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Undeniable Rush

Page 11

by Stephens, S. C.

  Not wanting him to worry about offending me, I smiled. “Guess what I just found out about?” He shrugged, and I said, “John found a replacement mechanic for Nikki. He’s starting Monday.”

  Hayden smiled, but it was brief. He looked around for Nikki. “How is she doing?”

  My smile faltered. “She’s… Myles is with her.”

  Hayden nodded, his face full of compassion. Rodney smacked him on the arm, interrupting our conversation. “Hayes, grab your woman, we’re dancing.”

  I bristled at the term woman, then saw that Felicia looked annoyed too. “Woman?” she said, ice in her voice.

  Rodney’s entire demeanor changed. “Goddess of a girlfriend?” he suggested. Then he added, “I didn’t want to say that in case you got jealous.”

  Felicia’s eyes widened, then snapped to Hayden. He shifted on his feet, uncomfortable. My chest tightened with familiar anxiety—was she still wanting my boyfriend? “Jealous?” Felicia said, almost too quiet to hear.

  Rodney nodded, oblivious to the discomfort in the air. “Yeah, you know, me calling someone else a goddess.” His arms wrapped around her waist. “I wouldn’t want you to think I was hitting on her, ’cause I’m not. You’re the only goddess in my eyes.”

  Felicia laughed, and her eyes sparkled with affection. The ache in my heart lifted, and the tension in the air dissolved. Not wanting to not think or feel anything for a while, I pulled Hayden over to the makeshift dance floor Glenn had put in the middle of the bar. It was crowded with people, but we found a space along the edge. Rodney and Felicia positioned themselves right next to us. I wasn’t thrilled with that, but I let it go as I lost myself to the music.

  Hayden and I danced together so closely, our legs were intertwined—more grinding than dancing. As our bodies moved in complete sync, Hayden’s passionate green eyes locked onto mine, and I felt my body responding, opening. I wasn’t sure if it was the intimate way we were moving, or the fact that Felicia seemed genuinely invested in Rodney, or the relief that John had found someone he deemed worthy to replace Nikki, taking a huge burden off of my mind, but I found myself wanting Hayden. It had been ages since we’d last made love, since I’d felt that powerful, intimate, soul-bearing connection. I had wanted to take our second-chance slowly, fearful of him breaking my heart again, but as we stood close together, just a few feet away from his ex-lover, I didn’t feel scared or worried. I just felt…cherished.

  Wanting to subtly let him know I was ready for him—ready for more—I leaned up and placed my lips against his. His mouth was warm and receptive, caressing me with each tender movement. Yes…we were ready. I was ready. But before we left, before we gave ourselves to each other, I wanted to take advantage of this moment, and savor dancing with him. Savor this foreplay with him.

  Time surged by, and before I knew it, the entire bar was doing a countdown for midnight. Smile on my face, I pulled away from Hayden and looked around the room filled with my friends and coworkers. Hookup was working tonight, and he’d come out of the kitchen and was loudly counting down with his coworkers. Rodney and Felicia had moved more toward the center of the dancefloor—they were already kissing. Eli, Ralph, and Kevin were still at the table, holding up mugs of beer in anticipation, and Myles and Nikki were on the dance floor right beside Hayden and me. I’d been so entranced with Hayden, I hadn’t even realized they’d joined us. They were staring at each other, seemingly lost to everyone and everything around them. And then…when the crowd reached the number one, they leaned forward, and shared a kiss that was anything but platonic. Hormonal imbalance my ass.

  I was so shocked they were kissing, I couldn’t help but stare—missing my own midnight moment. Hayden had to physically move my head, so he could kiss me. I started to tell him what had happened, but his lips were on me before I could. My heart surged as our mouths moved together, and every last wall crumbled to the ground. I could have kissed him forever, but I didn’t want to do it here anymore. I wanted to be alone with him. I wanted to be home with him.

  Shifting my mouth up to his ear, I breathily told him, “Take me home.” Then I pulled back, so he could see the heat in my eyes, so he would know just what I’d really meant. Take me.

  Hayden’s tongue flicked out to moisten his lower lip, then he turned and started pulling us toward the exit. I thought to say goodbye to Myles and Nikki, but they were still kissing. Oh my God…would this night finally break them of their “just friends” resistance to dating? I hoped so, for their sakes.

  Hayden got us out the front door in record time. The cool air and the diminished noise was a welcome treat. So was the look of desire on Hayden’s face as he rushed us to the truck. Not ten minutes later we were stumbling through my front door, mouths and hands all over each other. Hayden managed to kick the front door closed with his foot, then lock it without looking. We made our way to the bedroom, bumping into tables and walls along the way. By the time we got to my room, I’d torn Hayden’s Cox Racing T-shirt off and kicked away my high heels.

  Hayden closed my bedroom door, then held up his hand to stop me from ravishing him. “Are you sure about this, Kenzie. I don’t want to rush you.” His eyes were hot with desire, but I knew if I changed my mind right now, he’d smile and say, Okay. And that was exactly why I didn’t want to stop. He was incredible, and he was mine. I was positive of that.

  “I’m sure,” I told him. “I love you. And I know you love me…you show me every day. You love me so much, sometimes I have no idea what I did to deserve you. I want to share this with you, I want to take this last step with you.” Tossing my arms around his neck, I softly told him, “I want to make love to you. Will you make love to me, Hayden?”

  A stuttered exhale left his lips, then his mouth lowered to mine in a definite yes. His hands reached down to pick me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked us to the bed. He gently laid us down, his lips never leaving mine. His body, hard and needy, pressed against me, and I gasped with the rush of pure pleasure. “Oh God…”

  Hayden’s mouth drifted to my neck. “I love you so much, Kenzie. I’ve missed you so much…”

  Closing my eyes, I reveled in the feel of his body pressing against every inch of me. His words reached deep into my heart, filling me with confidence, with certainty. “I love you too, Hayden. So much.” And I’ve missed this too.

  We methodically took our time undressing. I had a feeling Hayden was purposely taking his time, waiting to see if I changed my mind. I wasn’t going to. I wanted this too much, wanted him too much. When his tongue ran up my core, making me cry out, and I clutched his head to me in absolute need—that was when he finally believed I was 100 percent on board.

  He sucked and teased me right to the brink of release, then he stopped and repositioned himself, so he could plunge inside me. When our bodies were fully connected, he paused. Both of us were breathing hard, our hearts racing. Cupping my cheek, Hayden stared at me with love and adoration on his face. He leaned down to gently kiss me, then he began to move. My heart swelled with love, while my body swelled with need. This was the man I was going to be with for forever—of that, I had no doubts. Not anymore. Not after all of the challenges we’d faced—and conquered.

  Our bodies moved together with more urgency, more need, and the desire inside me rose higher and higher, slowly but steadily reaching an apex. I gripped Hayden tighter as I felt the edge of euphoria approaching, and I felt him do the same. The rush of release hit me a second later, and I cried out as I cherished the feeling, the connection, the sense of utter belonging. God, I’d missed this…

  Hayden hit his climax a moment later, and I held him to me, loving how good it felt to give him this moment, this gift. The high began to fade shortly after, but not the bliss behind it. For once, I felt genuinely at peace.

  Breath still fast, heart still surging, Hayden lifted himself to look at me. “You’re my everything, Kenzie. I hope you know that.”

  Cupping his cheek, I smiled. “I do.” And I t
ruly did…fully and completely. I had Hayden’s heart, and he had mine too. And nothing was going to tear us apart again. Whatever challenges were coming our way, we’d face them together.


  I spent most of the weekend in bed with Hayden, reconnecting with him over and over. It was bliss. Absolute, total bliss, and I felt recharged afterward, ready to take on the daunting task of running Cox Racing. Monday morning came around, and I headed to the track with determination in my heart. But the minute I stepped into my office, brimming with responsibility, I felt the familiar heaviness and anxiety settle over me, and regret started intruding on my euphoria. Maybe I should have come in at least one of those days and done…something.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I sat down and got to work. At the very least, I should be able to get ahold of people today.

  I was on hold with our tire supplier, still trying to figure out why they kept sending me the wrong part, when Nikki suddenly burst into my office. Like someone was chasing her, she slammed my office door and put her back against it.

  Her sudden appearance startled me, and my heart started thudding against my chest. “Jesus, Nik. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  Leaning her head against the glass, she shook her head. “Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you before I ran into…” She paused to swallow, then spat out, “We slept together. Again.”

  I immediately hung up the phone. “You…what?”

  Looking like she was about to have a psychotic break, she ambled over to my desk, and plopped down into a chair. “I have no idea how it happened,” she murmured.

  Lifting an eyebrow, I pointedly looked at her stomach. Frowning, she told me, “I know how it happened, I just don’t understand…how it happened. I mean, we’re just friends…”

  I flicked a glance at my phone, and all the things I should be doing with it. “Well, Nik, maybe it’s time you accept the fact that you’re…not just friends. Maybe you haven’t been just friends for a while.”

  Her expression was blank for a moment, then her eyes filled with moisture. “We have to be just friends,” she told me, her voice completely serious.

  “Why? What’s so wrong with being more than friends? It will only add to your relationship, make it deeper, stronger.”

  She swallowed again, then nodded. “Yeah, but when it ends, and let’s face it, most relationships end, I don’t just lose a super-cool boyfriend. I lose my best friend. My best friend, Kenzie. That’s not something I want to bet on.”

  As I watched a tear roll down her cheek, I wondered what I could possibly say to make her feel better. The problem was… I completely understood what she was talking about. When Hayden and I had split, that had been the part of our separation that was almost too much to bear. Losing his friendship.

  “For what it’s worth, Nik, I don’t think you guys would split up. I think you’d make it.” How could they not? They were practically the same person. But then again, sometimes being too similar wasn’t a good thing, not in a relationship anyway.

  Nikki gave me a halfhearted smile as she wiped away her tear, then her expression brightened. “You and Hayden disappeared without a trace from the party. And he didn’t come home all weekend. How did your night go?”

  I couldn’t contain my grin, and I knew my cheeks were flushing with color. “It was…good.”

  “Binge-watched Netflix good, or my toes curled, and I saw stars good?”

  My grin grew. “The second one.” That night—and my entire weekend for that matter—flashed through my brain, making me sigh. “It was amazing, Nikki. Just so…amazing. I’m glad we waited. And I’m glad I took your advice and let him in. He’s…worth the risk.”

  I raised an eyebrow, subtly suggesting that maybe Myles was worth it too. She looked away from me, her face both annoyed and thoughtful. Then she inhaled a deep breath and looked back at me. “I’m happy for you, Kenzie. You and Hayden, you both deserve happiness.”

  “So do you, Nik,” I told her.

  Her face got a forlorn expression. “I can’t stop thinking about him, Kenzie. Like literally, that night is always on my mind all the time. I’ve had some really crazy dreams about it too.” She gave me a small smile. “It’s probably a good thing Hayden hasn’t been around.” Her smile slipped as she shook her head. “It was even better than the first time.”

  Curious, I asked her, “Have you…talked to Myles since it happened?” Her eyes instantly dropped to her lap. “Oh my God, Nik, you two are horrible. Didn’t you learn anything the first time?”

  She looked up at me, her dark eyes annoyed. “Yes, we used protection this time.”

  I just about died laughing, and Nikki cracked a smile. Then sighed. “It’s just weird talking to him about it. I’m afraid he’s gonna…”

  She stopped talking and looked away. “Afraid he’ll what?” I asked.

  Looking back at me, she shrugged. “Honestly, I’m afraid he’ll blow me off, and I’m afraid he’ll say we should go for it. It’s a lose-lose for me, so I just…pretend he doesn’t exist.”

  “But…if you’re pretending he doesn’t exist, then haven’t you already lost your best friend?”

  She stared at me a moment, then shook her head. “Wow…sex made you deep.”

  Smirking at her comment, I flipped her off. Nikki laughed, then her expression sobered. “So, you and Hayden…now that you’re back together in every way…is he gonna move in with you?”

  The look on her face tore me in two—it was panic laced with guilt. The entire reason Hayden had moved in with her was to help her pay for her rent. While him moving in with me would be great for our relationship, it would completely screw over Nikki. But, thankfully, Hayden and I weren’t there yet. We’d ramped things up, but we were still on a slow-moving course. “Not yet, Nik. We’re not ready for that step. And we might not be for a while.”

  She visibly relaxed. “Thank God. I mean, I’m totally a Hayden-Kenzie fan, but he’s been such a big help.” She frowned. “Financially. As a roommate, he’s kind of a slob. Did you know he drinks milk right out of the carton?” She made a disgusted face. “Who does that?”

  I laughed at her expression, then nodded. “Yeah, I know…it’s gross. I’m trying to break him of it.”

  Just as Nikki told me good luck, my office door was knocked on. Nikki instantly tensed. Rolling my eyes at her, I said, “Come on in.”

  It wasn’t Myles who walked in though. It wasn’t anyone I knew. The stranger in front of me was tall, with pitch-black hair, piercing blue eyes, and a thick patch of nearly-black stubble that shockingly emphasized his manliness. He had a commanding presence, and a sensual kind of good looks that made women fantasize about spending all day and night in bed with him. Most women, not me. My eyes were firmly fixed on a blonde-haired, green-eyed god of a man. Nikki was certainly captivated though.

  Jumping to her feet, she extended her hand. “Nikki Ramirez. What can I help you with tall, dark, and gorgeous?”

  I gave her a Please be professional look, but she wasn’t paying any attention to me. The stranger smiled at his shoes in an adorable way. Then he took her hand and gave her a charming smile. “Dex Covington. I’m looking for Mackenzie Cox?”

  His pale eyes drifted to me, and I startled in recognition. “You’re the new mechanic.”

  Nikki instantly dropped his hand. Dex seemed surprised by that, but his smile quickly returned. Stepping to the edge of the desk, he extended his hand to me. “You must be Mackenzie.”

  Standing, I clasped his hand. “Yes…hi, welcome…to the team.”

  Dex shook my hand, smiling brightly. “It’s a pleasure to be here.” Nikki huffed behind him, and I indicated her way with my hand. “Nikki here is the mechanic you’re replacing.” Nikki’s eyes narrowed, and I instantly amended my statement. “Temporarily replacing, while she’s out with her baby.”

  Dex nodded at her, then his eyes flashed to her stomach before returning to her face. “Congratulations. Babies are amazing,
you’re going to love your little one.”

  Nikki put a hand on her stomach, and I quietly heard her murmur, “I hope so.”

  Dex seemed unsure what to do with that, so stepping around my desk, I pointed to the door. “Would you like to take a look around? Meet the rest of the team?”

  Dex smiled at me, his face appreciative. “I would love that, thank you.” I almost missed it, but his eyes slipped down my body as I walked past him. Hmmm. I supposed I could ignore being checked out once, but if it became a habit, I’d have to have a conversation with him about appropriate workplace behavior.

  Nikki followed us out of my office, probably to make sure Dex didn’t touch any of her tools. Since we were upstairs, I showed Dex everything of interest. The break room, the storage room, John’s office, and the gym. Dex seemed impressed by the assortment of cardio and weight-lifting machines in the gym and let out a low whistle as he looked around. “This is pretty spectacular,” he said. “I suppose it has to be since the athletes need to be in tip-top shape.”

  I nodded, then subconsciously patted my stomach. I needed to get in there more often. “We try. Some of us do better than others.”

  Nikki smiled at my statement. “Don’t even, Kenzie. Your arms and legs are rocks. Even if you’ve cut back a little, you’re still in amazing shape. Me, however…”

  She sighed as she rubbed her stomach. A chuckle escaped me at the forlorn look on her face. Dex turned to me, surprised. “You’re a rider? John only mentioned that you were the owner.”

  Now I was the one sighing. “Probably because I don’t get to the track nearly as often as I should.” Shaking my head, I told him, “My bike will actually be your main priority. Well, my bike and Hayden’s.”

  Dex smiled, and the look of interest on his face was unmistakable. “Beautiful, ambitious and talented. A deadly combination.”

  His comment made me frown. Guess I was going to have to have that talk with him. I opened my mouth to start, but unfortunately, someone else had heard him say that. “What’s going on here?”


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