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Magic and Mayhem: How To Train A Witch (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Baba Yaga Saga Book 1)

Page 10

by Donna McDonald

  “Goddess, that feels good,” she called out when his hand slid between her legs replacing his mouth. He tongued her navel as he stroked inside her with talented fingers, the heat he created setting her on fire in every way a human could feel.

  She heard Damien speaking in dragon as he buried his face between her legs again. She collapsed around him from the mind-bending pleasure he brought her, laughing at the sheer volume of pleasure as she fell. She wasn’t surprised in the least when he stood up with her already caught in his arms. Despite her large size for a female, he made her feel light and sexy.

  He made her feel like she was every enticing female fantasy to him.

  “Smooth move… very smooth, Professor Smoke,” she praised.

  His white teeth gleamed in the night, then he chuckled. “Just preparing my lover to receive me,” he explained, carrying her to the bed.

  “I admire your technique, Sir. Perhaps I’ll have to change my mind about intellectual men… and dragons,” she teased, letting him strip the ruined clothes from her humming body.

  “I know you are the Great Jezibaba, but it is not all you are. You are Elenora the Dragoness as well. I know because she also calls to me tonight. Both sides of you have me answering with a free mind and heart.”

  Somehow he’d removed his clothes while he’d been talking. Damien’s pretty speech was followed by his naked body rolling onto hers. They fit together like two perfect puzzle pieces were meant to do. There were no preliminaries in satisfying their needs, just an animalistic joining that had her gasping at the pleasure of him filling her.

  At the moment of her climax, she started to call his name, but a burst of fire erupted from her throat instead. Startled, she tilted her head away, baring her throat, but Damien pulled her face to his and covered her mouth with his instead. His plunging tongue echoed his plunging body. Both whipped up another frenzy and the second climax he gave her proved more violent than the first. Her whimper against his mouth got an unprecedented reaction.

  He withdrew with a growl almost as soon as the pleasure hit full force. He flipped her over roughly and raised her hips to re-enter her from behind before it had faded. His second growl was one of satisfaction and it had her legs quivering. Somehow her hands found the headboard. The rest of her clenched around him attempting to keep him inside.

  He bent over her back and warned in her ear, “Don’t set the bed on fire,” just before they simultaneously hit the next level of bliss together. An actual scream escaped her throat this time and she heard Damien groaning behind her as he found satisfaction at last.

  When their breath had finally settled, he slid from her, and promptly pulled her across his chest as he lay flat out and panting on the bed. She was still panting too, trying to get back the breath he’d caused her to lose… or the breath her dragon fire had taken. How had she gotten it back?

  Beneath her head, Damien’s heart was pounding hard.

  “Three times. That was impressive, Professor Hottie.” She heard herself growling against his chest.

  Her yelp as Damien yanked her up by her hair killed the teasing sarcasm she had been cultivating in her mind. His suddenly concerned gaze searched hers, then he ran a hand possessively over her back. It stumbled and skidded along her spine, and then he yanked her hair again even harder than before. His eyes were blazing in alarm.

  “Transport us outside and do it now. No clothes,” he ordered.


  “Obey me, Witch. It’s critical that you do,” Damien hissed, baring sharp teeth at her to prove his seriousness.

  “Where the hell are your pretty speeches? You fuck well, Professor, but you totally suck at pillow talk,” Jezibaba declared.

  Glaring at him when he growled and flashed teeth at her in answer, she gave in to his demands and magically transported them to the back of the building where she’d watch him fly away. It was at least secluded.

  She also made damn sure the bossy academic was the one lying with his ass on the cold, hard ground when they materialized. She, on the other hand, was comfortably warm lying on top of him still.

  “Happy now, Mr. Bossy Pants?” she demanded against his chest, kissing the center of it. “Why the hell are we out here? Is this some sort of kinky dragon thing?”

  “Yes. Get off me and stand up,” he commanded, pushing her until she struggled upright.

  Next thing Jezibaba knew, she was on her feet and weaving. Her legs were aching something fierce from what they’d done. Damien had not spared her body at all. She glared at her insensitive lover. “Don’t push me too hard, Dragon. You’ve already ruined my afterglow. What’s next on your agenda of sexual mood killers?”

  Damien paced around her, staring at her naked body in the moonlight. Jezibaba rolled her eyes at his approving gaze, but kept silent for fear she’d offend the strange, egotistical male who’d pleasured her better than any other had done.

  Playing nice would likely get them back inside and in bed faster. She was bone tired from the three climaxes he’d given her, but she also felt strange, and her legs were hurting worse every minute.

  “Got enough fresh air yet, Professor Kink? My legs hurt. Take me back to bed.”

  He snorted at her teasing. “You’re about to shift, Woman. You can’t do it inside.”

  “Shift?” Jezibaba bent and laughed. “Look Damien—you were excellent in the sack, but now you’re talking crazy. That whole Elenora the Dragoness thing was a very pretty description but only poetically rhetorical about my situation, right?”

  “Do you even know what the word rhetorical means?” he demanded.

  “Does it matter?” Jezibaba rolled her eyes again and crossed her arms over her breasts. Now they hurt too. Goddess, she hurt all over. How rough had he been?

  “Look Professor Asshole, I’m tired, sexually sated, and I want to go back to bed. Either go with me, or I’m leaving your ass out here in the cold.”

  “No,” Damien declared. “Elenora wants out. I feel her coming.”

  His phrasing made her laugh again and earned her a glare for finding his tongue slip amusing.

  “That was me you felt coming, fool. Surely it hasn’t been that long.”

  Then a fire of mythical proportions swept over her. The only reason she didn’t scream was that the pain stole her breath. She tried to straighten up but couldn’t.

  “Uhhhh… Goddess damn that hurts… everything hurts. What is fucking happening to me, Damien?”

  She bent forward more when the pain made her do so. Suddenly it felt like every joint in her body was exploding. Then the Witchery U world exploded around her.

  Damien ran from her, his junk swinging. He continued cursing and running like hell until he was at least a hundred yards out of reach. The sight of his fleeing ass made her laugh for a moment, but when she drew in a breath to try and tell him, fire shot out of her mouth instead.

  She blinked her eyes, finding it strange to be able to see everything around her all at once. Damien tilted his head up as he slowly walked back to her, keeping to the side.

  What happened to me? When I open my mouth, I breathe dragon fire. I’m talking in my head to you, aren’t I? Am I floating above you or something? You look very small to me right now.

  Damien shook his head and laughed at her complaining. “I’m sorry, but I’m also not sorry. You are magnificent. I’ve never seen a solid red dragon before. You must look like your ancestor once did. You know, I told my mother you were a dragon virgin, but at the time I was joking because I still thought you were human. Sex with me must have triggered your first shift.”

  Shift? Are you saying I’ve turned into a real bloody dragon? She lifted one claw with talons and then the other, staring at her very large dragon feet. She blinked and then looked back at Damien. Fuck—I’m a damn dragon. Do I have wings too?

  “Yes. They’re as red as the rest of you, but I don’t think you should try flying yet. Better save that experimentation for the daylight. In fact, I think you sh
ould shift back to a human while you can.”

  And just how the hell do I do that, Professor Know-It-All? I don’t even know how I got into this form.

  Damien shrugged and hoped the darkness hid his smirk. “Think of yourself as human again, I guess. For most dragons, the situation is reversed. My human form is the harder one for me to take on. Going back to dragon is like breathing. I just remember my dragon and I change.”

  Jezibaba started to pace, then realized she had no place to walk. How freaking big am I? And if you make a wide ass joke at my expense, I swear I will fry you where you stand.

  Damien covered his mouth and the grin on it with a hand. He focused hard so he could mentally connect with her. She needed reassurance, but all in all she was taking it better than he would have in her position. Goddess… she’d gone over three hundred years never knowing her dragon. The idea was unfathomable to him.

  You are magnificent as a dragon, worthy to be the eighth wonder of the world in this form, Jezibaba. Also, your dragon is every bit as big as mine and I am very large by dragon standards. A dragon’s body size is supposed to reflect the amount of power the dragon holds. It is obvious how powerful you are, even without Morgana’s symbol adorning each wing. Her mark is noticeable even with them folded across your back.

  Jezibaba turned her massive head and figured out how to spread a single wing, letting it stretch above the nearby treetops so she could see it full span. Just as Damien had reported, the mark of Morgana The Red appeared there. It was created with black, green, and white strips of feathered filament resting over the most delicate of red scales anchoring them in place.

  When she folded her wing back and looked at him in shock, her resigned sigh sent more fire zooming out of her mouth. It singed the ground in front of her, sending Damien dancing out of reach again, his impressive man junk bobbing. It also had him laughing more and harder… at her, she knew. She snorted, hearing the massive push of air echo in the night.

  I can’t speak. All I can do is breathe fire. This is not funny, she sent.

  Actually, it’s very funny, but I can understand why you wouldn’t see the humor at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow you’ll appreciate it, he sent back.

  Jezibaba closed the eyes of her beast form. Perhaps this was just temporary magic, some trickery Morgana had done. Maybe her ability to shift to a dragon wasn’t something permanent. Maybe she was paying for that third orgasm. Two were all she’d managed with other men.

  But turning into an actual dragon herself? She’d truly never considered the possibility, but she’d bet her condo on the beach that Morgana had known it was possible all along.

  Deceitful Goddess.

  What would happen when others found out? She suddenly saw herself appearing before the Council of Witches in her sedate black robes trying to explain to them that shifting into a dragon was not going to be an ongoing problem for her work. Another flash of pain greater than the first one she’d experienced took her over.

  Next thing she knew, she was on her hands and knees crawling across the cold, hard ground.

  Damien’s snicker above her head had her reaching out and grabbing his ankle. She upended him until he landed on his laughing ass in front of her. It didn’t stop him, but it made her feel a bit better.

  After the worst of the pain had passed, she climbed wearily to her feet. Fuck shifting. Shifting hurt like hell. She couldn’t believe the dragon bastard she’d slept with was amused about her going through this. Men. Whatever the species, they were all insensitive fucktards.

  “I don’t know how, but you lifted my great-grandmother’s binding spell. My dragon fire has returned with a vengeance.”

  Damien raised up one elbow, grinning at his magnificent lover in the moonlight. He couldn’t wait to introduce her to his mother. “I think your fire returning is the least of your changes. Looks like I helped you find your true nature tonight as well. Not bad for a man who hadn’t had sex in seventy-five years, eh?”

  It was impossible to stay angry with a man who looked at you so adoringly and bragged like a teenage boy. Snorting over how stupid proud Damien was of her shifting, she stepped forward and held out her now human hand to him. When he took it and rose with her, his raw attractiveness sent flutters through her all over again. It seemed her lust for the handsome dragon was going to torture her over and over.

  “Come to bed with me. We’ll sort this out tomorrow,” she ordered.

  Damien linked his fingers through the Jezibaba’s. “There’s no place in the world I’d rather be tonight or any other night until I breathe my last in this cold, cruel world.”

  “You and your damn speeches. Can’t you see how turning into an animal the size of a building might put a big damn damper on me feeling romantic, Professor Glib?”

  Sighing when he chuckled again, she took them both back inside. She was asleep the moment she hit the bed.

  Chapter 12

  Three weeks and a couple hundred orgasms later, the girls were still training with their Amazons and she luckily hadn’t felt the need to shift again. Damien had advised her not to push the shift, urging her to wait until Elenora wanted out again.

  She’d accused him of being afraid of her dragon. He’d smiled with a flash of his sharpest teeth and showed her that evening how unafraid he was of her. She’d dropped that tactic since it had not helped her to meet her goal. In fact, she’d dropped most of her teasing where he was concerned. The dragon was making her soft.

  Ironically, she missed Professor Hottie’s jealous fits over her work. She and the warlocks regularly disappeared several times a week. Damien hadn’t complained a single time, not even when she came home with a black eye. Troll given, the black and blue still hadn’t faded. The children had gleefully asked for details and she’d given them what she could.

  Damien had growled, made her an ice pack, and held it on her face until the initial swelling had gone down. It was very strange to have someone waiting for her return. She wasn’t used to anyone caring about her absence, much less taking care of her wounds.

  Getting used to Professor Hottie waiting in her bed had turned out to be more difficult than learning she could shift forms.

  “Can I fix your eye, Jezibaba? It’s making me ill every time I look at you.”

  Jezibaba snickered at the softly made offer. “This is nothing but a bruise, Hildy. Where were you when I was getting broken arms and severed fingers? The warlocks had to fix those and they complained the whole time.”

  Hildy made a face. “I don’t think I could fix those anyway, but I can fix your eye.”

  Jezibaba pointed to a nearby wrought-iron bench. She sat and leaned down where the girl could reach her face. Hildy gently held her hair aside and put her small palm over the biggest part of the bruise. Power flowed into the area and Jezibaba could feel her face healing.

  Hildy sighed when she finished. “There. That one didn’t even give me a headache. Sometimes healing hurts.”

  Jezibaba nodded. “Yes, I know it does. My grandmother was a great healer—not as powerful as you, but she healed a lot of people.”

  A loud exclamation and a cheer for success drew their attention across the lawn. Carol ran towards them, her eyes flashing.

  “I did it! I did it! I fought two Amazons at once. Time to dance…”

  Carol did several body gyrations that no one on Earth would ever call dancing. Hildy laughed without judging. The two were as different as night and day, yet they cared for each other in a thousand small ways that spoke of a true and lasting friendship. Every time she saw the girls like this, she wondered how different her life might have been if she’d had a friendship like these two.

  “Are you wearing your amulets?” Jezibaba asked. Each girl pulled a shirt collar aside to show them off to her. “Good. Who’s up for learning magic travel?”

  Carol stopped dancing and put her hand over her heart. “Me!”

  Hildy shook her head. “I still get sick. Can I learn something else?”

  Jezibaba smiled and ran a hand over Hildy’s blonde hair. “Yes. All in due time then. Run get your broom and we’ll sneak away to practice flying.”

  Hildy drew in an excited breath and was off like a shot from a gun.

  Jezibaba stood and held her hand out to Carol who took it without hesitation. They had come far in trusting each other these last few weeks. Emeritus had been working with her as well.

  “Let’s start with something easy. We’ll just pop over to that tree and back.”

  They disappeared and reappeared under the tree.

  “Now I’m going back to the wrought-iron bench. You’re going to magic travel to me. All you have to do is feel—feel with everything in you—that you’re standing by my side. And then you will be.”

  She fingered waved and went back to the wrought-iron bench. Across the lawn, she could see Carol talking to herself, ramping up her confidence no doubt. The girl stilled, closed her eyes, and then disappeared. Jezibaba laughed and looked around. No Carol. Suddenly, she heard giggling. The girl was sitting serenely on the bench behind her.

  “Excellent work. I knew you’d be a natural,” Jezibaba declared, taking the seat beside her.

  “Can I tell you something?” Carol asked.

  Jezibaba nodded. “Of course.”

  “I don’t want to ever go back home. I’m happy here. You’re teaching us cool stuff. Home is boring. I don’t think they really like me anyway. That’s why they sent me away.”

  Jezibaba looked at the girl’s sincere face. “They sent you away because they were afraid of your power. That price is only the first of many you will pay for being such a powerful witch. However… along the journey of your life, there will always be more people like Hildy, Professor Smoke, and me. You will be one of the most powerful bringers of balance. Unfortunately, you have to find and feel that balance in your own life first.”

  Carol scrunched up her face. “So I have to go home and deal with my family like that wizard kid did in the books Ms. Turner read to us?”


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