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Darkest Love

Page 18

by Melody Tweedy

  The kiss grew deeper. What started as a timid parting of their lips became a wet, slobbery meeting. Cries mingled with slips and slops of saliva as the woman worked each other’s mouths: Annie more rhythmic and assured, Sola uneasy, flicking her chin around too much and disrupting the rhythm. The slurp slurp slurp drove Rain absolutely crazy. Oh, how he wanted to add a bit of his own moisture to that mix. The slow parting of their lips made his whole chest fire up. It foretold the way their pussies would behave: tight and coy at first, teasing his cock, and then opening wider as he powered in.

  He was dying to get started. But tonight was his turn to follow some rules. “You wait for the girls to get acquainted,” Annie had told him, voice stern but eyes flashing with excitement as they darted back and forth between him and Sola much the same way Sola’s had darted between Rain and Annie. “The princess and your fiancé need to get to know each other. You’ve been with both of us; we have only just met.”

  “We have just met, but our souls have long consorted,” Sola had added. Rain longed to make a quip about how the groundwork was laid, but held off. It sounded like the perfect quickie sex template to him. Trust has already been established–soul-to-soul–and now it’s just a simple matter of taking off your clothes, rubbing your tits together, licking between each other’s legs and moaning as you take turns sucking my cock. Then maybe you can lock clits and scissor while I watch. Your legs and arms will flail, forming a fan-shape, like the arms of Ganesh.

  “We need to get acquainted,” Annie had finished, breasts bouncing. “You sit down, Rain.”

  He’d had no choice but to submit to their demands, a situation he certainly wasn’t used to.

  Now the kiss was reaching equilibrium. The openings and closings of lips were assured. The heads turned this way and that with confidence: left, right, left, right. The tits were chummy and intimate–they met, then pulled apart as if they were whispering to each other, like school girls at an interracial sleepover.

  Rain felt certain Annie and Sola were ready to move on to something else. Annie’s hands were twitching, grasping Sola’s hips before falling away. Sola’s fingers had risen once to brush Annie’s nipples and the soft cry from his woman’s throat had almost made Rain stand up, break them up, and give Annie a quick kiss so it didn’t look too rude and sudden when he shoved his cock in her mouth.

  Sola was gripping the bottom of Annie’s t-shirt. The cotton was balled in her fist and she was pulling at it, as if she was eager to move up to the next level of this fascinating game but didn’t know what to do next. Finally, with the patience of a mother correcting her daughter’s cross-stitching error, Annie took the fabric from Sola’s hand and surrounded the princess’s fingers with her own. The women’s eyes met, shining, and Rain didn’t know whether to laugh along or feel alone and confused when they both burst into giggles. Happily, this was soon followed by a lusty stroke of Annie’s breast by Sola’s free hand.

  “Rain. She has the breasts of our perfect sex goddess, Ishtu Kla. She is depicted this way only when she is fertile and young, driving the men wild.”

  Nice. Rain wished he had been smart enough to give Annie lots of mystical compliments like that. Because his fiancé rewarded Sola with a tender brush of a hand that began on Sola’s cheek, as if to say aren’t you sweet and don’t you choose your words well? And it did not stop there. The hand continued to the princess’s abdomen and dived between her legs. There it fingered the clit that Rain himself had been the first to touch, only weeks earlier.

  Sola’s mouth opened in an ecstatic O. Her eyes returned Annie’s warmth, shining with gratitude. Rain wasn’t sure whose face to look at. There were too many tits, too many curves, too many fascinating, coy and smoking-hot little displays of affection. He felt like he wanted to stand up and tear a hole through the very space around him, the spectacle was driving him crazy.


  Now Sola was rolling Annie’s skirt down. With a giggle and a caress of Annie’s hips, she unfastened it and it dropped to the floor. Rain’s eyes locked on Annie’s slit, shaved to perfection in New York or Sydney. He had always loved the shape of it. Both women had tiny, contained pussies: neat slits that gave nothing away. They reminded him of shy, aloof women: the ones you meet in cafes who have a certain cold sexiness that makes you want to get closer.

  Looking between Annie’s legs once, he had thought her spirit was there: her intellect was so sharp, her thinking so cogent, her words so elegant, and the girl she described from her childhood so pure and feminine and untroubled. Why had she ruined everything, opening herself up to assholes in her college party years? She should have followed the model of her dainty slit, which was, like Annie herself, refined and self-contained by nature.

  Instead, she had opened herself for all those guys. Her slit and her mind and her heart had all been sullied for a time.

  Not anymore. Annie was his now. Rain’s somber thoughts faded as Sola pulled the skirt away, instructing Annie to step over the hoop of fabric so she didn’t trip. Annie’s breasts bounced with each step—first the left jiggling, then the right—and her hand on the shoulder of the kneeling Sola gave her the look of a dominatrix. It looked like Annie was instructing her sub to kneel down and get to work with the oral sex.

  Rain knew the hand was really just so Annie could steady herself. However, when Sola had removed the skirt fully and flung it across the room, almost totaling a candle, she did not rise to her feet. Instead she planted her lips softly on the hairless space between Annie’s legs…

  Rain was happy to let his initial fantasy pan out. Annie was the busty matron, instructing a younger woman to give her sensual pleasure.

  The young have so much to give…Such potential…

  Rain recalled all the resumes from undergraduate interns who had applied to work for him and Annie. Many of the females were eager to meet Annie Childs and absorb her woman-centric, feminist take on anthropology. He remembered a few of them had described themselves as hungry. Rain smirked. He knew it meant ambitious in that context. But now, watching Sola eating Annie out like her pussy was a never-ending buffet of treats—treats that must have been good because they were definitely making her moan—it was difficult not to let his mind wander.

  How many of those women could we have seduced?

  Never mind. He snapped back to the scene as Sola cooed into Annie’s clitoris, producing a rumble that was obviously pleasurable; it registered on Annie’s face. Rain’s body responded too–the last to be hit by a sexual shock wave. Epicenter: Sola’s tongue. A hot feeling spread though his groin and the chair screeched forward.

  He had powered it with an involuntary thrust.

  To Rain’s horror, the women looked around, startled. Sola’s lips were off Annie’s slit. Her amber eyes sparkled. Her face was flushed in the naughty manner of one who has just given oral pleasure. Rain shook his head, waving a hand, trying to signal don’t stop.

  “Can I get up now, ladies? This is torture.”

  “We need to get warmed up, Rain.”

  “You already said that. Hurry up.”

  Annie’s wink and dark eyes were hotness personified.

  “I was just imagining the princess was your serving girl and you were taking advantage of her. Making her do your pedicure, then lick your clit.” Rain rose slowly to his feet, watching the women’s expressions. When neither of them tutted he rose straight up. They both looked eager and horny–and both sets of eyes were on the tent in his pants. “That could get us in trouble, you know.”

  “I am a princess, Rain,” Sola said testily, still on her knees. “If I choose to go down and serve, whether with Annie or as I did with you, I do it. It is my decree.” Her eyes flashed. “And not your choice. Mine.”

  Rain laughed, taking his first predatory step forward. “You know little of Western political correctness, Sola. We would get in real trouble for that fantasy.” He enjoyed the way the women had teamed against him. Sola had a hand on Annie’s abdomen, gently st
roking, occasionally walking her fingers up to tickle the underside of her enormous DD breasts. Annie had a hand on Sola’s head, stroking her hair, like a mother protective of her charge.

  Oooh, getting to know your good little girl? You like each other, do you?

  Both women were staring with the confidence that comes from standing as a unit. There was also an infuriating self-righteousness: We told you we needed girl time, Rain, they seemed to be saying. His dick was begging him to race in, grab them by a butt cheek each, and then deal each one a resounding smack.

  He would take turns giving each of them a deep kiss, working his tongue in a little preview of what his penis was about to do on those same tonsils. Then he would have them kneel and work his dick with their lips. It will finally be the women’s turn to take control, Rain thought, lips twitching in a naughty smile. They would have full power to determine how fast their mouths blasted up the shaft, how much they played with his balls, and the frequency of their licks on the underside of his shaft. And if they wanted to pause for just a moment and make eye contact while he was in up to their throats that was fine.

  Rain would have power of veto though. I will probably grab a head or two and work it with my hands at some point. Shaft-blast-speed would cease to be her prerogative and become his.

  Under the magisterium of King Rain!

  Images raced around in Rain’s mind. He watched his feet stepping, then glanced back to the tangle of pert female flesh by the door. The candle was his homeboy; the flame wobbled and the wax dripped as if it too was quivering in anticipation. All around the women shapes flickered on the walls, as if a hundred nervous perverts were watching and eager to get involved. Rain could empathize with those sods completely.

  He’d bend a lady one over each knee, and give them both a spanking followed by the pounding of a lifetime. Oh, boy, he would. Then top it off with some more screech-inducing oral that would put Sola’s little effort to shame.

  Really get those big tits bouncing. Annie’s were within reach. Rain licked his lips as he neared. This close, he could see the lust in their eyes, the excitement; the readiness.

  And he could smell the sweet space between his future wife’s thighs. Or was that the pretty moisture shining around Sola’s mouth?

  He was about to grab Annie’s breasts and sink his lips into them, when the princess pounced like a wildcat. She placed one hand on his crotch, rubbing so eagerly he moaned.

  The next thing his knew, those breasts of his fiancé’s had gone into jiggle overload. She too was reaching for his zip, ready to pull it down and take his throbbing penis in her mouth, up to her moaning throat.

  Just like he’d imagined.

  * * * *

  Annie received Rain’s kiss then watched, perhaps a little too carefully, as he turned and gave the same kiss to Sola. She had not seen them together yet. Rain had said the princess was sexy. “Great to fuck,” had been his exact phrase. Apparently Sola was very enthusiastic in bed.

  “But she’s not as hot as you,” Rain had added, placing two palms over Annie’s ass and prying her lips open so their tongues could play. He was learning the rules of husbandry—attention and reassurance.

  Annie was sure it came from the heart; Rain was not the sort of man who would fake stuff like that. After they were married she knew he would treat her well and honor the contract. That was what Rain was like. Once he was involved he saw things through. Annie had seen it in everything from his sexual style, where he worked her so thoroughly with his tongue, to his family relationships, where he dodged his mother’s calls but planned their trips diligently when they did get together in a mountain cabin once a year. It was also in his academic writing. The essays were rare, but when they appeared in a Harvard or Johns Hopkins journal they stunned everyone with their length, stylistic grace and thoroughness. The fullness of Rain’s initially-reluctant heart was in there.

  Annie felt very lucky to be the woman this man was marrying. She even hoped he would tire of philandering and settle with her—and only her—as he aged. And maybe as this strange spiritual awakening continued to unfold.

  Rain tried to pull away from Sola but she gripped him around the waist and clutched, drawing him in again. Their kiss continued, a second round with the princess winding a finger through his hair. Annie saw Rain smiling under the kiss. Whenever Sola’s head tilted she saw a flash of his white teeth. A happy smile, he was clearly enjoying her cheekiness.

  The princess though was serious as sin: eyes squeezed shut, mouth opening and closing like a blowfish’s. Every time their lips parted there was a smack—a pleasing suction sound. At first Annie liked it, thinking it sounded like a hand on an ass or the hearty suck of a baby’s mouth on its mother’s breast. But as the kiss continued and her fiancé settled into the princess’s arms and mouth—face turning just as serious as hers—far less flattering images started to occur to Annie.

  Toilet plungers. Blown noses. Suction cups. Or the wet sound of a princess getting punched in her mouth.

  Is she trying to outdo me? Annie felt a flame of anger rise in her chest, moving around her heart. Soon the fire was in her blood, and her pulse had quickened to about five hundred beats per minute. Striding forth, she gripped Rain with a pinch on his buttock, yanking him away, as a pet owner might yank a dog’s leash or a teacher lead a naughty child by the ear.

  Rain was far too heavy to be moved very far, but the kiss ceased. He turned to Annie with surprised eyes. When he saw her face, his eyes transitioned—they became more understanding.

  “Oh, Ann. Mmm, gorgeous, I was hoping we’d get our turn soon.”

  “Can we kind of…move to the bed?” Annie’s voice was uppity. She regretted her tone for a split second. It was only when she saw Sola gripping Rain with possessive hands that she realized it was justified.

  The princess’s eyes were happy and relaxed, and Annie did not believe she had a malicious streak, but the scene got to her anyway. Princess Sola was far too happy being Rain’s lover. She had clearly become very attached to him over the past weeks—those weeks of drugs and swims and sexy starry nights.

  Rain was Sola’s first man. Annie remembered the passion her own first one had aroused, during that time of university pub drinking. She had thought it would last forever: the notes in class, the gifts at the door of her dorm room, whispering about Plato and Kant under the sheets.

  It was no wonder Sola was clinging to Rain the way she was.

  Annie looked into the princess’s amber eyes. Sola’s eyes were liquid with emotion and sensuality. Yes, they were relaxed–certainly not bitchy. It was her fingers that were stiff as nails on Rain’s hips. Annie shifted, remorsefully.

  The color of her eyes! They were more golden than ever. Annie nodded to Rain, signaling that he may continue kissing if he wanted. He was staring at his wife-to-be, face happy and horny, willing her, perhaps to come and join in the fun.

  “Don’t just stand there, Ann,” he said. “Get involved. I can tell you…” He gestured down at his penis, which was craning like it wanted to shoot straight into his chin. Annie could see the full underside of his dick. Something she already knew like—well, the back of her hand. “I can tell you, there is more than enough of me to go around.”

  Annie smiled. When she heard the princess’ giggle and caught the flash of Sola’s own white teeth in her mocha skin, she relaxed. Soon she was giggling, too.

  The women each took Rain by a hand, smiling not at him but at each other, and led him to the mattress. After a few steps, Rain surprised them both by throwing off their grips. He untangled his fingers from theirs and reached around, dealing each lady a sharp, hearty smack on the buttock.

  “Eep! Mister Rain Mister!”

  Annie laughed at the princess’ screech as the girl reached around to get revenge on Rain. He dodged Sola’s smack with—

  what else?—a thrust of his hips. His penis shot forward, and his buttocks escaped the assault of the princess’ palm.

  Rain took adv
antage of the change of pace, racing ahead to the bed while Sola chased him, continuing to try to land a hand on his tanned buttocks. He reached the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress, teetering in anticipation, face as happy as a dog ready for dinner. He pointed to the floor.

  “On your knees, ladies. Get to work.”

  “What? You mean your dick will not suck itself?” Sola said in her careful, broken English. It was Rain’s favorite line. Clearly he had used it on the Kaamo princess, too. So often, in fact, she had memorized it.

  Annie let out another guffaw. Her hand shot over her mouth, and when Sola’s excited eyes met hers, returning the amusement, she relaxed completely.

  But Annie would never forget Sola’s possessiveness, and the way it made her feel. The younger woman was in that first flush of sexuality, just ready to be explored, and to explore a man’s body. Sola would never forget her first partner, Rain Mistern.

  Annie joined the two at the bed. Taking Sola’s hand, and snarling sensually at Rain, she slid to her knees. The younger woman followed, winking and giggling. Rain’s face was incredible; Annie had never seen him look so horny. His dick actually twitched, like the nervous cheek of a man about to receive an award. It was pointing right at the roof.

  Annie grabbed his penis between her digits and pumped it with her hand before covering the tip with her mouth and sliding her head down.

  “Oh!” His moan was so satisfying. It actually made her horny–a tremble moved from between her thighs up her spine as she enjoyed his smell, and the sounds of appreciation for the intense pleasure. Soon Sola’s hand was on Annie’s back, stroking and steadying her, sometimes giving her a push back down on the dick if she lingered too long.

  Thanks, princess.

  Annie could feel Sola’s passion through her fingers. And she could feel the way she was watching. There was a moment when, coming up for air from the deep-throat, Annie opened her eyes and saw not Rain but the princess, assessing her like a Peugeot-owner watching another driver handling his car. Is her steering smooth? How is she shifting the gears? I’ll have to examine the transmission after this wild ride.


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