boy the entire time and after a moment he shook his head, “That girl is crazy!” He looked away and slapped the boy sitting across from him.

  Josh saw the exchange and looked at the girl. She put the pencil away and said, “The one that was here before the resident gorilla took charge tried to molest me. I managed to fight him off and that night I jammed a pencil in his neck while he was sleeping. He almost bled out and they’ve left me alone since then.” Josh stared at her and then went back to his meal. He heard a laugh and looked toward the end of the table. A large group from another barracks had gathered at the end of the table and a boy that made the giant look small was smiling down at him, “You know I’m going to take this table for my group. I’m just letting you worry about when I’m going to do it.” He reached down and patted the giant on the cheek. He laughed and walked away with the others from his barracks as they ridiculed the giant.

  Josh looked at the girl and she shook her head, “This has been going on for about two weeks since that new T-Rex arrived.” Josh’s eyebrows came together and the girl said, “You know; the biggest predator. Brent was the reigning T-Rex but this new one really makes him look small in comparison.” The girl sighed, “It’s not going to be pretty when they face off.” The girl looked up and saw a Spartan Warrior walking toward them. She looked at Josh and said, “I guess this is where you get your orientation. She stood and moved further up the long table. Josh watched the warrior approaching and saw that everyone got out of his path. It was easy to see that this was one dangerous individual. Even Brent stood up and took his tray to the disposal units. The big boy that had threatened Brent was a good head taller than the warrior but he quickly moved out his path.

  The warrior walked up to his table and sat down. He looked at Josh and shook his head. Josh stared at him not saying anything. The warrior stared at him and smiled, “Oh, so you’re going to play like you can’t speak. That will last until they start working you over to see if you’re able to scream. I wouldn’t suggest it as a strategy. The lifers have already been clued in to that tactic.”

  Josh stared at the man and said, “Lifers?”

  “Those that have chosen to live the rest of their life here.” Josh’s eyes narrowed. “I’m Sergeant Blake and I run this place. I pretty much stay out of what takes place inside the fence but every once in a while, someone thinks they can escape and I have the responsibility to show them that it can’t be done.” The man moved his hand around him, “This facility is located on an uninhabited continent on Sparta and even if one managed to get outside the fence, there’s nowhere to go. If I don’t find them first, one of the local predators will take care of the problem.”

  Josh saw the man was serious. “What are the rules here?”

  Blake actually laughed, “There are no rules. That’s what got you and everyone else around you in this place. None of you would follow rules. You get what you want by coming here. You can do whatever you please and no one will bother you.” Josh turned and looked at Brent as he walked out the door. Blake smiled, “That’s the illusion of freedom. You’re never really free to do as you want.” Josh looked at Blake as he said, “This is how it works; in four weeks, you’ll be given the opportunity to leave and return to the outside world. You will have to agree to become a part of Sparta’s society and to shoulder your responsibility in defending our planet.” Blake smiled, “You will have to follow rules.”

  Josh stared at Blake and said, “That will n
ever happen.”

  Blake shrugged, “Which brings us to the next timeframe. If you refuse to return after four weeks, you will be given an additional two weeks to request going back. Once that two weeks has passed; you will remain here for the rest of your life.” Blake’s smile vanished, “Nod if you understand.” Josh nodded. Blake looked at Josh and shook his head, “I never understand how the smartest of us are so stupid.” Blake stood up and walked away. Josh was dumbfounded by what the warrior meant.

  • • •

  Life became bearable in the facility. Josh learned that all he had to do was get out of the barracks and avoid Brent. By leaving each morning after breakfast and going out into the wilderness inside the facility’s fences, he was left alone. He found a place where a waterfall cascaded down into a gorge and the rainbows on a sunny day were breathtaking. He sat on top of the gorge and stared at the river far below. He suspected this was where most of those that attempted to escape made the effort. He thought about the hateful things his mother had said to him before he left and he hated her for it. She was wrong about his former friends…and about him. It was at the end of the fourth week that the girl showed up at the gorge.

  Her name was Pricilla but everyone called her Crazy. “Have you decided?”

  Josh turned around and saw her standing behind him, “I thought you didn’t want to talk with me.”

  Crazy shook her head, “Are you that stupid? What do you think would happen if I showed anyone the slightest attention?” Josh thought a moment as she said, “They’re afraid I would stab a pencil in their neck but they would take great pleasure in causing pain to anyone I happened to like.” Josh thought a moment and knew she was right. “So what have you decided?”

  “About what?”

  “Are you going to leave?”

  Josh shook his head, “I don’t think so.”

  Crazy said, “Good. I hope you stay.”


  “You’re one of the few sane ones here.”

  Josh stared at Crazy, “Why are you still here? I understand every female that comes here opts out at the first opportunity. Why didn’t you?”

  Crazy sat down and shook her head, “Sometimes home is worse than where you are. My father had me sent here because I stabbed him with a knife.”

  Josh stared at her and shook his head, “Was he as bad as what goes on here?”


  Josh sighed and said, “I’m not opting out.” Crazy smiled and leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. She turned and ran away. Josh wondered what she looked like without the shirt draped over her hair and the jumpsuit that was two sizes too big. She wasn’t crazy. That was an act. At the end of the week, Sergeant Blake came and asked for his decision.

  “I’m not going back.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am.” Blake turned and walked out of the barracks. Even Brent cheered his decision. That, more than anything else, made him question what he did.

  • • •


  “Yes, Sergeant.”

  “He’s chosen to stay.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate your letting me know.”

  Adams ended the call and knew Jeanette’s heart was going to be broken. He felt his own heart break and kept it to himself.

  • • •

  On Wednesday of the second week, the confrontation finally happened. The new T-Rex challenged Brent for his table at breakfast and set the time for seven that evening. Brent was scared. Josh watched him gather his residents around him, “Alright, can I count on you to back me up on this. We can take them if we fight together.”

  “Oh yes, man. You know we love you and won’t let you face him alone.”

  “I’ll be right there with you.”

  “We’ll show them who has the power.”

  Josh listened to Brent’s posse and decided that they probably could beat the other barracks. They didn’t have as many big boys as Brent had in his group. He decided that Brent would win if they stuck together. He was sitting in his normal place against the back wall that evening and Crazy came over and sat down beside him. “I’m worried.”

  Josh looked at her, “About what?”

  “That new T-Rex knows I’m the only female in this building. He doesn’t have any in his barracks and I suspect it’s me he’s really after. When he beats Brent, I’m afraid of what he’s going to do to me.”

  “Brent won’t lose. All of the others will help him win.”

  “Are you that stupid!?!”


  “No one is going to Bent’s aid. They’ll all watch him get the crap kicked out of him and will probably kick him as well once the new T-Rex finishes with him.”

  “But, they promised to support him.”

  “Get real. Everyone in this barracks hates Brent for the bully he is. They hate him but act like they like him to keep him from hitting on them. They’ll celebrate if he loses. Brent is going to have to face the T-Rex alone.”

  Josh heard his mother’s words come crashing into his consciousness and he thought about the friends he had on Earth. All of them agreed with everything he said and smiled and laughed at everything he said. He invited them to come home with him but all of them always had a reason not to come.

  He blamed his parents but now saw that it never got to that point. He was just another Brent who threw his weight around. He shook his head and saw Brent stand and say, “let’s go teach these bums whose boss.” Josh and Crazy walked out and followed the group out into the clear ground in the center of the barracks. The two large boys walked out in front of their supporters and the T-Rex smiled. “I’ve been looking forward to this.”

  Brent looked behind him and said, “Come on. Let’s do this!” No one moved. Brent’s expression showed his shock and then the T-Rex hit him on the back of his head and knocked him to the ground. The members of both barracks cheered the T-Rex on as Brent could only cover his head with his arms as the huge boy rained blows down on him. The T-Rex looked up and saw Crazy, “When I’m done with this slug, I expect you to reward me.”

  Josh saw the fear on Pricilla’s face as the huge boy beat Brent senseless. He saw the so called supporters laughing at what was being done and he decided it was time to make a decision. Sometimes, there were people that needed defending. He stepped forward and stopped beside the T-Rex, “Get off him…now!”

  The T-Rex looked at Josh and sneered, “Ralph, you and Jolly teach this slob about interfering with my play.”

  Two large boys rushed over and Josh met the first one with a straight armed fist into his forehead. He hit the ground in an instant and a round house kick dropped the second. He now understood that his friends on Earth feared his fighting ability. His parents had trained him well and those around him knew it. Those here didn’t.

  He went over and grabbed one of the T-Rex’s arms and bent the wrist back and twisted it. The huge boy screamed and fell away from Brent. The members of both barracks were shocked. Josh held the arm and said, “I am going to give you one opportunity to walk away from this. If you don’t, you will lose the ability to bend either arm.” Josh walked the big boy away from Brent as he continued to twist the wrist and arm. Ten yards away he pushed the large boy to the ground. The giant jumped up rubbing his wrist yelling that he had been snuck up on and attacked. Once his wrist was right, he’d teach him a lesson.

  Josh stood in front of him waiting and the larger boy knew he was facing an opponent that had his measure. He stormed off threatening his revenge. Josh looked at the members of the other barracks and they fed with the T-Rex. He looked at the members of his barracks and they slinked away as well. Pricilla ran over and looked at the retreating T-Rex, “Where did you learn to fight like that?”

  “My parents were Hunters on Earth.”

  “What was their name?”


  “Not the ADAMS?” Josh nodded. “What in God’s creation are you doing here!?!”

�I guess being stupid. Here, help me get him to the infirmary.”

  They picked up Brent and managed to get him to the medical facility. The doctors took one look and rushed him to the operating room. Josh shook his head, “My mother was right and I refused to see it.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Josh looked at Pricilla, “I have to leave.” Pricilla’s eyes became moist and she nodded. “Perhaps you can ask to leave as well.”

  “I passed the two week limit a long time ago, Josh. Besides, going home would be worse than staying.”

  Josh stared at her and said, “Come with me.” He walked to the front gate and pressed a red button on the post. After a moment, Sergeant Blake appeared outside the fence, “Have you come to your senses yet?”

  “I have, Sergeant.”

  “You’re officially opting to rejoin our society and accept all the rules associated with that decision?”

  “I do; however, I have one request to make.”

  “You’re not a citizen. You have no right to make any requests.”

  “Sergeant, this young lady refused to leave here because her home represented more danger to her than living here. She is disciplined and is one of the smartest individuals I’ve ever met. She still refuses to ask to leave if it means she has to go home.”

  Blake looked at Pricilla and raised his eyebrows; she nodded, “I can’t go back there.”

  Blake looked at Josh and he said, “How old are you Pricilla?”

  “I’ll be sixteen in three weeks.”

  Josh turned back to Blake, “Sergeant, all of us report to our training stations when we turn sixteen years old. Would it be possible to send Pricilla to her training station now and have her join her age group in three weeks? I’m sure she would volunteer to clean the base until time for her enrollment.”

  “She did not ask to leave within the required timeframe.”

  “Did anyone do an investigation into her family to see why she was sent here or did everyone just accept their reasons?” Blake stared at Josh. “Sergeant, I know my role is to fight for this new society that’s being created here. But if you tell me that keeping her here is the right thing to do, I know that I am going to have to change how this world thinks.”


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