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Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship

Page 18

by Saxon Andrew

  “Tell me what you see.”

  “They’re incredibly complicated beings. They’re bound by their warrior culture and sense of honor. Their sense of humor borders on tragedy.”

  “Most humor is, Tilly. It’s the fall from a banana peel or a rubber snake planted in our bed that makes us laugh out loud. They’re really not that different in that regard.” Mike looked at his panel and said, “I’m going to see if they’ll communicate with me. Hot Shot, is the feed still active with all our forces on Sparta?”

  “It is, as well as the Alliance Assembly and our forces on the Planet.”

  • • •

  “I want you to interpret our conversation and send it out on the feed.”

  “There will be a slight delay.”

  “I understand; send what I’m saying on the Gracken frequency.”

  “The channel is open.”

  Mike picked up the portable microphone and said, “I’ve been wondering why you’re just sitting out there doing nothing. I would think that you would come over and introduce yourselves properly or are you just here to see the show happening on the surface?”

  • • •

  The Elder heard the voice on his wall speaker and was startled for an instant. Then the content of the message made him start chuckling. His Communications Leader looked at him and he waved him to remain still.

  Mike waited for a response and heard silence. After a moment he said, “If you would like something to eat while you’re waiting, we have carry out service.”

  The Elder started shaking his head. This being was incredibly sarcastic. He picked up his communicator and said, “Do you by chance have some baked Riveb?”

  Mike said, “Darn it, that’s the only thing we don’t have. Could I interest you in some shot up Greb?”

  “We have some Riveb here; why don’t you come over and pick some up.”

  Mike knew that neither side could approach the other without losing. “Well, we’ve just completed our meal but I appreciate your offer. Could I possibly interest you in an offer of my own?”

  “What is that?”

  “How about we call a ceasefire and I remove my forces from the planet.”

  The Elder was amazed at the absolute insolence of the statement. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “It would save a lot of your warriors from missing the taste of Riveb.”

  “After what you have done here, I’m amazed you have the gall to make that request. Your forces will be killed shortly.”

  “But a large number of your brave warriors will die making the effort. You should look at this as a Heradal match.”

  The Elder was surprised this being knew about the Heradal competitions. “I’m don’t see the connection.”

  “When two evenly matched competitors discover that they have not prepared properly for the competition, they can mutually agree for a delay to better prepare. It makes it more enjoyable for the spectators but also enhances the demonstration of their skills.”

  • • •

  Derek listened to the exchange and looked at Halley. She shook her head and shrugged. She had no idea how the Commandant knew about Gracken competitions.

  • • •

  The Elder grew serious, “I don’t know how you know about our ceremonies but our forces are not evenly matched. Your units on the surface are going to die.”

  “You will pay an extraordinarily high price making that happen. I would think that stepping back and looking at what we’ve learned might be a better solution.”

  The Elder thought a moment and said, “I’ll allow them to leave if you agree to never come back to any planet we occupy.”

  “Now you know that’s not possible. I’ll agree; however, if you agree not to invade any other planets.”

  “I hope you enjoy watching your warriors die.”

  Mike hesitated and said, “I’ll make a wager with you.”

  The Elder had almost disconnected the channel when he heard Mike, “What wager?”

  “I’ll wager that you will lose more warriors than I will if you continue this attack.”

  “I would be stupid to accept that; your forces are dug in and we’ll have to charge them across open ground.”

  Mike thought furiously and said, “What about this? You will lose a hundred warriors for every one of mine.”

  The Elder put his hand over the communicator, “How many do they have?”

  The Support Officer said, “Between eight and nine hundred is our best estimate, Elder.”

  The Elder removed his hand and said, “So you’re saying you’ll kill nine thousand of my warriors.”

  Mike paused but said, “That’s a good estimate.”

  “I was thinking fifty but will gladly accept your figure; however, I will not wager anything that I find unacceptable.”

  “What about this? One of our species will eventually come out the victor in our head to head competition. Do you agree?”

  “Of course; it will be us.”

  “And I believe we will prevail. However, whoever wins will at the end do all they can to save the others’ mate.”

  Tilly’s head jerked up and she said, “I will not accept that bet, Mike!”

  Mike looked at her and said, “You’re not making it so be quiet.”

  The Elder smiled, “She sounds just like my mate.”

  “Do you accept the wager?”

  The Elder laughed and said, “I do. It’s a fool’s wager and you should have thought it through. Once that city is cleared, we are going to blow that force field complex away and use our beams to kill your forces. I won’t lose one more of my warriors to make that happen. By the way, my mate’s name is Chendal.”

  “And my mate’s name is Tilly Sanders.”

  The connection ended and Tilly said, “I abhor your gambling with the lives of our warriors. I’ve never been so ashamed of you, Mike.”

  • • •

  The warriors on Sparta listening in to the conversation began saying their displeasure openly. They agreed with Tilly. Alex looked at the disgruntled soldiers and yelled, “Shut up! You might learn something.”

  • • •

  Mike hit his communicator, “General Daniels, did you hear my conversation?”

  “I did, Sir.”

  “Now you know how they’re going to attack your positions. I was hoping that Gracken Leader would agree to allow us to remove you but it appears they don’t respect or fear us enough to consider it. You have to change that.”


  “They are a warrior culture. They don’t think we can really hurt them. You have to show them they’re wrong so they will be open to future negotiations. I don’t care about winning the wager but it is important that you serve notice that he should have listened to my offer. I don’t know how you can do it but you must make them pay for not allowing us to take you! Do you understand?”

  Derek stared at Mike on his helmets visor and smiled, “I appreciate you trying, Sir. I’ll see what I can cook up for them.”

  “I know you’ll make us proud, General. I’m so sorry about putting you in this predicament.”

  “If not now, it would have happened at some point. I think we’ve learned enough to better plan our future operations.”

  “I’m going to add the fact that their heavy blasters have conventional blaster beams to the list we’ve made. That fact alone will save many of your brothers.”

  • • •

  Alex looked at the silent troops in the armory and said, “Now do you see the value of the Commandant’s wager?” The troops remained silent but found a new respect for their leader.

  • • •

  Tilly looked at Mike, “That was a stupid wager.”

  “Tilly, look at our current situation and ask yourself this question; if those ships are going to attack us, when will they do it?” Tilly thought about the question as Mike added, “Filter in the possibility that I could possibly win the bet.”

  Tilly’s eyes went w
ide and she shook her head, “You are brilliant! I didn’t see that.” Tilly rushed over and hugged Mike. He held her tightly and everyone listening in on the feed wondered what she saw.

  • • •

  A soldier at Ft. Athens said, “Sir, I don’t understand.”

  Alex looked at the gathering and tried to control his laughter. He told them and the soldiers were shocked at the simplicity of the answer. Their respect for their Commandant went up immeasurably.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Derek called Halley and the Company Commanders over for a meeting and while they were moving he replayed his video of the arrival of the Gracken Heavy Blasters. After three minutes he pressed his communicator, “Sir, may I ask your ship’s computer a question?”


  “When the heavy blaster’s arrived, I notice that crews went to work on them. How long did they take?”

  “About thirty minutes, General.”

  “Thank you very much.”

  Mike’s brow furrowed and he looked up, “What was that about?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Mike looked at Tilly and she shrugged.

  • • •

  Derek looked at his officers and blew out a breath. “It looks like our party will be over in about two more hours. Our hosts will complete the removal of the buildings at that time and start bombarding our force field with the heavy blasters and the aircraft. The blasters will be just outside the range of our mortars and tank rounds but they should provide enough power to bring down the field. They will then hit us with their beams and our personal fields won’t withstand the barrage.”

  The officers were silent until Belinda said, “Ok, if no one else will ask, what are we going to do about it?”

  Derek smiled at the newly promoted Captain, “I intend to take as many of them as possible with us.”

  Halley’s right eyebrow went up, “Just how are you going to do that?”

  Derek looked at Romanov, “Major, weren’t your tanks updated before they were shipped here?”

  “They were.”

  “I’ve looked at the report and it says the wheels and tracks are made of a new alloy.”

  “They had to be, Sir. The top speed has been increased to ninety miles an hour and they old ones couldn’t bear up to the heat of friction.”

  Derek told them what he planned and they listened and asked questions. Finally, they all agreed it was a good plan. Derek turned to Romanov, “Will the new tracks make it through the lava?”

  “If you wait about ten minutes, they should.”

  Derek nodded and said, “I believe most of it will flow off to the left; that’s where the lowest point on the beach is located.” Romanov shrugged and Derek said, “Go and get your troops ready for this.” Derek turned and walked to the force field complex to have a discussion with Gremel.

  • • •

  The PC watched the systematic destruction of the city and waited for the final rubble and buildings to be blasted in front of the enemy’s ranks. It had taken three hours to get to the final line of structures and there was a half-mile wide lane blown into the former beautiful metropolis. The heat rising from the ground was high but the heavy blaster’s crews were protected behind their force fields. As the last line of buildings began to melt under the bombardment, the hundred and three heavy blasters began rolling away from the beach.

  They continued to pour fire into the buildings which had reached a critical temperature and would continue to melt as long as the beams continued. The giant mobile blasters moved back outside the edge of the ruined landscape and the final barrier between them and their adversaries melted into the ground. The crews rushed forward to convert the giant vehicles back to their standard beams instead of the conventional blaster beams. It wouldn’t be much longer and he would see the killers of his Grip die. He hoped the Elder watching from space would be pleased by his actions.

  • • •

  Derek looked at his chronometer and said, “Romanov?”

  “We should be fine, Sir.”

  “Gremel, we’re ready.”

  “Changing field topography now, General.”


  “Yes, General.”

  “Thank you. We’d have died hours ago if not for your help.”

  “Make it worth it.”

  Derek hit his transmitter and sent the code. Every warrior climbed on one of the tanks and held on tightly to each other. The tank drivers watched and waited for a moment and then they saw the force field over them change shape and cover the lane blasted through the buildings. They hit their accelerators and roared off the dunes and moved at an increasing speed through the middle of the city. Derek held on tightly to Romanov’s turret and watched the countdown on his visor. According to Gremel, the field would only last about five minutes covering the larger area before it failed. The Gracken’s heavy blasters were four miles away and the tanks were now moving ninety miles an hour. He smiled as the first salvo of high explosive rounds exploded out of the tanks. They were now two miles away and the giant blasters were in range of the tank’s 120 mm cannons.

  Romanov looked in his command video and said, “Target our first heavy blaster and fire when ready.”

  The gunner said, “Spotting laser has confirmed first target.”

  Romanov said in a calm voice, “Fire when ready and reload the cannon with another HEAT round.”

  The 120 mm smooth bore cannon rocked back as the shell blasted out. The feed built into the tanks by the Alliance Engineers fed another round to the breech and the loader pushed it in. “I have laser confirmation on second target.”

  “Fire when ready.” The tank rocked again and the third round was loaded into the breach. They were now less than nine hundred yards from the Gracken Heavy lasers and moving at ninety miles an hour.

  “I have laser confirmation.”

  “Fire when ready.” The Abrams rocked again and every heavy blaster was exploded and burning as the thirty tanks flashed by their line.

  The Force Field failed as the tanks reached the edge of the city and a Beamship roared in and fired a conventional blaster beam at the force field complex. The building exploded in a fiery blast. Gremel died with a smile as he watched the tanks roaring up the slope toward the Gracken encampment.

  • • •

  The Planetary Commander saw the tanks roar off the dunes and move at an incredible speed toward his blasters. He watched as thirty of them exploded in massive explosions killing the crews and the workers converting them to their standard beams. The blasters were helpless. Both of the beams were not operational and they had no way to defend themselves. He yelled at his staff, “ORDER THE BEAMSHIPS IN NOW!!”

  The forty eight aircraft came rushing forward but the force field protected the tanks. Thirty more heavy blasters exploded when the tanks were a mile out and the last of them were destroyed as the tanks accelerated out of the city and moved directly toward the Gracken camp. The thousands of Gracken warriors watched in amazement as the hundred heavy blasters were blown away by the charging tanks. When the tanks didn’t stop and continued running toward them firing projectiles that exploded sending thousands of small explosive needles into them, they turned and ran for their arms. Their bodies began injecting them with hormones and their speed doubled immediately. They turned just in time for the tanks to roar over them as the warriors riding them fired their weapons at full auto. The Gracken were frozen for a moment and then they attacked the thirty tanks in a mad rush. They couldn’t break through the heavy force field surrounding the tanks and the Spartan Warrior riding the tanks fired at them and killed them by the thousands.

  • • •

  The Beamships had stopped and held off firing. Their beam would have killed their own warriors surrounding the tanks. The PC screamed, “Fire at those vehicles and destroy them.”

  “Commander, we’ll kill our own warriors around them if we do.”

  “If I have to order you again I will
personally execute you and all of your families!!”

  The Beamships moved in directly over the thirty tanks and fired their beams at full power. The infantry riding the tanks jumped off as the beams began hitting the tanks from above and formed up in a circle outside the beam hitting the tank. The eight hundred warriors began firing at the thousands of Gracken warriors rushing in on them and hundreds of them began falling. But there were too many and they were caught out in the open.

  • • •

  Belinda hit the ground and rolled and thanked her armor for the protection of her personal force field. “FORM UP AND START FIRING AT FULL AUTO!!” Her platoon opened fire on the Gracken warriors that had run out from in front of the speeding tank and began killing them in huge numbers. But then a huge mass of Gracken came rushing in toward them. Belinda fired, reloaded, and fired again. But it was like trying to hold a raging river at bay. More than six hundred Gracken jumped over their front ranks and rained down on the trapped platoon. Belinda fired her shoulder rifle and then felt something like a sledge hammer slam into her back. The Gracken that held her in his grip slammed his other arm into her force field and broke her neck. All over the gently rising slope, the Gracken were overwhelming the heavily outnumbered Sparta Warriors.

  Derek jumped off the tank and rushed over to Halley’s side and they opened fire on the charging Gracken. Derek said over his private channel, “I’m going to miss you, my love.”

  Halley shot three Gracken that had jumped into the middle of their formation and said, “If we go to another place or if we have a new life, I will find you. I love you.”

  Twelve Gracken jumped in and killed Halley and Derek in less than a second. The Gracken looked around and saw that all the invaders had been killed and the tanks were coming to a stop.

  • • •

  The tank’s force fields held for forty seconds and then failed. Every human in and around the tanks disintegrated. But the damage inflicted during those forty seconds was incredible. Twenty six thousand Gracken warriors were killed or injured. The PC saw the carnage and yelled, “See if you can find a body!”

  The survivors began looking in and around the tanks. There was no trace of an attacker’s body. They turned to the bodies lying out in the open field and heard something like a spinning sound. A moment later, eight hundred blasts rolled across the hill and killed every Gracken standing around the dead enemy bodies. The self-destruct modules detected that the warriors no longer had a heartbeat, pulse, or brainwave. They activated and exploded.


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