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Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship

Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  Rizzo stared at Derek and walked forward and hugged him and Halley, “Make them pay, Sir.”

  Derek smiled, “I suspect we’ll make a good show, Major.”

  Derek activated the general frequency, “I want the survivors of Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie companies to go back through the city and burn any of our warriors that were killed taking the city. Use your standard hand blasters to make it happen. I know how you feel about doing this but the Gracken can’t tell what species is attacking them. They’ll know their attackers are bipedal but there are too many species in the Alliance to know which one is here. They have had a probe at Earth and we can’t leave a body behind for them to see; it would endanger Earth. You will join all the other companies at the beach near the force field generators when you finish your task.”

  Halley looked at Derek, “I didn’t think of that.”

  “Let’s hope it works. The next order none of us are going to like.” Halley looked Derek in the eyes and he said, “I want the self-destruct modules taken out of the tanks and distributed to all of our warriors. I want them attached to their leads and activated.”

  Halley stared at Derek and then sighed. “I’ll issue the orders.”

  “Thank you, Colonel.”

  The seriousness of the situation came home to the Spartan forces when they were issued their self-destruct modules. Now it really began to sink in that death was not far away.

  • • •

  The hundreds of thousands of warriors watching the exchange on Sparta saw the bravery of the men on Fippen. Something stirred inside them and they wanted to be there with them. A warrior watching in the armory at Fort Athens yelled, “I want to be there with them!”

  Alex looked at the soldier and said, “As long as you watch their actions, you are there and you honor their sacrifice.”

  • • •

  Derek looked at the head engineer and said, “Is there any way to modulate the force field?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The force field complex is next to the shoreline. Could it be reduced in size to cover just the beach and surrounding area?”

  “Yes, but you would open the rest of the city to their beams.”

  “If we remain in the city, what do you think would happen to the inhabitants still here when the force field finally fails?”

  The engineer shrugged, “They would all be killed.”

  “But if we move to the beach and reduce the size of the force field before those ships start their bombardment, what do you think they would fire on?”

  The engineer nodded, “They would focus on your forces. There would probably be some collateral damage around the area, but they should ignore the bulk of the city. You’re the ones they’re after. It would also strengthen the force field if we reduce the coverage and extend the time it will remain active.”

  “Will you make those changes and get out here so I can get you and your team to safety.”

  “If it’s all the same, I would prefer to stay. The other two members may leave, but I see my duty is to be here to modulate the field and keep it active as long as possible.”

  Derek looked into the engineer’s eyes and smiled, “You surprise me. I didn’t think anyone in the Alliance possessed this much bravery.”

  “My name is Gremel, and I’m here fighting for my family just like you and your brave fighters. I trust the community to take care of my family if I don’t make it.” Gremel turned and sent his two friends to the carriers. He then went inside the force field complex and sent word he was ready.

  Derek watched the engineer go back inside the complex and shook his head. Halley said, “They are more than I thought.”

  Derek nodded and said, “Get the tanks set up to defend the beach at the dunes. Space them out so our companies will be under their force fields when the main field fails. Let Gremel know when the three companies burning the bodies have joined us so he can reduce the field.”

  Halley nodded and began sending a platoon between each of the thirty tanks. The tanks’ force fields were as strong as a Q ship and could cover a hundred foot radius around them. The tanks would be the salvation of the warriors firing at the enemy when the battle began.

  Derek looked at his tactical and saw that only eight hundred and fifty three of his heavy infantry would remain behind. More than five hundred had been killed taking the city and sending the three companies of Fliers out only left a platoon sized force to place beside the tanks. He looked behind him at the ocean and then turned back to the city. At least they were not trapped out in the open. They would hold their fire except for the mortars and tank cannons until the main field failed. Then they would start the dance. He walked over to the carriers and saw that the fifties had been mounted. He looked at Captain Bolton and said, “Keep them off your carrier.”

  Dave nodded over his shoulder, “I have three surprises for them.”

  Derek looked in the carrier and saw three stinger missiles, “Where did you get those?”

  “One of the tank commanders saw the supply when his tank was serviced and he said he couldn’t resist taking a few.”

  “Do you think they will work?”

  “I’ve charged one briefly and pointed it at one of those aircraft and the seeker activated; the missile does see them, Sir.”

  Derek thought a moment, “I don’t believe they’ll make it through their force field.”

  Bolton smiled, “Only the parts that use energy will be stopped, Sir. All the electrical circuits, circuit boards, wiring, fuel controls, guidance boards…”

  “That’s most of the missile,”

  “Notice I didn’t include the warhead.”

  Derek smiled, “Yes, but the missile will slam to a stop at the force field.”

  “And the debris will continue forward. I’m hoping the warhead will be part of that.”

  “You need to get the staff working on modifying them when you go back.”

  Dave slowly nodded his head, “I will, Sir.”

  • • •

  Mike listened to them and yelled, “Tilly!”

  “I’ve notified the engineers. They’ll start looking at the issue now.”

  Mike turned back to the display.

  • • •

  Derek looked at the carriers and said, “Go to full speed and start moving toward orbit quickly.”

  Rizzo shook his head, “Sir, they have the high ground and we can’t make the escape too steep; they’ll be on us.”

  “Just get my men to safety. I’m counting on you shooters to keep them off their backs.”

  Derek hit his communicator, “Are you ready?”

  Naomi answered, “Yes Sir.”

  “Where are those aircraft now?”

  “They’re holding position four miles up just west of the city, Sir.”

  “I’ll launch the carriers and you fire as soon as those ships start moving.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Derek looked at the thirty carriers and said, “On my mark…three, two, one, MARK!”

  • • •

  The thirty carriers took off at their highest velocity over the shoreline and started picking up speed as they began moving higher. The gunners on the back of the carriers could see the large Beamships holding position about four miles away and were initially elated that they didn’t appear to see them escaping; but then they saw fifty of them start accelerating toward them. They were in thinner air and their speed was much higher. Suddenly, three of the oncoming ships exploded and the others turned and moved horizontally to the mortar barrage being fired above the city. The carriers moved higher on their long arch over the ocean looking to reach the safety of orbit. The surviving Beamships made it around the barrage and the chase was on. It was going to be close.

  • • •

  Jennings, Rizzo, and Bolton were in the back three carriers. They were the regiment’s best shots and they raised the barrels of their machine guns and estimated the elevation needed to drop their shells on the cha
sing aircraft. Dave had a flier feeding the belt and he raised the barrel at an impossible angle and fired a brief volley. The lead Beamship exploded as the shells hit the blaster it was firing. The flier looked at Dave, “That shot was impossible.”

  “Tell me about it.” Dave fired another volley and another Beamship exploded. Dave shook his head. If those ships came within three miles, their blasters would take out the carriers. The carriers were moving at a steep angle and were now fifteen thousand feet above the ocean and their speed was increasing. Rizzo and Jennings had hit two of the chasers but most of their shots missed. At twenty thousand feet, the Beamships were almost three miles behind. Dave reached behind him and pulled a stinger up to his shoulder. He looked at the Flier, “Do you know how to use one of these?”

  The Flier nodded, “Activate it and wait for the red light in the site to illuminate.”

  “Take one and aim at the closest one on the right. I’ll take the one on the left. We’ll save the last one for the final run into orbit.” Dave pressed the activate button and saw the red light in the site start flashing. He pulled the trigger and the stinger shot out of the shoulder mount. Dave threw the mount over the side of the carrier to help reduce weight and the stinger flew into the Beamship and exploded on its force field. There was a momentary pause and Dave thought the missile wouldn’t work but then the Beamship exploded in a massive blast as the other Beamship beside it blew up.

  The carriers were at sixty thousand feet and were able to maintain their distance from the chasers that were slightly more than four miles behind them. Dave knew they were going to make it but he took the last Stinger and smiled, “This one’s for Sparta.” The missile roared away and the lead Beamship blew up in another large explosion. The remaining chasers stopped and turned around. They were not equipped to go into space. Dave pressed his communicator and said, “The transport has just arrived and we’ve made it into orbit with no losses, Sir.”

  Every warrior on Fippen and on Sparta cheered.

  • • •

  Adams said, “I have four Gracken Warships jumping in and are moving on the Transport.”

  The ten Raptors had rearmed and had come back thirty minutes earlier and they jumped in on the four Gracken ships and opened fire with their 20 mm Gatling Guns. The Gracken ships were focused on the huge transports and saw the Raptors too late to respond. The four warships were hit with a hundred 20 mm sliver shells and they blew through their hulls and ignited fires on board. The two Q ships arrived a moment behind the Raptors and basted two of the warships with their 120 mm shells. The two ships broke apart and exploded piecemeal. The other two damaged warships managed to jump away before they were destroyed.

  Mike saw the engagement and yelled, “Get those carriers on board now!!”

  “We’ll have them in another ten minutes.”

  “Adams, Jesse, I want you out of there. They’ll be sending an overwhelming force against you shortly.”

  Adams looked at Mike on his display and said, “Jesse, you should go; Jeanette and I are not going to leave as long as our warriors are alive on the planet.”

  “Adams, I’m giving you a direct order to get out of there!”

  “Mike, what are the only assets we have to assist our troops on the ground?” Mike stared at Adams in silence. “I will not abandon them.”

  “Elle and I are staying as well, Sir.”

  Mike stared at the display and looked at Tilly, “How many Q ships have human crews?”

  “Including us?”



  “Call our ship, Tilly. Order the other ships to join us at that planet. Adams is right. Our warriors deserve the best we can do to protect them.”

  “Sir, I strongly suggest you stay here.”

  “Alex, if we don’t make it, you will be the new Commandant.”

  “Mike, don’t do this. You’re too important!”

  “Alex, no one is more important than those we send out to fight for us. The Q ships and Raptors are the only assets we have to use to help our ground forces. We are going to do everything we can to help them. I’ll not stand by and watch them bombarded from space.”

  Tilly stood and smiled at Mike, “The ship is on the pad upstairs.”

  Mike took Tilly’s hand and looked at Janet, “You will take Tilly’s place…”

  “I know, I know; if you don’t make it. Just make sure you do!”

  Mike smiled as he ran up the steps toward the landing pad on the roof.

  • • •

  The ten Q ships arrived above Fippen and Adams smiled, “How do you want to do this?”

  Mike keyed the frequency, “Does everyone have the 120s installed?”

  “We all do, Sir.”

  “I want us to form a half globe above the planet where our ground forces are located. We will lock our computers into Jesse’s and it will direct the fire at any Gracken ships that come to attack our ground forces. Peter, will our overlapped fields increase their strength?”

  “They will, Commandant. It will allow us to fire at them inside two miles.”

  “Will our overlapping fire make it a problem for them to move inside that range?”

  “I suspect we can hit them at four miles with a well-placed salvo.”

  “Don’t waste our munitions.”

  “I’ll make them count. I now detect more than fifty Gracken Warships have jumped in a hundred miles away.”

  “Move that transport under our ships, now!”

  The giant transport moved slowly under the Q ships and continued boarding the carriers. Only ten remained and they were moving quickly toward the huge landing bay.

  “Six of them have jumped; load your cannons.”

  Three Gracken ships broke into space two miles to each side of the transport. The cannons on the Q ships fired at their disturbance before they appeared and two 120 mm shells hit each of the six ships. The explosions blew the six ships into three pieces and they began burning as they began falling toward the planet.

  Mike yelled at the Transport, “Crash those carriers into your landing bay and get out here; that’s an order!”

  The last carrier accelerated into the landing bay and hit the far wall. The warriors on board still had their force fields on and weren’t hurt but the bulkhead had a huge dent in it. The transport’s jump field appeared and a moment later the giant vessel disappeared. Mike blew out a breath and pressed a button on his console, “General Daniels, your troops have jumped to safety.”

  Derek looked up at the sky and smiled, “Thank you, Sir. I know I speak for all of us here that we greatly appreciate you taking care of them.”

  Mike smiled and knew there wasn’t much he could do to help those trapped on the planet.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The Gracken Planet Commander was watching the feed come in from his warships. He saw that the pacifiers had failed to destroy the force field complex and that the invaders had killed all of them. He saw that the force field was covering a much smaller area than before. It usually covered the entire city but now it only covered the beach just outside the city limits. He looked at his secondary panel and saw the field was much more powerful than before. He shrugged. Power increased with the square of distance.

  He looked back at the view from space and saw that thousands of the city’s inhabitants were leaving and following the river north. “Do you want us to fire on the refugee’s, Commander?”

  The Commander knew this support officer was going to have to go. He pulled his blaster and shot him through the head. The lifeless body fell to the floor. He looked around his command center and said, “Are any of you smart enough to answer the former Support Officer’s question?”

  A female said, “If we kill the refugees, who are going to provide the food for those working in the mines?”

  The Commander stared at the female and said, “You are now my Support Officer. I hope you don’t ask me a stupid question.”

  “The dumbest question is
the one you should ask but don’t, Commander.”

  The Commander’s eyebrows lowered but he saw the female was not intimidated. “Very good. I hope you’re wise enough to know the difference.” The commander turned back to his panel and saw the strange beings had set up a formation to meet his forces. He had requested the fleet to bombard the force field in conjunction with his air assets but was told that eleven ships had been destroyed and two severely damaged by some kind of new weapon being used by the attackers. It appeared the force field would not stop what they were shooting. He wondered if that was also true of the weapons being used by the enemy forces at the beach. Whoever commanded them was pretty smart. The only way to get at his forces was to come down the four main streets that ran through the city. His forces would be congested and an easy target. He also couldn’t use his heavy blasters. They were too large to roll down the streets. He noticed that the enemy formation left an open area in front of the four streets so if the blasters fired, the beams would miss them. He did notice that one of their large mobile vehicles was in front of the approaching streets. They evidently thought it could stand up to a heavy blaster. It probably could if the blaster was firing from more than six miles away. That’s how far the western edge of the city was from the beach.

  There was no way to get at them with his heavy weapons. He was going to have to send in his warriors and see if they could take them out…but not until that force field was removed.

  • • •

  An hour later, the Planetary Commander received bad news. The Commander of the Beamships appeared on his console, “Commander, we are at a standoff with the force field.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The force field is close to failing but is able to recharge enough to withstand the beams we’re firing at it.”

  “Well move in closer.”

  “That’s the problem. If we move lower than four miles, those long weapons on the large mobile vehicles will shoot us down. If we lose any more ships, then we will not be able to bring the force field down. We need your assistance. It can’t take much more before it collapses. If you could fire your heavy beams at it, it might be enough.”


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