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Dracula and His Brides

Page 4

by Darren Cage

  “A vampire.” She shook her head frantically, her hair swaying, her breasts bouncing. “No. That’s not possible. Vampires aren’t real.”

  “Yes, they are,” I growled.

  “No. I…” Stela stared at the door, and I knew she planned on fleeing.

  But I couldn’t have that. I wouldn’t try to compel her, regardless of whether or not it would work, but having her freaking out and revealing the existence of vampires to the world could not and would not happen.

  Before she could take one step even at her vampiric pace, I grabbed Stela and leapt out the window. She beat against me, racking her nails down my back, punching and kicking me, but I did not release her, not until we entered my house.

  “You cannot and will not keep me here,” Stela said defiantly, hands on her hips. She was still naked, and only now did I feel shame at looking upon her unclothed form.

  I tossed her a blanket. “Cover yourself,” I demanded.

  She hesitated, clearly not wishing to do as I said, but she did not wish to be naked before me either, and so she did wrap herself in the blanket.

  Her gaze fell on my wife. Stela’s eyes widened. “Who—”

  “Do not concern yourself with her,” I snapped, “and if you wish to enjoy your second life, you will not attempt to leave.”

  Or else what?” she snapped back at me. “Or else you’ll kill me as you did her? As you did Lucy?”

  “Far better for me to kill you thank for an angry villager,” I said coolly.

  “Oh, yes. Can’t have the people learning that a monster lives here, can we?” she asked coolly. She stumbled and braced a hand against the wall.

  “You need to feed.”

  “I will not drink from you,” she muttered, her eyes half-lidded.

  “As you shouldn’t. You need a lot of blood. Be careful when you drink,” I warned her.

  “I won’t kill anyone,” she bit out.

  “So you say.” I hesitated, but as she carefully sat down, I knew she wasn’t pretending to be dizzy. Her body was starving, and the longer she continued to deny herself, the worse off she would be.

  In seconds, I was dressed and back out the door. It was easiest to pluck a drunk man leaving a tavern, and I rushed him back to my house. Stela was still sitting there, and she blinked dully. I hated that she seemed almost as apathetic as she had while compelled.

  “Drink,” I urged her.

  “I don’t…”

  “Don’t lie to yourself.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” Stela snapped.

  I grinned. “You already did that for me.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she crossed over to the man. He had passed out in a drunken stupor as I walked over here, and he was only upright because I held him.

  Stela yanked the man away and grabbed his wrist. Swiftly, she bit down twice and then drank. I could hear the man's heart beating slower and slower. Then, she yanked his neck to the side and drained him from his neck. As I knew she would, she killed him.

  Before she could realize, I yanked his body from her and disposed of it in a second. Stela had been trying to race away when I returned, but I hooked her arm through mine and forced her back to my house.

  “So that’s it,” she said the moment I realized her in my house. “You force me to fuck you, kill me, turn me into a vampire, and now you kidnap me?”


  “I won’t live here with you,” she said defiantly, crossing her arms and lifting her chin. The blanket slipped slightly, but I was almost more mesmerized by the dried blood on her chin than I was on the creamy whiteness of her breasts.

  “Don’t worry,” I said coolly. “We won’t be living here for long.”

  Chapter Six

  Compulsion was wonderful for so many reasons. One, it made me fabulously wealthy in the span of a few days. Two, money itself was a form of compulsion.

  Stela tried daily to run away, but I foiled her at every turn. She had yet to learn how to control her impulses, and a townsperson a day was dying to feed her blood habit. I, on the other fang, took a month to control mine. I rotated between several different women, not wishing to take too much blood from any one of them.

  As soon as I acquired that absurd amount of wealth, I hired as many workers as I could, and in six months from Stela’s turning, I had a brand new castle to live in. Black and glorious, with more towers than could be counted, hundreds of windows, the castle was large enough to fit an entire village inside.

  Throughout those six months, I made certain to fetch Stela people to feed on from different villages. It wouldn't do for any singular village to be plagued to the point of people being terrified to leave their houses. I might require blood, but that did not mean that I wished to be a true monster in every sense of the word.

  Daily, Stela voiced her hatred for me, and I could not say I blamed her. We had not had sex since our first time together, and I missed it. Despite everything, I still felt drawn to her, which was something I could not possibly understand or explain.

  As for Mihaela, I hadn’t forgotten about her, of course. In the bowels of the castle, I had built a shrine for her, and the crowning decoration was a coffin I had built with my own two hands. Mihaela rested there. Most nights, I slept beside her. It had been a long time since she had died, yet her body had not decomposed. Perhaps, one day, I could find a way for us to be reunited. Even if that proved impossible, I still had her in some fashion.

  On the day Stela and I were to move into the castle, I smiled at her over my goblet filled with blood. I had opted to try a new way for us to enjoy our meals, one that may allow Stela to learn to temper herself… so long as she did not go into the kitchen and realize the man I had compelled to give us his blood was lingering in case we needed more.

  She scowled at me in return and drank from her goblet. With a sigh, she lowered the golden cup back onto the table. “It’s not the same,” she complained.

  The vampire was right. The blood was already too cool. Direct from the source, the blood was delicious and warm, almost hot enough to make us feel alive.

  I eyed her. “Will you stay here while I make certain everything is ready at the castle?”

  Stela hesitated.

  “I will take you to visit your parents’ graves after, if you wish.”

  Her eyes flashed. “You know I hate it when you do that,” she snapped.

  I couldn't help it. Sometimes, I dreamed about Stela and about her life before she had become a vampire. I knew her parents had died in a car crash, that she was an only child. Other than a few friends, she hadn't a soul in the world.

  This was why I couldn’t let her go, not just because of her insatiable, uncontrolled thirst. I knew Stela better than I knew anyone, maybe even better than I knew Mihaela at this point. I never would have thought my wife capable of killing herself, and yet, she had.

  “Do you wish to see them or not?” I asked coolly.

  “Do you wish to bury your dick in a whore?” she countered.

  “How uncouth.” I took a sip of the cold blood and licked my lips.

  "Just don't fuck any of the workers. Why you didn't just hire males, I don't understand." She glowered at her goblet.

  “Are you jealous?” I teased. “And those workers won’t be workers for much longer.”

  She bristled. “You enjoy paying for pussy?”

  “I never pay,” I growl.

  “No, but you will still force yourself—”

  “No. Never.”

  “You did with me!”

  “And no one else.”

  “Aw, does the big, bad vampire feel guilt?” she mocked.

  I didn't feel guilty at the moment. No, I felt a stirring in my pants, though. The blood didn't always rush straight to my cock, but Stela was wearing the nightshirt she had slept in. It was too big for her, revealing her white shoulder, and the length hardly covered her ass. I wanted her pouty lips around my cock. I wanted her toned legs wrapped around me as I pounded into her. I w
anted her pussy, not someone else's.

  But that had come and gone. She would never have me again.

  Yet, was she jealous? Did that mean she might want me after all? Despite her words? Despite her hatred and righteous anger? They claimed angry sex could be hot and heavy, and I was more than willing to find out.

  I stood, grateful that the table’s height kept my visible bulge from view. “I will be back once I am certain that that castle is prepared for us.”

  “You’re trusting me to stay here,” she said slowly.

  I stiffened. “If you leave, you know what will happen.”

  “I won’t kill anyone,” she protested.

  My lips curled into a smirk, and I brushed my long hair over my shoulder. I couldn’t say why—grief, guilt, something else altogether—but my hair was now white. After a feeding, my eyes turned bright red. Otherwise, they were the brown orbs Mihaela had used to gaze into.

  I eyed the red-eyed Stela sitting across from me, and my smirk widened. “There’s a man in the kitchen if you need more blood. Perhaps if he’s alive by noon, you can go and visit your parents yourself. But if he’s not…”

  “I can handle myself and my impulses,” she snapped. “You just keep your dick in your pants.”

  Without meaning to, I reach down and stroke myself through my clothes.

  “Certain impulses are meant to be fulfilled so long as it is mutual.”

  Her eyes darkened. “How do you think I feel, knowing you only forced me to and no one else?”

  “Would you rather I compel others to?” I challenged.

  She stared at me for a long moment before glancing away. “No,” she muttered.

  "Well, then." I nodded and left the house.

  The castle had been built on top of a massive hill, almost a mountain, and the moment I stopped short before the front doors, one of the few female workers came up to me. Her eyes were a similar shade to Stela’s, and that might have been why I hired her in the first place. She was an interior decorator, and she had been in charge of furnishing the castle for me. Her hair was an orange-red, curly, short, her neck always on display, and what a neck. Many a time, I had daydreamed about drinking from her, but Stela had made me promise not to drink from any of the workers, and I had agreed. After all, they were working for me as it was. They should not have to pull double duty.

  “All of the furniture has been brought to and set up in the castle,” the worker said. She rubbed the back of her neck. “I… I would like to walk you through every room. If there’s anything you don’t like, I will have it returned or exchanged. Um, not the one room,” she added in a whisper.

  No one, not even Stela, was allowed in the shrine.

  I nodded curtly. It was awkward to have to avoid the one room, and I knew some of the workers whispered to themselves about what I might have there. It seemed even money had some limitations.

  The woman’s slight smile faltered slightly. Was she afraid of me?

  I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry. I forgot your name.”

  “Oh.” She waved her hand. “You have so many employees. I would have been more shocked if you had remembered. I’m Catina.”

  “Catina,” I repeated.

  My gaze soaked in her sight. She wore a professional blue suit that matched her eyes. Her skirt fell a few inches above her knees, so tight a circle that her steps were cut short, her stride tiny. The buttons on her white blouse strained against her large chest. She had buttoned every single one except for the top. A professional.

  Yet, I was staring at her, undressing her with my eyes.

  For as much as I could, I had attempted to go without sex these past six months. So far, whenever I couldn’t fight off that particular thirst, I ended up killing the woman despite my best intentions. Either I forgot myself and drank too much, or else the sex was more violent than the woman’s frail body could handle.

  But I never compelled another woman to have sex with me. Not after Stela, and I also never allowed another to drink from me. I would not turn a second vampire, and I would not force a woman to sleep with me. Not that any had turned me down.

  I shook my head, so I would not allow myself to consider that after this walk-through, Catina would no longer be my employee, which would make her pussy free to accept my dick.

  “Lead the way,” I told her.

  The grand cathedral ceilings, the paintings on the walls, the blood-red rugs… The entranceway of the castle was nothing short of magnificent. I could not have designed the place nearly as well.

  The dining room housed a long, cherry Oak table with red-plush, high-backed chairs, with ornamental designs on the gilded wood. An ornate crystal chandelier reflected the lights from the flickering candles.

  “You can seat as many as twelve at this table,” she said. “There’s a dining hall that can host as many as two hundred.”

  Catina brought me to the ballroom next. Glass lined the walls wherever there wasn’t gold walls or more paintings. There was a stage and a corner of an orchestra to play.

  Then, she brought me several guests rooms, each the same with a bureau, bed, and more paintings. Only a few had a window.

  Next, she showed me my room. Carved into the stone walls were small alcoves. A brass candelabra stood in one, and Grandfather cloth stood in the tallest one. Red velvet curtains had been tied to the side to reveal smaller adjourning rooms but the masterpiece of the room? Most certainly the twin caskets with crushed purple velvet.

  Strictly speaking, I could walk in the sunlight, but I was much less powerful then. My super strength and superior speed were greatly diminished during the sun-kissed hours. I was strongest at night, so I greatly preferred the moon and her shining face. The coffin was more or less a means to avoid the migraines the sun could sometimes inflict upon not only me but also Stela.

  “As requested,” Catina said. She bit her lower lip and wrung her hands. The many light candles throughout the room, either sitting on the windowsills or in the standing mounted holders illuminated her like an angel. “Do you approve?”

  “I approve of everything I see,” I growled, taking a step toward her.

  Catina stared up at me through lowered lashes. “There is more to explore yet, much more.”

  “I give my approval on the lot of it.” I snaked my arm around her waist and drew her close, flush against my body.

  She did not squirm away, and her heart beats so swiftly that its siren song almost overwhelmed my desire to take her pussy rather than her throat.

  My erection from earlier had died down considerably. I took Catina’s hand and dragged her to one of the guest rooms. She shut the door as there were a few workers milling about yet whom we ignored during the tour. My back to her, I removed a small flask of blood and drank it until my cock rose.

  “Are you ready for this?” I asked, turning to face her.

  Catina’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped as she stared at the tent in my pants. Wordlessly, she nodded.

  “Then come here,” I said, careful not to compel her.

  She complied.

  Just to be certain, I asked, “Do you want this?”

  “Do I want you?” she asked breathlessly. “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. Please, take me.”

  Chapter Seven

  Hearing Catina beg for me to take her was all I needed to hear. I gripped her shirt and ripped it, buttons flying everywhere. Her pushup bra looked a little too small, her boobs spilling out the cups. I ripped that too and then used my palms to form a hand bra, tweaking her nipples.

  Her eyes rolled in the back of her head. “Yes,” she murmured. “I wanted this. I… I dreamed about you.”

  “Dreamed about me doing what?” I asked. My cock strained against my pants painfully.

  “Having your way with me.”

  “Look at me,” I said.

  After a moment, she did. Her gaze was shy but also eager, like she was willing but almost not willing to be as willing as she would like.

p; “You aren’t a virgin, are you?”

  She shook her head.

  “But you aren’t experienced?” I guessed.

  Another shake of her head.

  “Do you know what you like?”

  “I… I haven’t been with a man who could make me come.”

  Hmm. Did that mean she had been with a woman who could? Or that she just hadn’t been with a true man, one willing to put a woman’s needs and desires above his own?

  I tweaked her nipples, pinching harder. At her sharp inhale, I asked, “Too much?”

  “I… I think I liked that.”

  I lowered my head and sucked her nipple, careful not to bite her. She shrieked and reached down to rub me through my pants.

  Just that slight contact had me ready to explode. I picked Catina up, threw her onto the bed, and forced her legs apart, ripping her skirt.

  “I’ll buy you a new outfit,” I told her before plunging my tongue into her hole.

  I swirled my tongue on her clit, sucking hard. Slowly, I eased a finger inside of her. She was so tight, so fucking tight, and dripping wet. Catina might not be a virgin, but she hadn’t had a lot of dicks inside her.

  Her legs wrapped around my head, drawing me closer, and I pushed another finger into her tight hole. It wasn't until I nipped at her clit that she came, her walls clenching so tightly that she pushed my fingers out.

  She lifted onto her elbows, staring at me with a glazed expression. “How did you…”

  I pulled back and stripped out of my clothes. “How many positions have you dreamed about us enjoying?”

  “So… so many…” she murmured.

  “Which one do you want right now?”

  Catina bit her lower lip, and my gaze fell to her neck, to the vein there.


  “Which position?” I asked again, desperate for her to tell me. I had been doing my best to avoid the desire to feed while having sex. I didn’t want to kill Catina. Something about her seemed so innocent despite her willingness to be fucked.

  “Take me,” she whimpered. “From… from behind.”

  Grinning, I twirled my finger, motioning for her to flip over. She got onto all fours. Instead of entering her right away, I rubbed my hard cock against her slick folds, lubing myself with her natural juices.


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