Page 66
on Specially Designated Global Terrorists list in US, 9
and Special Tribunal for Lebanon, 6
Baer, Bob, 26, 28
Bah, Ibrahim, 262–63, 280n112
al-Bahar, Saed, 189, 192, 193
Bahrain, Hezbollah operations in, 287–88
Bakhtiar, Chapour, 65
Bakir, Mohammad, 60
Bakri, Imad, 262
Bakri, Yousef, 262
Baku, Azerbaijan, attempted bombing in, 1–3
Banco Sudameris, 89
Banco Tornquist, 89
Bandei, Ustaz, 124–27, 133
Bangkok: bombing attempt (1994), 117–45
final preparations for, 127–29
Iran’s support network for, 122–24
recruitment for, 124–27
Banihashemi, Abdolraham, 66, 68
Bank Melli, 89
Barak, Ehud, 11, 355
Barakat, Ali Moussa, 152
Barakat, Assad Ahmad, 81–82, 85, 92, 100, 103–4
Barakat, Hamzi, 85
Barakat, Hatim, 85
Barakat, Hussein Ali, 151
Barakat, Khodor, 97
Barakat Import Export Ltd., 82, 84
Baruch, Offer, 344
Basha, Norman, 131, 133
al-Bashir, Omar, 271
Basque Homeland and Liberty, 58
Bassam (operative), 123, 128
Bassem, Hajj, 267–68
Battle, Vincent, 9
Bayt al-Mal, 10
Beaulieu, Zavier, 252
Bedewi, Abdel Gahni, 136
Bedlington, Stanley, 155
Beirut: kidnappings in, 35–37
Saudi diplomat assassinated in, 185
US embassy bombings in, 22, 23, 31–33
US marine barracks bombing in, 22, 23
Beirut International Airport, 5, 51–52, 252
Belfield, David, 146. See also Salahuddin, Dawud
Belgium: kidnapping plots in, 246
Tajideen investigation by, 257
Bell, Kenneth, 161, 162–63
Ben-Eliezer, Binyamin, 281n146
Ben Gurion International Airport, 211
Benin: drug trafficking in, 274
money laundering in, 331
Berri, Nabih, 12, 57, 260
Berro, Abbas, 97
Berro, Assad Hussein, 97
Berro, Hussein, 97
Berro, Ibrahim, 92–93, 95, 97, 98, 108n15, 320
al-Besri, Abdullah, 138
bin Laden, Osama, 190, 199, 271
bin Talib, Zainal, 130–35, 214
Biro, Mohammed, 218–19, 220
Biro, Qayed, 219
Blair, Tony, 231, 298
Blanford, Nicholas, 258
Bleichwehl, Scott, 286
blood diamonds, 261–65
Blue Game Matrix, 293
Borobudur temple bombing (1985), 125–26
Boschi, Frank, 228–29
Bosnia: Abdullah Ali in, 149
Hezbollah training of fighters in, 149
Boumelhem, Ali, 164
Bowman, Brandy Jo, 322
Bozorgian, Amir Mansour, 64
Braun, Michael, 273, 274, 327–28
Brazil: Barakat arrested in, 84
counterfeit tax stamps from, 323
drug trafficking in, 272
immigration from Lebanon and Syria to, 78
and tri-border area (TBA), 77
Brennan, John, 201–2
Brown, Gordon, 306
Buckley, William, 35, 38, 39
Buenaventura, Abraham, 128, 129. See also Pandu Yudhawinata
Buenos Aires: AMIA bombing (1994), 75–78, 85–98
bombings in, 75–116
Israeli embassy bombing (1992), 98–99
Mughniyeh in, 28–29
Bulgaria: Burgas bombing (2012), 354–55, 368
Hezbollah operations in, 356
Burgess, Ronald, 302
Burgos, Marcelo Martinez, 108n15
Burkina Faso, diamond trade in, 261
Bush, George W., 294
Byblous Distribution Investment, Inc., 320
Campbell, James, 165
Canada: arms trafficking in, 159, 163–66
Ayub in, 227–28
operations in, 168–71
al-Sayegh arrested in, 200
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Eid’s assassination, 7
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), 166, 208
Carlson, Kurt, 53
Carton, Marcel, 61
Casa Apollo store, 82, 83, 84
Casey, William, 27, 38
Cattaraugus Indian Reservation, 322
Central African Republic: and Air Afrique flight 56 hijacking, 252
Lebanese diaspora in, 260
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): on Bangkok bombing attempt, 139
on Beirut International Airport security, 51–52
on Beirut’s lawlessness, 37
on Fadlallah, 25, 26
on fatwa against Rushdie, 65
on Hezbollah in Africa, 250, 253–54, 265
on Hezbollah in US, 16
on Hezbollah’s creation, 13
on Iranian dissidents targeted for assassination, 63–64
on Iran’s operations in Iraq, 287
on Iran’s support of Saudi Hezbollah, 184, 185
on Iran’s surveillance of US interests, 189
on Islamic Revolution in Iran, 187
on Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires, 100
Khobar Towers bombing investigation by, 198
on kidnappings, 33–34, 35
on Kuwait bombings, 36
on Lebanese diaspora in Africa, 276
on Mughniyeh, 29
on Musawi’s assassination, 99
on Nasrallah, 10, 101
on radicalization in Africa, 270
on Saudi Hezbollah, 194
on terrorist incidents in Lebanon, 23, 43
and TWA flight 847 hijacking, 57
C4 plastic explosives, 93, 118, 128, 182, 199, 210, 213–14
Chahine, Talal, 330
Chalor Kerdthes, 138
Chamas, Muhammad, 85
Charac, Idris, 135. See also al-Ful, Abu
Charafeddine, Mahmud Idris, 123
Charlotte Hezbollah cell, 153–68
arms trafficking by, 163–66
cigarette smuggling by, 156–58
Fadlallah’s ties to, 26
financing from, 159–60
Hezbollah senior officials linked to, 161–62
indictments for, 158–59
Chile: Barakat operations in, 83
Iran’s intelligence footprint in, 106
Chizari, Mohsen, 293, 294
Christian Phalangists, 25
Chueikhat, Jaafar, 197
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
cigarette smuggling, 156–58, 321, 323–25
Ciudad del Este (Paraguay), 79, 80
Clapper, James, 272, 357, 363
Clarke, Richard, 189, 288
Cointrin International Airport, 252
Colombia, drug trafficking in, 272, 274
Committee of Solidarity with the Arab and Middle East Political Prisoners, 59
conflict diamonds, 261–65
Congo, diamond trade in, 261
Congressional Research Service, 254
Conrad, Robert, 167, 168
Construction Jihad (Jihad al-Binna), 258
Corral, Rodolfo Canicoba, 77
Côte d’Ivoire. See Ivory Coast
Council of Lebanon, 26
counterfeiting: clothing, 335
currency, 165, 338–39
documents, 104
passports, 132
pharmaceuticals, 323–25
in South America, 84
tax stamps, 322, 323
Counter Iranian Influence initiative, 293
Counterterrorism Bureau (Israel), 246, 247, 367
“cover companies,” 7, 257–59
Crane, David, 261
credit card fraud, 317–18, 321
criminal enterprise: in Africa, 248
arms trafficking, 335–37
and Kourani, 325–28
and Major Case 251, 337–42
money laundering, 328–32
and Operation Bathwater, 319–21
and Operation Bell Bottoms, 334–35
and television broadcasting, 332–34
in US, 317–53
in Venezuela, 342–44
Crocker, Ryan, 290–91
CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), 166, 208
Curaçao, narcotics trafficking in, 106
currency counterfeiting, 165, 338–39
currency transaction reports (CTRs), 329–30
Cybamar Swiss Family of Companies, 331
Cyprus: Hezbollah operations in, 355–56, 368
kidnapping plots in, 246
Pandu in, 130
Dagan, Meir, 356
Damush, Ali, 254
Daqduq, Ali Moussa, 286, 296, 300–301, 306–10
Darabi, Kazem, 66, 67, 68
Darnott, Teodoro Fafael, 352n177
Darwiche, Ali, 155
Darwiche, Mohamad, 155, 158
Darwish, Ali, 263
Dastgiri, Hossein, 118
Dawa Party, 12, 25–26, 29, 36, 58, 287, 296, 299
Dbouk, Mohamad Hassan, 160, 165, 166–68, 333
DEA. See Drug Enforcement Administration (US)
Debk, Samir, 162
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA, US), 191, 303
Defense of the Free People, 34
Defreitas, Russell, 107
Democratic Republic of Congo: cover companies in, 257, 258, 259
diamond trade in, 261
drug trafficking in, 274
Denmark: Hezbollah operations in, 218
recruitment in, 235
Department of Special Investigations (DSI, Thailand), 138
Derbah, Mohammed, 263–64
Derickson, Uli, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
Der Spiegel: on Darabi and Rhayel prisoner exchange, 68
on drug trafficking in Africa, 274
on Hezbollah’s involvement in Hariri’s assassination, 6
Deutsche Bank, 89
DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency, US), 191, 303
diamond trade, 260, 261–65
Diaz, Jose, Jr., 318
Dichter, Avi, 226
Dimson, Ismael Balagting, 135
al-Din, Ali Najam, 361
Dirani, Mustafa, 29, 86, 101, 225
Dos Santos, Wilson, 95, 113n162
Downing, Wayne, 190
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA, US), 104, 264, 324
drug trafficking, 103, 104–6, 120, 218–19, 272–76, 320, 372
DSI (Department of Special Investigations, Thailand), 138
dual-use technology, 159, 163–66, 336
Dubai, kidnappings in, 223
Dubai International Airport, 40
al-Dulaymi, Azhar, 286, 308–9
economic jihad, 160
EFPs. See explosively formed penetrators
Egypt: arms trafficking in, 4
Hezbollah operations in, 288, 360
kidnapping plots in, 248
operations in, 7
Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), 270
Eid, Wissam, 6–7
Einaki, Mohamed Taghi Tabatabei, 101
Elahwal, Saleh, 334
El Descanso Restaurant bombing (Spain, 1985), 58
Elreda, Ali Khalil, 334–35
Elreda, Mohammad Khalil, 335
Eritrea, kidnapping plots in, 246
ESO (External Security Organization). See Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO)
Ethiopia, kidnapping plots in, 246
Ethiopian Airlines flight 409 crash (2010), 257–58
Europe, 49–74
bombings in, 57–61
clandestine networks in, 209
designation of Hezbollah as terrorist organization resisted in, 10, 69
Hamadi clan in, 61–62
Iranian dissidents targeted in, 63–66
kidnapping plots in, 248
Mykonos Restaurant attack in, 66–69
TWA flight 847 hijacked in, 49–57. See also specific countries
Evans, Jonathan, 363
Executive Council (Hezbollah), 14
explosively formed penetrators (EFPs), 294–95, 298, 302
External Security Organization (ESO). See Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO)
Ezeiza International Airport (Buenos Aires), 77, 93
Ezziddeen, Abdallah, 264
Fadlallah, Hassan, 333
Fadlallah, Mohammad Hussein: Abdullah Ali as bodyguard for, 146
biographical info, 24–28
Hammoud’s links to, 161–62
on Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires, 101
and kidnappings, 39
and marine barracks bombing, 24
on Musawi’s assassination, 98–99
as Specially Designated Global Terrorist in US, 9, 27
as spiritual leader, 12
and tri-border area support network, 82–83
Faid, Ahmed, 361
Faisal (Saudi Prince), 137
Fallahian, Ali, 66, 87
Fallon, William J., 202
Fanish, Muhammad, 231
Farah, Doug, 254, 259–60, 262, 265, 280n112
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), 105, 273, 328
Farhadi, Mahmoud, 295, 312n62
Farhat, Ali Abdul-Karim, 319–21
Farhat, Hassan Karim, 319–21
Faris (operative), 304
Fatah militia, 28, 29, 236
Fatima Import Export, 151
Fat Nora, 96, 113n162
Fayyad, Saleh, 85
Fayyad, Sobhi, 83, 85, 103
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): AMIA bombing investigation by, 75, 78
on Beirut embassy bombing, 23–24, 33
Charlotte cell investigation by, 161
cigarette smuggling investigation by, 156–58
on Hezbollah in US and Canada, 171, 317
Hezbollah investigations in US by, 107
on Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires, 100
Khobar Towers bombing investigation by, 182, 199, 201
Kourani investigation by, 327
Most Wanted Terrorists list, 30
on narco-terrorism, 105
TWA flight 847 hijacking investigation by, 55, 57
Fedotov, Yuri, 272
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (US), 259
financial sanctions, 10
financing: of AMIA bombing, 89
from blood diamonds, 261–65
from Charlotte cell, 159–60
from “cover companies” in Africa, 257–59
from Goodwill Charitable Organization, 155
from Iran, 12, 371–72
from Martyrs Foundation, 154–55
from South America, 102–3
First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance, 58
Fontaine, Marcel, 61
Force 17, 29
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court, 319–20
Foreign Services Department (Hezbollah), 15
Foruzandeh, Ahmed, 295
Foundation for Democracy in Iran, 138–39
France: al-Manar banned in, 333
bombings in, 58–59
Hezbollah not designated as terrorist organization by, 306
Iranian diplomat arrested in, 252
Kuwait embassy bombing in, 35–36
Mughniyeh in, 29–30
Fraser, Douglas, 106
Freeh, Louis, 194, 199, 204n54
Free Patriotic Movement (Lebanon), 274
Fromme, Robert, 157
al-Ful, Abu: and Bangkok bombing attempt, 128–29
biographical info, 129–31
operations by, 133–36
and Pandu, 130, 131, 135
in Southeast
Asia, 123, 126–27, 141n38
Fundación Cultural Oriente, 106
Gaines, Stephanie, 155–56
Galad, Majid, 127
Galeano, Jose, 77, 78
Galeria Page shopping center (Argentina), 85, 151, 152
Galerie Lafayette bombing (France, 1985), 58
Galerie Printemps bombing (France, 1985), 58
Galvez, Diosdado Castro, 132
Gambia: cover companies in, 258, 259
money laundering in, 259
Gani, Noel Ahay, 135
Garzon, Baltasar, 264
Georgia, Qods Force operations in, 366
Geraghty, Timothy, 31
Germany: al-Manar banned in, 333
Hezbollah operations in, 215, 218
Iranian dissidents assassinated in, 64
Mykonos Restaurant attack in, 66–69
recruitment in, 214
Smyrek in, 214–18
targets in, 62–63
al-Ghadur Cultural Association, 256
Ghaeri-Azar, Abdollah, 64
Ghagbo, Laurent, 256
Ghamlush, Abdulmajid, 6
Ghamlush, Imad, 100
Ghassemlou, Abdolrahman, 64
Global Witness (NGO), 261, 262, 266, 280n112
Go Chok Tong, 126
Gonzalez, Nora, 96, 113n162
Gonzalez-Neira, Emilio Jacinto, 152, 153
Goodwill Charitable Organization, 155
Gordji, Wahid, 60–61
Government Trade Corporation (GTC), 90
“Great Jewelry Caper,” 137–38
Green Revolution (Iran, 2009), 371
Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, 64
Guerrero, Alfredo R., 181–82
Guinea, diamond trade in, 261
Guinea-Bissau, drug trafficking in, 272, 273
Gulf War (1991), 169
Haider, Farajollah, 67
Hajj Radwan. See Mughniyeh, Imad
al-Hakim, Abdul Aziz, 293
Hamadi, Abbas, 61–62
Hamadi, Abdelhadi, 29, 59, 60, 62
Hamadi-al, Abd, 215
Hamadi, Mohammad Ali, 49–50, 51–52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61–62, 82
Hamas, 208–9, 269
Hamdan, Moussa Ali, 338, 341, 342
Hamdar, Fahdi, 215–16, 217, 239n54
Hamdar, Mohammed, 215–16, 217
Hamiyeh, Talal, 10, 15, 101, 194, 357, 359
Hammadi, Abbas Ali, 251
Hammadi, Muhammad, 251
Hammoud, Ali, 323
Hammoud, Bassam, 155, 158
Hammoud, Chawki, 155, 158
Hammoud, Imad, 323
Hammoud, Mohamad Youssef: arms trafficking by, 163–66
assassination plot directed by, 162–63
biographical info, 153–56
and cigarette smuggling, 156–58
Hezbollah financing from, 159–60
Hezbollah senior officials linked to, 161–62
indictment of, 158–59
Hamoud, Mahmoud Ahmad, 227
Harake, Abbas, 155, 158, 161
Harb, Chekry, 105, 332
Harb, Dib Hani, 338, 339, 340–41, 342
Harb, Said, 158–59, 164, 165, 168
Harb, Salman, 234, 235
Hareb, Haj Halil, 236